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[Drama 2012] Love Rain / Love Rides the Rain 사랑비


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Another drama that I watch.... I can't wait for this.... Since the creators of this drama is also the creators of Autumn in my Heart and Winter Sonata as well. :P And I like JGS's style this time.

The one behind Winter Sonata? It makes me remember their plan to shoot a drama with Hyun Eun Hye, but was canceled, so, any kind soul would like to tell me, if that canceled project turns out to be this drama?

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I just finished watching ep1 and 2 with subs. indeed ep1 pace was so slow that I was kinda sleepy watching it :lol:

but I still manage to finished it. ep2 definitely pick up things up a little bit.

after I read redwaveprod_cmjp explanation on the metaphorical and symbolism in this drama, I definitely have a new view watching this drama. thanks ^_^

indeed this drama shows it details and how it's well-planned.

Ep2 indeed I felt sad with Inha character the most when he explains about his paintings to Yoonhee and just crushed Yoonhee's hope just like that... <_<

but then like some of you said here, it has been always PALS OVER GALS rule for guy like Inha.

with Changmo confessing to HJ, I can see how Changmo seeing Inha unable to confess to Yoonhee and helping him cover it up. but then Changmo still have the gut to be honest though his love is being rejected.

not to forget the scene when YH met with Inha at the hospital... her teary eyes because she felt sorry seeing Inha's hurt like that... it sorta make me teared up also... after seeing Yoona's CM, she definitely improving^^

the thing is between YH and Inha that make me somehow attached to them is that their love, they both feel it, from their eyes expression, it shown yet both are so hard to let it out. I like this kind of story. indeed PD Yoon definitely making a film every episode and I appreciate it so much.

definitely after watching ep2, I really cant wait to watch ep3 tonight :D

on the mean time, this fmv is pretty good

[MV] ACTRESS IM TRIBUTE : Kim Yoonhee EP2 | One Summer Night

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Guest Starlitelet

I'm sorry, but I really don't like Jang Geun Suk's haircut/hairstyle :crazy:. I was lenient towards his hairstyle in the 70s because that was how it was back then. Though, now ... he just looks too much - haha! It kind of bothers me...

His extravagant fashion style/coloring doesn't help either. It makes him look really feminine :phew:.

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Just watched ep3. The pace definitely picked up and it's my favourite so far :D and it's just so sweet. The OST is so nice. We get to hear 2 new songs .Can't wait for the subs. 

Inha's theme: http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded

Date at the beach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySy1LuRvQV4

Preview ep4 (spoilers): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tJ0AcD2kSr8

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Guest fara_diggory

I dont know what to say...

anyone feel like me or not, i dont know..but my heart is beating SOOO FAST at this scene...and getting goosebums..i just dont know why..

anyone know who sings this ost..people are saying its Yoona's voice but i cant even confirm it myself (and I dont think so)


be it the perfect OST or perfect JKS/YA acting skills..or i dont know.. Inha and Yoonhee just need to be together!!!!!

and omg!! looks like Joon and Hana will appear on tomorrow episode

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Guest fara_diggory

Preview ep 4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnjiSj_IBoE

cr: uploader

agree with the comment..how can Yoonhee and Hana's voice is diff..LOL

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Guest -quiescent

Today's episode was the best and my personal favourite so far! I was doubting the chemistry between Geunsuk and Yoona but today's episode washes away all the doubts I had of them. They're ridiculously adorable together :wub:

The pace picked up a lot today and the episode was thoroughly enjoyable especially the intense scenes near the last 20 minutes. Changmo has one strong fist!

Anyways, I'm really excited for tomorrows episode. And next week it's going to be the MODERN DAY SCENES!! :sweatingbullets:

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A nice example of the stylization here in the movie theater scene. Everybody who went to the movies in those days remembers how the projector beam was always highly visible above the audience's heads. As a kid, I sometimes found watching the constantly shifting colors and patterns in that beam more interesting than parts of the movie. A bit like watching a kaleidoscope.

Well, here that highly visible beam is recreated accurately enough and boosts the nostalgic image. Except that in this scene, the thing that actually caused the beam to be so visible is completely absent. In movie houses well into the 1980's, half the audience were smoking like chimneys. It was the projector cutting through the dense haze of cigarette smoke that made those patterns stand out so vividly. But in this scene the total audience seems to number three, and none of them is smoking. Maybe it was just a very dusty theater. But that just highlights that in this drama, nobody smokes. That's a massive difference from how things were in those days, especially on campuses world wide. It's also a difference from Winter Sonata, which I think was the last in the Endless Love cycle where a main character lit up, although more as a sign of schoolboy rebellion than out of nicotine addiction. But the guy who finally encounters the Big Orange Truck of Destiny in the last episode of Autumn in my Heart does quite a lot of puffing away in several episodes.

But then, even in allegedly realistic Kdramas with modern settings, nobody is ever seen spitting in the street. That, sad to say, isn't very true-to-life either.

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I love this drama…usually on other drama on the 1 to 2 episode I feel boring stage on the story but on this drama on two episode I feel excitement on every scene you wanted to see. Jang Geun Suk acting I like it he was so excellent for me…everytime he was watching Im Yoon Ah, I feel the sense of his feelings. Im Yoon Ah a little bit push but she was so good and so beautiful. I like this girl the first time I saw her in 9 End 2 outs, I was so impress on her acting which it was debut acting. I couldn’t wait anymore on the next episode.

