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[Drama 2011] My Love By My Side 내 사랑 내 곁에


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Thanks Baduy for your recap, it was both funny and informative. I fell asleep just before the live and when I woke up there was only 15 minutes left. The buffering was so bad I was unable to watch so I'm depending on you for my fix until a raw is available.

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Thanks Baduy for your recap, it was both funny and informative. I fell asleep just before the live and when I woke up there was only 15 minutes left. The buffering was so bad I was unable to watch so I'm depending on you for my fix until a raw is available.

You aren't kidding,@ baduy posts never fail to inform, entertain and make you think especially this part ." The cows guts, brains, livers and kidneys that go into Granny's company's hallmark soup (which I suppose would be more accurately translated Bovine Offal Soup) are good wholesome Korean cow guts that nourish good wholesome Koreans, quite unlike the scandalously dangerous beef products the US is trying to force upon Korea via the Free Trade Agreement, which even in the form of prime filet steaks, give off deadly brain-rotting BSE gas so that a mere whiff of them drives people insane before they even take their decadent Western forks off the table" I laughed until I had tears in my eyes. but I suppose every culture(uses propaganda) and has it's prejudices true or untrue. Like Americans have about the the hated Communists.I have not gotten a chance to see the latest episode yet (because it comes so late here)So reading you guys posts are a super plus for me.Thanks@ baduy as usual for your witty funny posts I would also like to thank .semifly, meebo and alchocoholic for the download links that help me watch the latest episode before I age another year And believe me senility is quickly approaching :D

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I fell asleep just before the live and when I woke up there was only 15 minutes left.

There are aren't all that many advantages to living in the UK nowadays, but one of them is that you get to watch Korean prime-time live streams around lunchtime local time. Though I suppose even that wouldn't suiit anyone who likes to take a lunchime nap.

Anyway, a couple more tidbits from my spluttered viewing of ep 24, which I'll try to correct if I find there's anything I've missed or misheard once I've had chance to see a proper version.

On JJ and her daughter-in-law. I already mentioned the main consideration that stopped YJ acting on her immediate impulse to take up SB's only thinly veiled suggestion that they should get a divorce, namely her aunt's reminding her that whether or not she got pregnant and so could function as the "baby machine" her MiL wanted was entirely up to her, and nobody else need know what she wasn't getting pregnant if she was ostensibly "trying". So the aunt advised her to preserve her own position and prospects by pretending to go along with the adoption scheme while making sure the expected baby didn't arrive.

But before that, when YJ said in ep 21 that she was minded to chuck in her marriage and go back to her parents in the States, her aunt warned her that her parents might not be all that delighted to see her. They hadn't exactly said so, but the aunt has gotten the distinct impression from her sister that YJ's parents' business wasn't doing at all well and that they wouldn't want to resume the financial burden of supporting her, and indeed would be upset at losing her husband and his family as a potential financial fall-back. It was after hearing that, plus the Aunt's reminder that no-one could force her to become pregnant, JY went to meet JJ and hear her apologise for her behaviour earlier in the morning and come clean on the reason she was proposing this scheme, stressing that SB had no family claims on the Old Lady's inheritance or support at all, and that is was in YJ's interests too to play her part in securing that inheritance for her husband.

As part of the price for going along with that, YJ found herself in ep 22 tricked into going to an O+G clinic with her mother-in-law for a fertility checkup. The doctor assured her (or rather, her mother-in-law) that there was no reason why she shouldn't get easily pregnant (pretty incompetent O+G clinic if it can't detect significant levels of synthetic progesterone or related hormones in a patient's bloodstream, seeing how that packet of pills we saw today wasn't freshly broached, but let's let that one pass) but it could be that there was a problem with her husband, so he should get checked out, too. The very thought so enrages JJ that she almost blurts out the evidence she has proving her son is certainly capable of fathering a child, but she bites her tongue just in time.

