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Jeon Hye BIN 전혜빈

Guest dashuu

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I watched the last loveletter episode, where they did reruns. They had a topic for like every person, and I was SOO mad they didn't have one for Bin. They had one for Junjin, Min Kyung Hoon, Bae Suel gi, Brian etc. But not Bin. The only part Bin was in was the Jangwoohyuk, Yoonho, Goojoonyub dance, but they called it like the amazing trio or something.

wow! what a coincidence! i was checking some old LL epi and wondered if bin ever came back to a single one after the Thailand special.. and then i thought maybe she will be featured in the finale coz she is after all one of LL's mascot.. but guess what? no Bin special tribute or something.. only that small part of the dance she did w/ JWH, Yunho and Jun Youb and it was mainly focused on the 3 guys.. :blink:

it was really frustrating! :crazy: i mean, dang! she was on LL for almost the whole 2nd season, doesn't that count for something.. <_< and also, the Special Dance best of 10, i think it was lousy.. i can't keep from wondering how ever Jungeum's dance ever got there? :blink: i think Bin's 2am performance is way better than that.. (no offense to Jungeum fans. i like her coz she's cute but i don't think she's much of a dancer)

because of all that, i been kinda thinking if maybe Bin left LL (or the whole SBS) in bad terms..

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Guest evelyn168

^I totally agree with you guys. I was so mad at them for not showing Bin in LL. She's the mascot of LL2. I mean think about it, without her sexy dance, I think I'd die watching the girls. When Jang Young Ran left, the show went downhill but Bin brought the mood back. I can't believe they left her out of the final for LL. I think they showed her with Min Kyung Hoon only... It was like 2 seconds cause MKH was running away from her. Can't they show her hugging Woo Hyuk??? Or some other clip from the Thailand special?

I don't know about being in bad terms with SBS... For the X-man final special, they showed a clip of her with Kim Jong Kook...

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YAY! You all agree.

But what if she does have bad terms with SBS?

I didn't see her on the x-man finale.

And she's not on any SBS shows right now.

But evelyn168 said she was on with Kim Jong Kook

but I don't remember....T_T

and they didn't even have a JYR special finale.

I mean, JYR and Bin were ALWAYS on loveletter

they need to have a respectful finale/tribute to them.



Who Bin looks good with part 2.

I eliminated all the people who werent voted for.

A. Yoonho

B. Jang Woo Hyuk

C. Micky Yoochun

D. Brian

E. Lee Minwoo

F. Kim Hyung Joong

G. Son Ho Young

H. Kim Hee Chul

I. Ryan

J. Kim Tae Woo

Vote for two people please!

my votes..

1. Brian

2. Lee Minwoo

I actually like Jang Woo Hyuk the best but I know people will vote for him, so I decided to vote for my other two.

You are allowed to change your votes before I start part three. But, if you are dont edit your post, leave another reply saying you changed your vote,, from who to who.

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Guest doralinz

Yelinoh, i think you should put Kim Tae Woo too. Remember Banjun with god? I really like that part.

Bin has a bad term with sbs? What happen? ohh, i haven't watch love letter for a very long time. I think since Bin not in it, i lost interest.

I do not like BSG, sorry, but i do not why, but I don't.

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Guest ImSmiley

i missed the first voting but then i vote for Jang woo hyuk, yunho, and then lee minwoo.

for the second one i still go with the same people.

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Oh no i missed the first voting too :o

I am so surprised that nobody voted for JunJin! I am touched by his sincerity when he's in Loveletter he's always there to support Bin and i think he really likes her :wub:

Since Junjin is not in the second voting lists,

My choice will be

1. Brian (He's cute and funny and i am surprised that he actually said he's interested in Bin instead of CY during the wrestling game )

2. Lee Minwoo (I can see a lot of chemistry between him and Bin and Bin seems to be more comfortable with him than Jang Woo Hyuk :( )

ps:i like Jang Woo Hyuk/Bin couple but i have yet to see the 'sparks' between them hope i will have a chance to see it soon and that will be the time i will change my voting :w00t:

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Guest evelyn168

I just rewatched the LL final. She's in it in one shot... I made it a mistake. It wasn't even with Min Kyung Hoon, that was CY... It was the one where she danced at the end with Yunho, JWH, Koo Jun Yup (from Clon)... It was like 2 seconds...

I also made a mistake that Bin wasn't shown on the X-man special... I think it's another special I was referring to. Anyways, this is really pissing me off. What's with SBS??? How can they do this to her??? She's like the best thing ever on LL... No wonder why X-man is so boring nowadays... They eevn cancelled LL... They really suck...

As for my vote:

1. Jang Woo Hyuk- They look so good together... I can't deny this.

2. Yunho- I think he's really cute looking with Bin...

I would've wanted to say SHY but I'm not sure if they're close at all. I just think they did the dance for H6...

