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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Wow you guys are really loyal  fans !

I scam most of posts and I shocked from what I read … , Especially the girl from  Mexico who was starting to sell food just to earn money on purpose to  go to Korea to meet big bang, …. She is amazing, actually I have enough money to visit to Korea but this is not my first priority at all..!  

You guys really amazing !!!,  how could you love BB that mush !!

I mean I was consider myself  as big bang’s fan too, just because I knew them from about a year, and I often listen to some of their songs,  but it seem I not fan of them at all !!!

And to be honest I never thought that I should thank BB members because they brought for us their lovely songs , I used to think that the (BB members) are the one who should be thankful because we listen to their songs !!

Any way I love these posts ,  gd luck;)..

PS: Big bang I love you guys, and maybe it’s the time to say thank you !

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"*Sigh*....It's been on my mind for a while...Got to get this off of my chest...Before it's too late..."

Dear Big Bang <3,

I'm kind of speechless right now. The mere thought of you guys reading this, gives me goosebumps!...

I love you because you make me smile.

I love you because you love music.

I love you because you stay always the way you are.

I love you because you've been making my life colourful since 2006.

I love you because you made me work hard to become a better singer and person.

I love you for making my heart beat, everytime I see you on stage.

& I love your for giving me hope when I feel like giving up on life.

"Thank You & You"

So, I'd like to say some thank you's!

Thank You for ALWAYS being there for me.

Thank You for sharing your passion for music with me.

Thank you for making me sing with feelings.

Thank You for changing me.

Thank You for waking me up every morning.

Thank you for going to school with me.

Thank you for singing me to sleep every night.

Thank you for making me smile.

& BIG THANK YOU for loving your fans around the world.

"Forever be my world."

I'll love and support you forever and always, 'til eternity.I promise. Or something better: GD-Guarantee :-P

Yours sincereley,


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Hello !


I'm a french fan, of origin  vietnamese and I'm gonna be 16 on 13 march ;)I'm so glad : BiGBANG's COMEBACK :D and you might read what I'm writing (What could be better ?) You're the only korean group that I can always listen to, I can't get enough of you. You drive me craazy !

Your music make me transport somewhere else, in the most beautiful place , and your lyrics are just WONDERFUL ! That's why I'm wondering where do you get your inspiration ? To finish, CONGRATULATiON for all you have done until now and for all you gonna do :DYOU'RE ALL AMAZiNG. <3

I LOVE YOU ! .( But Sshhh, it's a secret)





C'est bon, fais moi du bien....♪ x)

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Ive been a silent reader in the BIGBANG Forum for some years now...

This BIGBANGin Comeback after our 2 years of waiting made my day that i was able to sum up some courage to post the photo i made specially for BBs comeback...

I so miss these 5 awesome guys that I was hyped up all night because of their GREAT COMEBACK SONGS...

How i wish i can see them one day in person..my greatest dream and i know that would be EPIC!




THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THE AWESOME WORLD OF HIP HOP and KPOP! You guys had been my inspiration to work hard and reach for my dreams :)

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Guest kdramanut

Big Bang's comeback was highly anticipated and the boys certainly did not disappoint! I'm actually a fan of alternative rock, but ever since I heard "Haru Haru," I've been a Big Bang fan. There's just something about their music that bleeds into your veins so much so that you can't stop listening to it.

Each member's unique charisma comes through in their parts. TOP - whether you're solo, with GD, or Big Bang, your rap gets my head swaying each time. GD - it's amazing how much creativity flows through you! Taeyang - your voice...your soul...it comes through and I find it comforting. Daesung - your powerful voice never ceases to amaze me because it seems in such contrast to your goofyness on variety shows. Seungri - you've certainly matured over the years and that maturity comes through in the emotions you can feel through your voice.

I am a very happy and lucky fan. See you all on Saturday!!!!!!!

P.S. After Japan, I hope you guys will tour the U.S. as well (at least Cali). :D

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Guest ErikaVeex3

Sadly I don't have any art or videos to woo Big Bang with, but perhaps my words alone can show my immense love and respect for you boys :)

Your music is phenominal. From your early hip-hop roots with mini albums like Always, to your maturity as artists which lead to you branching out and flourishing as solo artists, sub groups, and, finally, together as a band again, there hasn't been a song which hasn't made me want to dance, laugh, or cry. With your sweet melodies and perfected vocals which so flawlessly mix Korean and English, you've made not only me, but hundreds of thousands of  Korean and international VIPs swoon.

