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[Drama 2012] Love Rain / Love Rides the Rain 사랑비


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Just thinking how glad I am I don't have to sub this drama. In several places already, the writer has made maximum use of all the possibilities that the absence of explicit objects in Korean sentences opens up.

Linguists glibly say that Korean, Chinese and Japanese "drop" objects, but putting it that way is a Eurocentric prejudice. They might just as well say that English or French or Spanish "add" objects that speakers of East Asian languages can do perfectly well without. But what a difference that makes between the expressive possibilities of Korean and English in situations like these!

For instance when

IH and JH meet outside the small-town movie theater where Love Story is showing, [we recall that in episode 2, after their failed impromptu attempt to catch Love Story in Seoul after trying out the guitar, he says it must still be showing out-of-town somewhere, and would she come with him if he can track down where?] he asks her what on earth has brought her here, and she says "I came because I wanted to see []. Because I knew that if I didn't see [] today, I might never see [] again. Now, in those three places where I've put a [], European languages simply have to have an object for the verb "to see". But Korean doesn't need those objects. That allows JH to give at one and the same time the "innocent" explanation "...because I wanted to see this movie. If I didn't get to see it today, I knew I might never get to see it" and the soul-revealing explanation of what she really means and IH finds himself wanting -- and indeed starting -- to believe she truly means, namely that she came to see him, fearing that if she didn't find him today, she'd lose him for ever.

That line is totally impossible to sub into any European language without losing 90% of its emotional power, which comes from the way Korean grammar allows her to confess without confessing. It illustrates why anyone who truly loves these dramas really has to set their mind to learning the language. Which, by the way, can be done, if you're devoted and determined enough.

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@tessieroo, please chop my posts as much as you like. That's not only acceptable but, to anyone with any sense, completely desirable.

laugh.gif Another "this is what I get for not asking* and just blindly following along with everyone else here. Have to get over that fear that asking questions makes me somehow seem stupid.

I believe they did enforce a similar curfew during the protests at Berkeley in the US (not sure if it was during the Vietnam protests or not though) I also noticed the military police checking hair length (and cutting long hair) and dress lengths on the girls in EP 1 (or 2?) That reminds me of stories I've heard from my aunts regarding how the police behaved against students. (in the US) I've always been somewhat jealous listening to their stories! Now I wonder if it's movies, media and books that makes it seem so romantic and innocent when in fact it wasn't.

Lovely cinematography again in EP 3.




I'm guessing In Ha finally confessed to everyone about Yoon Hee. Hye jung & Dong wook look like they might form a firing squad. (am I the only one who thinks these 2 are horrible "friends"???) But what to do when friends like the same girl? unsure.gif (common sense says to ask the girl in question how she feels but this is a drama so no common sense allowed) phew.gif  But there's also the fact that YH agreed to date DW so she got herself into this mess.


This is the face of evil coming:


Wondering why Chang-mo hit In Ha but I'll have to wait for subs. Is he mad that the band might break up over this? Is he mad on Hye jung's behalf because she likes In Ha? I also find it odd that Hye jung is so angry. Didn't Chang-mo confess to her & she made him "accept" that she didn't feel the same way? (so they could still be friends) Maybe that just means Chang-mo is more mature than she is, I don't know. I'd say these so-called "friends" will never allow these 2 to be happy. dry.gif I think it's just a matter of time before Hye jung turns evil.



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Guest Tommygurluhm

this show, has turned me into a complete sap. I was never one for the overly romantic stories, but this drama is disgustingly cute. I can't not love it. It started off a little slow, but this episode has gotten my attention now. Plus, it looks like we are finally going into modern day time. Finally.

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Guest nana544

I am starting to like this drama so much now! I feel sorry for In-Ha because Dong Wook is selfish. I mean, Yoon-Hee doesn't like Dong Wook and she needs to let him know....I really hate mind games. Also, Hye-Jung is such a pinkberry because Chang-Mo confessed his love to her, but she doesn't care and sort of take it as a joke. Hye-Jung is a stupid girl because In-Ha doesn't like her so I hope she'll get the message. Also, JKS and Yoona has great chemistry together. I like Yoon-Hee, but sometimes she says, "what" a little too much and takes too slow to respond...so that gets annoying, but I know that, that's how women used to act in the past, so I'll let it be. I hope the modern time will be so much better :)! This is my new drama obsession now!

