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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Guest trickquestion


I love BIGBANG because there in no other band like you. 

I first heard of BIGBANG through Taeyang's "Wedding Dress" then I got hooked when I watched BIGBANG documentary.

I love BIGBANG because I admire how you trained so hard to get to where they are today, especially G-Dragon and Taeyang who've trained for so long with YG! I love BIGBANG because they are proof that hard work and belief can take you to where you want to be.

I really admire G-Dragon because since he wanted to be a singer when he was 6, he worked really hard as a trainee, kept going through difficulties, and is standing strong on stage today! Jiyong oppa, you embody the saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"(too young to die)! I really admire you for that!

Especially how you work so hard until you tire yourself out, but even then, you're still mindful of others and polite. You're more than an idol, you're like a role model to me. After 2009, though, you seem sadder and more withdrawn and careful on stage and television because of the scandals. Now, things have passed and are better than ever, so I hope you'll feel happier inside. Fans will wait for you at the same place even after 10 more years, like you said at Shine A Light concert! JIYONG OPPA!! EAT MORE STEWS! BE HAPPY AND FIND YOUR FLUOROSCENT LOVE!! FIGHTING! <3

T.O.P oppa, I admired you since I saw you having difficulty dancing in the documentary, how the criticism was so harsh but you still kept going. You should tell girls the method you used to lose so much weight in order to be a YG trainee! I admire how you make gags to make your dongsaeng feel better. Haha! I hope the hair bleaching now won't be too painful for you! And the song you wrote was really touching! Tabi "innocent man" oppa! Fighting!

Taeyang oppa, I hope that you'll find love, a girl who'll look only at you (but not cheat like in the song!), soon cause even fans' love will never be the same as that and get to experience being a father haha like you wanted to in the past. Hope Boss is doing well too!! Hehehe ^^ "Taeyang like a shining star"~ FIGHTING!

Daesung oppa! You're really good at Night after Night, I hope G-Dragon and T.O.P oppas didn't punish you too severely after that episode!! You sing really well, you're like the voice of BIGBANG and I hope you'll get to do more solo trot songs!! Daesung oppa! Fighting!!

Seungri oppa! You really give fans a lot of fan service haha especially noonas! I hope your "Seungri Academy" goes well, maybe you should ask Jiyong oppa to give guest classes haha! I also hope that Yang Hyun Suk sshi will not give you any more strikeouts! You'll always be our VVIP! Fighting!! 

I love BIGBANG because they've given us so much of their lives, years of practice and performing, and their experiences, good and bad, written into the lyrics of their songs.

I love BIGBANG because every time I listen to a BIGBANG song I feel like I'm listening to a piece of their mind and hearts, feeling their sweat and tears, because I know they've sung every line a million times to get it just right, spent hours staying awake past midnight writing and producing the song and lyrics! (as seen on YGTV)

Even though they're just "bumblebees" I can only meet through my speakers, I hope that all of them will find love and happiness in life (Vita dolce) and have fun on their comeback!! 


I really hope that they read this even though it's all english and that none of them have to enter the military before I can make it to one of their concerts next year!!! ><

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Guest AmberTW

they're using music to take over the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are really "Big Bang" , this year's gonna be their year,

no launage barrier even i cant understand Korean, 

but Im always enjoying to what they bring us, always surprised ~

i love bigbang cuz they wont let us down ~ NEVER 

WE ARE VIPz 4EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every "Tonight" is BigBang's night :)


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I would like to express short word of wisdom support  to big bang. 

I remember YG said this before to BigBang ' We are here to help them guys,not to make them' and here are they made a great effort and acknowledge not just in Korean but all over the world! BIGBANG HWAITING!

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Guest Setites12

I'm only writing this much because I know that Big Bang will read it. I must say Thank You to them.   

I had the pleasure to first see Big Bang, not in the 거짓말 era, but the Lollipop era. In fact, Lollipop, with Big Bang and 2NE1, was the first Korean music video I had ever seen. I am American, and I've honestly never seen anything like it before. I was completely blown away with the fact that any country other than the United States took Rap seriously.

    That, I guess you can say, made me love Big Bang. Before the year 2009, I was an extremely ethnocentric girl. All that mattered was America, and I never really thought to look at other countries. Even with the rise of successful foreign artists like Enrique Iglesias, Hikaru Utada, Adele, and Shakira, I never gave other countries a second glance. 