My support for you goes to a deeper level though, since it is not only your fantastic music, but your unrivaled charisma and personality that makes me love you. In every interview, you show either a graceful, composed side of yourselves, the funny, immature side, or the deeply intellectual side, which together reveal your well rounded personalities. None of you ever let fame get to your head, even when you are arguably one of the most famous acts to come out of Korea in a very long time.

Which leads me to question why you haven't tried to branch out more internationally yet (I mean, beyond Asia. Do you know how many VIPs in the U.S.A. are patiently saving their money to come see you in Korea? The least you could do was visit once every few years!) Hopefully, in the next few years, we'll see a world tour get put in motion. But I won't bother you so much with that, I want to express my reasons for why each of you are so close to my heart and why I care so much for each of you:

T.O.P: Where to begin? The definiton of masculinity and oozed sex appeal is a reason why you're so many girls' bias. To me, your looks and smothering stare are only an added bonus to your genuine personality. Through your faults and triumphs, you are never secretive or boastful. You accept your mistakes and embrace your good qualities. You are unafraid to put your heart on your sleeve and talk about things most dear to you (Oh Mom, Of All Days, Act Like Nothing's Wrong) and by doing so, we see a sweet, genuine side to you which you can't usually see with idols, since they are so gaurded and fearful of what others think. Thank you for being so honest and genuine :)

Daesung: Daesung, your smile makes us smile :) Always willing to crack a joke but at the same time, speak seriously, you are the perfect blend and mediator among the crazy, subdued, serious and not-so-serious other members. Much like T.O.P, you expose a vulnerable side to yourself when you sing with your beautiful voice. Your solo song Try Smiling never fails to make me a little teary eyed, an example of how expressive your voice is. Thank you for always seeming friendly and kind :)

TaeYang: From your solo activities to your activites as a part of Big Bang, you always stand out as such an identifyable presence. Humble, witty, and kind, you win girls over with your large heart and sweet smiles. A great dancer, vocalist, and performer, you provide a strong foundation for Big Bang to become what it is and to continue to grow much much larger than it is even now. Thank you for your talent and the r&b influence you bring to the band :)

Seungri: The youngest, and by far, most adorable Big Bang member, girls love you like they loved heir childhood teddy bear. With your solo activities this year, you've shown the more mature, adult you, but have done it with style and class, as opposed to many other artists who try to shed their cute image, and go for a raunchy, over exposed version of themselves. You put immense effort into everything you do, and never fail to impress us. While we want to keep you youthful and cute forever, we will love you and support you as you continue to grow. Thank you for letting us watch you develop as an artist and as a person :)

G-Dragon: The leader, and often the comic relief, people have fallen in love with your off-beat personality and unwavering showmanship. You are fearless in your music, fashion, and interviews. Unabashed and unafraid, you have become an icon and a leader to those who were once considered 'out-casts' for their strange behavior. This I know hasn't been any easy road for you, and it deeply saddens me to know you had to go through a period of unrest where you felt like you needed to change yourself to be an idol. I'm sure you still have those moments, just like everyone does. It is the fact that you persevered, and decided to take the risks and live your life fearless rather than fearful that makes you forever my inspiration. You are unapologetic for your personality and never fail to surprise - and stun - the media and your fans with new creative music that breaks all boundaries put in place prior. As a composer, a vocalist, and a rapper, you are a master of your craft. Your song Obsession reveals exactly every complex emotion you discussed you hoped it would express, a mix of terror, romance, fight, flight, regret. When someone can pinpoint so many conflicting emotions in such an entrancing song, you know that it had to be composed by the hand of perfection. Never let haters make you uneasy, because a million VIPs will cheer for everytime one hates. Thank you for being a fearless leader not only to Big Bang, but to the millions of VIPs who were inspired to express themselves, and for being my inspiration.

More so than winning, I truly hope you see and read this message, because I speak not only for me, but for VIPs across the globe when i say you have had such a profound impact on our lives. Your music, from the simplest ways of cheering us up on bad days, to the complex ways we relate, has all brought us something magical and important. We are your VIPs, but more importantly, you are our VIPs. You will always hold a special place in our heart and we will continue to support and promote you in all your endeavors. Please, on your sad days, angry days, days when you feel like perhaps all the fame isn't worth it, remember that, no matter who says otherwise, you will always have people who love and support you. Thank you for being such inspirations. Your music knows no boundary of language, culture, race, or other, it is simply beautiful, poetic words sung that make every fan feel.