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Guest neeras

Hi Everyone,

Love Rain Episodes 1 and 2 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


Love Rain Episodes 1-2 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4348-love-rain-2012/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about


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@tessieroo, please chop my posts as much as you like. The notion that's taken hold among younger Soompiers (adherents of the 'high-self-esteem" ideology that's gained a stranglehold on Anglo-Saxon schools in the last decade or so) that it is somehow 'disrespectful' to quote only part of someone's posting is rubbish. What has always rightly been regarded as rude on Soompi and other boards of the pre-twitter/facebook era is selectively excerpting someone else's post in order to make them seem to have said something they didn't actually mean. You know, like publishers do on jacket blurbs, where "This is [...] a very good book: New York Times" turns out to have read in the original "This is not a very good book". But that's quite different from chopping out parts of a longer post which you don't feel are relevant to the specific point you want to take up. That's not only acceptable but, to anyone with any sense, completely desirable.

Care for another historical snippet?

When DW was hanging out in desolation outside YA's house waiting for her to come home, did you hear that siren blow? That was the curfew siren. It was sounded in cities nationwide at 10pm every evening (using the same kit that broadcast the compulsory pledge signal five hours earlier). After that siren blew, there was a half-hour grace period after which it was an arrestible offence to be out on an urban street without written police authorization (such as was granted to nightshift workers etc). The curfew ended at 4am the following day. DW is taking a risk hanging out there at that time, as is YH in coming home so late. But that's a sign of how distraught they both are, for very different reasons, or rather for essentially the same reason, but viewed from totally opposite perspectives. And when, close to or even after the curfew deadline, IH and YH both decide independently to run outside to meet up again, it shows how nothing else matters to them but to be together one more time that same night.

I am enjoying these snippets sir and almost forgot to post something .. :D

Thank you for those, it made me to appreciate this drama even more. I actually wish the 70's setting wouldn't end up tonight. The spectacle is very engaging to see. Cinematography. The music. The culture..

This shaped umbrella visage ..


two of the moonsuners are here !to Tessiero *waves*

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. . . just finished watching the first 2 episodes of this drama ^_^ and whatever might others comment on this i still love the way the director put everything into perspective . . . it might be slowly progressing to others but to me this just shows how much of the drama one have taken in . . . from the scenery to the projection of the actors emotions to the subtle introjection of objects that are needed in the story of the developing love of both lead characters . . . that's why my friends call me a soppy for melodramas :lol:

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Preview for EP 4 is out:


Great, so it sounds like Hye Jung steals Yoon Hee's diary from In Ha's locker & gives it to her to start trouble. What a ... witch. I don't get it, WHY on earth would In Ha then marry Hye Jung knowing she did that? crazy.gif Or does he not know? I knew Hye Jung would pull some manipulation or dirty tricks! tongue2.gif Of course, the preview could be very misleading too. 

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Thanks everyone for all the info and explanations relating to the historical contexts. I’m still intrigue by the history, so I’m glad there is a discussion on here about it –myself having minimal knowledge of Korean history in this time period….this is a good learning experience, and I don’t mean that the drama is historically accurate, but it makes me want to dig deeper. I’m watching this mostly as an artistic expression and fantasy of the writer/PDnim, so I agree this drama is and does portray a beautified escapism from the reality. Anyone else find HJ and IS’s outfits kind of short in episode 3?

I’m also totally in love with the cinematography. I guess this is one of the plus sides of filming early on, so I’m hoping they’ll keep up with the beautiful quality as the show progresses. …I'm sure more people will comment once the subs are out....because I’m also dying to know what they are saying.

Wave to Starlitelet!! At least we know what we are getting ourselves into! :)

Random thought —modern day, our OTP should go watch the re-release of Titanic together ey? Lol.

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Wondering why Chang-mo hit In Ha

As always, tessieroo, you ask all the important questions.

To answer that one properly (I'll try to snatch some time to take up some of your other ones sometime later today) we have to go back to the ep 2 to 3 cliffhanger, because part of the force behind that blow comes from that IH tells his friends right at the start of ep 3.

