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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest ima_robot

i bet people think ima wanna be Asian, because 80% of my closest friends are Asian. but i cant help it. Asians are the people i click with the most.

when people first get to now me they autoatically think im Asian cause i sorta have chinky eyes for a Hispanic. x]

honestly, i love my ethnic background and i know were my parents come from , but there's something about the Asian culture that intrigues me. Asians and Hispanics (Cambodians; Vietnamese; Laos -- El Salvadorians; Guatemalans; Mexicans) were i live have a lot of things in common.

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It's just the japanophiles that annoy me.


Let's compare EVERYTHING to Japan!"

At the japanese festivals they dress up in kimonos and chinese dresses.

aw man so cool. D:

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At the japanese festivals they dress up in kimonos and chinese dresses.

lol they wear Chinese dress to Japanese festival? Once someone in our Japanese class thought we were learning Chinese. So for our semester project he went to Chinatown lol

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Guest leongfun

most annoying thing is wen a NON KOREAN (EXAMPLE ALOT OF CHINESE PPL.. UGHH soo annoying) say ... "an-ya-say-oahgngodpgpodfughidfug" or w/e ..

i mean .. guys .. ure not korean, get over it.

and that is alot like chinese ppl saying: NON ASIAN TRYING TO ACT ASIAN..

but my case idont care. i find asians who try to act like koreans are SOOO ANNOYINGGG.... :tongue2:

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Guest fatcupoftea

^ ahah! Def. see the 'wemos' here too!

Urgh wasian are usually really creepy and kind of annoying at my school. I don't really care, but it's soooo annoying when they THINK they can speak Chinese (Mandarin) or Japanese really well just because they have an A in the class. And I completely hate the wasians who want to get with asian girls because they are...well, ASIAN!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Kellybear13

basically, i think that anybody who tries hard to be of another race is pathetic.

it's okay to like something that's not part of your culture, but acting like you're part of the other culture (and worse if you disregard your own) is a different thing. <_<

ouch, well what do you think about people who insist they're a guy but really just a lesbian, or vice versa. Why not act like something you like a lot, doesn't that bring the world closer together? plus, do you know how boring the world would be if you had to act the way your culture and or ethnicity is supposed to act. I don't find it pathetic- yea the anime freaks richard simmons me off. That's sort of saying to someone who has cancer " your pathetic for not wanting to have cancer". Yea people are born what they are but do they have to be like everyone else? i think not, so before you try to sound all "omg i'm amazing because i'm whatever i am and i act that way", you should probably know what your talking about. Because its ok to be something else, its not being something that your not, because if you like a culture or a group of people so much that you want to be like it, but then you decide "no i'm not going to do that because well- thats stupid why would i do that" not being yourself is not being yourself. And what is being yourself? I define being yourself as being open about your likes and dislikes and personality infront of everyone- not just select people. So don't tell me that i'm pathetic because i choose to not to be like every other american, you probably do something that makes you unique and if you don't then i think your pathetic for living life like everyone else. Sorry that i choose to live life how i want.

signed sincerely

Ms.kay Asian wannabe

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Guest Kellybear13

^ ahah! Def. see the 'wemos' here too!

Urgh wasian are usually really creepy and kind of annoying at my school. I don't really care, but it's soooo annoying when they THINK they can speak Chinese (Mandarin) or Japanese really well just because they have an A in the class. And I completely hate the wasians who want to get with asian girls because they are...well, ASIAN!

hunny then you obviously havent met me.

but i understand what you mean- because i have a lot of people who love japan, manga, and anime. but- ok ok one girl alright! shes always like "kelly-chan" to me. thats where i draw the line, only in Japan babe.

and when i say "ehh i'm not too into manga and anime" and they're like "oh but i thought you like japan?" and i'm like "yea i do, just not anime and manga because it doesnt satisfy me at all."

see i'm the type of person that loves Japan a lot, like a lot a lot. but i'd only speak it if i was fluent- or in Japan or to a Japanese person or to someone else who was fluent. but not what i just showed you up there. It's like i was Japanese in a past life- which doesnt sound crazy! because i was talking to my teacher about how i wanted to go to Japan and she said "omg i totally love Latin america, like thats what made me study in mexico because i loved it so much, its like i was spanish in a past life"

dude proof, and she loved the culture and what not- but you dont see her wearing a poncho and sumbrero. i think that there are certain levels of liking- but some people take it over the top and it ends up being just like a year long thing.

my healthy yet strong obsession has lasted since second grade NBD, i'm like freaking Ms.Jay People!

