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50 things you can learn from a Korean drama.

Guest heygingersnap

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4) Brothers/cousin/uncles-nephews will always love the same girl.-goong,lovers in paris,is my girl one example, too?

7) Everyone has cancer.wonderful life

12) If you're rich, you're a jerk.

13) If you're poor, you're an angel.

47) If you overcome great obstacles to be together, one of you must die. Probably due to cancer.

25) Even if you're poor and can't eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.

28) Everyone has a long lost sister/brother/twin. Usually one they didn't know about.

goong s

29) If you don't want to answer your phone, you can't just turn it off. The battery

needs to be taken out.wonderful life

31) If you're in a relationship, you must at one point leave and have your lover tearfully come RIGHT before you board the plane (vice versa applies as well. You can be the chaser). 60% of the time you see each other, the other 40% you're roaming around in circles and pass each other about six times, but miraculously never see them.my girl!!Like so many times!!

34) Girls will always storm off because they're mad and the guy will stoically grab them by the arm and swing them back- and by magic, not dislocate their shoulders.

37) You always get stuck in an elevator with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if there are six different elevators, you'll always be stuck in the same one with that bastard you hate (or just fought with).

38) Unless you're fabulously rich, your in-laws will always hate you.

39) So will your sister-in-law.

23) Everyone always goes to the same hospital no matter where they are.-heheh true!!the hospital in goong and wonderful life are the same!! i think so... :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

I have observed the following in Korean series:

1. It is not really about love-triangles, but LOVE-QUARTET, wherein the lead actress is being pursued by a second lead actor and the lead actor is often pursued by a second lead actress... Always 4 characters trying to get each other's love and attention.

2. In super sad series, almost always a main character dies, or all leading characters die in the end. If a character is sick no medical technology can ever save him/her and let her survive in the story. I just wish that the writers of these series put a little hope in the end, and for once let the good prevail over evil, let the lead characters be triumphant and be happy in the end.

3. It seems a never-ending endorsements of mobile phones.

4. In love stories, the guy and girl keeps on fighting in the beginning, the guy always bullying and shouting at the girl.

5. If the lead actress character is from a poor family, there is always a debt or problem she has to face for her parents or family.

6. There is always an older family member controlling the fate of the characters, mostly played by the grandfathers.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest piano_lady

Another one is: "Tofu is usually given/served to the person who was just released from jail." Saw this in What's Up, Fox and another drama that's either currently airing or has recently concluded.

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Guest roughmetal2

hahaha...that is oh so funny...and may i add a few more:

1. guys love the girls so much that they are willing to stand in the rain on freezing temperature

2. kissing is such a big deal

3. a lot of girls (and guys too) past 20 haven't experienced being in a relationship

4. mature looking guys and girls are still in high school

5. teachers enjoy humiliating, hitting and cursing their students

6. there are a lot of bullies in school

7. girls go gaga over gang leaders

8. one can be severely hit by a car, suffer amnesia, and still survive even without a doctor's help

9. one must always part ways with a loved one for at least two years to find out if it's true love

10. seoul must be a very small city for people to always bump at each other

11. there's always too much fuss over a small bruise

12. plain looking girls often catch the attention of gorgeous guys but never vice versa

13. girls usually fart loudly in public

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jess22

Not sure if this has been said yet, but if you like a guy NEVER call him oppa.

Either call him by his actual name, some silly nickname, his work title (e.g. Director, Manager), or you can even call him ajusshi.

Because from what I've seen, all the girls who call the guy they love "oppa" always loses them to the girl who calls them something else :)

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Guest fivemagic

I could never get tired of reading these 50 things..........when I am having a BAD day, reading these things really cheered me up and I am very grateful to the person who started this thread.........BIG thanks for your excellent idea.

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Guest raahmose

Here are a few observations i've made:

- cell phones are cheap, alcohol is cheaper.

- Korea's greatest export: koreans. At least one character in each drama goes overseas.

