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[Drama 2012] Love Rain / Love Rides the Rain 사랑비


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i have a question... not sure if this was asked before, sorry if it was and i'm still asking now. anyway, what's the brand and model of the red car that "Jun" was driving? i really like it. hope someone can help. thanks!

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i have a question... not sure if this was asked before, sorry if it was and i'm still asking now. anyway, what's the brand and model of the red car that "Jun" was driving? i really like it. hope someone can help. thanks!

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Guest prettyoungthing

FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2012
Love Rain Episode 20 Review

At last, at last, we have arrived. I'm not as sad to see it end as I thought I would be. The finale brought me a great sense of closure and even though they included a wedding in there, I didn't even necessarily need it. The Joona couple felt committed to me by the end and it was really satisfying, not idealistic because they still had fights and still had breakups and random other issues like normal couples do, but they felt real. They brought back the narration in this episode! Oh my goodness how I had missed that...it's like a third layer of viewing. I wish that had been present throughout the series, but maybe it would have caused immediacy problems between the characters and the audience. The prize has to go to Joon's mom in this episode. She was hysterical. First, for criticizing them for fighting about stupid things after they were so melodramatic in their love for each other and then for essentially pushing them to get married because she didn't want any weird rumors about them to start. Weirder than their parents being an item? Haha! So many things that came full circle...the umbrella pendant, the new painting, Joon's slideshow for Ha Na...and one additional funny detail, EVERYBODY goes to New York EXCEPT Joon. Amazing...

Our episode begins with a beautiful scene between Joon and Ha Na where she asks him not to leave her and Joon reassures her that they are not breaking up and that he will be back. 

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The next day, there is a family get together between Joon, Ha Na, Yoon Hee, and In Ha. Joon brings a big bouquet to Yoon Hee and Ha Na is at first a little miffed at not getting anything, but Joon pulls through and hands her a bouquet of the flowers and herbs she planted in his studio. During the meal, Joon takes pictures for his dad of him and Yoon Hee and Yoon Hee tells them that she is thinking about going to the U.S. and postponing her surgery for a little while. After the meal, In Ha gives Yoon Hee an umbrella pendant which she refuses to accept, but he leaves it with her anyway. Yoon Hee also overhears Ha Na and Joon goofing around outside and finds out that Joon is planning to leave to New York. This makes Yoon Hee very worried for Ha Na and they both have a long talk that night about her future. Ha Na reassures her mother that they are doing this for the right reasons.

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Yoon Hee, however, remains uneasy and decides that it would be best for all of them if she went ahead and left to the U.S. immediately. So she takes off, leaving Ha Na and In Ha searching for her and Joon to console Ha Na after she realizes there is no hope of stopping her. In Ha for his part decides to leave and go after her so he lets Hye Jung know of his plans.

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Once Joon finds out about his father leaving, he decides to have a nice talk with him. This was the scene where I cried. It felt cathartic to see them make amends and for Joon to express his hatred and his love for his father, finally settling on the love. As In Ha said, we all live with some kind of sorrow in our hearts. Joon hands his father the photographs he had taken earlier of Yoon Hee and for his part, In Ha gives Joon a new painting that he has done of the moment he realized what was in his son's heart with regard to Ha Na.

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Alone now that all parental units have fled the country, Joon decides to stay with Ha Na after all as he does not want to leave her there by herself. 

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And so time passes, a year in fact, our narrator returns (where have you been!) and we find out that Ha Na has been gone for two months. Upon her return, all is not well between the two lovebirds. We find out that they have broken up about five times since they have been together and what was supposed to be two weeks away turned into two months.

Ha Na arrives at the airport and is NOT picked up by Joon so she takes the bus and walks to his mom's house. These two have certainly warmed up to each other, and soon after Joon arrives and they all sit down to eat together. It is here that Hye Jung has her first super mom moment. She can tell there is tension between these two and through power of deduction she figures out that it is due to Ha Na having been gone and having seen Tae Sung while she was away. Hye Jung tells Joon that it's for work so he shouldn't be upset and she also tells Ha Na that anybody would be mad over two weeks turning into two months. She then scolds both of them for being stupid and fighting over unimportant things when previously they had made such a show about being unable to live without each other. So childish! hahahaha!

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Finally alone, our Joona couple decides to let bygones be bygones and kiss and make up. And what a kiss...finally! They sit and reminisce over some postcards from their parents and all is well again as they reconnect once more.

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We could have ended here, but what would a good drama be without one final will they or won't they moment? The next day, Joon's mom calls both of them over to talk about their living situation. She is concerned that there will be strange rumors being made up about them and so she encourages them to get married. Ha Na can see that Joon is struggling with having to think about this and when she receives an offer for another job in the U.S. from Tae Sung, this time for three months, Ha Na thinks that this may be the solution she needs in order to give Joon some space. She comes home and offers to make him dinner, but he leaves saying he has work to do.