So on to today's episode, where YJ takes a call from her MiL urging her to be back home early today, in the view of how special today is. YJ is nonplussed for a moment, and has to ask what day is it then, only to hear JJ reminding her that today is the day they told her at the clinic she was certain to ovulate, so it was imperative not to miss the boat. After the encounter outside the restaurant with MS, during which in all innocence YJ insists on "introducing" SB to the mortified MS (who is all the more appalled when SB responds with a calm "Pleased to make your acquaintance", especially since the Korean polite formula he uses literally means "I am meeting you for the very first time" and his capacity for bare-face lying takes away what little breath MS still has left). After YJ has gone off in good spirits to lunch with her husband, obviously genuinely disappointed that MS had to turn down the invitation to join them, she complains to him that his mother actually rang her up to remind her to be home early so they could take advantage of her impending ovulation. She expects SB to share her slightly amused indignation at his mother's intrusive impudence, but instead SB says he doesn't see the problem, his mother told him all about it and he agrees it's a good idea of they go home early and get cracking. Time for another of YJ's gobsmacked double-takes. WHAT?? YOU discuss MY menstrual cycle WITH YOUR MOTHER?!! But SB still doesn't get why she shouldn't find that the most natural thing in the world. Of course he does, he replies, after all its about his ability to become the father of the child their family so badly needs, so why shouldn't his mother keep him informed about it? From that moment, it's very plain to YJ that going along with the scheme is going to involve wholehearted deception of her husband too, and she has no further compunction about doing that. Back home, they are about to retire early to the bed in which MiL has earlier checked that the shaman's fertility talisman is still duly installed when after a little hip-wiggle to hubby in her scanty nightwear, she retires briefly to the bathroom to swallow her pill (after no doubt having earlier on disposed of her fertility-inducing Chinese medicine in the same location, as we saw her doing on a previous day).

As for the cliffhanger,

the main thing that makes if very cliff-hangery is that SB's uncle has just told the Old Lady in so many words that MS's mom is the woman he loves and whom, if she's willing or can eventually come round to being willing, he intends to marry and adopt her child as his own. But what he doesn't know is that, thanks to JJ's scheming, the Old Lady is convinced that the boy IS his real child already, fruit of his gross and hypocritical infidelity to her beloved daughter. so that he is heinously trying to trick her by this "confession" into accepting as her heir a child born through cheating on her late daughter.

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baduy, thankx for your translations and Korean cultural explanations. They add depth that subs cannot. The failures of JJ's Machevellian attempts make me smile, but your comments make me laugh out loud. Because this drama is somewhat more realistic than most Kdramas, I look forward to it every wekend. I'm in the Philadelphia area where the raws are posted in the AM almost immediately after the ending in Korea. I'm also watching this on Verizon cable, but it is several eps behind but has good subs.

If I could add a little to SR's laughter in ep 23: I think part of the laughter is irony. MS just cut off her relationship with SR. SB's beating and information was unnecessary as SR would have stopped seeing/dating MS. However, with the MS is a mother info SR will be more mature and stronger.

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Wouldn't it be grand if the old lady tired to pull the mask off her son-in-law's face but JJ's mask falls instead when she secretly have a DNA test performed and finds out that her son-in-law is the JW's uncle. I bet MS's mother will be shocked to find that out..

Did I ever mentioned If I was MS's mother I would personally hurt her once I found out who the father and grandmother are. The fact that MS is still hiding their identity from her mother disgusts me to no ends!!! mad.gif

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baduy, thankx for your translations and Korean cultural explanations. They add depth that subs cannot. The failures of JJ's Machevellian attempts make me smile, but your comments make me laugh out loud. Because this drama is somewhat more realistic than most Kdramas, I look forward to it every wekend. I'm in the Philadelphia area where the raws are posted in the AM almost immediately after the ending in Korea. I'm also watching this on Verizon cable, but it is several eps behind but has good subs.

If I could add a little to SR's laughter in ep 23: I think part of the laughter is irony. MS just cut off her relationship with SR. SB's beating and information was unnecessary as SR would have stopped seeing/dating MS. However, with the MS is a mother info SR will be more mature and stronger.

You lucky girl I am in Detroit and don't get the streams until 2:00 or 3:00 pm. by then I am starting to cook Sunday dinner. So I usually don't get to watch until after 5:00. (now thanks downloads links I watch much earlier) Verizon wow(I didn't even know they had Verizon cable), I have T-mobile/Comcast maybe I am going to have to switch. That was my thinking as well to the laughter- bitter irony.@ gerryg that old gal is sweet and so gullible I don't think she the wherewithal to even think of a scheme so grand.@baduy again continued thanks for the clarifications/spot translations and funny comments

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Ep 24 is currently crawling on to my machine at well under one-hundredth of the theoretical capacity of my 30Mbps cable connection, so it will be a while yet till I get to watch it properly, but I was able to play through the first five minutes or so and get to see the whole of the third scene (MS and her Mom at breakfast time the morning after) which had been wrecked by buffering pauses on the live stream, and the gist of it would I think help people understand more of what follows.