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Guest shiverbaby

2nd poll :

I think my vote will be

Yunho ...love this couple so much ... I think in the epi 26 LL S2 , when Yunho said his reward , he wanted her to embrace him ... how cute ! and looking at Yunho's facial ... he smiled , happy ...^ ^ . I wonder why they 're not the same team in Xman ... haha that's much more interesting ^ ^

Lee Min Woo I think they 're good together , because he's older than her , close to her , nice kisses , nice dance couple ...


I love JWH and Bin too , I hope that he'll be with her in H6 soon .


Can I make my request ?... I wanna know who were with Bin as perfect couple in LL ( all of the episodes which she joined ) . Someone can help me ? thanks ! ^ ^

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Guest maxlover

Hmmm.....for the 2nd poll i still sorta have the same guys...

1 - Jang Woo Hyuk will forever be my #1 choice for Bin....there's just something about the way they are around each other that i absolutely love!!! And Bin literally looks like she likes him....she really did seem hurt in LL Christmas Special when he went for Park Jung Ah....and in LL Thailand Special, she looked jealous when Woo Hyuk interacted with Kang Jung Hwa....

2 - Brian is my 2nd choice for her because they look so good together as well....and besides, i loved how she went straight to him in LL, but that freakin balloon ruined everything!! LOL....And i loved that little part during the wrestling game when Brian told Hwanhee that he liked Bin first....so cute!!!

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i really want to watch the part that Bin went to Brian to pop the ballon but in the episode that i have that part is mess up.....anybody know how i can watch it, that would be great. Anyways my first 2 choice:

Yunho - Yunho is always going to be my first choice for Bin because i think they make a good couple even tho Yunho is younger than Bin.......to me the age doesnt matter

Kim Hyung Joong - i dont know why i chose him but i really like Kim Hyung Joong couple with Bin in LL and Xman

i want to hear other song by Bin (wonder when its coming out)

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Guest maxlover

maxlover, JWH will always be my first one with bin as well.

^^^ImSmiley, you are my new best friend!!...LOL....

I just love them together so much!!! Can you believe that i got all happy yesterday just because they showed Jang Woo Hyuk in an old clip of him breaking some sort of record for that "Dibi dibi dip" game??!!! I was just so excited at the fact that they showed him!! I'm so hoping that as soon as he makes his official comeback (once he's fully recovered).....that he'll come out in Heroine 6 and pair up with Bin!! Oh how i miss them together!! :(:P

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Guest star17s101

^ omgshh i as hoping for JWH to come on heroine 6 as well! i really want to see them back together again haha :]

also if i had to choose who would best fit with bin unni

it would be 1) jangwoohyuk 2) yunho 3) minwoo

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Guest ImSmiley

^^^ImSmiley, you are my new best friend!!...LOL....

I just love them together so much!!! Can you believe that i got all happy yesterday just because they showed Jang Woo Hyuk in an old clip of him breaking some sort of record for that "Dibi dibi dip" game??!!! I was just so excited at the fact that they showed him!! I'm so hoping that as soon as he makes his official comeback (once he's fully recovered).....that he'll come out in Heroine 6 and pair up with Bin!! Oh how i miss them together!! :(:P

lol, i'll be happy as well too. although he wasn't actually there atleast they just brought him up in the show. i miss seeing those two together. i really hope JWH will go on H6 after he comes back.

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YAY! You all agree.

But what if she does have bad terms with SBS?

I didn't see her on the x-man finale.

And she's not on any SBS shows right now.

But evelyn168 said she was on with Kim Jong Kook

but I don't remember....T_T

I hope our hypothesis is not true coz i would really love to see her in X-man or other SBS shows again.. btw, does anyone know if Bin appeared in any other SBS shows after her last appearance in LL?

my vote for the 2nd round would be:

1) Yunho - my perfect guy for bin :lol:

2) Minwoo - coz he appears to really care so much for Bin in the first 2 LL epi they were in. although i am still wondering why he seems so detached from Bin in the last LL epi they were guested together..i think it was the xmas special show with WooHyuk oppa in it..Maybe he and Woohyuk oppa had an agreement on who should go for Bin's couple in that epi..But it would have been fun to see woohyuk and minwoo fight over BIn.. :lol:

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Guest evelyn168

I don't think she's been on any shows recently. They might've showed clips of her going to Kang Ho Dong's wedding. I really don't know... Also, I don't think Bin is going to be in Goong 2 anymore. From the Goong S thread, someone took her part already...

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Guest junjinwifey

i was actually looking forward to watch her in goong 2! im very disappointed she's not in it & hope she wil appear on more shows! i want more of her!

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