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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest YumiJam

I'm sorry....but I hate anyone who wants to be asian...they make me sooo mad. They give themself fake asian name and always have the peace sign up in every pic..sooo annoying -__-

they jus need to relieze tht they can NEVER be asian. and get over it.

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'Wasians' is not a word (obviously), and it is also not a slang. Nobody ever, ever used that word, but I guess it's ok since it is only for the net right now.

Anyway, it's funny because I find that non-koreans who TRY TO BE KOREAN MORE annoying than non-asians trying to be 'asians'.

Alot of my friends gets pissed off when they see another non-Korean trying to be Korean, e.g. acting cute, doing those cute faces they see on Korean Ulzzangs-pics.

And alot of non-asians (mostly 'white') gets introduced into the asian culture by Japanese. I don't find it annoying at all because I know nothing about the Japanese culture so when they want to act like they know more Japanese then me, they do, and I don't care.


Alot of Koreans in my school hates alot of Chinese people because Chinese people try to act like they're Korean by their style, clothing, glasses, etc.

At this lunch table there is a Korean table and Chinese table. My Chinese friend (he is really into Korean entertainment) went to the vending machine. One of the people went to my friend and asked him something in Korean. He replied, "I'm Chinese" and started running to his friends and screaming something in Korean and they all started laughing.

But why would it matter if a white/black person wanted to be Asian? If a white person wanted to be black, would it matter to you guys?

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Guest kristennn

basically, i think that anybody who tries hard to be of another race is pathetic.

it's okay to like something that's not part of your culture, but acting like you're part of the other culture (and worse if you disregard your own) is a different thing. <_<

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not to be mean, but it kinda annoyes me, cause i don't know if they are making fun of me, or don't have a mirror at home. i mean like when i talk to my friends this one girl came over and was like "i know right" we were like...... and then talking about how weird she was in korean, but she keep doing it.

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Guest Kimimaro

..its interesting to see ppl at school saying "ohayogozaimasss" or "arigatogozaimas" lmaooo

and they say it really good too o_O

but..i dont see how its annoying to make ulzzang faces o_O

arent there those chinese/taiwan net idols too? same with viet & thai..

i think cute faces arent reserved just for koreans..paha C:

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I'm sorry....but I hate anyone who wants to be asian...they make me sooo mad. They give themself fake asian name and always have the peace sign up in every pic..sooo annoying -__-

they jus need to relieze tht they can NEVER be asian. and get over it.

Everyone all over the world does the peace sign in pics, not only Asians.

So my teacher (who is Japanese born and raised in Japan) was teaching us some new phrases

and he corrects her, but the teacher insists she is correct by giving examples and such and he's like 'well, that's not what my dictionary says'

that is annoying. >< Not so much that he's obsessed with Japan--but that he thinks he knows more than someone born and raised there. And did he ever stop to think his dictionary may be wrong?

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Guest jesseski

I'm sorry....but I hate anyone who wants to be asian...they make me sooo mad. They give themself fake asian name and always have the peace sign up in every pic..sooo annoying -__-

they jus need to relieze tht they can NEVER be asian. and get over it.

Well, I'm sorry, but if I go thinking like you but the other way around, there would be a few things I would like to say.

1. Stop speaking english.

2. Don't give yourselves english names.

You just need to realise you're NEVER going to be white. and get over it.

But as I don't think that way, I say, go ahead, speak english, call yourself what you want, you didn't pick where you were born so you can act how you want.

And also, wtf? Since when did asian people copyright the peace sign. It's 100% international. *Sigh*

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Guest sHicalvet

I think they're okay o_o.. I mean, I'm like, asian then I love metal and I dress like a rocker@_@. So I guess that makes me a Wa-rocker? hrmm

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Guest kipling

I knew someone who was predominantly white (1/4 Korean) but born and raised in Korea. He was fluent in the language, thought like a Korean, and dressed like a Korean so his ETHNICITY (sharing of a common CULTURE) was Korean. When he came to the States, he said a lot of Asians were hating on him for being "Wannabe Asian/Korean". I thought that wasn't right... it's HIS culture afterall.

So I never judge a person if they act "Asian" (whatever that is) just as how I don't judge a person of Asian ethnicity with all white friends (I mean, would that make them wannabe white? Why isn't that annoying?)

What I don't like are people who devote their entire days in their basement downloading anime when they could get a social life, or better yet, go to Japan and see how anime isn't big like how they think it is. Of course, I'm anti-anime so I might be a little biased here :)

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Hmmmm..I don't know..

I think I would be flattered to know they're trying to be Asian.

'Course, there's a line you can cross and if they go beyond,

then I would understand why you would get annoyed.

Otherwise, I don't see much of a problem with "Wasians"

Besides...Don't tell me you've never once acted like a White person before...

I mean I think Asians ocassionally or if not, always uses forks.

I'm pretty sure when we're outside the house, we speak English.

And I think some of us even have White names.

And surely you've went to "White places", made "White friends" and such.

It's really no big deal..

And I'm pretty sure it was the Hippies from the 70s who started the peace sign...

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i saw another one today

she had a binder with some jrock boy band on the front

and when she bumped into someone she said "gomen" ( sorry in japanese)

i rofled right in front of her

she seemed hurt

i hope she is <_<

and i'm usually a nice guy

that says alot about how much i hate them =[

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Guest LanJingFeng

Bleh i dislike wannabe asians when they are overly obsessive on japanese stuff, im personally chinese and my parents are from hong kong which is basically the fashion capital of china. Theres this club i have in my school in Miami,Florida called the Asian Culture Club and its with either asians who say "asian pride!" or white people who are currently enrolled in japanese, i dont really have a problem with that until the white people start chanting "asian pride!" and when then the asians around just overdo everything in terms of showing the asian culture it makes me not want to be asian anymore because they seem to embarass the race >_>. So i don't really hate the wannabe asians, in fact i hate the asians who are over themselves and flaunt the asian culture to an extent where you feel embarassed. Also, i don't understand why koreans and chinese hate each other so much as mentioned earlier, im chinese and i talk to the koreans quite fine, well except for this one kid who is full of himself in athletics. But yeah.. koreans and chinese are basically in the same race category which is asian so theres pretty much no point in going against each other -_-.

