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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

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Why does everybody think KJ and YJ are brothers? I dont think they're. I think that scene with his mom is just a part of a whole story which will be explained later on. I think YJ dad said that KJ needs to know the true story about his mom's death?

I dont get it anymore...who is in DR's heart? Could it be that KJ and YJ are somehow the same person? Jeezzz this drama makes me go nuts :P

I want more KJ and DR scenes, todays episode was a bit over the top with so much screentime to that Na teacher...

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I recently started watching this drama and am enjoying the storyline. I'm not too much of a fan of the female leads, but have to admit there is good chemistry among the cast.  To me, this drama reminds me of 49 Days (which I loved), where a soul is living in another body.  However, I hope the ending will be different and on a more happier note.  Right now I am really cheering for KJ's character, so I hope he doesn't end up like Nam Gyuri's character in 49 Days. GY is ultimately the star of the show, so if he changes back to SJ, I think SJ and D may end up together in the end...

I am looking forward to what type of ending the Hong Sisters can come up with.  Realistically, it's odd because of the age gap between KJ and D. But, hopefully the ending is something creative and happy.  Maybe they will do another time jump when KJ is in his twenties and D is in her thirties like in "I do, I do"

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Guest suiekou45

Haven't watched episode 8 yet but I'm spoiling myself by reading all your replies. So, I shall write this little comment while the episode downloads. I might be back later to elaborate when I'm done watching the newest episode.

I just wanna say that I'm ready for the switch-back. Only Yoon Jae can provide me with the answers to the questions I've been asking since the beginning of the drama. I've always believed that Yoon Jae really cared for Da Ran...I just want to know to what extent. The hints that the Hong Sisters have been giving us scattered throughout the first 7 episodes definitely had me strongly believing that Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon are brothers. When the pieces started coming together, I was confident that Yoon Jae never intended to cheat on Da Ran. His plane ticket to the States was in search of his other family...his reluctance to hand out invitations was because of the truth he found out about his family. Of course...this is only speculation. We're dealing with the Hong Sisters after all...we never know what surprises they could pull out of their pockets.

I'll be honest...I'm not a fan of the age gap between Da Ran and Kyung Joon. Maybe that's why I'm so adamant on the theory that Yoon Jae really loved Da Ran. I can't deny that the interactions between Da Ran and Kyung Jae are cute...and that my heart breaks a little when I see Kyung Jae's facial expressions when he steals looks at Da Ran. Kyung Jae does seem to have much more personality than Yoon Jae but I'm willing to give Yoon Jae the benefit of the doubt because he was only able to show us himself (as himself) in one episode. I know we catch hints of his personality through other people (particularly his colleagues at the hospital) and he does seem like a workaholic with a bland personality. But I'm hoping (with crossed fingers) that he can redeem himself when the switch-back occurs. Even if it doesn't happen in the episode next week, as some of you have pointed out that the switch seems to only be for a second...hinting that the switch is not quite yet but soon, I just hope that it doesn't take long to happen.

Just my musings and opinions.

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Guest suiekou45

Why does everybody think KJ and YJ are brothers? I dont think they're. I think that scene with his mom is just a part of a whole story which will be explained later on. I think YJ dad said that KJ needs to know the true story about his mom's death?

I dont get it anymore...who is in DR's heart? Could it be that KJ and YJ are somehow the same person? Jeezzz this drama makes me go nuts :P

I want more KJ and DR scenes, todays episode was a bit over the top with so much screentime to that Na teacher...

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Guest lesleylim

I have this weird theory why KJ and YJ are brother by their father.I'm not sure if they share the same mother as some of the viewers comments.When S meet with YJ's mom,the mom explained about the miracle book( angel story),it's make me think KJ was born to save YJ's life.Maybe YJ's need bone marrow transplant,so in order to save him KJ was born for the purpose.Now when KJ needs help in the accident YJ's save him from dying.I remember YJ's mom said about the miracle story if one kid saved another kid and that kid will save another kid.

