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@adlyn13 @laquetahodge
I don't think I laugh at his English, but I think first scene (the one with J in the bedroom) - I did went, "OMG!" and replay it several times to grasp each words. I know it isn't good, I admit, but then I also saw how hard he tried to pronounce them correctly which is why I wrote in Heirs about how difficult it was for him for that first dialogues, there were "Ls" and "Rs" everywhere for that scene. It was a really challenging dialogue for someone who has never needed to speak English in his country.

Other than that, I think I need to thank KES for forcing him to speak it coz I still remember how much I want to hear him speak it, regardless of whether he is bad or not. It's just about communicating with his fans. :P:))

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@sia3 thanks!! :x

@adlyn13 i didn't watch heirs, because a lot people in here (indonesia) said that drama as same as the other highschool drama, such bbf.. is that right? :D

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Its only similar in genre but its so different big time! More serious and its more deep interesting .I recommend it


I laughed right now at your comment to @laquetahodge about heirs thread being a bad life

I really didn't laugh at LMH english I was too busy exploding and imploding at finally getting to hear him!!


I am hoping for the day of an english version of the faith novel. But idk what's more impossible the english publication or me learning korean. :((

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Guest tigereyespeppy

It's been a little while since I've been able to talk with everyone... and I'm way behind on what everyone has been up to...
So please don't be upset that I'm responding to your post late, OK?  ^:)^


First off..... I want to give a big hello to everyone:

@sia3 @Maja @vangsweetie637 @adlyn13 @guadi @awesomeduck @lynlily @katymac @deyhra @Yoshikitty @shenny @WutHmone @LuvMinHo  @azzurri @Anomalous @violetts @dr25 @kappy @mongray @Yuuni @farstrep @Gukja @pandaeve @Hanjae @jasy @filchiny @myphim @mappyminho @mattie2012 @Krrypton @laquetahodge @Harukogirl @cassopeia @pooh77 @wisteria7 @jerboa83 @luena @hayuinblue @LorenHaze

I'm sure everyone is busy over at the Heirs thread..... but I haven't caught up there, and I probably won't catch up soon.
I think the last time I was able to go there was about 200 pages back.  #-o  
And honestly, after reading some of the posts there from other people, I'm a little scared to post anything there.  :-S

So I'm just gonna say hi over here. :-h
It was so nice to see everyone back on the thread again. It makes my cry that I couldn't be there to fangirl with y'all. :((

Now to respond to everyone's posts:

You had asked me what Faith ending I had hoped for?
Hmmmm, I was hoping for an ending that was a bit more physical. I was like a lot of the other Faithlings in that I wanted them to kiss or hug when they finally saw each other after all that time. But I also wanted to see some scenes of what life would've been like for them now that they were back together.
Like CY welcoming ES back to his home and getting her settled in, then it would lead up to them sitting together somewhere, (like they did when she had to rest after getting poisoned or when they were on the run). And then the final scene would be of them just sitting together holding each other and enjoying the fact that they could finally be together and just relax for a change. :)

Thank you for showing me some of your favorite parts of Faith. :D

I know you're probably busy over at Heirs so..... How are you liking LMH as a surfer boy? ;))

Hey there Kitty! :D
I'm sorry I went away for so long. :(

Your earlier post mentioned Cain & Able. Did you like that drama too?
Was it a sad one like Sorry I Love You?

Hi there! :-h
It was nice to here from you again. :)
I've been OK. Just busy, and very behind on everything here. #-o

I've missed you Bunny!  >:D<
I hope everything's going good with you and that school isn't killing you too bad. :)
Have you been exploding over at Heirs? :))

SIA! I've missed you so much! :((

Since some might not have read the Faith book yet, I'm putting all this in a spoiler. :)

You're reading Breathlesssurvival's translation right?
I LOVE the inner thoughts of CY as he thinks about ES!!!!  8->
And the part where he said she ate as much as the whole Wualchi Army! =))

I find it amazing that both CY and ES can already guess what the other is feeling.
(ES realizing that CY was mad because she had been hurt and that it wounded his pride. And him realizing that she didn't want to go on the boat because she was gonna get sick, or that she would be upset at seeing blood on him so he made sure to wipe it off.)
I also love how they have these silent conversations. They're written in such a way that it sounds like something that would happen with a real couple!
Do you find it funny that they can understand so much about each other and yet still be so clueless about each other? :))

I laughed like crazy when I read the part about ES trying to RATIONALIZE why she couldn't have a FLING with CY!!!  =))
I didn't realize that she knew of her attraction to him that early.
At which point would you say that CY started to realize he was attracted to her physically?
I think we pretty much agree that he didn't know it was there when he first saw her... But there was an attraction at first sight... I guess it was *ahem*animalattraction*ahem*  ;))  or maybe *cough*lustatfirstsight*cough*  ;;)
Do you think that even though he feels like he owes her and that he must protect her, that he hasn't realized that he likes her yet???
I wonder if it's because of the way that people in modern times feel different about what's proper in a relationship compared with the way they felt back then?  :-?