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Guest prismatic_star

okay.. I'm not wasian. I'm not even white. I'm a southie.

I find asian culture so much better than mine. I'm sick of bollywood.

But.. yeah I agree, I find the stereotypical asian wannabes annoying.

I mean, I would find anyone annoying if they keep praising things constantly because it's "cool".

But look at this way,

at least you have people who are interested in asian culture. Let them embrace it. Don't shun them.

It's better than having racists. Anything is better than racism.

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^some people are never satisfied--they hate it when people say stuff like 'ching chong' , and they don't want anyone involved in their culture in any way (they never think maybe they're doing similar things). I can see people upset by some 'white' person running up to them and shouting some random Japanese word in their face--but who doesn't get annoyed by that? >< It makes the rest of us who really are involved in ____ culture look bad...and some people either can't tell the difference between us--or don't care about it.

I'm sure instead of 'white' names and 'white whatever' you mean Western. or English. I'm not sure how you act like a white person, either. That's always confused me. lol And of course Asians use forks--but I've heard people here and in another forum actually say that Asians should never use anything but 'chopsticks' and never eat anything but 'Asian' food--otherwise they're sell-outs. -_____- The guy who said it in the other forum was half Korean--and half Spanish. --;

kipling--you're right--but a lot of people don't understand that. Some people don't get that you don't have to be ethnically Korean to be *Korean*. What about the non-Koreans, especially Westerners--people who were born and raised in Korea--and have lived there their whole lives... they're Korean too. Everyone would have a different opinion about whether he was Korean or not--some people are ignorant. <_< He's Korean. Others might call him Kyopo, since he's in the US.

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Guest Balloon

Well, I'm sorry, but if I go thinking like you but the other way around, there would be a few things I would like to say.

1. Stop speaking english.

2. Don't give yourselves english names.

You just need to realise you're NEVER going to be white. and get over it.

But as I don't think that way, I say, go ahead, speak english, call yourself what you want, you didn't pick where you were born so you can act how you want.

And also, wtf? Since when did asian people copyright the peace sign. It's 100% international. *Sigh*

That's completely irrelevant. They're trying to act asian, speak asian, etc. when they're not in an asian country.

I was born here (USA), so I consider myself American, with Korean background. I was given an English name, I didn't give it to myself. I'd gladly take up a name from my ethnicity (In fact, I have one). Most immigrant parents give their children American names so that they can be identified as American, not as an immigrant.

And when I speak English, it's not because I want to be white, it's because it's the ONLY way to properly communicate with the people in my community to the best of my ability. So no one has the right to tell me to stop speaking english.

So when non-asian people try to speak asian languages in an American cultured community, it's just unnecessary.

The peace sign is like the #1 hand sign made by asians in pictures. No one copy righted it; just when 'Wasians' use it, it's very annoying because they think little things like that make them asian. If you use it just cause you like the peace sign, good for you. But if you use it to 'become more asian', think twice what about the peace sign makes you asian. (It doesn't.)

And you're right, you can't pick where you're born. But no matter where you are from, you should love that place and place it close to your heart. It's cool if you have an interest in a different culture, but when you go as far as to want to become that ethnicity, it's almost like you're betraying your own culture. I consider that the equivalent as not liking your self/low self esteem. You should love your self and your culture, no matter where you're from. :/ It's like loving your friend's mom more than your own.

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wow, i can't believe how big this topic is!

i'm a white girl, half french & half english and i'm proud of who i am!

i do like some anime, maybe one or two.. and i love asian food (but i love mexican and indian food as well!)

and i love japan! i've been there thrice, it's just so different and i love the culture shock. (compare japan to humble little adelaide, a nowhere town in australia)

because i post on this forum, does this make me a wasian?

although i don't understand how white people can listen to asian music, if they don't understand the lyrics! it seems pointless!

and ball-jointed dolls are way creepy. i know a few white girls who collect them. it's weird!

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o_o; Wow, I didn't read through all of this but I guess a lot of people have really strong opinions~

Well, personally.. as long as they are truly interested and respectful it's not so bad..

I find it really admirable when people take the time to become fluent in a language

It takes a lot of hard work! So that kind of dedication is nice to see (:

What I don't like is when people think they're fluent in Japanese but really can't speak more than "kawaii" ;;

Or when they think they know more about the culture than you do

I was T.A.-ing for my Japanese teacher and someone asked me for help

And then I told them how to say something..

Then all of a sudden one of the students was like "NO YOU'RE WRONG YOU SAY IT LIKE THIS!"

I admit I'm not fluent in Japanese or anything, but.. I grew up hearing Japanese from my grandparents,

And I've taken 3 more years of Japanese than she did so.. I just got kind of annoyed =A=;;

I even checked in the textbook and showed her, but she just had that "I'm right, you're wrong" kind of attitude

So I figured if she wants to think that way fine, but she can't blame me if she gets a bad grade =.=;;

The other thing that kind of annoys me is when people think that ALL Asians are pretty o_o;

Like this one girl told me

"You're so lucky to be Asian! I wish I were Asian too, then I could be pretty!"

There's pretty people and less attractive people in all cultures!

It's just because the pretty ones get all the attention lol

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