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Guest sarangwo

About The Miracle Book that Yoon Jae's father drew.

The story is about if a child saves a child then the  saved child will save another child.

There's a possibility that the story of  Miracle is based from lives  of Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon. 

There's something happened in Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon's past...maybe they had an accident before or one of them got a sick or have an illness and the other one is the donor saving the life of the other..

If we based it from the story there's a possibility that that there's another child involved and has connections to them.

But who saves who first? 

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It could be

I have this weird theory why KJ and YJ are brother by their father.I'm not sure if they share the same mother as some of the viewers comments.

When S meet with YJ's mom,the mom explained about the miracle book( angel story),it's make me think KJ was born to save YJ's life.Maybe YJ's need bone marrow transplant,so in order to save him KJ was born for the purpose.Now when KJ needs help in the accident YJ's save him from dying.I remember YJ's mom said about the miracle story if one kid saved another kid and that kid will save another kid.

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About The Miracle Book that Yoon Jae's father drew.

The story is about if a child saves a child then the  saved child will save another child.

There's a possibility that the story of  Miracle is based from lives  of Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon. 

There's something happened in Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon's past...maybe they had an accident before or one of them got a sick or have an illness and the other one is the donor saving the life of the other..

If we based it from the story there's a possibility that that there's another child involved and has connections to them.

But who saves who first? 

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Arghhhhh.. I am so so so afraid of this.... I have the feeling YJ/DR married KJ will have sort of new parents/family.. Waaaaaaaaaa.. I so not want this type of ending. Is there other possible "happy" ending?...... [-O< Please drama GOD not this... Chaeballll... I promise I'll be good...

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Guest jordi

8th episode
AGB:Nationwide: 7,9% (-1,0%) Seoul: 8,7% (-1,7%) 
Nationwide: 7,8% (-0,4%) :(Seoul: 9,2% (-0,5%) :(

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Guest maknaeanna

I actually thought that Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae's soul would go back to their respective bodies, but it was only a slight moment. Bummers. Its not that I like what I see of Yoon Jae's character, but I was always looking out for the soul switch to finally occur. I guess that isn't going to happen for another episode or so.
I still can't exactly ship any pairing in Big so far. I adore the chemistry between Kyung Jae and Da Ran, but I feel that if the souls switched back, I won't feel the same anymore which is why I'm so conflicted. I don't exactly understand Yoon Jae so far, but from what I see, when Da Ran is with him, she isn't being herself at all.
I honestly had no problem with Mari until this episode. I couldn't help but get annoyed at her, especially after she promises Kyung Jae that she won't behave immaturely anymore, and then she goes to wear a wedding dress and go to a shaman to make sure Kyung Jae and Da Ran to not fall in love. Her antics aren't threatening, but it gets tiring to watch after a while. 

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All Fantasy Korean Dramas - became  Phenomenon not just in ASIA but in other continents such as south America & Europe

- MY Girlfriend is a Gumiho- 49Days- Secret Garden
------- Year 2012 ------- 
- Rooftop Prince (2012) - recorded 77million views in Youku with 110k comments & ranked first. set to air on Japan this July and currently airing in taiwan- TMETS (2012) - Highest Rated KDrama of the year so FAR .!!
- BIG (2012) - Current - Arang (2012) - Upcoming  
- Queen In Hyun's MAn (Time travelling) - Popular in the Internet- Dr.Jin (Time Travelling)  - Haven't watched this drama yet

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The sisters should be carefull, if they decided YJ is the 'real' thing here (YJ soul in YJ body) I mean if they are thinking of YJ/DR ending, they should not let the viewers be too "comfortable" with KJ/DR pairing (in YJ body), He sort of perfect that way :D, a boy like character in a michelangelo-David- like body, funny sometime obnoxious, sometime innocent, caring, adorable and KJ is vulnerable, lonely (I bet everyone just wanna protect him -it's woman's motherly instinct). KJ is a tough match for YJ (provided KJ is in a fully grown man body).So to let KJ to be too long in YJ  body is definitely not a good move IF KJ not ever gonna end up with DR.

