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What were you into first?


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If you weren't initially into K-music...
How did you guys get into kpop? For me, it started with jrock but then I saw a music video of Moon Heejun on mnet and fell in love haha. I was late but I got into H.O.T, Shinhwa, 1TYM (I was a huge YGent fan), FttS, etc.

To be honest, I dislike the new kpop and so now I'm mainly into J-music. I enjoy cpop now too.

By the way, I know most of us listened to American pop when we were much younger but I included it as an option for those who were really into certain American artists.

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Classical music for me. Still listen to it, but more so contemporary pieces from movie/video game soundtracks. Then I was into J-rock for a while back in high school, now I'm into Metal from just about anywhere in the world. I'm not into K-pop. 

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I used to be really into American/British rock music before. Then Jpop for a bit, then really, really into Jrock/Visual Kei... afterwards, I think I found a video on Youtube comparing DBSK and Dir en grey (which I found a bit ridiculous because they're completely different) or something... and my Kpop obesession started. :) Kpop in the past couple of years has been disappointing me though. I moved back to English rock music (along with new age and classical) a while ago, but now, I'm migrating back to Japanese music.

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Guest Riele

My grandmother used to drive me around as a toddler to OOOOLD Jamaican music, and my other grandmother used to try and teach me to dance Latino music which I really loved. Then once I was 4, I found my parents old 70s and 80s cassette tapes and an old cassette player and would listen to 80s pop and hip hop and 70s rock. Jazz, blues, punk, metal new age, hip hop- my dad listened to EVERYTHING, old and new, and he passed that on to me, but I always loved hard rock the most. On top of it he used to let me watch anime with him and he was a tech whizz, so he taught me how to use computers very young so it was easy for me to watch my own anime and that was how I got introduced to Japanese music. I loved it, but preferred VK, and still love VK music. I then went to Canada and my Chinese friends wanted me to appreciate my Chinese heritage more, so they would try and teach me words through music and I began to like Chinese pop music. Then I found KPop soon after. I still listen to everything but I think as long as it sounds nice, there's a song for every mood, day, feeling, thought, and all music- if it sounds good to you- can be appreciated.

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Okay, my music tastes took a pretty deep dive. From generic corporate American pop to generic corporate Korean pop, then I knew all along that I was simply looking for something more authentic to listen to. Then I started digging real deep, you know. From reggae to French new wave/bossa nova, Eurohouse, turntablism, trip hop ... Inventive composing and songwriting and digging for innovative tunes. That's really what I'm into now.

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Guest creaturedreams

I was initially into the whole American music where Backstreet boys, Britney Spears, NSYNC were dominant. I think I was exposed to korean music back in 2003/4 when I was 8 where my older cousin showed me this clip of Hyori, Se7en and Rain performing - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=TpDJksDaI9o and Finkl performances so I kind of got into them especially Hyori Lee =D, but I think due to the lack of internet I didn't exactly transition into korean music until 2008 where I  started the drama phase and I watched my first korean film 200 pound beauty and the Ave Maria track was awesome :lol:. But I have grown out of korean music for a year or so now. Gone back to rap, trance music and electro.

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Guest myboyRobin

I was listening to traditional Khmer music, Thai music, a few Cpop artists like Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai, and the only American group I really love is Backstreet Boys. My sister introduced me to Kpop in 2007, but I only like a few groups: Super Junior, B2ST, and H.O.T. Nowadays I listen to more Cpop, some Jpop, and when feeling nostalgic-Backstreet Boys.

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Guest Chocolate_Truffle

I grew up in the USA so American music is what I first started listening to. Then came JPop then Kpop.

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Guest Mr.Oso

I've had classical, pop, and R&B music played around me for the first few years of my life.

I didn't actually sit down and listen to any music until I came across Utada Hikaru by playing Kingdom Hearts. I found the Japanese version and became completely immersed in Jpop. Then through BoA and Se7en's Japanese music, I became interested in K-pop. 

Eventually I started listening to everything. I can honestly say I appreciate all kinds of music.

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Guest jiyong35

i listened chinese and thai music when i was young... and during i think 2006 or somethin i was looking for some thai music and came upon se7en and iwas like whats this... it doesn't sound thai, chinese, or japanese, or vietnamese. then i found out he was korean. and it kinda started from there. but i became a full on fan in 2008 but after the DBSK split in 2009 i was like, no more kpop haha. so im pretty much over kpop now back to thai and chinese!

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Guest paperkamen

Despite being only 19, I actually grew up on classical music and disco! xD

But the first music I got into by myself was j-pop (Hayashibara Megumi<3) and some American pop like N'sync. :P

Then I went through a heavy British punk phase (The Libertines, Joy Division, The Smiths) and fell in love with Shiina Ringo not long after.

All music is good music, I say! Even if it gets you by having absurdly bad lyrics or an annoyingly repetitive beat (-_-; *looks at most rap which you can't get out of your head if you've heard it more than once or twice, no matter how bad it is*

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Guest motherducker

First it was mainstream American music, and then I was into anime, so it was jpop/jrock. And then that somehow got into kpop.

But now I pretty much anything. Mainly rock though lol

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Guest AiMango

For me, I got into J-pop first. Transitioned into C-pop and K-pop over the years. Now I am totally out of J-pop phase (havent kept up in a few years now o.o) American music I like, but I always hear it so it's not like I put an effort in catching up with it.

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Well I pretty much started liking Chinese and American music at an young age. Although the American music I listened to wasn't really mainstream mostly disney songs then I discovered Linkin Park and yeah moved into rock and rap. I also was really into japanese music since when I was young I watched Dragonball Z and GT in cantonese, but they used the original opening and ending themes and I found it catchy.

I gave kpop a try kinda and never liked it, I personally think it's over rated. So yeah right now I'm just listening mostly to jpop/rock and American hip hop and rap. I still listen to some cpop, but it's hard to find new songs since almost all the song titles are in chinese.

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Guest Zom.B

Before Kpop, I listened to SO much hip hop and R&B. I was so OBSESSED with hip hop though.

Now I listen to every genre of music from christian, hip hop, "screamo", to classical.

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Guest o51029

First listened to Japanese pop due to watching anime which quickly turned to Visual Kei for a several years then gradually changed to JRock. I got a little bored with it after (and looking for stuff was getting so tiring) so I turned to English Rock. Then I got introduced to Korean entertainment by watching Coffee Prince which was so manga/manhwa-like I was surprised it didn't originate from one. After that I was pretty deep into KPop, Then I read an article about some Chinese artist that lived in my home town and got curious with his music. I am currently listening to Chinese music in a variety of genres from mainland and Taiwan (and beyond).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest juwiee

i started listening to chinese music first around 2001, i went on a family trip to cambodia =P as i am cambodian

and alot of people there just listen to chinese music and i was so into F4, do u guys remember them. yeah ahaha

omg so obsessed. then i actualy started high school when i came bak from my triip and learnt how to use the

"internet" properly and then ta daaa! i came to love my jpop and kpop ever since. aww. but now i just listen to

everything and anything. all types of music from everywhere.  

but i love my kpop =D <3 YG FAMILY...  omg 1TYM i am so urs hehe <3

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Guest discovos

I was into C-pop at first because my mom let me listen to it when I was really young. Then I started listening to mainstream E-pop. I never liked K-pop though. Right now I'm into English indie, preferably Indie Rock. Also a fan of The Beatles. I listen to C-pop and J-pop sometimes too, but I never touch mainstream E-pop and K-pop.

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