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Park Shi Hoo & Moon Chae Won @ WonHoo Couple


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Mama @Mdnora and @ handongmi ..you are well come , it just came up on my mind at that time .. I guess ..my brain already full with TPM ..ha ..ha .., mama those post were beautiful ..thank you ..

Well this MV more for PSH ..but it is good ...

Credit To : http://www.youtube.com/user/PaolaRNM
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PSH case: “No suspicion”?

Park Si Hoo side: ” ‘No suspicion’ criminal investigation sent to Prosecutor … awaiting Prosecutor’s judgment”

It has not yet been confirmed that the Park Si Hoo legal problems relating to that of the alleged sexual assault case are fully resolved and this is attracting attention.

Park Si Hoo’s agency Hoo Factory on July 19 announced in an URGENT Notice through his official fan club that ”all legal disputes between Park Si Hoo and his former agency have been terminated.”

Earlier in the day a Hoo Factory representative said: “Hwang accused Park Si Hoo of defamation but ultimately this came to ‘No suspicion’.  So this case is fully concluded.”

So it would appear that the Park Si Hoo incident which started in February and lasted five months was completely finished, but the prosecution had a slightly different perspective.  Prosecutors said the case was “still under investigation.”   In addition the fan club which earlier published the statement about “No suspicion” has deleted the post.

A Park Si Hoo aide told Newsen on July 22: “The ‘No suspicion’ criminal investigation case has been sent to the Prosecutor, so this case should be disposed of as ‘No suspicion’.  We are hopefuly anticipating that the result is true.  We have to wait a little longer to receive the prosecutor’s judgment.”

Currently Park Si Hoo and some of his agency officials are abroad.  As for reports of a photo shoot, this has not been confirmed yet.  The Park Si Hoo side and his attorneys in charge of the case have all responded cautiously.

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PSH case : Final closure

Prosecutor: Actor Park Si Hoo “innocent”, case disposed of with “no suspicion” 

Announcement from Seoul Western District Prosecutors’ Office by Director Han Dong Young on July 22 said actor Park Si Hoo has been found innocent in his former agency’s representative Hwang’s charge of defamation against him and the case is disposed of as “no suspicion”.

An official of the Prosecutors’ Office said: “Our investigation did not find any fault with Park Si Hoo.”

In February, Park Si Hoo was accused of sexually assaulting an aspiring actress A while she was drunk, and he sued his former agency representative Hwang (whom he suspected of orchestrating the fake rape) of extortion and defamation by publication.  Hwang countersued Park Si Hoo of defamation and now Park Si Hoo has been found to be innocent.

In May A agreed to withdraw her complaint of alleged sexual assault against Park Si Hoo and he in turn withdrew his charge of attempted blackmail and defamation against her.  But Hwang refused to drop his charges against Park Si Hoo.

Now today the prosecution has announced that Park Si Hoo is innocent of the charge of defamation and the case is closed.  [ED: Amen]

start of the case 15 February and ended 22 July...... 5 months and 7 days....

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Park Shi Hoo Is Cleared of All Charges, Legal Battle Comes to an End

Park Shi Hoo has been cleared of charges made by his former agency’s CEO, putting an end to this gruesome legal battle of six long months.

On July 19, a message titled “Emergency Announcement” had been posted to Park Shi Hoo’s official fan club. It read, “Park Shi Hoo and his former agency’s legal battle has come to an end.” Mr. Hwang charged Park Shi Hoo of libel but after investigations, Park Shi Hoo has been cleared of all charges, which put an end to this case.

Park Shi Hoo was first charged with rape this past March by a celebrity-in-training, A. At the time, Park Shi Hoo sued A, her friend B and Mr. Hwang of slander, blackmail and defamation. To that, Mr. Hwang countersued Park Shi Hoo for false accusation.

Afterwards, Park Shi Hoo and A reached a mutual agreement and had charges dropped for both sides. Charges against Mr. Hwang were also withdrawn but Mr. Hwang revealed his intentions to continue his law suit against Park Shi Hoo. Mr. Hwang even submitted a mediation request to the Korean Entertainment Management Association for a solution.