I saw Big Bang. I saw Big Bang for the first time. And all I could think about was Big Bang.

I spent the next few weeks devouring anything I could get my hands on that had to do with the boys. I learned everything. I cried with them, I laughed with them, I grew with them. In fact, each one taught me something. TOP taught me to work hard, extremely hard, to get what I want. 승리 taught me to be self confident, even if self-confidence seemed like the hardest thing in the world to have. 대성 taught me to laugh at myself, and sing amidst troubles. 태양 taught me to understand my weaknesses and overcome them even stronger than they set me back. G-Dragon, however, taught me the most: Work your hardest and produce more than your best, and when faced with troubles, pull through like a Champion. ^_^ Thank you for teaching me. 

    I find myself sitting in my car and listening to music, and thinking "Boy, would this song be great if 대성 sung that part" or "If TOP wrote this rap instead, this song would be amazing!!" Should I be ashamed? 


Because I've come to find that no matter how much I listen to music that does not have a Big Bang effect on it, it is always lacking something that Big Bang music has: dedication, teamwork, and amazing-ness. ^_^

~~~~~~~ This is a side note, I've been to Beyonce' concerts. I've been to Justin Temberlake concerts, and I've been to Black Eyed Peas Concerts. But the best concert I have ever seen was Big Show 2009. No questions asked. The level of stage presence that Big Bang has is awe inspiring. ~~~~~~`

Big Bang has also done something else for me that no one has ever done; it made me attempt to learn Korean. My brother has been learning Japanese for four years now, but I've never been a language person. I guess that came with my original ethnocentrism. But now, I've been learning for a little over a year now, and it's definately the best thing I've ever done. Big Bang opened my eyes to a world that was not just my own, and that is irreplaceble. Honestly, I feel as though I owe them a lot for this. I would like to say Thank You. 

Thank you for the songs 하루하루 and Koe o Kikasete. Without them, I don't think I could have pulled through my cousin's death as well as I did last year.

O_O I didn't plan to write THIS much. WOW! SUCH A BIG WALL OF TEXT. TT_TT But I'm not done yet. . . .

In 2009, when 대성 got into the car accident, I was surprised by the fact that I cried as though he was family. I cried as though I'd known him for many years. I cried like when Dumbledore died in Harry Potter (That death was. . . . heartbreaking). When GD received so much hatred for his work that he worked so hard on, I felt bad for him. As though I knew him as a brother. As though he was me. I couldn't understand why I felt so close, and why I hated the people who constantly criticized everything he worked so hard for. Never has any artists been able to reach me like Big Bang has. Their music is all I have on sad days. Their words of comfort are all I need when I feel down.  

I think I speak for everyone when I say:

Thank You for sharing your talents with us.

Thank You for teaching us.

Thank You for comforting us.

Thank You for entertaining us.

Thank You for working as hard as you do.

Thank You for opening our eyes to a new culture.

Thank You for being Big Bang.

We really admire you.

And woohoo! GD and I have the same birthday!!!

Thank You so much

--- Mildred Murphy, a Devoted Fan of Big Bang.

(Video coming soon)

Lolipop was also the first Korean Pop music i listened to. I did not know KPOP existed until then  

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Dear YG Entertainment & Big Bang members,

I first got into Kpop in 2000 when H.O.T. was still popular but after they broke up and went solo, so did my passion for Korean music. It wasn't until a few months ago that I started my search again but was disappointed to find the same groups being churned out from the markets: good looks but mediocre singing. I was more than surprised when I found out about the group, Big Bang by an accidental search on Youtube one day when I saw the MV of Haru Haru. Their Japanese was smooth and their voices all worked very well with each other. I was determined to find more information about the group only to realize they were actually Korean! Wow!

I listened to all the older songs on Youtube and bought your latest ones (I usually don't buy CDs), but this group had everything I wanted: young, hip, trendy, nice voices, awesome rapping, producing own music, writing wn lyrics. I was sold!

I've read through most of the entries on the thread and was happy to know how much you have affected them. I helped trend #bigbangisback yesterday on Twitter and even I felt the love they were giving you all! You all should be proud to have such wonderful fans and support around the globe. I