HEY^^^^ the post i made earlier- you know whats pathetic!! when i was five i thought i was a cat- now THAT is pathetic- i even said "i want to be a cat when i grow up!".

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Guest eledoremassis02

Well, I got to page 8 before I totally lost what i was going to say >.< lol

I think I have to agree with what everyone is saying.

These "there is a huge wasian on soompi, you know who you are" posts are like "I hope they don't mean me" cause I am clueless most of the time ^^

Funny thing is, I was called a Wasian before lol, my friend told me in a "wow, you know your stuff", sort of matter, and not a hatred thing. Also been called "asian chicken" what ever that means, by some Hispanic kid... Anyway, I am majority white, I don't like to admit it tho, because I do not agree with most Caucasians ideas, or way of thinking. I am more interested in Native side (and feel bad when I express it on forums like this) because that is where I feel more at home, I was "white boy" until my father died when I was 12, and for some reason, I just stopped being anything. I got into Anime, but it lasted only so long like early 2003. I took Japaneses class, and my Japaneses teacher showed me more to japan, and I could relate to alot of ways on how Japanese think, act, etc. I always like Chinese entertainment, and my elementary school was pretty diverse, so we learned about like Chinese New year, and how they celebrate, little chinese culutrue, but emficisis on Afican (Ameican) culture. When my father died, we moved to "white-ville" and it was a culture shock...

To get back on topic, Once I realized how much native I was, I really started to get interested in the culture, tradition, what ever.. I still like Asian culture/pop. culture, but I take being native seriously. But I like what i can relate too..

I listen to alot of japanese music, watch dramas, tv, etc. But I do this because I don't want to loose a language I studied so hard for, but does not have in college. I stared watching Koren/Chinese drama, because I got bored with the Japanese stuff lol, and wanted had been watching Koren and chinese moves, and thought "what not see there TV" I noticed, alot of what I like in Asian culture can translate into Native Cultue..(again I feel like I am advertising natives being asian or what ever, but simply I was surprised to see how like Mongols, and Natives were alot alike, or how the chinese, and natives can be very superstitious.). I get bored of alot of asian music, and entertainment, and I don't like new amercian music, and will listen to 90-early 00's music.

I have had only asian girl-friend, (1) lol, but even when I was in kinder garden I used to walk out holding hands with a Korean girl who was like "Child-Girlfriend" O.o(as my mom loves to recall >.<) I get asian haircuts because they look better than caucasian haircuts on me because of my face structure. I get my hair cut by an asian because his prices are better than most caucasian places, and he knows how to cut my hair, different from white hair..I don't know.. I've been asked if I was asian or part asian, and I could say "oh I am", but I look at them like O.o and say "No...NATIVE BABY!!"

To what I don't like, probably comes Otaku. I have Otaku in my family, they don't bother me because to them it is entertainment, and something to do. But the otaku in my japanese class annoyed me because they would read manga in class, not pay attention to the movies my teacher showed, and try to act Japanese. Not to mention constantly using Japanese words, to either show off, or just because. One also got "Japanese haircuts, and when she told me, I was thinking to myself "Really.. I would of never guessed"

We would have Japanese Exchange students, the Otaku would ask to house them first, I would not have a problem with this, except, They are here to see American culture, and way of life, not tho who are "Japanese influenced". When we had the exchange students, the Otaku (not all) would like crowed them and change there personality totally.

Those who (majority) want to work/live in Japan because all I hear is how they "want to go drinking and sleep with Asian girls"..

When we were getting ready for our Japaneses trip, one girl was complaining how she would miss an Anime Convention. When we were in Japan, everyone complained on how they wanted to go home, and "eat meat". Then when we got to the high school, all the girls changed they personality 100%, they turned all cutesy and bubbley (even the emo one O.o). Funny thing is, me and like 3 others were the only ones who wanted and used Japanese with there host family's.

In the end, I think both sides have good points. I use the philosophy of my particular martial art,which is "Take what is useful, discard what is useless, and make what is essentially your own" If you like another culture, fine..but be true to yourself. I can see the frustration that some of you guys have tho because, again, ever since Dances with Wolves, every one is part Native, even those who claimed they are full Italian earlyer, which isn't the case. There like "Yea, I am indian *Pats mouth with face" WHOAWHOAWHOAWHAO!!" And wear "Moccasins. I am like "No your not, shut up", even if they were, they do not have a heart, or pride of a native, so I do not count them. But there are natives trying to act gangster, it bothers me, but they also know, and are proud of, that they were native.