I read the part you posted about CY finding MH's body. :-O
OMG!!!  :-&  
The poor man! No wonder he was so traumatized!
He had a hard time dealing with the death of someone that he killed, even though he didn't know him and he was the enemy. It must've been absolute torture to have to witness MH in that condition. And then to have to be the one to bring her down and.... for lack of a better phrase... to have to put things back to their original positions...  :-t  
I can understand why he would be angry at her for forcing him to be the one to witness her death like that. And that she chose a place that had so many precious memories for them, but would now be a place for his nightmares.
I had wondered how CY had known what had happened to MH simply from finding her scarf. Although I'm VERY grateful that they didn't show him actually finding her and taking her down. X_X
That certainly brings a whole new light to how he acted later. And it explains why he was in that numb frozen state for several years. Although the anger he felt probably kept him from going completely numb.
It also explains why he was so determined to have ES go back to her time to get cured. And why he felt so angry and hurt when she asked him to stay with her if she were to die. :(
I know that Breathlesssurvival didn't have that part on her site. Where did you get it from???  :-/
Do you have someone translating the rest of the book for you?  ;;)

But I'm still confused about the shocked look on his face when ES stops him and tells him that he should know what it's like to be left behind..... Was he shocked because he realized that he was putting her in the position that he himself was in when MH died? And that he was basically doing the same thing that MH did? I thought that maybe he was shocked because he realized how strongly ES felt about him because of that. :-?
I know that when ES said all that, it meant that she already knew about MH back then, but she didn't know everything about MH yet, right? She only knew that MH had killed herself and left CY behind... but did she know that CY was the one to find her and bring her down from the tree?
Also, because she said that, didn't that mean that she wasn't thinking that she would be able to leave and so she would know that CY had gotten himself killed and therefore she would be the one left behind and be forced to live without him in that time period? Or was she saying that when she got back to her time that she would know what he did and she would feel the pain more because she would feel that he did it because she left???
I always wondered if she had figured out that it was because she had said that she didn't need him protecting her that he decided to pull that risky move...  :-?

What are you looking forward to reading about in the coming scenes???
I'm really looking forward to the part where he puts his head on her shoulder and what thoughts were going through their heads at that time. :D
And there's a part where she's sitting next to the young king as he's sleeping and CY is sitting away from them and he's looking at ES while lightning flashes in the background. He's got this amazing intense look on his face that just makes me wanna go:


And something that I've just realized..... the latest part in the book has them on a boat instead of in the woods..... So how does the part with the Fire Ho get worked in???  I wonder how she's gonna work that part in. Or if she's gonna come up with some other way for CY to get the info that Fire Ho gives him. :-?

By the way... I LOVE the goodies you posted! :x
Like this one:

It was so wonderful to see chibi Daejang again! :D
I'm glad to hear that you're doing well.
You were sorely missed by us all. :x

So you're in TX?  Then you're my next-door-neighbor! :))
You're going to Pharmacy school?
Does that mean you're wanting to become a pharmacist?  Or a pharmacy tech?

And about Heirs:

I haven't been able to go on the thread, but I have seen the first episodes.
I do like it, but I don't think I love it yet.....
I do like that KT isn't like GJP in BOF. KT isn't as dorky or clueless as GJP. (And that he's not a total jerk, and there's no perm) :))
I LOVED the fact that we're seeing more skin. =P~
So far I'm liking that he's a little like Daejang in that he's just living and sort of waiting for ES to liven up his life.
(And did anyone else notice that her her initials are ES? ;))  )

And OMG! Baby Boy moved FAST in this one! :-O  It's only the second episode and he's already moved her into his house and by the end of the episode he's hinting that he LIKES HER!!!!!  :-bd   You don't usually get to that point until you're halfway through the drama! Maybe this means we'll get more kisses in this one! ;;)  

As for the other characters...
I think that ES is like the ES in Faith in that she isn't a weak person, she's just been put through a lot of tough problems that would be hard for anyone to handle. But she's not a total push over either. And she's not the type of girl that makes you wonder what the heck the guy sees in her because she's always winy or acting tough and trying to hit him like in some other dramas. 8-|
Who else laughed like crazy when she started to undress and KT choked on his food and ran for the house? =))