Many VIPs have told me how incredible your concerts are, so with that said, I'm flying out tonight to go to Korea for the first time to watch Big Bang Show on the 25th by myself. And the best thing is I know the concert will blow me away.

Thank you for reading! Keep doing what you do and keep it real!


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Guest TOPness

I really hope that YG and Big Bang gets to read this it doesn't matter I win or lose as long as you read what our (fans all over the world) hearts want to tell you. :)

I love Big Bang so much that whenever I watch their music videos, listen to their songs, it makes me happy, so very happy that I get teary eyed. I am so proud of them. Their hard work and determination inspires me. :"> I am so thankful for YG Company for giving them musical freedom. To sing their hearts out, to write their own songs, etc. Thank you for giving them so much attention training and support they deserve. I am not that well off to spend my heart out support Big Bang by buying their CDs. Am contenting myself by watching them in the Youtube videos.

I like GDragon for his quirkiness and funky sense of style.

Oh, TOP you're my bias. You're so SMEXY (smoking sexy). Haven't I saw you in the KBS drama, I am Sam, I wouldn't have known about Big Bang and your beautiful voice. :"> TOP, I really love your deep, hot, sexy, voice. It's just the way I want it. Your charisma is such a charm. I wasn't really into KPOP IDOLS before not until I came across BIG BANG through you, and ever since then I have been a big fan (unofficially) of Big Bang. :) I HOPE TO HEAR YOU SING MORE, cause I believe that you're as good as a singer as much as how good you are as a rapper. :)

Daesang, you're really adorable to watch in reality shows. You have a nice touch of voice that is nice to listen to.

Taeyang, you're a really great dancer. You also have a really nice voice, it's soothing!

Sungri, you're a really nice addition to the group cause of your cuteness and funniness.

Whenever I listen to the harmony of Taeyang, Daesang, and TOP's voice, it's really nice - contrasting the deep voice with higher voices.

All 5 of you guys have a different touch, style, and character, but when added together is really something MAGICAl. Whenever you combine your differences (voices etc) it turns into something AWESOME. Even though TOP is my bias I love all 5 of you as a group, cause all of you make really good music. :)

Lastly, I want to say is thank you. Big Bang has become a part of us. We're happy whenever you're happy. We're sad whenever you're sad. We're here to support you guys no matter what. We love you! >:D< Thank you for sharing to us a part of you (song, style, etc). :)


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Guest leanne2me_

Big bang, surely one of my first/favorite kpop groups~

Always making the music I'm looking for ^^

Thanks for all your hard work,,

Keep it going!!~


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Guest Love_Sonick

Hello BIG BANG(especially G-Dragon, my love):wub:

I'm not expected for the prize or win this award. I just want to show my love and express my words that came from my truely heart to you guys and would like you to know how much I crazy about BIG BANG!!!

OK, well, let me introduce myself, I'm your V.I.P. Thailand and be your Nuna Nuna(Let's Seungri make this voice, it's really cute) My zodiac is Dragon same as GD and YB but older...OK..now you can guess my ages. I'm shy now.:P

Why I love you guys, BIG BANG? First time when I listened Lies. I'm falling in love with this song immediately until now this song is still my favorite. And the most important thing is...this song make me knew the genius youngest song-writer "Kwon Ji Yong"  His talent was shining out from his beauitful smile and hard working. He wrote the great song and he never let me down on his performance on the show. I can say that GD is perfect because he can be a composer, singer, dancer, rapper, hiphop, fashionista, model WOW!!! He can do and be everything because he's G-Dragon, he was born to be a shining star.

Now you know that who is my favorite one, yes, I'm main GD but don't feel hurt...hahaha...I love you all more and more everyday. You guys be like a friends and brothers to me.

You guys are such a spirits team work, so matching and can fullfilled each other. You are so different but when you are standing together, it's so powerful.

I love all songs of BIG BANG because I feel familiar with them, your music is my type and attack my heart. I love the way you mixed HipHop/POP/R&B together, it's so amazing and perfect. Your performance on the stage is Great too, you show me how professional you are.

I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for BIG BANG that make me feel fresh and cool everyday. In this busy world, I have got a lots of work to do, got some personal problem but you know what when I'm listening to your music, thinking about you guys and watching your performance on the stage. You make me feel like a young ages as you are. You make me smile and forgot something that annoying me for a moment. I can say that I addicted BIG BANG. You guys like a doctor to heal my pain and your music is like a vitamin to make me healthy.