There's another subber's nightmare here. You remember how at the end of ep 2,

the cliffhanger line had IH saying, or so we thought "Right then. I'll tell you..." And we dummies spent all last week thinking he was going to tell them the answer to their question, namely who was the girl under the umbrella in that song. But we should have taken note that, before striking up his allegedly yet unfinished composition, he had told -- or should that be, warned? -- his chums that he has something very important to tell them. And what he actually said at the cliffhanger line, translating the Korean literally, was "Very well, I will make utterance". And it turns out that the utterance was "I'm going to enlist. (= I'm going to leave College and start my military service). All five of his listeners are flabbergasted at this bombshell, and three of them are completely bewildered by it. But two of them aren't. Chang Mo knows IH loves JH (but, crucially for his reaction here and later, he doesn't know she loves him too, and always has). And JH guesses at once why he's leaving his studies and his friends (though she too lacks a vital piece of information that doesn't fall into place till they meet on the bridge. Though she loves him dearly, she still believes the stuff he told her about her being just "part of the scenery" so that his painting of her don't mean what she correctly thought they did till he dashed her hopes.)

Now alongside the cult of coupledom in Korean culture there is also the three-musketeerish cult of one-for-all, all-for-one among friends who came together in school or at College and who remain morally and emotionally bound to each other for life, even if their destinies take them down very different paths.

And by leaving his friends in the lurch like this with absolutely no warning (nor, to most of them, any intelligible reason) IH has breached that sacred bond of collective friendship. The fact that ChM is aware of IH's love for YH doesn't make his anger any less, in fact it strengthens it. As far as he knows, IH's love for JH is as one-sided as his own love for Hye Jeong. And in his eyes, though he knows from bitter experience how much coming to terms with the fact that you can't have the girl you really want hurts, he's brought himself to do it for friendship's sake, and he can't see why IH shouldn't do the same and stick it out for the sake of the bonds of friendship they all share. So when IH not only doesn't keep silent, but actually (again as he wrongly thinks) woos YH away from DW behind his back, he turns on him with bitter contempt.

Hence the blow, and why the blow really hurts IH in more than a physical sense, because he feels the full force of the sense of shared betrayal that's behind it.

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Continuing with tessiroo's points and summarizing what IH tells to whom and when...

1) On the beach as I've already outlined, he announces

that he's leaving College and starting his military service. [such announcements in Kdrama tend to indicate a "Join the Foreign Legion to Forget" motivation: remember Cinderella Sister? At least, now that we've identified that we are in the 80's not the early 70's, there's no anxiety that, unlike his predecessor in The Classic who enlisted for not dissimilar reasons, he will find himself fighting in Vietnam (or rather, in yet another piece of the Philippine rainforests being messed up to get cash from a foreign film company needing a location they can pass off as Vietnam).] He assures them that he'll still be around to perform in their upcoming radio broadcast, but after that he'll be leaving College and C'est la Vie. He's got to enlist sometime, and he's decided to do it sooner rather than later.

That's all he says then.

2) A little later, JH overhears a fraught exchange between ChJ and HJ.

Hye Jeong, bitterly angry, says that the fact that IH made that decision and came out with it in that way shows he never really cared about any of his friends. ChJ, not daring to tell her what he knows, pleads with her to give IH a chance. He's sure to come out with a good explanation if they give him time.

Meanwhile, IH is walking alone as well. The voice-over of his older retrospective self reflects

that what was most important to him in his younger life didn't become clear to him until it was over. (That glum thought, sounded in advance with the authority of hindsight, of course colors our reception of the apparently positive development we now see unfold) He actually conveys it by comparing youthful experiences to a watercolor, with life viewed through inexperienced eyes in pastel shades, as it were, compared to the "stronger colors" (oils or acrylic maybe) of adult passions, but it's hard to get the actual metaphor from the Korean into English without it sounding odd. Needless to say, the color mix of the shot underpins the metaphor and the thought.

They meet on the log bridge (the sort once common in rural Korea, giving rise to the proverb, much quoted in Kdramas, about not wanting to meet your enemy on a single-log bridge). JH speaks first

- You're really leaving?

