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Digital Paintings


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Guest khalid77

nice painting, i'm practicing photoshop painting too, i would suggest to sharpen and darken edges specially at dark places, may be ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest theDutchesse

I really love both paintings, and as someone who finds backgrounds very difficult, you have my utmost respect. There's a lot of detail in your painting, which I really like, and the black smudges in the bottom one suggesting leaves on the foreground was a very nice touch.

I do agree with Khalid77 though, they both look a bit blurry, which could be aided by darkening some of the edges to make them stand out more and using more contrasting colours.

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nice painting, i'm practicing photoshop painting too, i would suggest to sharpen and darken edges specially at dark places, may be ^_^

thank you! for some reason my old monitor that i'm using is unusually darker than most people's, so it could be that others see it brighter especially at darker areas, i'll fix that for sure!

Wow. Love the second art. Looking forward to more of your work.

thanks! i'll be sure to post more in the future =)

I really love both paintings, and as someone who finds backgrounds very difficult, you have my utmost respect. There's a lot of detail in your painting, which I really like, and the black smudges in the bottom one suggesting leaves on the foreground was a very nice touch.

I do agree with Khalid77 though, they both look a bit blurry, which could be aided by darkening some of the edges to make them stand out more and using more contrasting colours.

Thank you for your comment! I'll try that. I really hate my monitor..

but i do love playing around with Photoshop to try different settings could be satisfying =)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest knockblock

These paintings look nicely done. You look like you can become an animator one day. Keep this kind of work up and I bet you'll make it there.

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  • 5 weeks later...

These paintings look nicely done. You look like you can become an animator one day. Keep this kind of work up and I bet you'll make it there.

Thank you so much for your comment. :D

I put a new one up everyone, please take a look!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest nairu

Wow, such beautiful drawings - and that's coming from someone with very high standards.There is so much emotion in each of them, and I can imagine a scene a story with it!

I don't know if you do them, but my landscape sucks (I'm more of a figure/face CG painter), so if you ever want to leave up series of 'progression' images that would be really amazing. o: No obligations, of course!

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Guest thespringmaid

Oh my...these are great!!! These are sloppy? I don't think so. Really...these are just awesome. Just looking at them makes me think of stories already. Or maybe I've just read/watched a lot of things already?

1st one reminds me of Star Wars, specifically Episode 1.
2nd one reminds me of Game of Thrones or The Secret Garden of some sort. It's like a scene where two people would confess their love for one another. ^^
3rd one reminds me of Game of Thrones/Narnia, but inclining more in Game of Thrones.
4th one reminds me of Ghost in the Shell, I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's an anime. ^^ This one's my favorite btw. :)
Last one reminds me of Big Bang's Monster MV. Oh and sewers and Spiderman and X-Men.

Haha my comment's too long!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest IrreplaceableSmile

@cabe474 wow~ these are really nice, how old are you? just wondering :Dandd do you have a dA? cus I would love to watch you

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Guest maria angelicaasuncion

what attracted my eyes most is the painting you made last  2/09/12.i dunooo why but it's very pleasant to look at o_oMORE please! =D

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