BIG BANG is a great BOY GROUP that dare to make something new, you can create your own world by your own hand. I'm so proud of you guys because I knew that it's not easy to standing here, to be a Super Star, I knew how hard you are.  You guys are still younger but can make the big thing and follow your dream. I'm as a medium age and Older than you, I can say that I cannot do and cannot be as you are. You guys are so COOL!!!SOOD YORD!!! (Daesung, do you remember this Thai word?)

Anyway, I would like to send you a personal message one by one...

G-Dragon    I really love your smile and fantastic voice. You have your own style, I love everything you are. Your talent and efford are perfect. I believe in you and I will always supported you, no matter what.  Now and forever, you can prove your Great ability to the world. No one doubt with your talent anymore. GD forever...^__^

Taeyang     Your dance step and your voice is so amazing. I really like your physical too, so hot/sexy. You are less talk but when you sing you can melt me by your warm and sexy voice. You are always polite and sincere. You are a very nice guy. I respect you.

T.O.P.           You are the prettiest rapper that I never seen before. You are so attractive. I really like the way you rap, you are a strong rapper. I love your sugar eyes and bass voice. OH! I saw you in Drama...You are such a good actor. I wish you success in this acting career too.

Daesung     I'm your huge fan on Family Outing Program. You are so funny, warm heart and innocent. Your voice is so beautiful too. You bright my day with your angel smile. And you know what, you are so handsome in this new look. You are not a boy anymore. You grown up to be a prince charming. I love you.

Seungri     You are my youngest brother so I love you most. You are so cute, playful and handsome. You are youngest but your performance and skill is very big. You respected your 4 brothers a lots that's why I love you. One more I really love your solo album. It's great! Congratulations!

I LOVE BIG BANG SO MUCH! I never interested with Korean song before but you. Even we speak in different language but music is no language. Isn't it? We can understand lyrics by our heart.

It's such a wonderful that BIG BANG IS BACK on 4th Mini Album. Great 6 songs are so amazing. Worth waiting for...I love them all...And you guys new look are so good. Looking forward to the MV, it must be GREAT!!!

Please be a shining star for me 4 ever...xoxo I'm so sorry but I love you...BIG BANG

PS. Please come to Thailand for a Concert Big Show 2011. A lots of VIP Fan here are waiting for you!!!:wub:

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Guest rockygirl2410

How much I love big Bang well I love them so much :wub: , can say I crazy for them hee hee.

I feel Big Bang is amazing and somehow the songs you guys sing are my type of music. it is amazing how I can like all Big Bang's song without any exception (something that never happen to other artist).

I love Big Bang not only for the songs but also for you guys personality. I feel that even though Big Bang is a big artist, you guys somehow are humble and always close to fans and I love how you guys just be yourself without hiding or pretending.

356 days in my life are equal to 356 days of Big Bang music as I listen to Big Bang song everyday (minimum one song per day ^^). it actually started with a simple like feeling for you guys music that somehow become a habit for me and your music has accompany me through up and down in my life, through good time and hard time and I really grateful for that. Thanks for making such a great music that become a part of my life.

also thank you so much for coming to Singapore on October, you guys give me a chance to have my dream come true (a dream to see you guys perform live). it's the first time I had a dream come true ^^ and it's also feel as a birthday present for me because it's only one day before my b'day.

anyway here is something for you guys: Big Bang Sands art

artwork that I made during my holiday trip (even in my holiday I remember you guys ^^)

and here is my collection to show how much I love you guys: Big Bang Treasure

not much but it is one of my treasures, few are even from people that I love

my last message to you guys are please always stay the way you are, always stay together as Big Bang and create a lot of amazing music as you music are precious and important to your fans. ^_^

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Guest Laika09

Oki, i'm not sure, but I have to this first for me :)


First,I don't trust me.

My life was so difficult in the past, but one day I listened BIG BANG and it's was like a revelation.