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What you see there happened at 5pm on the dot, day in day out in every public place. Everyone was obliged to stop what they were doing, face the flag, adopt a suitably devoted demeanor and inwardly repeat the pledge of allegiance proclaimed over loudspeakers. Anyone who didn't comply was liable to be dragged off for a beating by the campus officer cadets (like the pair who are strutting around in their uniforms and making their ostentatious verbal salutes, briefly distracting YH and IH from one of their sticky non-conversations a little later.) The version of the pledge we hear in episode 1 is the one reformulated by the military regime, and it was retained until 2007, despite much criticism of its spirit and wording by progressively-minded politicians in all major parties, when a revised version was issued which is still in use today.

Incidentally, Yoon Hee's major, which we are told rather more times than might be thought strictly necessary in the course of these first two episodes, namely "Family Health" also carries strong political overtones. Under the military regime, "Family Health" meant mainly a campaign, largely conducted by highly organized and disciplined government-financed female outworkers, whose numbers Yoon Hee is presumably training to join, to spread contraceptive knowledge and practices among Korean women, the urban and rural poor in particular. This campaign was spectacularly successful, bringing a fertility rate of over six live births per female of childbearing age down to 1.1 births per female over a span of hardly more than a decade. This was, by deliberate design, achieved wholly by targeting married women (availabililty of contraception to unmarried women was strictly blocked) who were encouraged to take control of their own fertility without their husband's consent or knowledge (a feature which made the Korean Family Health campaign significantly different from the Family Planning movements of Western countries). There's an echo if this in the motif found in several "family" Kdramas, where a husband discovers to his indignation what those "indigestion" or "vitamin" pills his wife insists on taking daily from those strange numbered bubble packs really are and a marital crisis ensues. The underlying assumption that a wife's control of her own fertility is none of her husband's (or even, shocking though this is to Koreans, her mother-in-law's) business is a legacy of the success of the Family Health program in which Yoon Hee will be working after graduation, if all goes well.

Sorry to cut up your post. Thanks for the full explanation of the salutes, I admit to being lost during that scene. And this bit about YH's major "Family Health" is fascinating. I don't know why but I thought maybe the complete opposite would be true! A campaign to teach women about contraception? *gasp* SHOCKING! Of course, "the pill" was widely distributed and freely (happily) used in America at this time (from what I've read, that started in 1960 in the US) but to say it was encouraged in Korea just blows my mind. ohmy.gif Then I read your sentence about it only being available to married women and blocked for unmarried women. That more fits in with my imagination of Korea during this time. It's also a tad bit shocking that this campaign encouraged women to use contraception without a husband's consent or knowledge. (again, blows my mind) Thanks so much for all the tiny bits of history you're handing out to us! biggrin.gif and thanks quiescent for the links! 

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@tessieroo, please chop my posts as much as you like. The notion that's taken hold among younger Soompiers (adherents of the 'high-self-esteem" ideology that's gained a stranglehold on Anglo-Saxon schools in the last decade or so) that it is somehow 'disrespectful' to quote only part of someone's posting is rubbish. What has always rightly been regarded as rude on Soompi and other boards of the pre-twitter/facebook era is selectively excerpting someone else's post in order to make them seem to have said something they didn't actually mean. You know, like publishers do on jacket blurbs, where "This is [...] a very good book: New York Times" turns out to have read in the original "This is not a very good book". But that's quite different from chopping out parts of a longer post which you don't feel are relevant to the specific point you want to take up. That's not only acceptable but, to anyone with any sense, completely desirable.

Care for another historical snippet?

When DW was hanging out in desolation outside YA's house waiting for her to come home, did you hear that siren blow? That was the curfew siren. It was sounded in cities nationwide at 10pm every evening (using the same kit that broadcast the compulsory pledge signal five hours earlier). After that siren blew, there was a half-hour grace period after which it was an arrestible offence to be out on an urban street without written police authorization (such as was granted to nightshift workers etc). The curfew ended at 4am the following day. DW is taking a risk hanging out there at that time, as is YH in coming home so late. But that's a sign of how distraught they both are, for very different reasons, or rather for essentially the same reason, but viewed from totally opposite perspectives. And when, close to or even after the curfew deadline, IH and YH both decide independently to run outside to meet up again, it shows how nothing else matters to them but to be together one more time that same night.

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Tonight episode is so wonderful!

YH / IH finally express their true feeling to each other

I'm glad they have some happy & quality time together as a couple...JGS/YA really have a good chemistry and I'm so surprise blush.gif

YH / IH sweet moments...








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Guest veironik9

omg i loved so much this episode!!! when in ha took yoon hee's hand for the first time i screamed so much.i was so excited:wub:  their chemistry is so perfect and when jgs looks at yoona it feels like he likes her:wub:  i am so dreaming right now!!!! i just can't wait to see episode 4 even thou it will be soooo sad at least i will be able to see the 2012 characters.can't wait  to see yoona and jgs bicker all the time.they are so adorable together and their acting is amazing,i even cried when i saw yoona crying during the movie.  :tears:

love rain  TE Iubesc!!!!

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