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That night, Ha Na is awakened by a text from Joon asking her to come to the garden. Now I knew I could expect some over the top romantic gesture here...and still I let myself go all mushy over it. I'm such a girl, it's gross. Anyway, the garden is lit up with candles and Joon is waiting for Ha Na with a screen set up projecting all of these pictures of Ha Na in various stages of their relationship. Through each one, he talks about his feelings on that day. In the end, Joon asks Ha Na to marry him. Her face after he says this is amazing. She accepts and there is a beautiful hug scene shot in front of some blue lights...like rain, like diamond snow. 

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And again, we could have ended it here...but no. There is a scene the day of the wedding just before they get married where they share a sweet kiss and skip merrily off to be blissfully happy.

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Final Thoughts: 

Thank you all for sharing this journey with me. I was so engaged in this story and how it portrayed the basic elements of relationships. What we are willing to fight for, what love really means to us, how much we can sacrifice, our devotion to our families, our devotion to each other, how nothing is ever easy or as wonderful as it seems, how memories can haunt you or keep you company forever. I saw a comment from another eel about how they thought westerners would not understand the problems inherent in creating a mixed family and how much pressure there is on performing your filial duty. I think perhaps there is a miscommunication here. Yes, we have a lot of divorce and a lot of strange family combinations, but no child wants to hinder the happiness of their parent for the sake of their own. I grew up knowing that your family was everything and you sacrificed for them and protected them at all costs. I really empathized with Ha Na on this issue and felt conflicted about what the right choice should be. All things considered, I think it was handled in the best possible way, by always leading with the best of intentions for everyone concerned.

Much praise for both Yoona and Jang Geun Suk for playing these parts so beautifully. I felt by the end like I knew these people and I think that is always the goal when creating a character, make them real enough to seem like someone you could know. ^^

As an added treat, I made my very own fanvid....I know, I know super geeky, but I think the shots in this drama were perfect for expressing how important having someone to hold on to is. So I hope you enjoy it!

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Guest davdthang

Love Rain is the BEST DRAMA EVER!!!

It is unique and different from other korean dramas…..The Beautiful
drama is full of sorrow and laughter at the same time!!! It is soo
addictive that i watched the latest episodes without English Subs!!

I m sure Yoona and Jan Gan Seuk will win Thousands of Awards for their Phenomenal performance!!!

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Final thoughts on the drama that bewitched for the past 3 months:

 . . . I have been lingering on this for a week now . . . since this drama ended, I am still at a loss for words on how to described what I have been feeling . . . my inner self urges wants me to repeat watching the whole drama, but being an adult, I have to attend to other things, thus this left me to write my thoughts in this manner . . .


. . . I have watched this drama 3 episodes late already since I forgot when it has started . . . and when I saw this thread on soompi I am already late that I have to marathon in downloading the episodes and have to scourge the pages of this thread for sources of softsubs . . . and there were not so many sources since almost everyone avoided this drama . . . but well, I still went head on with the thoughts that it shouldn’t be that bad, after all I have always liked this PD’s work (even though it’s for the cinematographic works only) . . . and surprisingly,  this drama has caught me off guard and made me fall for it deeper and deeper as the episodes goes (well except of a couple of epis in the latter part) . . . this is the second drama that have made me watched it in live streaming without subs (GL being my first) . . .


 Episode 1-4 ~ I just love the slow pacing in this episodes . . . for me, it has captured the 70’s era from the cinematography, the clothes, the people, the music, the settings of the scenes taken and the customs  . . . and it was thanks to one “Baduy” here that explained that have happened in the 70’s era – made me understand things . . . the story was also slow in progress but instead of making turn away from this drama, I am still getting hooked emotionally and visually . . . I love how the concept of rain being incorporated with the story of In Ha and Yoon Hee, and how their story have developed in secret occurrences that their friends never noticed until the 4th episode . . . two secretive persons with the same feelings yet kept it within themselves – maybe that’s why they were never meant to be together . . . I also like Dong Wook, even if he is playboy type, I like the way his character is being portrayed – out of the 70’s people, he is the one with the most refreshing smile!!!

 Episode 5-7 ~ this episodes were exciting for me, new characters which were very different form their parents . . . I just love Hana . . . I know, I haven’t watched any of Yoona’s drama (except parts of CM in which I didn’t it was her there). . . but in this episodes she was just like breath of fresh air to me, so different from her mother and still an innocent child that shies away from serious relationships, this is maybe because of what she had read from her mother’s diary . . . and  I think, even though she has this long time childish crush on Tae Sung, upon meeting Seo Joon she may have feelings for him at this stage . . . mixed feelings of anger, hurt, irritation, compassion and unrecognized attraction that she is always drawn to him somehow . . . always waiting for him to say “sorry” for the things that he did to her . . . as for our Joon – you can tell that he was the first one to really fall hard for Hana . . . he might be denying it for himself but due to circumstances that Hana kept crossing his path, he cannot deny his feelings for her any longer . . . and that’s why he was the one who won’t let go in the tumultuous part of their love . . . lastly, the ending of episode 7, made me jump from my seat – in the anticipation of the In Ha-Yoon Hee couple . . . these were really exciting times

