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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

the girl who!

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Guest kayana20

Gong Yoo is making me love him so much with his chemistry with lee Min Jung but I am so sad because I can see now he is the 2nd lead. If they were going to make KJ the lead why not just have him like Daran from the get go and chase her while she is engaged?That would have made more sense.This  was supposed to be his comeback drama and I feel tricked. We get him in love but someone else in his body and with only 6 episodes left there really is no time for YJ to make Daran love him the way she used too. Now it seems KJ

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Guest katkat88

The title of the drama is "Big" and from what I read from the sypnosis, the story is about the maturation of a teenage boy and that' s Kyung Joon so it's but natural that the story will focus on KJ and not YJ.

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Guest soompigalz

Why did YJ's mom act like she hate KJ but then while she visit his comatose body in hospital she look like she actually care for him?
And if she really is his biological mother why cant she accept him? Is it becoz he was born from other woman's womb? That doesnt make any sense since they were the one who planned it from the beginning in oder to save young YJ's life.
Ahh or maybe coz at first she didnt know that the surrogate mother was her husband's past lover?

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Guest term

I had a realization during episodes 9 and 10 that Yoon Jae is being majorly "second lead-ed" (verb meaning the act by kdrama writers of rendering a character so nice and perfect (male) or conniving and beautiful (female) that no first lead in kdramaland can take him or her seriously as a romantic interest for more than a combined total of 7.5 episodes). I hereby cite the "Kdrama Laws Second Lead Act," which puts forth that a nice, mature, wealthy guy who loves the heroine will be relegated to second best position.  
Spotting Yoon Jae as a second lead was was difficult in episodes 1-8 because Yoon Jae was actually loved by Da Ran, then super sketchy with all the Se Young stuff, and then in a coma.  But everything became clear for me when flashback Yoon Jae played with little bunny, the girl patient at the hospital; this man is too perfect to be a first lead.  He's the sort of guy, it seems so far, that if asked by his donor baby brother to switch bodies with him forever so that lil' bro could live happily ever after with hyung's fiance/wife, he would likely down a few shots of soju, mope for half an episode, then bravely play the (second lead) hero.  
This is kind of funny because instead of a second lead either acting like he's in an emotional coma or having all the effect of someone in a coma on the leading lady, the Hong Sisters actually put Yoon Jae in a coma.

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i think the reason she doesn't want them to switch back is because it's harder to be with KJ after switch. after all, to everyone else, DR married YJ; and not just that, KJ is like 7-8? years younger and her student to boot - society's definitely not going to approve.
this episode pretty much confirmed that DR is in love with KJ - not KJ with YJ's shell, not YJ, just KJ. as she said herself, "why do i see KJ's eyes every time i look at YJ's eyes". it's why we see her breakdown later as she tries to come to terms with this. 
i can't wait til all these misunderstandings get resolved. Big's been really addictive so far, but what's keeping me in it is just the OTP. everytime i see the side characters taking up too much screen time i get frustrated - except for Choonshik that is, that lovable idiot ;D 

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Guest xopo17

They keep affirming that too and I don't like it. why not have KJ come alive and and she just is with him?  Does she really love him or is she in love with him in YJ body because she wants him to be like KJ?I don't know what can happen in 6 episodes to turn this around.KBS doesn't need an extension their are too many loose writings and confusion that should have been fixed long ago.I just hope that  everyone get's a happy ending but chances are looking pretty slim on that. When is YJ going to  come back alive though?

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i'm still waiting for ep 11 sub on viki.

But so far, i'm getting the vibes that Da Ran likes Kyung Joo, and i somehow don't like it!! >.<
i like to be fair, so i feel bad for Yoon Jae!
this is not a good fight! lol

also, i dislike how unfaithful Daran got...I understand that yoonjae "probably" cheated, but i thought she looooves him so much??!
what happened to googly eyes and drawing of heart shape whenever she thinks about him?
i guess it can't be helped since daran and kyungjoo spent so much time together..
i guess i just dont like the age-gap.
seeing a teacher and a student fall in love? kinda weird.

I hope yoonjae transfers to his body soon, and get a fair-chance to explain himself to daran before she falls madly inlove with his younger brother! YIKES!

also, i'm kinda disturbed by the thought that 2 brothers will be fighting over one girl!! tsk tsk.

and why doesn't kyung joo ever appreciate Suzy???
i mean she will do ANYTHING for him, yet he treats her like crap.

i just wish this drama will end with YoonJae going back to his body, and Daran falling back in love with him, then Kyungjoo going back to his body, and maybe go back to U.S with Suzy continuing his mom's restaurant with her! awww...now that's how i would like this to end. hehe

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hahaha it almost seemed like the Hong sisters heard my plea or something but hey hey~ we got what i was looking for: a delving into the heart of D as it changes~ =] in turn, some things had to give, like the pacing of overarching story points like KJ's body waking up, which i mind less than not having D's perspective fleshed out... because ok... it's a bit slowed down now but I got the necessary story to latch my heart back with that of the essential characters. As much as we need to understand KJ, we need to understand what the heck is going on in D's head too!! and in that sense, the whole shifty dancing-around between KJ and D for them to recognize their own emotions AND those of the other person now are no where near as frustrating as they could otherwise have been (the hated noble-idiocy cliches) 

KJ and D HAS tried communicating on their need to understand themselves and not get "confused" by the circumstances-- when they feel confused, they tell the other person; when they decide to "back off" because they're afraid of screwing things up for the both of them, they tell the other person (and MAJOR props to KJ for taking the lead and setting that relational foundation up from the get-go, and from D's admittance that she was feeling confused in ep 10, i'd say she's being a good student<-- hehehe on the pun XD )

