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choose one love you or you love?

Guest lilyhan17

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Guest lilyhan17

which one you will choose??
there is the same situation on me, i don't know if there is a similar topic here, and i know it is really a common topic to talk....:sweatingbullets:

but i really wanna listen everybody's opinions here......:)

you want to choose one who love you most and maybe the only one can do everything for you, or the one who you love so much, but the one doesn't love you more than that one....so who you will choose??  :wub: 

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Guest sungified

Ideally, I would want to choose the one that loves me more: I was taught since little to choose the person that loves you more. However, speaking from the heart it would be rather difficult to do so because my eyes would always be on the one that I love more.

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I think I'd select the first option:  choose the girl that loves me more.

I guess this is because I'd break my decision down logically.  Regardless of which girl I choose, I'm presuming in this hypothetical situation that I love / am attracted to both of them to a certain degree - it's just that it can go either way. 

But now you introduce the notion of knowing how much each girl loves me, as if it is quantifiable in some way (but that's another topic altogether).

With that said, would it not be reasonable to say that if one girl doesn't love me as much as the other, my attitude towards her would lessen?

In other words, I can't fathom how I would still come to love the second girl more despite now knowing that she ultimately doesn't love me as much as the first one.

Conversely, if I knew that the first girl was the one that loved me most, I think it would also be reasonable for me to change my attitude and come to finding myself loving her more by virtue of now discovering this distinction between the two.

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I think if you're looking for something long-term, it's better to go with the person who loves you more than you love him/her. That person is more willing to sacrifice and accomodate to you, more willing to dote on you, more willing to do anything for you. That person will try doubly hard to make sure you feel loved, hoping that one day you will realise how much you love him/her as well. Loving someone is tiring and depressing at times, surely you want to be the one who's happier most of the time. A lifetime's a long time, why not choose someone who can at least guarantee your short-term happiness?

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Guest acibharumi

better choose someone that love you. but speaking from heart, its hard to be done if you heart already fill with your love to other. 

just be honest to yourself. that the best solution. i guess :)

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Guest faye123

there is the same situation on me, i don't know if there is a similar topic here, and i know it is really a common topic to talk....:sweatingbullets:

but i really wanna listen everybody's opinions here......:)

you want to choose one who love you most and maybe the only one can do everything for you, or the one who you love so much, but the one doesn't love you more than that one....so who you will choose??  :wub: 

i think the answer is 'Nicholas Sparks' :) read his books you will really know what really love is and you'll know the answer of this question..lol

--but i think for me i choose the one who loves me because if you choose a person who doesn't love you it's useless the person might just be playing on you..but if i choose the one i love i might give everything to her/him and after all of it he/she doesn't love me and there is a possibility that...that person might be gone and it really hurts more to loose the one you love..than the person who loves you.. haha!! :):):) this is my opinion -BOW-

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Guest kozkeemegz

This question is bit hard.

Our parents thought us to choose someone who loves us and who will take care of us, but based on my experience,

I should've choose the guy I love, 'coz even if you're with the girl/guy who loves you, you're heart will always be with the one you love.

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Guest aishi_25

hmm I think both options actually have the same outcome. If you chose the first one there might be a chance of loving him/her back given the right time. It's good if it ends that way but if not you'll just hurt the other person and you'll feel guilty of not giving him the love he deserves. If you chose the second, well it's also hard to make someone love you in return of the love you give him/her. and like the first one there's a chance that he/she might but if not then you'll also both be hurt. 

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Guest christcosca

there is the same situation on me, i don't know if there is a similar topic here, and i know it is really a common topic to talk....:sweatingbullets:

but i really wanna listen everybody's opinions here......:)

you want to choose one who love you most and maybe the only one can do everything for you, or the one who you love so much, but the one doesn't love you more than that one....so who you will choose??  :wub: 

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Guest ikha_lee

for me i will choose someone who love me more~ it just an opinion bcuz for me he will not hurt my feelings and take a really good care of me as he is loving me~

and this is what i've been realise to look for a guy who is truly love you is not easy like you love him~

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Guest amberrah

From how you put it, it seems that there are two guys

and one of them loves me more than the other. And the one

I love loves me, but loves me less than the other guy. Since

it's put this way then of course I would chose the guy I love.

I wouldn't care how many other guys love me more as long

as they love me and I love him. I wouldn't want him to chose a

girl over me just because she seems like she loves him more.

Some people are just better at saying and doing love showing things

than others.

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Guest yeekosan12

Mother always say, girls need alot of love, not that men dont need of course they need love, But if i were to choose i'd rather be with someone who loves me. I been in past relationship with the guys i like or so called love and it never worked out because they didnt pay much attention to me and they know that i love them alot and i will do anything to make them happy, but in the other hand i wasn't happy being with him, because pleasing and making him happy was tiring especially when your not getting the same feelings back. But now im in a relationship and the guy im with loves me, he found me, he's super romantic, nowadays can't find those romantic guys around. kekeke. Anyways, its better to find someone who loves you because you will balance out each other in the relationship and you'll learn to grow deeper into the love. Its less arguments. I been with my man for over a year now and so far were getting stronger and stronger. :) My parents always tell me to find someone who loves you more, even if hes not that great you can work it out and slowly change him from inside out. Like a frog who turn to a prince. hehehe.... story of my life. my bf was like that, i didnt find him attractive at all... just looked at him as a friend. But slowly getting to know him i see how beautiful, and genuine he was and then his looks became attractive to me and then he ask me to be his gf. hehehehe..... :) Just saying.sorry i didnt mean to brag about my bf. :P


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Guest christcosca

Ifthings are as they should be, I wouldn't have to choose between the two. I'dhave them both. Or I would hope that that person was the same person and the choice would be simple... :D

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Guest ramanja

I prefer someone who I love, because ultimately it's not a loved one, but those who love. Taj Mahal, the Coral Castle is a manifestation of people who love sincerely and deeply.

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Guest keikei_b

I've been with someone that I loved more than he loved me. I sacrificed everything, devoted my all to him, and in the end I was left with nothing. But there isn't much regret, just more pain that he isn't mine anymore....

I've just broke up with someone that loves me so much more....but although it was questionable, I somehow regret breaking off with him. But infact, I prefer being the sacrificer, the devoter! Guess I'm just not used to being loved? Haha

All in all.....I wouldnt be able to choose

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Guest simplicity_826

i would love to be with the one i love.... but from what i've been through, i would choose the man that love me that why i know he would never hurt me in any kind of ways.

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Guest Daylightful

I don't think I could choose myself. I've been in both situations somewhat. It would be amazing if the love was just equally as strong.

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Guest FusionGT2

After experiencing both sides.. what feels better is to be loved, cuz loving someone without being loved back is pretty painful. Of course we're gona have to be the good guys and say its always better to love someone than to be loved.. well screw that. It's time to be selfish! ;P

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