Never, ever forget your impact on others, because we will never, ever forget your impact on us :)

~Erika :)

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Guest StereoKpop315

:DI wanna Give Big Love to Big Bang

totaly excited 4 the comeback!!!!!!!

Big Bang

Your music is amazing!!!

i have to say, it is amazing how you use the hip-hop & R&B fell in your music also putting english and korean words in you lyrics as well!!!

what you do keeps me coming back for more and i am always satified with the amazing work that you guys do every time!!!

Each memeber has thier own great tallent that bring out the best in the group!!! continue to rock the house and never stop!!!!

Love your biggest big bang fan!!!

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Back  with much BigBang Love<3

Dear Big Bang, 

I really have no clue where to start, so i guess i'll begin with my thanks. Thank you Soompi & YGE for allowing this awesome opportunity to happen! And of course thank you  Big Bang for being the amazing artists and people that you guys are. 

My love for Big Bang is a new and growing one. I first learned of you guys in october of last year . The story of how I came to discover you is actually kind of embarrassing, or in my opinion. I write short stories (original & fanfic) in my free time, as well as read other stories on the site I post. So, one day I came across a story where the author decided that Taeyang looked liked what she imagined her  lead male to look. When i saw Taeyang's picture, naturally I was very curious to find out who he was! As I began to do my research I came across the "Wedding Dress" & "Where You At" MVs and was completely blown away. I was super impressed with the singing and dancing, therefore i began to dig even deeper into youttube to find more videos. Then, i started to come across BIGBANG videos. The first one I watched was Haru Haru. And even though this version was unsubbed i still was able to grasp the emotion as well as the general meaning behind the song. I absolutely loved it and was hooked from that moment on. 

Some of my friends don't quite understand my love for a group that i sometimes don't understand due to the fact that i don't speak korean, or japanese in the case of some of you japanese works, but i feel that music and the emotion behind it transcends language barriers (and of course in this day and age i can always find a subbed version of your songs or a translation, which helps lol). I find your music to be refreshing, as well as ,continually growing and maturing.  I have all of your CDs (group, solos, and sub units projects) and I love that each has its own feel and style. You guys started off with hip hop but now are incorporating different sounds into you music, which I think is amazing. I feel that  a lot of other artists are scared to take risks with their music, but you guys don't which makes me really respect you and your work! I also ABSOLUTELY love the the fact that your songs are not in any way shape or form derogatory towards women. You guys are just so phenomenal!

Also,  listening to your music has opened the door for me to become interested in Korean culture, politics, as well as other parts of Asia. I am an international studies major who ,at first, was very concentrated in Latin America because I learned how to speak Spanish at a young age, as well as a little French, and it came easy to me. However as  my senior year started I began to realize that I was becoming very bored with Latin America & Spanish and was in search of something new to master as I look forward to starting graduate school next fall. Listening to your music has compelled me to pick up Korean and Japanese, as well as, steer my career path towards hopefully working for the State department and being able to be placed in Asia.  So thank you for helping me focus and find a new exciting academic path!

After watching the Big Bang Documentary and listening many of your interviews available online I find the way you all have overcome many challenges to be very inspiring. Big Bang is definitely a group I can see myself listening to all of you works (all five of you, solos, and sub uni tcollaborations), for a long time. Oh and a quick note before I do your individual letters. Your new CD Tonight is amazing! Café is by far my favorite song with “Tonight” and“What is Right” following closely behind. I think you all did an exceptional job on the songs! Thank you for such a great mini album after being gone 2 years. I can’t wait for the full album that is to come out later this year!


Jiyong Oppa- You are such a gifted artist and producer! Please don't let the haters get you down. It really broke my heart when I watched NAN and you talked about how hurt you were when people were saying very negative things to/about you. Keep your head up buttercup because there are so many of us VIPS standing strong behind you. In my opinion you are a great leader and I have nothing but respect and love for you!  

T.O.P aka Choi Seung Hyun Oppa- I don't know where to start with you. I think you are seriously one of the best rappers. Though I don't speak Korean i can seriously listen to you rap and feel all of the emotion behind it, or i think i can. And when i do find the translations to the raps you have come up with I am thoroughly impressed.  Your style & swag are untouchable. You definitely have a a gift for rapping...and singing! I remember when I came across a youtube video of you singing "No Diggty", i was floored! I was like why doesn't he sing more often!? Your song "Oh Mom" was something i felt was super touching and I loved when you performed it! Now on to your acting. I think you are so talented in acting! Even though you were a bad guy in IRIS i loved your character! In 71:Into the Fire, i definitely cried like a baby! you brought so much emotion to your performance. I am so proud of you for winning the awards of best newcomer for you role!  I honestly think i could continue for like another page about how much i love you but I won't lol just know that i do!