After reading this tho.. I think I know why I constantly talk about being native here... I guess because (since there arnt' many of us around anymore) you guys can relate (maybe not 100%) of how I feel, and I can connect, and understand why you feel they way you do....for the most part.

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Guest sassykimsamsoonpig

i have friends who are like that. but there not annoying. they have pride in their own culture too.

but their just into asian stuff. that's all.

haha, i've been called a koreanwashed wannabe haha

i mean there's all sort of things in the world.

there are asian who are whitewashed so yeah!

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Anyway, I am majority white, I don't like to admit it tho, because I do not agree with most Caucasians ideas, or way of thinking. I am more interested in Native side (and feel bad when I express it on forums like this) because that is where I feel more at home, I was "white boy" until my father died when I was 12, and for some reason, I just stopped being anything.

Um. This is EXACTLY what people in this thread are talking about. Wasians who apparently don't even want to admit they're Cauasian.

You're white, get over it. Don't spend your life in this ridculous mindset that you can't agree with "Caucasian ideas" or "Caucasian ways of thinking." Not all Caucasian people think the same, not all have the same ideas, and it's amazingly offensive to many people to just lump an entire group of people into one category like that.. And you know what? It's the same thing with Asians; not everything in Asia is happy and hip and fun, and like white people they're all different and have different views and people aren't always going to agree. It's great that you're into Asian culture beyond it's pop culture, but don't push away who you REALLY are for such a stupid reason. Being white isn't bad unless you yourself make it that way.

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lol. I don't think there are many "wasians" at my school. But there are a lot of "wemos". xD

Wemo = wannabe emo.

Haha wemos, I just call 'em scene kids.

I have a particular disliking to wasians. It kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Asian fanatics are worse than wasians. They get extremely fascinated just because you're asian, even if you have little connection with your heritage. They scare away alot of people with their first impressions.

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Um. This is EXACTLY what people in this thread are talking about. Wasians who apparently don't even want to admit they're Cauasian.

You're white, get over it. Don't spend your life in this ridculous mindset that you can't agree with "Caucasian ideas" or "Caucasian ways of thinking." Not all Caucasian people think the same, not all have the same ideas, and it's amazingly offensive to many people to just lump an entire group of people into one category like that.. And you know what? It's the same thing with Asians; not everything in Asia is happy and hip and fun, and like white people they're all different and have different views and people aren't always going to agree. It's great that you're into Asian culture beyond it's pop culture, but don't push away who you REALLY are for such a stupid reason. Being white isn't bad unless you yourself make it that way.


I'm so tired of the "Oh I wish I was asian" thing

look in the mirror.

And some non asians who get overly obessive with asian culture feel the need to turn that culture because they feel there culture is flawed and asian culture is so perfect.


the world is flawed, you can't run from it.

(btw not directed towards you eldermassias)

Just wanted to pop in and say something because this thread has been making me mad.

First of all, lay off the people who do the peace sign in their pictures. So what? The peace sign wasn't even invented by Asian people, if I'm not mistaken it was popularised by Winston Churchill and Nixon (I think..?) not Asians. So, if anything, the British should be getting mad.

Secondly, if you are mad that "Europeans" are trying to be "Asian" then shouldn't you yourself stop being so Westernised and not shopping at stores like Hollister, American Eagle, etc because those are stereotypically "white" stores?

Can we make babies please?

I'm not saying shopping at Hollister is making a an asian a wannabe

because those stores don't have a particular race stamped outside there doors

but I understand what Tae Yang is saying

And just because Big Bang wears baggy clothes, doesnt mean they WANT to be

black. If they did, I'd assume they'd try to forget their Korean heritage but its not

like that.

Also, comparing styles? That's just stupid. That whole "baggy clothing/bandanas"

thing is a FASHION trend. Its not just Black people who are into those things... Even

Caucasians, Middle Easterns, Asians, Hispanics, etc. are into those sort of stuff.

Comparing fashion is so stupid... cause its just clothes. :huh: It's like saying "If you

wear silk, that means youre sooo trying to be Chinese cause silk was made in China!"

I needed to comment

while I agree fashion is global

not everyone else does

like if a non asian started shopping at gmarket and sex pot revenge

...in other words the so called "fob" style they would quickly be labled as a wasian

but when it comes to people like Big Bang people wanna start with the whole

"oh it's a world wide thing"

I feel like on soompi

people only play that card when it comes to asians

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Guest Han_Yuriee

Each people have different way to view life. No offense but, aren't you proud that there are some non-asian who wish they were ? just because asian are so kool ?? hehe

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Guest eledoremassis02

Um. This is EXACTLY what people in this thread are talking about. Wasians who apparently don't even want to admit they're Cauasian.