- rich korean parents are strict and stiff. poor korean parents are usually clueless and accepting. also, parents are always wrong.

- someone is bound to catch a cold and the oh so high fever. the only way to bring down the fever, use washclothes. ALWAYS!! and then you End up sleeping near the sick person. Only to be discovered the next day by this sick person. And the sick person is deeply touched. Awwwwwwww!! Sick person's thoughts: " I knew you liked/loved me, but didn't realize you liked/loved me sooo much that you stayed up all night with the washcloth".

- Grandpa or Grandma appear to be tough. They may outwardly oppose the leading girl/guy, but inside they really like 'em.

- The game to play when visiting grandparents of the guy/girl you like: GoStop. Of course the leading girl/guy knows how to play this game.

- The lead girl almost always falls in love with the lead guy first. Apparently guys in korea are slow in realizing they also like/love the girl.

- kids in elementry school fall in love All the time. Then you lose each other during the awkward puberty stage, only to be discovered later on during your adult hood.

- the guy / girl will always give each other an inexpensive item as a gift. This gift ofcourse shall be stared at later on when you two are fighting or have somehow lost touch with each other.

- 99% of the time, you will not get in touch with the person you are desperately trying to contact. You can try their cell, but it is conveniently left behind, turned off, lost, not charged.

- pretend marriage contracts are common.

btw, love the list of 50.

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Guest ldh-ldw sarang

another few for comedies.

-the main leads, have to stay in the same house just different rooms.

-there will always be a friend of the main girl that will be crazy over guys.

-one of the main leads must be rich.

-if this is fate why make them wait for a fews years to get together?

-most of the time leave in the same house and married on a contract.

-when the girl comes home late, the guy will always ask where did you go and why so late? and the girl will say why you care and the guy will seem so stupid until he finally says the the contract is to come home by ??:?? time.

-no matter how poor the girl is,their clothes will always not be the same, always wear earings, always colourful.

-there will always be a tragic part and after that, right after they get together,the show ends...(i hate most!)

i really love those 50points!!!

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Guest amyyboo

HAHAHAHAH, oh man. That is FUNNNY. Thats why its call "CLICHE".

#21 is funnny :lol: & #36...really/? i knew they wore foundation...MAYBE eyeliner..bu lip-liner??...wow... :huh:

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  • 8 months later...
Guest suzannekhaw

There is one I never really understood -

Why do Koreans shout "taxi" when they flag down a cab? Do they really think the driver can hear them above all the traffic?


Another one -

If they guy/girl is secretly in love with the opposite lead, and in a scene stares at the person's face dreamily (with some narration going on in the background), the person being stared at is surely always to answer either "Is something stuck on my face?" or if the person is eating, "Why, is this the first time you are seeing me eat?"

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Guest shearerc

Not sure if this has been said yet, but if you like a guy NEVER call him oppa.

Either call him by his actual name, some silly nickname, his work title (e.g. Director, Manager), or you can even call him ajusshi.

Because from what I've seen, all the girls who call the guy they love "oppa" always loses them to the girl who calls them something else :)

LOL the part in bold is dead-on accurate!

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Guest miss-username

other things that happens in k-dramas:

- no matter how old you are (married with children, not married but successful, or a bum) your mom/dad/grandparents will not hesitate to you hit. They usually do it in front of your family, friends, or co-workers.

- adding to the u-turn one. Apparently there are no laws/rules on how to drive and park in Korea. You can park in the middle of the street or park in two parking spots. You can stop whenever and where ever you want to stop.

- if you're driving, the only way to stop is to really step on the break.

- Apparently you can't keep your bank book and atm seperately. You must keep them together at all times so that your mom/dad/brother/sister/cousin/aunt/uncle can have easy access to it and steal your life savings.

- It's nice to be the poor parent(s) or adopted parents to the poor character. You can always take out a loan and never pay it back because your son/daughter will always be nice enough to do anything to pay back your loan.

- You can always give your child away to the loan sharks if you can't pay for your debt.

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