(I'm indian but I was born in France,I learning Chineese and I loose my english T-T so sad ! hahah So I'm apologize for my english)

My first song was Last Farewell.I didn't like it.But one years I've tried again,and here : it's was the beginning.Tell Me Goodbye is my prefered song : I was in high school when I listened this song and I've just see the first minute of the clip that I download him. Maybye it's was because G-dragon in the rain :), I don't know hahahah !!!

I like all your songs, but I have preference too for : Stay,Hallelujah,Top of the World,Remember,Hands up...Okay maybe it's all your music =).

I've passed my exam with your music, I've passed my time with your music, I've passed so many moments heaven sad moments.

If you know MJ you know what kind of skin problem I have, so you can understand it's was really difficult  : So I don't know if one day I'll be brave to come in Korea for see all the group ! Because that my dream ! Ahahahah =D.

I don't really know what can I say, because there is so much to say !!! :

-I love all members for your qualities : 

Taeyang : I happy that you love Usher because I recognize his dance step ! You are very very good and you have a such a good voice !! [i have to mentionned you are my prefer member :P]

G-dragon & TOP : Your rap is very good  because we have a deep voice and sharp voice (I don't know if it's the good word lol)

Daesung & Seung Ri : You have a good voice, I have to say to Seung Ri : Your VI album is very good and Daesung your voice is "ouahh *_*"

I know because since 5 years now and I'm not tired to listen BIGBANG because this the best group ever !

In France we are so many to listen Bigbang : In Paris for many party we have Bigbang songs session !! It's so great !

Yesterday when I listened your 4th mini album I was thinking I don't want loose this passion for you and that will never happen !!

When I take the train every morning and I see so many people watching me like different,I put my earphones and I listen to you : Here I have the feeling you are all for me !

SO COOL no ? hahah :P

Good Luck ! And maybe one day I'll come to see you (Michael Jackson hadn't ashamed so why I have to be affraid about that :)

GD&TOP => One things lol...I have to say in baby good night, why this girl speaks in french >.< because she says.......

Bigbang => I don't understand the MV Beautiful Hangover,it's so hard to understand haha !! 



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Guest echojun

OMG...... i didnt know that im so late TT

if i knew that early i would create many of crazy thoughts T__T 

anyway guess i still have time huh ? xD

soo Cool idea ...BigBang always impressive me <3 

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Guest VIP_2311

OMG BIGBANG is finally back after 2 years ^^ 

and many thanks to SOOMPI for giving us this awesomeeeeee chance :D

first off, 

BIGBANG GAHH you never fail to impress us yeah! you've blown us away with your addictive sounds and music, you guys are seriously legendary

how are you able to produce such music that will keep everyone hooked onto?! XD 

haha hope that BIGBANG really could read my message yeah, cuz im putting in all my love and effort into writing this!

i just returned from camp and i got really sunburnt and tired, but the first thing i did when i got home was to on my comp,

and go on the web to listen to BIGBANG's TONIGHT and it really took all my tired-ness away! :))

seriously, awesome ttm! 

BIGBANG was what got me hooked onto kpop, remembering that i came across BIGBANG's LAST FAREWELL through a friend's blog  at the start of 2009

though that was 2 years back, i can still remember that i was like "omfg i must download that music!"

then the very next day i had all of BIGBANG's tracks into my itunes; HARU HARU, LIES and more...

wow boomz man! and i had waited ever since then for a BIGBANG comeback

it's been 2 years and BIGBANG's last farewell, haru haru and other songs really dont grow old and i never get enough of your music

the GDTOP comeback was great toooo :D the enthusiasm you guys had, 

the ever awesome vocals and raps, WOW and i had to admit that i really give my hat off to you guys

i had never liked rapping, GD and TOP really got me hooked onto raps (:

and SEUNGRI's album was a blast, "WHAT CAN I DO" is really nice and i got addicted after listening to it once

maknae never fails to impress us with how much he has grown

and i really lol-ed at when the other members nagged about how he reveals "gossip" about you guys hahah xD

BIGBANG is really influential ttm, well im a Singaporean and we had a recent KPOP night back in december 2010

and i wasn't able to go as the tickets were sold out like IMMEDIATELY T.T

but when i saw the pictures, i saw a sea(literally) of VIPs and i was like WOW 

so many VIPs in SINGAPORE and i felt really proud to be a VIP then :D

and my cousin's friend went and i heard that he was thrilled to pick up TOP's sweaty towel which he threw from the stage :o