Mom asks why MS is looking so down, indeed as if she'd been crying. She denies having cried and says if she does look a bit deflated its just the normal emotional hangover after getting so excited over the prospects of her new job. Mom picks up that thread by saying she should ask that nice young man who helped her succeed in the exam round for a special bout of Mom's Home Cooking, in fact why doesn't she call him right now with the invitation? When MS looks very uncomfortable at the thought, Mom wants to know has something gone wrong between them, to which MS responds she doesn't want to say anything more than that she won't be seeing SR ever again, and she would be grateful of her Mom would never mention his name in future


Mom of course won't let it rest there, and demands to know why MS is making such an abrupt break with a man who seemed so good and kind. Though she'd plainly prefer not to have to say it, MS replies that her Mom ought to realize that she's answered her own question in the way she asked it. How could someone with a past like hers inflict herself on a man who indeed truly is kind and good? Mom is up in arms about this. That past scandal MS is alluding to doesn't exist.. She never had a baby and she doesn't have a child. The child is her's, Mom's, always has been and always will be. MS replies that no matter how strongly her Mom may want that to be the case, and may even have come to feel it's the case, that doesn't make it so. That leads Mom to say, with palpable alarm, that she surely didn't tell SR the truth about her past? (though she carefully avoids calling it "the truth" saying instead "words of that kind" Did she? MS admits by her eloquent silence that she indeed did, and then simply adds that's why she never wants her mother to raise this matter again, before making her escape off to work, aided by her Uncle's sudden appearance which prevents her Mom from chasing after her, though Mom doesn't look as though she'd be capable of even standing upright, let alone chasing anyone in her horrified state.

BTW, the Uncle's entry has me worried about one thing. Though he's certainly filling the role of the Embarrassingly Feckless Family Member to the max, he isn't wearing the correct uniform, the multicolored EFFM shirt that looks like it was rejected by the buyers of a chain of souvenir stalls in Hawai'i on the grounds that it was too garish for them to sell even to Japanese tourists. No, he's not even wearing T-shirts with Embarrassinly Bad English slogans either, but quite sober and reasonably smart-casual grayish ones (a small gray-and-white checkered pattern he wore a couple of weeks back being the closest to loudness in attire that he's come so far). BUT, there is one character who is emphatically NOT an Embarrassingly Feckless Family Member who is starting to show sartorial tastes that are distinctly in the EFFM shirt direction. I refer to SR's Dad. Of course, the fact that he's always now wearing a pinafore to demonstrate his houseworking efforts doesn't help show off his dress sense, but the combo last week of a very housewifely apron with a psychodelic multi-colored t-shirt did not bode well,

Incidentally, in the scene that follows in ep 24,

SR's Mom is getting to hear from the indignant mother of the girl which whom she fixed up the blind date how SR suddenly got up, left the restaurant and never came back

. But I guess that's plain enough from the video alone.

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You lucky girl I am in Detroit and don't get the streams until 2:00 or 3:00 pm. by then I am starting to cook Sunday dinner. So I usually don't get to watch until after 5:00. (now thanks  downloads links I watch much earlier)  Verizon wow(I didn't even know they had Verizon cable), I have T-mobile/Comcast maybe I am going to have to switch. That was my thinking as well to the laughter- bitter irony.@ gerryg that old gal is sweet and so gullible I don't think she the wherewithal to even think of a scheme so grand.@baduy again continued thanks for the clarifications/spot translations and funny comments

Shedevil77 I don't know why but I thought you were in the NY area, I'm in the Chicago area and I get the live feed at 6:45 am and you right the raw's come up around 2:00 to 3:00pm .

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MS was wrong for not acknowledging that she knew SB regardless of his implied lie. As the preview show the wife is already finding out that they know each other well, now it will seem as if she is having an affair with him.  Will this motivate her to have the baby now, and does MS need another enemy. It would be great if YJ confronted MS about her and SB and MS spill the whole story, that way they don't have to be enemy's. After today;s episode plus next week's preview, MS and her mom won't have a friend on the show. 