OH P.s TOP your personality is stellar! you have a ridiculously funny side as well as a very mature and thoughtful side and i love it! Oh and your eye stares and deep voice make me a serious puddle of goop! So freaking sexy.....lol

Tayang Oppa- You were what started it all for me. I loved your SOLAR international CD! I think you have some smooth dance moves and a wonderful voice. And let's not forget those ridiculous abs of yours! I think it's amazing that you and GD have both trained for so long! It has definitely paid off! Also, in the message to iVIPS your english was so cute! keep up the good work on mastering the language! and help out your other group members so you guys can come to the US sooner and give us a concert!!!!! (Please stop by the midwest,  Chicago to be exact lol)

Daesung Oppa- I'm not exactly sure if the title of Oppa applies to you because we're the same age....but i think your a few months older so we'll go with it. ANYWAYS, Daesung you voice blows me away! I am seriously so excited that you will have a solo album out soon! Your part in Cafe...just..wow. Your voice is so strong! Not to mention i love your personality! Watching you on all of the variety shows was super enjoyable. I think you have a shiny personality to go along with your adorable but sometimes very sexy looks (i hope that makes sense...)

Seungri! Maknae! You keep me in stitches with your confidence and talking skills. With the release of your recent album i was impressed with your growth as an artist and really enjoyed the mini album (although i will forever break out the "Strong Baby, crack, crack , crack" dance when i'm dancing it out when i'm stressed). It truly showed how hard you work and how much passion you have for what you do! You are so cute and lovable..even if your hyungs give you a hard time. I think you are amazing and keep up the good work!



V.I.P Forever Erica, age 21, Chicago

Below is a sign i made...i'm not the most artistically inclined but I tried! Sorry if i got the Korean characters are wrong. I tried very hard to make sure it was correct but i've never actually taken a Korean class so sorry for any errors! Also, it says Mark over TOP since it was revealed that until SE7EN stepped in YG was going to name him Mark :)



Ah it's backwards! Lol Well I hope you enjoyed my spiel!


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Guest Tiger88

Hello Dae Sung, T.O.P, G-Dragon, Tae Yang and Seungri!

First, i have to say that, boys, i love u and your music. You guys are genius (and so cute all of you)blush.gif

I live across the globe but i found you, thank God :P it's a shame to live across the globe because i'll never see u in live or be able to come your consert (I live in Finland, i now that doesn't ring any bells to you, anyway sweatingbullets.gif ) I really want to see you but it's impossible tears.gif

First video and song i watch'd and heard was Lollipop. When i saw it first time, i was sold. It is so funny, cute and colorfull! I search all of your songs in youtube and i still can't stop listening you! And thank you for the new songs, i haven't heart them yet, but i allready now that the songs are even better than the old ones ;D

I have thought to send you a post but i was uncertain, that you'll never get it :unsure: but now i had the opportunity write to you. And i hope you read this too :)

It's so hard to get notice'd of all messages

PS. Daesung, i love your nose and your smile :wub: and your voice is indescribable beautiful..! U are my favorite <3 never stop smiling :lol: I Love U!!!

I hope all of you a happy and love filled life <3

I Love You

Rakastan Teitä (in finnish)  <3

당신을 사랑합니다


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Guest chiru-chiru

Hi! I am a french girl who haven't very a good  english so excuse me if there are some mistakes...

I don't know how to say my feels ....Big Bang was the first korean group I knew and I love them since the first note what I heard and I discorved Big Bang by a strange way it was one of my teacher who ask a search for a text which named "day by day" and haru haru was in google's results and I listened one music, two, three ...And I loved!!! (and I didn't do my homework but it's not the problem...)

Big Bang was and is my favorite group because the members have very beautiful voices, they are so stylish and there is another reason (which is personal) do I was very sad and listen to music  was the only thing which made me happy and in a way it is grace to you that I am what I am today and I thank you for it.

I can't say anything more because I haven't got a good english and even in french I haven't words to describe how much I loved Big Bang.

I finished my "confession" and I know this was not very clear but I hope you will be happy to read this .