How do you like that LC is now ES mom! :))
That woman is truly a great actress. =D>
She can play just about any part, and she NAILS it each time! I have yet to see her in one of her roles and not think that she's done an excellent job. :D

As for YD, I actually kinda like him when he's not acting like a total jerk. (I'd call him something else but it would be replaced with Richard Simmons and I don't want to get in trouble. :P  )

Over all, the first two episode were more promising  than I thought they'd be. I'm really looking forward as to how they're gonna continue from here. :)

I'm sorry for the long post. And I'm REALLY sorry that it's taken me so long to get back to everyone. ^:)^

I hope you're all well. :)

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source: dc

@laquetahodge @adlyn13

I think he must have started practising when he first got himself the first 4 scripts at the script reading day. If I have to nitpick then "It's not your first" when the policeman returned ES's passport and "I already know who's calling..." bedroom scene were the two that he did not speak well and natural. All other scenes, I think he did pretty decent and most importantly, looking natural.

I probably wouldn't mind they laugh but it's more of the words that were used to describe and totally disregard that he tried his best to speak them and the fact that learning/speak a language when one never speak is not an easy thing. But I have noticed, it seems easier for those people to point fingers rather than self-evaluate themselves if they are indeed good in English. Ah well... whatever. Haters will hate, right?

Yes I am reading Breathless Survival's too. I'd say the more the merrier since there is simply no news on other versions :((
I would say I wish they didn't have a love at first sight in the novel. It'd have been more meaningful if they developed feelings for each other gradually. It surprised me on how early that they have been affected by each other.

BS's translation revealed that ES knows she likes CY, although she tried to reason it with herself. As for CY, I think he still has not realised it. He knows she's important to him and he knows he's affected by her but at this point, it is still a blur to him because he just had that spiritual conversation with his father about MH still in his heart and never went. However, the moment he had decided to return to Eun Soo, something in him is gradually changing and he does not know it yet... BS has mentioned too... corner by corner ... << ok, I cannot remember the full sentence.

Yep, what happened to MH and BS's most recent translation tell us that daejang has chosen his priority from this earlier on. His action has everything to do with his past experiences. It forms the backbone of the daejang we know later on in the drama, why he insisted sending her back etc (exacly what you said).

I don't have someone translating the book for me, I wish, LOL. I just have extra sources to read from, which isn't English so that's why you girls don't see that translation being shared here.

I cannot 100% confirm why CY is shocked as ES telling him off in ep12. My guess is as good as yours.
1. It could be a hit in the head for him (a reminder) of how he felt when MH left him.
2. It can also be a reminder that how ES would feel to find him dead, surely his dead look would terrify her.
3. A reminder to how guilty he felt when MH left him; Eun Soo would feel the same.

It wouldn't be a shocked on the reason that Eun Soo cares about him because he knows the reason why she did not want him to follow her in episode 11 when she tells him he's no longer needed. I also think he's also hurt by the lack of trust from her.

I don't think it has anything to do with time travelling on her decision to rush to stop CY. She reacted with impulse in that scene, in my opinion. The thing we know is that these two have been doing things/making decision based on "for the good of that person" rather than themselves so yes, Eun Soo knows she told him to stop protecting her is because she does not want him dead. In which, daejang later on said he at first was puzzled by her but later on he realised she is using her own way to protect him. Am I making sense?

I look forward to any scenes that share our imja couple's thoughts on each other. I love exploring their thoughts, their confusions on what they feel for each other. ;))

SJN changed the story for the forest scene. There were no wound checking from Eun Soo (omitted script translation) and Hwasuin so yeah, I don't know where she fits in but what I know is, I don't think that scene is very important for the drama, as in it didn't help give us extra insights or help push the story forward and so on.

As for Heirs, I love LC too and I laughed at the part where she hit Eun Sang's back. I'm like "awwww I miss that". =))
Soon I'll make another LC gif from that :))

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@tigereyespeppy wowww that's a loooonggggggg comment :D

and i love your ending about faith, i hope they as least one time go to modern time together (and not going back to georyeo it's more more more better) :))

btw, where had you been?a few days i almost never read your comment :)

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“When you make a promise in this world, people only do it in words. ‘I’m a Goryeo warrior and my oath means my life.’ From now on you don’t have to say those words. Make a pinky swear and stamp it. Like this. Like this, make a promise then stamp it. There. That’s how you promise. But if you feel this is not strong enough, you make a copy like this. If you promise this way you don’t have to risk your life. And there’s one more. High five. For this one you don’t have to say anything. It’s just given from heart to heart. ‘Look here. Be strong. We can do this.’ – Eun Soo

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