KJ is just too adorable in YJ body... =P~ . I hope it's not another case of 49 days (I cringe to that two number... the ending is a nightmare to me anyway not everyone hate the ending).

And if next week they really switch back for real ... YJ have a tough time to convince DR and us viewers... KJ was wonderful as YJ... I am already 95% in the ship (KJ/DR - of coz KJYJ version and not KJKJ version coz yeah it's kind of disturbing to watch an 18 year old boy kissing his teacher (BUT I LOVEEE it when Kang Ta kiss Kim Min Sun in loveholic also a teacher/student relationship and it didn't look eww at all.. it was deeeeeeelicious however Kang Ta look older than the age). Shin Won Ho look so young.


They have to switch now if they are bringing back YJYJ to the screen. There's still time for YJYJ to win us over from KJYJ ... and I still love KJKJ but to think that he may end up with Mari ... I say poor him .. kekekekke.. I hope the Hongs would make Mari less hostile (remain the cuteness but drop the hostiliy a bit)... Mari shall be suitable for KJ IF she's less hostile... less clingy  .. okokookokok.. just my lowly opinion.. don't kill me please.. don't flag me pleaseeee..  =))

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Guest sarangwo

Another Theory of Mine:

About The Miracle Book that Yoon Jae's father drew.

The story is about if a child saves a child then the  saved child will save another child.

There's a possibility that the story of  Miracle is based from lives  of Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon. 

The  story:

When Yoon Jae was 12 years old , he has a rare type of disease and he had only years to live. He needs a donor to cure his disease.  But there's no matched donor.

At that time, there's a woman delivering her baby. Her delivery had some problems and the baby is dying . The Yoon Jae's father  then found out that the baby matches to become donor for Yoon Jae. (The baby is Kyung Joon). 

Yoon Jae's father cured the baby in order to save his son. But the Yoon Jae is still young and Kyung Joon is still just a baby and the operation is risky. They have to wait more years for the medical operation to happen.

Yoon Jae's father told Yoon Jae to remember the date 6/24 and make it very important. Young Yoon Jae's asked why ... The father said " It's the birthday of your future savior"

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Can I just write something not about the drama?Can I on my fangirling mode just for awhile I promise only 1 time... I have been holding this in for soooo longgg...


OH MAH GHOAD .... Gong Yu body... =P~ =P~ =P~

OKOKOK .. He doesn't have that good looking face but he definitely has the body to die for... very well toned body.. GOD those muscles...  =P~

I need ice water pleaseee...

and on top of that GY has superb acting ability.... top class - I consider the Class A level group.

I am worried of the rating (no matter how many time I tell myself rating don't matter..stop looking at rating.. No Bambiina .. don't check the rating but :sigh:)... anyway BIG is getting popular and most of my frens are watching BIG... it may not be that popular in korea (damm other drama at the same slot.. :D) but it's surely popular in the net.



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Guest sunshine4ever

I actually thought that Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae's soul would go back to their respective bodies, but it was only a slight moment. Bummers. Its not that I like what I see of Yoon Jae's character, but I was always looking out for the soul switch to finally occur. I guess that isn't going to happen for another episode or so.

I still can't exactly ship any pairing in Big so far. I adore the chemistry between Kyung Jae and Da Ran, but I feel that if the souls switched back, I won't feel the same anymore which is why I'm so conflicted. I don't exactly understand Yoon Jae so far, but from what I see, when Da Ran is with him, she isn't being herself at all.

I honestly had no problem with Mari until this episode. I couldn't help but get annoyed at her, especially after she promises Kyung Jae that she won't behave immaturely anymore, and then she goes to wear a wedding dress and go to a shaman to make sure Kyung Jae and Da Ran to not fall in love. Her antics aren't threatening, but it gets tiring to watch after a while. 

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