envious much but i'm really hoping that you guys could come over to SINGAPORE to visit or for a BIGSHOW in future  yeahhh :P

because of you guys, i got to know other groups

and while waiting for BIGBANG's comeback, i got hooked onto many other groups

who are really awesomeee tooo, but trust me, BIGBANG DAEBAK (forgive me for my broken hangul) haha

there really isnt any other group that can replace you yeah so please produce a full album soon! im totally lookinf forward~

GDRAGON - you are really very super talented and a great leader and you inspire me, how you are encouraging the members in the bigbang documentary and all.. thank you for being in the group and being all cute and crazy in the many videos hahah, you really have all my respect and salutation in rapping, so GO KWONKIYONG, i will always support BIGBANG cuz you guys really can make my day (:

DAESUNG - yo! you have the nicest voice man, really special and powerful voice, and stop saying that you are not goodlooking and all, and don't feel hurt by what some antis are saying cuz you really am goodlooking dude, just look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that, cuz you will always be no. 1 in all VIPs hearts <3 and the support you gave for a leukemia patient really made me touched and made me respect you even more :D continue rockin' , you have all my support in everything you do!

TOP - ohmygod, your voice is really one of a kind! so autotuned and low and deep hahah, really enjoyed your raps man! and i didnt know you sing so well, after hearing "OH MOM" in your album, i was like wow, this song is uber nice! (: and i really love how your the oldest but always the youngest in the heart and always fooling around with DAESUNG, haha continue rocking everybody's ears with your voice! :P

SEUNGRI - you rock lols, for revealing your hyungs'  gossips xD your music is awesome, especially for being brave and going all out solo and being all hyper despite all the pressures put on you for coming back just before BIGBANG, and i gotta tell you, your music rocked and got some of my other friends into KPOP just because of your album <3 please stay as awesome and handsome, loves!

TAEYANG - wow you muscular and cool guy haha, you rock, your voice in the chorus of almost every BIGBANG song really is addictive, and your vocals are really awesome! hehe, stay hot and continue rocking okay! :D

yay BIGBANG ftw <3 i will always be praying for you guys to be in good health and all, do not tire yourselves out cuz of your schedules okay, eat more and rest more <3 lots of love from VIPs around the world! I LOVE YOU BIGBANG <3


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Guest LieyaLuvJiyong

Dear Jiyongie , Taeyang , Tabi , Dae Dae , and SeungRi ,

I've been listening to foreign music since i'm 12 ! The first songs that i listen to is My December by Linkin Park ! I was so in love with rock and metal music ! I was an emotional girl , a rebel type or whatever u call it is !! For a long time , My Chemical Romance ( MCR ) was my everythings ! I listen to their songs everyday, every moments ! I can tell their songs title by just listen to a few notes ! U know what ? I've stopped listen to their songs since I heard HEARTBREAKER on 2009 ! I still remember the voice that melted my heart ! " u r my heart..... heart... heartbreaker " !

My passion for metal and rock music has decrease now ! I'm now fall in love with my 5 guys ! Big Bang !!!! I never listen to other songs anymore ! And some of my friend said that i'm too crazy for u guys coz u guys make me close my heart , my ears for others...


My playlist right now , and forever will be full with Big Bang ! I regret for not knowing u guys earlier ! U guys really alter my life ! I wanna thank u guys for everythings u guys give me as one of the VIPs !!!! VIP is the best fandom that i've ever meet !! they're so nice ! Eventhought i'm still new at that time, but they really treat me nicely and tell me everything about u guys !! The best thing in my life is being a part of the VIP family ! They're awesome !

OMG !!!! I love Big Bang so much !!! U guys seem to be all i've ever wanted in this world ! Please let me love u guys in this life coz i'm afraid in the next life i cant love u guys like this , remember ur lyrics like right now and i'm afraid that in the next life i'm not a true VIPs anymore . So, please let me love u guys in this life ! No matter what happen, i'll support u guys and i'll believe in u guys coz i've let u guys into my brain ! U guys cheer me with ur songs ,make me laugh when i see ur variety show and make me cry when i see u guys cry or hurt ! Seeing those broken hearted scenes breaks my heart a lot !