You're white, get over it. Don't spend your life in this ridculous mindset that you can't agree with "Caucasian ideas" or "Caucasian ways of thinking." Not all Caucasian people think the same, not all have the same ideas, and it's amazingly offensive to many people to just lump an entire group of people into one category like that.. And you know what? It's the same thing with Asians; not everything in Asia is happy and hip and fun, and like white people they're all different and have different views and people aren't always going to agree. It's great that you're into Asian culture beyond it's pop culture, but don't push away who you REALLY are for such a stupid reason. Being white isn't bad unless you yourself make it that way.

As true as you may be, like I stated, I grew up in an area where whites were minority, I thought of everyone as people, it was a true mix of culture, then I moved into an majority white area, and everything is different. It like the 1950's down here..honestly... Most of my friends are white, but I don't like alot of whites because they are too set on being macho and all that, like yelling at there girl friends for being too fat, and how they are the "king" of the relationship. Not to mention I didn't have a problem until I started getting racial comments, and hearing nothing but racial comments, and being stared at because I am Native. My mother was even called an Asian racial slur driving down the street, and at the store some one had to get there bags checked because of the alarm but my mom didnt and the lady mumbled "you know those indians, they all steal."

You don't have these problems do you? It's not that I am denying I have white blood, I am just saying, and we deal with this today, Americans thinking there way is the way, and force upon others. That is the white way of thinking, and I don't agree with it, and I am sure there are other whites who feel the same, but looking at my area (a predominantly white area) this is what I see.

I draw from my own experience, saying I am white and get over it is, to me, very harsh because I am not 100 white, I don't think like a white, I believe more in native religious, such as visions, and to respect woman because they bring life, with you saying that, I feel you are telling me I have no right, or have not Native anestery, and the problems with that.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

As true as you may be, like I stated, I grew up in an area where whites were minority, I thought of everyone as people, it was a true mix of culture, then I moved into an majority white area, and everything is different. It like the 1950's down here..honestly... Most of my friends are white, but I don't like alot of whites because they are too set on being macho and all that, like yelling at there girl friends for being too fat, and how they are the "king" of the relationship. Not to mention I didn't have a problem until I started getting racial comments, and hearing nothing but racial comments, and being stared at because I am Native. My mother was even called an Asian racial slur driving down the street, and at the store some one had to get there bags checked because of the alarm but my mom didnt and the lady mumbled "you know those indians, they all steal."

You don't have these problems do you? It's not that I am denying I have white blood, I am just saying, and we deal with this today, Americans thinking there way is the way, and force upon others. That is the white way of thinking, and I don't agree with it, and I am sure there are other whites who feel the same, but looking at my area (a predominantly white area) this is what I see.

I draw from my own experience, saying I am white and get over it is, to me, very harsh because I am not 100 white, I don't think like a white, I believe more in native religious, such as visions, and to respect woman because they bring life, with you saying that, I feel you are telling me I have no right, or have not Native anestery, and the problems with that.

I can understand why you would feel weird, awkward, and maybe even uncomfortable after moving to such a different area. But when you say that white people are the type to "yell at their girlfriend for being too fat," or that the men think they're the "king" of the relationship, or that they're set on being macho, you're JUST as bad as the white people who say Native Americans steal or those that yell out racial slurs. Just because you're also minority doesn't mean that your racism isn't just as bad as that of someone from a majority.

"Americans thinking their way is the right way"? "That's the white way of thinking"? Honey, you need to wake up. I don't get how you can say something like that and then complain about racism against yourself. That just boggles my mind.

And here you are implying that white people are womanizers, when you worship Asian cultures where male dominancy is most of the time MUCH more prominent than here in America. Like I said before, wake up. Everything you're saying can be applied to individuals of every colour, and you're just coming off as hypocritical.

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Guest milkbunny


There are a lot of Koreans who go and listen to Jrock/pop and watch anime...same for Chinese people, so they're whapanese or whatever you call it. Wannabe Japanese. Just because you're "Asian" doesn't make you less of a wannabe.

You have your white people who get so caught up in this crap, I can't deny that.

I've always stood my ground though. I'M WHITE. I LOVE being white. I LOVE white culture. I LISTEN to "white rock and roll". I wouldn't be ANY other race. I DON'T wish I was Asian at all.

I DO enjoy Jrock and the whole Japanese thing, but that's about all.

I don't put down Asians who shop at Abercrombie and call them bananas or "wannabe whites" or pick on them because they listen to people who sing in English. It should be the same way around.

amen. I'm asian btw :)

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