- Yup.

- Don't tell me it's because of me? Because of DW and me?

- No, it's not. Not because of you, and not because of DW either. It's just ... just something to do with me. It's ... just a personal problem. But... do you remember what I once told you? That was all lies. Those paintings of mine... How I said you just got into the scenery by accident? What I was painting that day was you. From the very first day I saw you, you've been constantly before my eyes. [it's one of this writer-director team's touches of true genius that he isn't looking at her as he says this (though she's looking intently at him as a veil falls from her eyes), and the camera angles emphasize this. In other words, he sees her even when he's not looking at her, and when she isn't even there]. And it's been such a beautiful vision. I'ts shaken me to the core ever since... [Now he does turn to look her in the eye] So thank you. And I'm sorry ... for being such a coward.

After letting all this sink in, it's her turn to speak, though she finds it hard to get the words out.

- So much has happened... Couldn't you have spoken out just a little earlier?

- I'm sorry. For leaving it till it was too late... I'm sorry.

Then the older narrating voiceover resumes:

Words confessing that I loved her, and words speaking of my pain, faded into the limpid watercolor-pale sky and slowly vanished into the dusk.

[Actually, I'm not at all happy with that last bit as a translation, but if I keep headbanging over how to get the feel of the Korean across into reasonable English I'll never get this finished...]

Then we see IH shocking and infuriating his friends further

by saying he's leaving the College and the boarding house the very next day (though he repeats he'll be back for the radio broadcast, which gets him a sarcastic "Thanks but no thanks" from the embittered DW, who storms out in fury). IH wants to spend some time with his family before he goes to the barracks, so after the sketching excursion scheduled for next day, he'll go directly home. We see him clearing out his things (notice the Love Story album at the top of his collection) But all his paintings of JH he symbolically leaves behind him in the art-room locker, including, with incredible folly, her diary. He presumably sees this a a ritual putting it all behind him, but he's actually leaving a ticking time bomb, especially the diary, that Hye Jeong duly discovers and seizes upon, no doubt intending to use that diary to explosive effect...

Heck, I must get some Real Work done now. Is there nobody else around here who understands Korean well enough to help out a bit?

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Continuing with tessiroo's points and summarizing what IH tells to whom and when...

1) On the beach as I've already outlined, he announces

that he's leaving College and starting his military service. [such announcements in Kdrama tend to indicate a "Join the Foreign Legion to Forget" motivation: remember Cinderella Sister? At least, now that we've identified that we are in the 80's not the early 70's, there's no anxiety that, unlike his predecessor in The Classic who enlisted for not dissimilar reasons, he will find himself fighting in Vietnam (or rather, in yet another piece of the Philippine rainforests being messed up to get cash from a foreign film company needing a location they can pass off as Vietnam).] He assures them that he'll still be around to perform in their upcoming radio broadcast, but after that he'll be leaving College and C'est la Vie. He's got to enlist sometime, and he's decided to do it sooner rather than later.

That's all he says then.

2) A little later, JH overhears a fraught exchange between ChJ and HJ.

Hye Jeong, bitterly angry, says that the fact that IH made that decision and came out with it in that way shows he never really cared about any of his friends. ChJ, not daring to tell her what he knows, pleads with her to give IH a chance. He's sure to come out with a good explanation if they give him time.

Meanwhile, IH is walking alone as well. The voice-over of his older retrospective self reflects

that what was most important to him in his younger life did't become clear to him until it was over. (That glum thought, sounded in advance with the authority of hindsight, of course colors our reception of the apparently positive development we now see unfold)

They meet on the log bridge (the sort once common in rural Korea, giving rise to the proverb, much quoted in Kdramas, about not wanting to meet your enemy on a single-log bridge). JH speaks first

- You're really leaving?

- Yup.

- Don't tell me it's because of me? Because of DW and me?

