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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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I guess I've only met 1 wasian and encontered many until now. One of my best friends is one, but mostly on the inside. I met her and found out she liked drawing anime as well, which is why we clicked in the first place. I decided to check her deviantART and basically that's where I found out that she was a hardcore wasian. Even worse because it was mostly through anime and manga. However, no one wouldn't be able to tell she's like that in real life. In fact, it's as if she's entirely two different people. She loves her Hispanic heritage and doesn't act wannabe whatsoever in real life. That's what I like about her.

I could only wish the same for the other people in Anime Club. Most of the members are in grades below me, so of course there's a bit of immaturity included with that. I mean, I can't judge them completely since most just had an interest in the art form and culture, but some of those people are seriously hardcore. It annoys me so much. It wasn't until they saw I could draw manga styled characters and won the school's art competition that "they" actually started hanging out with me. Maybe a little bit more so than the fact that I'm Asian. In fact, I think they hated me at first or something. D:

When I was walking through a Matsuri yesterday, there were many people wearing yukata, including non-Asians. I found nothing wrong with it, but I had to really stop my little cousin after she said: "Why is there a...person wearing a kimono? They aren't even Asian." (no offense intended)

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People like that seriously annoy me.

I don't have a problem with people from other ethnicities being interested in Asian culture. But some people are seriously like, obsessed.

I have a friend who's Taiwanese, but she tells people she's Japanese and says "kawaii" or "-desu" at EVERYTHING. She doesn't speak Japanese, either. And on Facebook she adds any of my friends who are Japanese, even though she doesn't know them.

Also another friend, a girl, she likes j-rock (she's Caucasian) but she acts like she's Japanese. I listen to a lot of j-rock too so I talked to her about some bands and she pretended she knew them even though it was really obvious she'd never even heard of them, and she's obsessed with anime/manga and she actually buys them in the original Japanese or asks her friends who are going to Japan to buy Japanese mangas for her, but she can't read them, which I think is just ... stupid. She wants people to think she can read Japanese, I guess? But I dunno what she's gonna say when people try to talk to her in Japanese or ask her if she speaks Japanese ...

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Guest NauticalJanine

I'm okay with it. They tend to be really nice, and they speak so enthusiastically about JPOP to me. haha~!

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Guest Lolx_408

Hahaha I've been called "asian-washed" several times

Because Apparently the fact that almost 90% of my friends are asian, I listen to asian music [Jpop,Jrock,Kpop,ect], I am addicted to asian dramas, manga, anime, and I say Kawaii at times.

But I only say Kawaii when refering to cute animals X'D

But I am don't say I want to be japanese or such. I am proud of my culture and ethnicity!

Though I have seen people take it to the extreme! It does get annoying even though I am not even asian to see other people act like it who are not. Because even though people think I was probably asian in my past life [wtf?] I don't say I want to be, cuz I am proud of who I am..

I just admire the cultures =]

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I would be very annoyed if they keep speaking an asian languauge when they are not asian. =.=

I had this friend(I don't hang out with her anymore) and she greets in japanese and sometimes talk in japanese and she doesn't even know what that means(I don't know either). <_<

Sometimes I wish I can slap her so she can realize she is not asian. :rolleyes:

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Guest lillixe

sometimes it gets annoying but i think they're better then people that are racist and totally ignorant to any other culture besides their own

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Guest coffee.princessx3

omgz everyone needs to just shush!

white ppl who speak random words in teh asian language, SPECIFICALLY kawaii, konnichiwa, arigatou or sumfink korean like oppa, are LAME and rather infelicitous

everyone knows it ppl are just too politically correct to say it

white ppl who eat poky are stupid

there are better things out there den pocky!!

wasians are so lame and there are heaps of this forum

if you cant speak korean why listen to korean music you dun even know what theyre saying it could be burn all white ppl and you just think you look cool

n dun be all like "well i get translations off the internets" because thats still lame you still dont understand what words theyre speaking and alot of asian languages dont translate well into english

no im not racist i just hate wannabes and freaks who are obsessed with our culture .. *rolls eyez* get ova it! you cant be as cute and sexy as us lil asians so beat it!


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Guest supern00b

okay, this is what gets me.

1. when they try to speak an asian language (poorly). i am all for learning another language, but if you don't actually know what you are doing then don't do it. at least have the decency to either, A. take classes or B. get a friend to teach you (make sure this friend ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING). a distant third choice would be to teach yourself, but don't get ahead yourself and fly over to China, Japan, Korea, etc... and try to speak to the natives after quickly flipping through a chinese/japanese/korean level 1 textbook. i have a friend who tries to speak japanese and is almost ALWAYS wrong (i am taking it in college). the few times he actually says something correctly, he shouts out YATTA!!!!! and makes me want to kill myself. he gave up on trying to learn korean because he claims he "can't speak it", and, based on prior conversations he tells me he has had with some japanese people, he believes can speak JAPANESE? based on what he has tried to say to me, he may have an okay japanese vocabulary, but has absolutely no clue about grammar or spelling. But, while it's annoying, i try to correct him when i can. SO, if you are SERIOUS about learning, and have a friend that is willing to teach you, then by all means HAVE THAT FRIEND OR A TEACHER HELP YOU BEFORE YOU EMBARRASS YOURSELF.