I'm confused is the photographer following SR or is he following MS? I find it strange that SB is not curious about the kid even though he believes his mothers lie that MS got rid of the baby. He also knows that MS was adamant about keeping it. What reaction will he have when he finds out? 

JJ forget's one thing and that's at present their tie to the grandma is strictly through the uncle, what if he leaves the company and move out if he provoked enough. The better plan would have been to let the uncle marry SA and adopt HY. Now she has backed herself into a corner where she can't come out later a claim HY as her grandson. I guess that today's show just raised a lot of questions for me.

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MS was wrong for not acknowledging that she knew SB regardless of his implied lie. As the preview show the wife is already finding out that they know each other well, now it will seem as if she is having an affair with him.  Will this motivate her to have the baby now, and does MS need another enemy. It would be great if YJ confronted MS about her and SB and MS spill the whole story, that way they don't have to be enemy's. After today;s episode plus next week's preview, MS and her mom won't have a friend on the show. 

I'm confused is the photographer following SR or is he following MS? I find it strange that SB is not curious about the kid even though he believes his mothers lie that MS got rid of the baby. He also knows that MS was adamant about keeping it. What reaction will he have when he finds out? 

JJ forget's one thing and that's at present their tie to the grandma is strictly through the uncle, what if he leaves the company and move out if he provoked enough. The better plan would have been to let the uncle marry SA and adopt HY. Now she has backed herself into a corner where she can't come out later a claim HY as her grandson. I guess that today's show just raised a lot of questions for me.

IBELIS, 6:45 is too early for me to get up on my only day off :)I think the photographer is following MS.As you said why isn't SB curious about the child?.He knows his mother will lie at the drop of a hat (talk about no imagination) HY is the right age too. Even is mother figured out pretty quickly HY was her grandson..Do you think SB really loves MS? I really don't because if he did he would not have married.. And why is SB and their mother trying so hard to get that company?They should be happy the old dame treats them as well as she does.I can't for the life of me see how the duchess(granny) ran a company.I guess the son in law and hubby ran the company because as sweet as she is the old girl isn't the sharpest tool in the shed! The duchess has fallen for everything for silly trick JJ has pulled without examining any of JJ's motives(and JJ sure isn't an Einstein).I guess the duchess feels JJ would not lie to her.It is kind of sad really JJ has turned the duchess against the only person in the house who really loves and cares for her( the brother in law) This was a pretty good episode.

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I'm confused is the photographer following SR or is he following MS?

The brief was to investigate what the relationship of SR was to MS. So he's been tracking SR and photographing their meetings using his discreet telephoto SLR with its megaloud shutter. This is another feature of Kdrama-land. People taking surveillance photos never have any difficulty concealing themselves despite their incredibly bulky and noisy cameras. They don't even need to wear either of the two Kdrama standby items, the Miraculous Incognito Sunglasses (JJ had several different pairs of those earlier on, though now she seems to be relying on city parks department provided stalking trees for concealment) or the Miraculous Incognito Baseball Cap (which oddly hasn't figured at all yet in this drama).

I find it strange that SB is not curious about the kid even though he believes his mothers lie that MS got rid of the baby. He also knows that MS was adamant about keeping it. What reaction will he have when he finds out? 

I suspect the answer may lie in the distinctly aspergerish traits the writer is giving him. He simply doesn't seem to grasp the reality of the existence of other people. He knows they're there, but it never occurs to him that they may have thoughts and feelings of their own beyond those he projects on them in his own image. So he takes it as a "fact" that the baby was aborted and doesn't even bother to wonder how that squares with MS's determination back then to keep it or the fact that she currently wanders around holding hands with an infant who looks like him and is plainly around seven years old. Compare his behavior in today's episode once his stooge brings him the photographic evidence that MS and SR have definitively split up. He immediately assumes MS will be overjoyed to get his flowers and present and unable to contain her joyous gratitude when his note assures her he's never stopped thinking of her. He just can't see why she dumps the flowers and the presnt right back on him, especially in view of the very expensive nature of that necklace he's been carrying around all this time.

In marked contrast, one of MS's motives for concealing the fact she knows him of old is that she doesn't want his wife to be hurt (and her main reproach to SB when she gives him back the unwanted gifts is not that he's harrassing her, though he most certainly is, but that he is being cruel to his wife).