Its only a year and a few months since i know u guys ! But i promise u guys that i'll always support u guys ! Jiyongie ... I believe in u . can u do this to me ? Please SMILE more and dont be sad.... keep doing well okay ? Its scary when i cant see smiling on your face !U are to skinny nowadays ! Please eat a lot ! . Taeyang ... Thank u so much for giving us listen to ur melodious voice ! and please help me to take care of jiyongie ! Tabi... I see u work so hard nowadays.. please take care of ur health... dont be to skinny ! Dae-dae .... it must be hard for u but u are VIPs smiling angel.. so please smile no matter what ! and cute maknae , Seungri ... i'm so proud of u , u improve a lot !!!! Please take care of your health !

Big Bang is my oxigen ! u guys are like the air i breathe , like the blood in my veins , my drugs .. my everything ! Everyday i keep pray that i would dream about u guys ! I cant sleep without listening to ur songs ! I cant imagine how my life would be without ur songs even for a day !  BIG BANG , U ARE MY EVERYTHING! I believe in u guys the best !

I've looking forward your comeback since a years ago ! and Finally u guys really made us proud of being a VIP ! It feels so crazy , so excited and so awesome now because of your comeback ! Jiyongie ...Taeyang...Dae-dae.. and my double Seung Hyun ...no matter what happen , i promise that i will support u guys forever ! Go Big Bang go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hwaiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  make us proud to be VIPs !




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Guest AmberTW

OMG, BigBang is already climbing to iTunes Pop Album Chart #6 , 

they deserved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BB's communicating w/ whole world pplz by their MUSIC language,

yes i feel u ~~~~~~~~~~ my TOP GD TAETANG DAESUNG VICTORY 

pray to God, hope tmr u guys will take down NO.1 ^_____________^ 

from ur VIP


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Guest 2pmbigbang


En honneur a BIGBANG j'ai fais une video pour eux, pour les soutenir !!

s'il vous plait regarder-la et commenter-la

thank you !! Here is the link:BIGBANG IS BACK MV

Fighting BIGBANG !! I Love and crazy bigbang !!!

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sooo...here's my text^^

I'm really happy that you 5 are back but yeah you were not really away but to listen to korean music of you is something special.

The first time i saw a MV was in 2007, it was lalala...and i've to say..i hated it ^^' i saw only 1 minute of it. I thought who are that 5 wannabe hip-hoper. I forgot Big Bang and who they were.

As i started to learn korean a classmate told me about you and something in my mind made 'klick'. My classmate told so many things about you and i watched once more a MV it was lies i guess...and then i found Haru Haru. THAT was the point i started to love you. Not only because of the music, the lyrics as well, your style, the way you are, everything. I bought "Stand Up" and listened to it every day and then i found out Tae Yang went solo. ahhh i got so nuts. He's still my favo even if i was a bit frustrated about INAG first. i Had to buy the International and Deluxe version (i wanted the shirt so badly xD). I've your hoodie too. I'm waring it nearly every day xDDD

I Like to listen to your music not only because it's good. The first time i listened to K-pop was summer 2007. the music in the k-pop world is now so different. So many new Bands....for me they all are doing the same stuff, trying to be cute etc. But you guys are still the same and not, do you get what i mean? You grow so much in talent and work. You're now doing your music by your own, composing , writing. That's why i like Haru Haru so much. I' m happy to get older with you by my side. Sometimes I'm angry and sad. i can't see you in real like other Fans because it's really expensive for me to travel to korea but I'm dreaming of it and who knows, maybe my dream will come true. You weren't the first Band i found but the most important one who is leading me to my future. I'm learning korean now because i want to understand what you are singing and what you want to tell me with your songs. After school i want to study korean culture and then i want to work in korea as German teacher and see you. That's my dream and I'm really happy about it.


I Have no picture, video or a colored text. I'm not that kind of person, i don't overdo it and don't want to show you someone who I'm not only because of the album. You are reading this....When i'm with my friends i'm a funny person, hyperactive and creepy xD alone i'm shy, silent and have deep thoughts. I have so many thoughts about your music and how that would be look like in a music video. If i had the confidence i would do one like kanaru xDDD

the last thing i have to say is, i wish you stay healthy and let your dreams come true^^

Greets from Germany


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Guest elena.mulyawan


I'm just too excited reading this post...!!! w00t.gif

I'll be back with something special for the one and only BIGBANG...!!! 

Please, wait for me...!!!!laugh.gif

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