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Guest StereoKpop315

What each Big Bang Member Is described to Me

G-dragon: you are an awesome leader!! ur trend is fyi and shows so much about you. Your funny and always give me a good laugh when your not busy in the studio!!!

T.O.P- i enjjoy the way you rap, you give it that hype feeling that i like!!! i always look forward to each and part you rap in every song, you be be kill'n then 4real!!!

TaeYang- u are like the most finest person ever!!! you just put the right amount of soul in each and every song you do!!! when u ride solo, you show out every time. you have a nice smile, amazing dance skills, and an outstanding personality!!!

Seungri: even as the youngest, you are the custest ever!!! you make me blush every timr i see you!! you seem very mature and have high exspectations 4 urself!! thats what all girls like!

Daesung- like how you always ack natural around any kind of enviorment!! your a good person that always has a good heart!!! you sing with your beautiful voice!!!

this what like about you guys each and ever one of you!!!

Big love for Big Bang

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Guest peachigurl82


BIGBANG's comeback is SO exciting! I have already pre-ordered BIGBANG's newest mini-album as well as their light-stick from dvdheaven! (because the yge-shop was too complicated... and the plugin would not install on my mac... and yeahhh D:)

I can't wait to see them DOMINATE the Korean charts, and HOPEFULLY the USA's charts as well!!!!

Also, BIGBANG, please come to the Korean Music Festival at the Hollywood Bowl this year! (so that I can use my light-stick, because I am going to go for the first time this year) 

The reason why I love KPOP is because of Taeyang's Wedding Dress, that is what started it all... and then I started to listen to BIGBANG's Japanese songs, like Koe wo Kikasete and Gara Gara Go!!! and then one of my friends showed me Sunset Glow, as well as Last Farewell, and then I became hooked, especially during the summer... When my parents and I went to go on a vacation, the only music I would listen to was BIGBANG and 2NE1 (:

I even ordered Taeyang's Solar International Version, as well as 2NE1's To Anyone. I was so excited when they finally came in the mail!

In the beginning of my K-Pop obsession, I would only listen to BIGBANG and 2NE1, and I knew of SNSD and Super Junior, but I didn't really listen to them until my friend gave me their CD.  And now I am way more obsessed with Kpop.  hahha (: 

This summer, I am hoping to study abroad in Korea, all because of KPOP :D (and some Korean Dramas too) kekeke 


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Guest bAngs_zatie

O.M.G....this is cool....tq YG n SOOMPI..



hi,gosh,its freaking scary(in a good way) to think that u guys actually will read my message..hehe laugh.gif

anyway,i got nothing special in me to show...i'm not as creative as u guys..

i will just give my SHOUTOUT to u guys..


u guys don't know how much ecstatic(excited) i'm waiting for ur ALBUM... *yaaayy,cuz its already released!!~* w00t.gif

actually,this is my 1st time watching your comeback,i mean,i only know BIGBANG during GD's HEARTBREAKER...

i freaking luv u guys *insert fangirl mode*...

OMG <---my 1st reaction knowing your comeback is near..

then BAM,batch after batch,teaser after teaser are released...OMG2x

then,today,as i'm typing,another BANG u give us...the album is released OMG3x

i bet when the MV is out,i'll go crazy n another OMG4x...can't wait..huhu

i'm just going to make it short(but somehow its become long..LOL) cuz i'm pretty sure there a lot more posts u guys need to read..am i a thoughtful fan??muahaha..tongue.gif(its sound like seungri oppa,right??haha)

to GD oppa, thank u for being such a true leader..being able to lead BIGBANG till this level,JJANG AEYO..DAEBAK!!<3 FIGHTing~~~

by the way,i got one naughty question for u..heheph34r.gif..you actually have a girlfriend,right??..OMG,u are blushing so its true..muahaha.. joke only...have a nice day~~oppa,did anyone tell you that you are soooooo cute???cuz u definitely are~~

to TABI oppa, sexiest man i ever see n damn,ur voice *melting2x*....oppa,you are not so innocence and pure man,right???..eyyyy,don't denied it cuz i know what you did to all your fans..haha..*your fans going crazy over your presence*laugh.gif...i'm waiting for your solo album..aja2 FIGHTing~~ speed quiz: Do you stay alone in your new villa??..^^

to TAEYANG oppa,awwww....your voice make ice-cream that TOP oppa eat melting..hehe..great job oppa...years after years,you had working hard to pleased us(VIPs)...tq so much...i'm proud of you..by the way,i think your voice in this 4th mini album is better than during your solo activity.wink.gif..speed quiz : Do you actually like(maybe love?) sandara park??1 2 3..*time's out*..owhh,so u actually like her...ahaks..