... but misunderstandings STILL happen because, well, they're confused themselves! how clearly would you be able to communicate what exactly you're feeling when you don't understand it yourself? and that includes all those third-person comments by people who barely understands the situation and by Mari who chooses to interpret the situation in whatever way that won't conflict with her dream/belief that she will one day end up with KJ (well sometimes her concerns are legit too, like hey, KJ WILL have to return to his own life sometime). with all this external dialogue to add to internal confusion... it's kind of high of an expectation for two matur-ING people (i.e. not-yet-fully-matured) in such an complicated/full-of-unknown situation to communicate clearly, not have misunderstandings, and trust each other like long-time lovers... ^^;; i mean of course... the situation and the external confusions piled onto KJ and D are very much fabricated by the writers hehe but at least the reactions we get from KJ and D, IMO, don't merit distaste for noble idiocy =P

I'll still sit tight and see where Big goes... but I WILL complain if we keep getting these once/episode "oh no, I think KJ is entering his body again" stuff >=/ GRRRR the second time it happened here, I can see the significance of it, but using it 3-4 times is OVERKILL and dumb that you can't think of better catalysts to move the plot along =P

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Guest badmarkz

augh. i've had enough of noble idiocies in dramaland. please, please, hong sisters, don't drag this too much. misunderstanding is a lazy plot-device and i am sure that these awesome writers have much more decent tricks on their sleeves, so pleaseeee, let it be over quickly, i am begging youuu~
aside of that, at this point, i'm pretty much positive that either daran will end up with kyungjoon (in his real body) or no one at all. an open ending where they have semi-relationship (e.g. she's waiting for him to grow up or something like that) seems very likely to happen. even though that'll be very disappointing for all yoomin shippers, i think, story wise it's quite acceptable.
sigh. i need episode 11. right now.
btw, this is kinda irrelevant but i'm writing a fanfic about mari and choongshik, but i'm not sure if it's readable enough (grammar wise, i mean). maybe there's someone who's kindly enough to proofread it? :D pm me if you're interested.

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I knew id end up disliking DR , she cheated on her fiance while he is in a coma.I guess im the only one that sees the wrong in her actions, i feel extremely bad for YJ at this point and think hes better off without her even if he may be inlove with her.  Many people find KJ and DR couple cute but i think alot of that has to do with KJ being in YJ body . This is the first hong sisters drama that has left me disappointed .Even if it is a comedy romance, i just dont see whats so funny about a woman cheating on her  fiance while hes in a coma, even if their relationship was weird its no excuse . I hope in all this YJ gets a happy ending also if and thats a big IF they turn his character into a douchbag ill still want to see him have a happy ending cause in my eyes DR is just as bad. I hope people wont jump on me cause of my opinion :)

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I knew id end up disliking DR , she cheated on her fiance while he is in a coma.I guess im the only one that sees the wrong in her actions, i feel extremely bad for YJ at this point and think hes better off without her even if he may be inlove with her.  Many people find KJ and DR couple cute but i think alot of that has to do with KJ being in YJ body . This is the first hong sisters drama that has left me disappointed .Even if it is a comedy romance, i just dont see whats so funny about a woman cheating on her  fiance while hes in a coma, even if their relationship was weird its no excuse . I hope in all this YJ gets a happy ending also if and thats a big IF they turn his character into a douchbag ill still want to see him have a happy ending cause in my eyes DR is just as bad. I hope people wont jump on me cause of my opinion

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I knew id end up disliking DR , she cheated on her fiance while he is in a coma.I guess im the only one that sees the wrong in her actions, i feel extremely bad for YJ at this point and think hes better off without her even if he may be inlove with her.  Many people find KJ and DR couple cute but i think alot of that has to do with KJ being in YJ body . This is the first hong sisters drama that has left me disappointed .Even if it is a comedy romance, i just dont see whats so funny about a woman cheating on her  fiance while hes in a coma, even if their relationship was weird its no excuse . I hope in all this YJ gets a happy ending also if and thats a big IF they turn his character into a douchbag ill still want to see him have a happy ending cause in my eyes DR is just as bad. I hope people wont jump on me cause of my opinion

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Guest jordi

10th episode
AGB:Nationwide: 8,1% (+/-0,0%) Seoul: 9,0% (-0,1%) 
TNS:Nationwide: 8,8% (+1,4%)Seoul: 9,8% (+1,6%)
MBC Lights & Shadows leads - AGB: 19,6% / 22,0% ; TNS: 20,6% / 24,8%SBS CHASER - AGB: 13,5% / 14,3% ; TNS: 15,3% / 16,2%

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I knew id end up disliking DR , she cheated on her fiance while he is in a coma.I guess im the only one that sees the wrong in her actions, i feel extremely bad for YJ at this point and think hes better off without her even if he may be inlove with her.  Many people find KJ and DR couple cute but i think alot of that has to do with KJ being in YJ body . This is the first hong sisters drama that has left me disappointed .Even if it is a comedy romance, i just dont see whats so funny about a woman cheating on her  fiance while hes in a coma, even if their relationship was weird its no excuse . I hope in all this YJ gets a happy ending also if and thats a big IF they turn his character into a douchbag ill still want to see him have a happy ending cause in my eyes DR is just as bad. I hope people wont jump on me cause of my opinion

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Guest sunshine4ever

I have a question about episode 10 and if you answer my question, will you kindly drop my screen name so that they will notice me?

Thanks so much.

So I am confused at this KJ & YJ deal. Does that mean that KJ used to help YJ survived? Did they somehow got a body swap before and now KJ just came back to his real body do you think? lol. I think this sounds ridiculous coming from me, but I just wish that KJ didn't have to come back to the other body simply cuz I would like KJ to be with DR. I can't imagine the other KJ body with DR. It's weird. Just awful how the writers make me go through this. The matter seems so complicated to even borrow someone's body.

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