JJ forget's one thing and that's at present their tie to the grandma is strictly through the uncle, what if he leaves the company and move out if he provoked enough.

I don't think she's ever forgotten that. She's repreated it to herself, her hubby, SB and most recently YJ often enough. But when she sees the uncle, JW and SM's Mom in the park looking so "like a family" she panics and decides that this is a chance to get rid of SM's child SM herself her Mom AND the Uncle in one fell swoop. She knows that the Old Lady only thinks so much of her son-in-law because he was so faithful and loving towards her daughter, even for seven years after her death. If she can convince the Old Lady that the uncle was cheating on her daughter, and has been play-acting all this time just to hold on to the Old Lady's legacy, then she figures that the Old Lady, on the rebound and in the absence of anyone else she can turn to, will attach all the devotion she once paid her son-in-law on to SB and his mother instead and they can do very nicely without his uncle altogether. Under this latest plan, she's actually intending to get the Uncle booted out of the company and the family. The Old Lady, as we already saw today, is gullible enough to fall for that, for a while at least.

I can't for the life of me see how the duchess(granny) ran a company.

Ah, but this was a Kdrama-land Truly Korean Company. To run one of those you just have to have a staunch commitment to employing as many (Korean) people for life as is physically possible, without any regard to their competence or productivity, and abundant supplies of the nastier bits of Korean cows.to turn into your Natural Beef Soup. Then you're set up for life in your mansion behind your gold-plated fake antique landline phone, provided you watch out for those smart-assed Ivy League alumni with their spreadsheets.

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Wouldn't it be grand if the old lady tired to pull the mask off her son-in-law's face but JJ's mask falls instead when she secretly have a DNA test performed and finds out that her son-in-law is the JW's uncle. I bet MS's mother will be shocked to find that out..

Did I ever mentioned If I was MS's mother I would personally hurt her once I found out who the father and grandmother are. The fact that MS is still hiding their identity from her mother disgusts me to no ends!!! *quoted image*

wait...! who is JW ...? As I know HY is MS son?? JW is...? confuse here..

And who is Mil?

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Guest leishers

I've been reading your guys comments and most of it is in agreement too what I think. Im so glad to see that im not the only one who thinks that way. For a while I thought I was the only one watching this drama, and I so wanted to see what others POV was on it. Especially since its not being subbed :(. But I've been on the Mi Sol, So Ryong team before the show aired and I'm still going to stay on this. The only thing that totally ticks me off is that Mi Sol's mom let MS claim her baby to be her little brother. That just doesnt sit well with me. *Sigh* and I so thought that it would be smooth sailing for MS and SR for a little, but boy was I wrong.

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The brief was to investigate what the relationship of SR was to MS. So he's been tracking SR and photographing their meetings using his discreet telephoto SLR with its megaloud shutter. This is another feature of Kdrama-land. People taking surveillance photos never have any difficulty concealing themselves despite their incredibly bulky and noisy cameras. They don't even need to wear either of the two Kdrama standby items, the Miraculous Incognito Sunglasses (JJ had several different pairs of those earlier on, though now she seems to be relying on city parks department provided stalking trees for concealment) or the Miraculous Incognito Baseball Cap (which oddly hasn't figured at all yet in this drama).

I suspect the answer may lie in the distinctly aspergerish traits the writer is giving him. He simply doesn't seem to grasp the reality of the existence of other people. He knows they're there, but it never occurs to him that they may have thoughts and feelings of their own beyond those he projects on them in his own image. So he takes it as a "fact" that the baby was aborted and doesn't even bother to wonder how that squares with MS's determination back then to keep it or the fact that she currently wanders around holding hands with an infant who looks like him and is plainly around seven years old. Compare his behavior in today's episode once his stooge brings him the photographic evidence that MS and SR have definitively split up. He immediately assumes MS will be overjoyed to get his flowers and present and unable to contain her joyous gratitude when his note assures her he's never stopped thinking of her. He just can't see why she dumps the flowers and the presnt right back on him, especially in view of the very expensive nature of that necklace he's been carrying around all this time.

In marked contrast, one of MS's motives for concealing the fact she knows him of old is that she doesn't want his wife to be hurt (and her main reproach to SB when she gives him back the unwanted gifts is not that he's harrassing her, though he most certainly is, but that he is being cruel to his wife).