 Episode 8-11 ~ these were cute and happy moments for my Joon-Hana couple, it was during these episodes that I always wants to push through the whole week and let Mondays became my Sundays . . .  these also were the episodes that I get to see the continuation of In Ha-Yoon Hee couple and I get to realized how In Ha has made to change himself to stand up for his long ago feelings even against Yoon Hee . . . not many people in real life was given this kind of second chance for their first love and still feel the same feelings that they have felt a long time ago . . . and even if the end of episode 11 predicted the next course of events for our young couple – this episodes made me happy

 Episode 12-14 ~ episodes that were heartbreaking yet I am still happy seeing In Ha and Yoon Hee being together . . . my Joon and Hana realizing that their happiness is not forever and circumstances not helping them from forgetting each other by keeping them in crossed paths . . . what with the parents getting hooked up . . . I love In Ha’s proposal though, with the singing, flowers and the ring 

 Episode 15-16 ~ for me these were filler episodes . . . I really don’t like the push and pull thing direction that they have taken Joon and Hana’s relationship . . . but both actors are doing good acting that instead of me getting more irritated I end up more sympathetic to them . . . as in their feelings are being echoed in my life . . . I feel even more depressed than them . . . ah, how can you choose with between love, family and loyalty?  . . . how can you choose to watch the person you love hurting and watch them hurt you and themselves in the process . . . in these episodes, I have hurt together with Joon – for not being able to let go of his love even if he wants to, he is such a different person from his father but still similar in some ways . . . and for Hana – knowing not what to do, accepting things in her mind but her heart denying it . . . my Sun Ho – he is suoon and Hana, whatever feelings he might harbour to Hana he just keep it to himself never accepting it nor denying it at all . . . the break-up of In Ha and Yoon Hee made it clearer how much a parent can endure and sacrifice for the sake of their child’s happiness and future . . . the last scene in episode 16, made me giddy all over again

 Episode 17 -18 ~ happy things and happy moments . . . albeit, reality always bites hard on Joon and Hana as well as Yoon Hee and even things with her eyes got worse – I like these episodes  . . . I just love JKS-IYN’s chemistry, I really don’t mind all the hugging, the touching and the holding hands – both looked so comfortable together . . . thus, this made me want to ship them for real . . . this is the second K-drama pair that I want to be together for real

 Episodes 19-20 ~ this episodes are sort of fan service to me as well as tying up of some loose ends in the story . . . although there were some things that were still left unanswered but at least the writer and the PD have tried to addressed most them before wrapping up the drama . . . I have love the way Joon have grown . . . I really love the line that Yoon Hee said – that she and In Ha were fated to met 30 years ago in order for Joon and Hana to fall in love and find happiness forever

 Overall, as a melodrama, I have fallen in love with it, I have cried, I have felt pain and a lot of angst, I have been excited and felt so much anticipation each Mondays and Tuesdays . . . giving me all this roller coaster ride of emotions and still love it . . . it has done more than just entertaining me . . . I realized that these are the essences of living . . . to love and be loved . . . of being part of a family . . . of being with true friends . . .  of sacrifices, of loyalty, of acceptance, of letting go, of going on living, and of finding happiness that last forever.

THANK YOU LOVE RAIN  . . . for a wonderful story for my sentimental self . . . I will surely miss you but my heart will always be remembering you!!! 

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I'm not sure if I'm the only one that wanted the mom and dad to be together. They waited 30years and still they couldn't be together. Let's hope that the next life time they can be together as husband and wife. Over all the drama was ok.

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[quote="sakki ^_^;25024055"]i have a question... not sure if this was asked before, sorry if it was and i'm still asking now. anyway, what's the brand and model of the red car that "Jun" was driving? i really like it. hope someone can help. thanks!

hmmmm, isn't it land rover evoque . . . check this link: 


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Guest Tarits

Sakki - I thought you were referring to the small red car he drives, the one with white roof I think. It is a mini cooper and everyone is crazy with this car. Small but powerful. 

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Guest gloria

i loved this drama and the actors that portrayed their roles. excellent job by everyone! first time watching majority of these actors and i will say they didn't disappoint at all.

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Guest Tarits

Woah - they are suing Love Rain producers?  Gosh, many dramas have similar storylines, same plot, same everything. I am glad that the airing is finished, otherwise we will be waiting in the dark with the drama put on hold.  I am sure Yoons Colors will have a good answer.  It is much like singer writers suing other singers saying their music were copied.

I am confident Love Rain can make their official stand on this.

Love Rain - fighting!

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Guest joseventy

Maybe it's because Love Rain are sold to many countries, so there's people want same piece of royalty. I really hope the law suit won't go far.

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