2. when they try to "out-asian" real asians. meaning that they always keep up with asian culture/pop culture and constantly ask their asian friends if they heard about it or not. if the asian friend doesn't know, they berate him/her for not being asian enough. this is annoying because even people that LIVE in asia don't know every single thing about asian culture/pop culture. they shouldn't put themselves on a pedestal because they actively go out and keep tabs asian culture in order to try to shame or show-up their asian friends. despite what some of them think, knowing about the culture DOES NOT MEAN YOU "BECOME ASIAN" IN ANY WAY. therefore, knowing MORE about a culture doesn't make you "MORE ASIAN" than those that actually are asian. don't get me wrong. i applaud those who try to learn about another culture. it shows acceptance and appreciation for others. but once they try to throw it back at someone's face, they go from being a cultured individual to being an richard simmons. also, pop culture is pop culture. it is virtually the same in every country. i care just as much about gossip about an asian star as i do an american star, which is none at all. if you really think about it, asian cultures and non-asian cultures are pretty similar when it comes to values and such.

3. this kinda goes with 2, but NOT EVERYTHING IS BETTER BECAUSE IT IS ASIAN. I happen to love music whether it is asian, english, european, etc... but it aggravates me when wannabe asians think some music is better than others just because it is asian. here's some news for you, FOREIGN MUSICIANS CAN SOUND GENERIC TOO. i have friends who hate fall out boy, but love some j-rock band that i swear SOUNDS EXACTLY THE SAME (no offense to fall out boy fans). i AM a fan of j-rock bands, but that's because they DON'T sound like everything you hear on the radio. just because they're in a different language or from a different country, it doesn't magically make them better. a bad singer or bad musician is bad in EVERY language. this doesn't just stop at music either.

IN SUMMATION: wannabe asians? very annoying. appreciating culture is one thing. but some people take it way too far. immersing yourself in a culture and knowing everything about it does not automatically make you a part of that culture. to me, it seems like those that take it too far seem to covet asian culture, like being asian is something you can obtain. it's culture objectification in its worst form. i am chinese, and i am proud of my background and who i am. i have had some wannabes question me, as to imply that i do not DESERVE to be asian. while i do not know absolutely everything about asian culture, you CAN NOT say, nor imply, that i do not DESERVE to be who i am. it's like they think asian is a defining characteristic of personality. that sort of shallow thinking it what annoys me the most. being of a certain race or being from a certain background is not something that is choosen, and while it is not a defining characteristic, it will always be a part of a person's being. it is something that cannot be completely comprehended unless you yourself are that race or from that background.

as you can see, i really thought about this and i really needed to vent. i mean, i'm not a total hater. my family thinks i'm a wannabe japanese (lol), but i don't agree. and this doesn't apply to everyone. some of my friends are borderline wannabes, but i still like them (counting the one mentioned in point 1).

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Guest chubbycheek

Filippinos dont eat with chopsticks and we have the normal alphabet^^ plus English is an official language here. So those wannabes want to be either Japanese, Chinese or Korean. Not Asian.

Don't insult Fillipino pride~

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Guest Swtess

It annoys me when they don't know the language yet goes around and say random words in it.

Best example is all those people who are obessessed with Japan.

Its annoying hearing them go AWW KAWAII!! BAKA...etc

I had a friend who literally goes around and says those things and mumbles random words in Japanese.

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Guest abviolinplayer

Filippinos dont eat with chopsticks and we have the normal alphabet^^ plus English is an official language here. So those wannabes want to be either Japanese, Chinese or Korean. Not Asian.

Don't insult Fillipino pride~

uhhh how do you know there aren't any Filipino wannabes?

How is that insulting Filipino pride, anyway?? Asian is just a term to refer to people from the continent of Asia...it covers all nationalities. Plus some people take interest in several or even all Asian cultures; so it would be kinda tedious to say someone's a Japanese-Korean-Chinese-Thai-Viet, etc. wannabe...sorry, that was probably a bad argument but you get the point...

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Guest Kittykitt129

I think wannabes are annoying.

I myself have been sorta in the state of wannabe then I found out how annoying my words were. Because people only get bothered when you call something "KAWAII!!!" instead of saying cute. Plus, many things that I would've replied kawaii to were NOT that cute...so, I'd just say it all in the same language.

You probably won't be taken seriously when you say kawaii, also...I mean, girls here that say "cute" too much aren't even taken seriously. Kawaii also sounds sorta babyish.

But yeah, I get annoyed and don't pay them much attention.

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Guest xdeathberry

^ haha I know a ton of those.


There's this white guy who used to like me JUST BECAUSE I'm Asian.


there was a dude at my school like that.

I think he had mental problems, but

he was.. scary.


and asked us out every time he saw us.

And it was in a stalker-ish way too.

And the teachers wouldn't do anything because

they said just to "understand him b/c he has issues"


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