I don't think she's ever forgotten that. She's repreated it to herself, her hubby, SB and most recently YJ often enough. But when she sees the uncle, JW and SM's Mom in the park looking so "like a family" she panics and decides that this is a chance to get rid of SM's child SM herself her Mom AND the Uncle in one fell swoop. She knows that the Old Lady only thinks so much of her son-in-law because he was so faithful and loving towards her daughter, even for seven years after her death. If she can convince the Old Lady that the uncle was cheating on her daughter, and has been play-acting all this time just to hold on to the Old Lady's legacy, then she figures that the Old Lady, on the rebound and in the absence of anyone else she can turn to, will attach all the devotion she once paid her son-in-law on to SB and his mother instead and they can do very nicely without his uncle altogether. Under this latest plan, she's actually intending to get the Uncle booted out of the company and the family. The Old Lady, as we already saw today, is gullible enough to fall for that, for a while at least.

Ah, but this was a Kdrama-land Truly Korean Company. To run one of those you just have to have a staunch committment to employing as many (Korean) people for life as is physically possible, without any regard to their competence or productivity, and abundant supplies of the nastier bits of Korean cows.to turn into your Natural Beef Soup. Then you're set up for life in your mansion behind your gold-plated fake antique landline phone, provided you watch out for those smart-assed Ivy League alumni with their spreadsheets.

OMG, hahahahaha I thought I was the only one who laughed at the fake gold leaf land line .You have a great sense of humor!!

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The only thing that totally ticks me off is that Mi Sol's mom let MS claim her baby to be her little brother.

It wasn't a matter of MS's Mom letting her daughter claim that. She more or less forced her into making that claim for what she insisted was her daughter's own good. And she's still trying to hold that line, since she believes all the efforts she's made on her daughter's behalf will go to waste if that secret comes out. As I've said before, there's a resemblance here to the line JJ takes with SB: she insists he has to do things her way, because of all the effort she's put into getting him into a position where he can get control of the company.

It's important to realize that MS is very unhappy about having to conceal her motherhood from the world in general, and her own child in particular. She is also none too happy about some of her mother's child-rearing methods when she sees them being applied to her "little brother". It's a crucial point of disagreement with her mother and a lurking source of conflict between them.

BTW some of those who've been slaving away on the DSS site might be a little piqued to see the claim that it isn't being subbed.

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Guest jdkk09

I really dislike SB's Mom.  She's the protagonist in all the story lines.  I see that she's greedy, selfish, is living her dream through her son etc but can't the writer think of some other means to move the plot along.  The constant stalking is getting on my nerves.  I think SB has gone psycho with paranoid tendencies.  Really beating up your competition by some goons.  Who does that?  So now we need to have all the birth secrets revealed.  How long is that going to take?  Currently annoyed with this drama.  Can't you tell?

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I really dislike SB's Mom.  She's the protagonist in all the story lines.  I see that she's greedy, selfish, is living her dream through her son etc but can't the writer think of some other means to move the plot along.  The constant stalking is getting on my nerves.  I think SB has gone psycho with paranoid tendencies.  Really beating up your competition by some goons.  Who does that?  So now we need to have all the birth secrets revealed.  How long is that going to take?  Currently annoyed with this drama.  Can't you tell?

Yes, I can. I do see your point too. When the birth secret is finally revealed. SB will go ballistic( in regards to MS being his property)The man is so self obsessed SB sees the people in his life as pawns for his needs. or should I say how they relate to his needs. SB and his mom make me sick.And if JJ had any sense she would be worrying about her own marriage as opposed to trying so desperately to make SB heir to a company he has no rightful claim to.Just so they collectively(her family) can live on easy street.GEEZ!!

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wait...! who is JW ...? As I know HY is MS son?? JW is...?  confuse here..

And who is Mil?

Oops! Sorry used the wrong initials for MS's son. 

It's common to transpose the characters initials but I not only did I transpose I transpose the dramas! I was using the Woo Joo from You're So Pretty transposed initials. Sorry about that sweatingbullets.gif  Ugh! So is the life of one who is watching/reading 5 dailies and 3 weekenders. blush.gif

Not sure about Mil but  MIL normally means Mother-In-Law.

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