- No, it's not. Not because of you, and not because of DW either. It's just ... just something to do with me. It's ... just a personal problem. But... do you remember what I once told you? That was all lies. Those paintings of mine... How I said you just got into the scenery by accident? What I was painting was you. From the very first day I saw you, you've been constantly before my eyes. [it's one of this wirter-director team's touches of true genius that he isn't looking at her as he says this (though she's looking intently at him as a veil falls from her eyes), and the camera angles emphasize this. In other words, he sees her even when he's not looking at her, and when she isn't even there]. And it's been such a beautiful vision. I'ts shaken me to the core ever since... [Now he does turn to look her in the eye] So thank you. And I'm sorry ... for being such a coward.

After letting all this sink in, it's her turn to speak, though she finds it hard to get the words out.

- So much has happened... Couldn't you have spoken out just a little earlier?

- I'm sorry. For leaving it till it was too late... I'm sorry.

Then the older narrating voiceover resumes:

My words confessing that I loved her, and other words speaking of my pain, faded into the limpid watercolor-pale sky and slowly vanished into the dusk.

[Actually, I'm not at all happy with that last bit as a translation, but if I keep headbanging over how to get the feel of the Korean across into reasonable English I'll never get this finished...]

Haha at the Philippine forest being a front line set up for Vietnam jungles :w00t:

Re: the last part translation of yours is fantastic, as also mentioned by sasha_26 on her blogsite (apparently, since no english blogs are recapping this drama, taken dramabeans have a recap test from episode 1 and I am not sure then if headsno will recap the succeeding episodes--sasha_26, an eel translator took the voyage to recap LR )

In Ha: Actually everything was a lie. You were in my drawings not just because you’re just a scenery. That day you were my scenery. Since the day I first met you, you’re my scenery. Such a beautiful scenery. And because of that, my heart is always fluttered.

In Ha: Thank you. And Sorry, I was a coward.

Yoon Hee: At least you should have told me earlier.

In Ha: Sorry, it’s too late. Sorry.

I can’t even properly confess to her, as well as my heartache.


Then we see IH shocking and infuriating his friends further

by saying he's leaving the College and the boarding house the very next day (though he repeats he'll be back for the radio broadcast, which gets him a sarcastic "Thanks but no thanks" from the embittered DW, who storms out in fury). IH wants to spend some time with his family before he goes to the barracks, so after the sketching excursion scheduled for next day, he'll go directly home. We see him clearing out his things (notice the Love Story album at the top of his collection) But all his paintings of JH he symbolically leaves behind him in the art-room locker, including, with incredible folly, her diary. He presumably sees this a a ritual putting it all behind him, but he's actually leaving a ticking time bomb, especially the diary, that Hye Jeong duly discovers and seizes upon, no doubt intending to use that diary to explosive effect...

I think In Ha's friend, Chang Mo, was pissed off not only because of the secrets IH kept from him, but also the humiliation he got after he defended IH from Hye Jung's "intuitions" ..

At the dorm he was insisting that YH and IH were never together that night..

Chang Mo: Maybe he’s still sketching somewhere and will come back tomorrow.

Hye Jung: I’ve a feeling that both of them are together..

Chang Mo: What are you talking about? How can Yoon Hee follow him?

Hye Jung: My 6th sense is telling me that.

Chang Mo: What 6th sense… It’s going to be curfew time soon, what are you going to do? In Ha is not even here, me and you…. two people… how can we sleep here?!!!

Hye Jung: They must be together…

About HJ, I think she was basically a brat character because as a matter of fact she really have no right to show her jealousy and all about IH and YH. In ha's not dating her for ces't la vie sake. DW does.

And the midnight train, that was interesting considering the curfews mentioned in this thread before :)


-photos and quotes from loverainblogspot by sasha_26

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I am very sad that the ratings had gone so low. I have never heard of such low ratings. I thought DH 2 was low, i did not expect LR to go lower and lower with every ep when i think it is getting better and better. I cannot understand Korean viewers. I guess in the future, we will not see anymore Korean melodramas and i think it is a pity because there are people who still love them.

Looking forward to ep 4 and i hope when ep 5 starts, we can see a rise in ratings. A totally underrated drama. I just hope that the low ratings will not change the way they want to tell the story and the 20 eps will not get cut.

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modern day, our OTP should go watch the re-release of Titanic together ey?