Although this request is still undergoing at the moment, Park Shi Hoo has been cleared of all legal charges.

Meanwhile, Park Shi Hoo has stopped all activities and was last heard to have left a handwritten message for his fans.

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As to the current news of Park Si Hoo doing a photo shoot in the United States, an agency official explained that PSH had to fulfill the contract which was signed before the incident.  ”After he finished the photo shoot in the U.S.A., he will return.  He has to make sure it is completed without problems,” he said. This photo album is scheduled to be released in Japan.

However, shooting this photo album does not mean Park Si Hoo is ready to resume activities.  He continued: “There is no specific plan for a comeback.  He is likely to stay quiet for the time being.”   And he went on to convey his present condition: “Park Si Hoo is doing well these days.”

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Guest lovepsh

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PSH case : Final closure

Prosecutor: Actor Park Si Hoo “innocent”, case disposed of with “no suspicion” 

Announcement from Seoul Western District Prosecutors’ Office by Director Han Dong Young on July 22 said actor Park Si Hoo has been found innocent in his former agency’s representative Hwang’s charge of defamation against him and the case is disposed of as “no suspicion”.

An official of the Prosecutors’ Office said: “Our investigation did not find any fault with Park Si Hoo.”

In February, Park Si Hoo was accused of sexually assaulting an aspiring actress A while she was drunk, and he sued his former agency representative Hwang (whom he suspected of orchestrating the fake rape) of extortion and defamation by publication.  Hwang countersued Park Si Hoo of defamation and now Park Si Hoo has been found to be innocent.

In May A agreed to withdraw her complaint of alleged sexual assault against Park Si Hoo and he in turn withdrew his charge of attempted blackmail and defamation against her.  But Hwang refused to drop his charges against Park Si Hoo.

Now today the prosecution has announced that Park Si Hoo is innocent of the charge of defamation and the case is closed.  [ED: Amen]

start of the case 15 February and ended 22 July...... 5 months and 7 days....

Im so happy for you PSH, I wish your comeback soon and all your fans will return to you. Love you PSH

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The PSH news is #4, rated by 865 people (10.9%).

Park Si Hoo finally ended a long and tough fight.  The four months of legal offense and defense have finished, and the game is finally over.  His image is tarnished, and he is exhausted both physically and mentally, but he is finally seeing the light.  He is currently shooting a photo album in the United States which will be released in Japan.  The blue light* has come back on again.

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PSH wrote a letter to his fan at Sihoorang ..


# Dawn 2:00 a.m. in the United States

Hello, everybody!  How are you?  This is Park Si Hoo.

The weight of the pen cannot convey the complexity in my mind as I try to write this letter.  How do I express the hesitation in my mind that after holding a pen for several minutes, I could not even write a single character.

I wish to say I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for causing you anxiety.  After the incident, I was afraid to face Park Si Hoo’s … no, Park Pyung Ho’s family, relatives, and close friends, and I struggled with the fear that all the people in the whole world knew my face and were bad-mouthing me.

I wondered whether it would get more frightening and heartbreaking over time, and how could I face my fans who cherish me with the feelings of guilt for the great pain I inflicted on you.

However, I gained courage after seeing your constancy after the case.  I have lost opportunities for work, but I am able to get more out of this and realize it this time.  You believe in me and love me.  It was hard, but your love helped me to hold on and gave me the courage to go forward.

Whether I’m happy or sad, I first of all think of my family.  Yes, that’s what you are to me.  How I wish the incident would finish, so I could run to those I want to meet, people I want to see, but I cannot even tell you this.  In my mind thousands of times, tens of thousands of times I want to say: Thank you.  Thank you with all my heart.

With a family like you, I am once again dreaming of going out into the world, trying to prepare for the entrance.  Although I cannot promise when it will be, I will become stronger and tougher, and will appear before you again as a more mature actor.