to DAESUNG oppa,gahhh....your voice is one of the best in kpop...hihi..waiting your solo album~~i hope its gonna release soon..

oppa,did i tell you that you actually cute??wub.gif..for me,don't change your face cause i like the way you are,seriously!!

and i hope you getting well with seungri...don't left him out even he is like that,afterall,you guys are a team,ok??FIGhTing~~

speed quiz : whats your feeling knowing TOP oppa has Hyori n Yejin unnie as neighbour???phew.gif

lastly,to SEUNGRI oppa aka panda babytongue.gif...how are you??mmmm,i got many thing to say but...sweatingbullets.gif..first,be a good maknae,ok??..

huhu,you are getting funnier nowadays...good job~~...i love "Seungri Academy",,,wish i can join too^^..oppa,your solo album,WOOW,i didn't expect that...its so good and sexy(hehe)~~you definitely can catch up with your hyungs..ahhh,our maknae already grown up,become more manly but you still our cute maknae~~i'm proud of you...wish you become better and better...FIGhtIng~~!!

speed quiz : what do you think,me being your girlfriend???1 2 3...*time's out*..i know it,u must laughing like crazy huh??keke...joke only~wink.gif

p/s: i think seungri already influenced me with his cold joke so don't take serious on my question/quiz...hehe...happy.gif

good luck for the FUTURE~~~....

another p/s : come to malaysia ok..huhu..waiting2x..

i don't care if i didn't win as long as i know BB read my post...kyahhh!!

~from a fan who wish she can meet BigBang someday,Malaysia~

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BIGBANG!!! B.i.g. to the BANG!

You guys are the 1st to introduce me into the KPOP world and i love everything about you guys!

the first thing i saw you guys was the lollipop featuring 2NE1 and i honestly didnt like it at first but that song kept playing in my head, like its on replay! and so i added into my ipod and let it on replay to my ears XD. Everytime i kept hearing this song i have this mind of being one of the members in the music video because i like the style of the video and it shows uniqueness of it. And the member i imagined to be was TAEYANG! MY favorite member of BIGBANG! YOU sang soo good and your dance moves are sick! (in a good way :] ) I wasnt a fan of bigbang before then untill my friend introduce me to Taeyang, again,  and i was like ''Hey! I imagined to be like him!'' and we laugh about it xD. My friend RE-introduce me to bigbang Taeyang when he release his 1st mini album but mostly when he show me Wedding Dress. i was like in a trance when i saw my ''imaginary me'' ,LOL, doing all that singing and all that dance in Wedding Dress. HE is my Inspiration to make me go back into singing again and make my goal to become a singer just like Taeyang! then later on i became fond into kpop music that introduced me to all types of kpop singers and groups. BUT BIGBANG WILL ALWAYS BE MY 1ST AND THE MOST FAVORITE BAND EVER IN KPOP HISTORY. You guys change my whole life around and i am really Greatful that you did! I am starting to train myself to become a singer to be next to you guys, but i never seen you guys perform but now BIGBANG IS BACK ''TONIGHT!'' You guys will be my drive, helping me to get that star goal! i would love to have a video of you guys encourage me to get that goal, ESPECIALLY TAEYANG To give me that Boost of Encouragement and Confidence! I love you guys! You guys keep up the Great work! BIGBANG WILL NEVER DIE AS THEY WILL KEEP SPREADING THEMSELVES TO THE WORLD LIKE A BIG BAAANNGG!!!!!!

BIGBANG FOR THE WIN ! BIGBANG FIGHTING!  Keep on reaching out for us VIPS!

from, E11even :)

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My head is thinking, "Big Bang will read this!" AHHHHH!~

Fan-girl spasms!!! :DI LOVE YOU BIG BANG!<3333 AHHHHHHHH! I don't care if I win, just as long as Big Bang read this then I am all set!

I miss you guys sooo much! I will keeps my eyes open for your performances! It will no doubt be AWESOME! :D

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Guest SailoRMintakA86


I am not that kind of person that can express her thought very well. But I would like to say one sentennce at least as a THANK YOU.

THANK YOU, for always creating musics with creative, different and full of emotions.  Appreciate your talents and your hard work.

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