Yup, maybe even with a new slogan emblazoned on the posters

"In the ocean, an umbrella's not enough to keep you dry"

I was a bit puzzled why, in the second episode, after their failed attempt to see Love Story at the Seoul movie house where it had closed in the meantime, they didn't go watch its replacement instead, plainly visible on the poster: Doctor Zhivago. After all, that should have pressed the right buttons, too. Love at first sight, heart-rending separation then, years later, astounding reunion by the hand of destiny, all in the context of snatching happiness under a succession of two tyrannical regimes. If in the final episode, the ageing IH decides to run to catch a bus, we'll know what to expect. (Still, it would make a change from being run over by a bus or by one of those ubiquitous orange trucks that mysteriously lack brakes).

@Psirirat and nus711 I wouldn't worry about the ratings leading to an episode cut (they probably do rule out any chance of an extension, though most extensions misfire anyway) KBS aren't expecting this to be a big hit with their domestic audiences in the short term. This is most definitely an export item and a long-term revenue earner with other spin-offs. They're pushing it hard to TV companies at international trade fairs. They have already sold it to several big South East Asian media concerns, and they have high hopes for the Japanese market too (including DVD and BluRay sales). For reasons no-one's ever figured out, although filesharing is epidemic in Korea itself and has virtually killed off the DVD / BluRay home market, Japanese people still buy a whole lot of legal DVD's and BluRays, despite the country being as highly-wired as Korea, and that's an important revenue stream for all the Korean media companies (it's mainly what keeps them producing DVDs that barely sell in their home market).

Added to which, unlike SBS and MBC, or the cable companies, KBS is government funded, though it does get some additional marginal revenue from the advertising permitted on KBS2 (advertising isn't allowed on the main KBS channel). So it isn't as dependent on turning short-term profits for stockholders, and can take a slightly more relaxed attitude to ratings. It is also chartered to promote Korea overseas. Kdramas in general, and the Endless Love cycle in particular, have been an enormous boon to the Korean tourist industry, especially among Japanese and Chinese visitors keen to hit the Seoul supermalls as well as be bussed from one drama location to the next, and maybe fit in a nose job or a breast implant before they fly back home. The industry is hoping for a lot more of the same effect from this drama, for years to come, and on the showing of the first three episodes at any rate, they'll probably deservedly get it.

@ teebeepee The curfew was only strictly applied in the bigger towns and cities. And overnight rail travel was exempted (but you needed to make sure you had your seat reservation to show to the police if they stopped you on the way to the station) Actually, when the shifty ajumma, clearly seeing from the clothes of the pair that they are ripe for fleecing, tries to persuade them that she can offer them a nice warm no-questions-asked bed for the night, and IH comes up with the alternative of an overnight train ride to the East Sea I was reminded of my own twenty-something-ish roamings in the 70's when we all had Eurorail passes, which meant that the cheapest way to get through the night in reasonable warmth and comfort when visiting, say, Munich or Zurich, before the days of backpacker hostels everywhere, was to take the overnight train to Vienna and come straight back. The Swiss trains in particular even had very civilized washrooms...

On the business of where the two spent the night, this is very largely transposed from the sequence in Summer Scent, where our Fated Pair find themselves together overnight in a remote spot, to the shock and horror of their friends who think they've deliberately deceived them and slipped off for a fiancee-cheating tryst. Same rushing to the empty rooms, same looks of dumbfounded amazement, gasps of "surely they wouldn't... would they?" Though in that case, as befits the more adult status of the main characters, the suspect trip involved "going to an island" together (though of course they didn't go together at all) which in the symbolism of Kdrama-land is an even worse transgression that a couple "going to the seaside". Going to the seaside with a boy may be a just about recoverable misdeed for a previously untarnished Kdrama girl, provided she can come up with a very good explanation, but "going to an island" ruins her reputation for life. Fortunately, the really naughty stuff involves going to an offshore island. Rowing across to an island in a river to visit a reputedly haunted house isn't quite so reputation-destroying, as we see in The Classic. Though that points up how in this drama, the timidity vs spunkiness contrast seems to have been switched across the generations. I mean, can you imagine JH asking IH, on their very first meeting, to row her across to visit a remote spot her grandfather has forbidden her to go? Or indeed IH first approaching JH to show her the dung beetle he's just caught, still encased in the said dung?

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