This summer the rains are long and heavy, and I also suffered in the harsh rain, but I was able to fight successfully through the rain and become hardened like the earth.  At that time we will greet each other with smiling faces and bright looks.  Until then, continue to amend my insufficiency and hold my hand, and every time I slip and hit the steep slope breathless, please push me up.  Finally, once again I would like to say I’m sorry for causing you worry.  And thank you very much.

Park Si Hoo

Credit to : http://parksihoo4u.com/2013/07/29/letter-from-psh/shr20130729

Reading his letter really made my eyes teary.., it is so touching ..I can feel all his sadness and strugle during his worst time, but I also know that he can get over it. PSH .you can make it ..just keep your spirit up ...fighting


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English translation by Ashley)

Kim Seung Yoo Revelation

I’ve been recently re-watching “The Princess’s Man” and am becoming more and more alarmed with every scene.  Why is that so?  The Park Si Hoo case is really the 21st century version of the Kim Seung Yoo case.

First, about their background: both are from the noble class, handsome men of their times, full of athletic prowess.  Kim Seung Yoo as a scholar and Park Si Hoo as an artist are prominent figures of their times with flourishing careers.  Kim Seung Yoo was denounced by a geisha and Park Si Hoo was accused by A, resulting in a complete reversal to their lives.

Unfortunately, when their life was at a low ebb, they were further shoved by others, or were trampled on by messengers from hell.  Kim Seung Yoo was denounced by the men in Suyang’s think tank who used the letter he wrote to the Princess to make waves.  Times are different, so in Park Si Hoo’s case, it’s KAKAO TALK, while the schemers are Hwang and B.

Then the story of the conspiracy developed, how they exhausted all means, such as using SeRyung’s marriage as bait to enlist Shin Myun into the Council because he was the Security Chief of the capital city of Seoul.  Park Si Hoo suffered all the tricks played by the alphabets, using slander to discredit him, including Western Police Station which played an important role in the PSH event – they kept leaking the so-called news which made things worse in stormy times.

Remember when the King was still inclined to have Kim Seung Yoo as the Princess’s consort, the ministers first submitted petitions and then gathered in the palace hall kneeling and shouting: “Withdraw the King’s order!”  The way of the 21st century is criticism by the media and vocal opposition by netizens, creative writing of unfounded articles, opening ANTI sites, and also righteously shouting: “We want the truth!”

The motive of Suyang’s think tank was for Kim Seung Yoo to disappear in court, while Park Si Hoo’s leaving a message across the sea in neighboring Japan has been questioned by the media as an excuse to make a comeback.  So it seems that these two people were in a similar predicament even though they were of different times – a lot of people wanted them to disappear!

“Sentenced without trial” is probably a South Korean tradition?  After Kim Seung Yoo’s second arrest, he was sent straight to the guillotine, while Park Si Hoo immediately after the incident was branded a rapist and associated with words like sexual assault.  All these epithets replaced the original description of “actor”.

Also, the people who cast a human being into hell forget their hands are full of blood. In TPM those 4 brazen advisers drink merrily every day.  Those in the news media who exercised creative freedom against Park Si Hoo and those netizens who jumped to judgment live their ordinary lives day in and day out, while poor Kim Seung Yoo and Park Si Hoo are suffering in purgatory, but to whom can they appeal?

Kim Seung Yoo by his own strength wreaked havoc in Suyang’s empire, and the Park Si Hoo of today is no different.  Someone who is #1 among artists and #5 overall in Google search in 2013 means Park Si Hoo’s personal strength cannot be ignored.

Only the Koreans can create the story of “The Princess’s Man” because “The Princess’s Man” is itself a Korean story.  Looking back on the Park Si Hoo event, I see it is obviously in the shadow of “The Princess’s Man”.  Although “drama is like life, life is like drama,” but isn’t it too heavy on Park Si Hoo?  As a Park Si Hoo fan, I hope his theater of life can stage “King of Reversals” who finds the “How to Meet the Perfect Girlfriend”, followed by “Let’s get married”, and finally a real-life “Family Honor.”

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