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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Does anybody know what is that instrumental song that is played at the end of ep19??? It's the same song used at the end of ep17 as well when Yoon Sung came in to save his dad(non-biological) frm Chun Jae Man's men. It's ALSO the same song used at the end of the episode(can't remember which) when Nana took the bullet for Yoon Sung. Anybody??? Thanks! :)

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Sigh! Although the ending was a positive one, I wish they hadn't rushed it so much!! But the one part that left me on the edge of my seat was when Yoon Sung held the gun to his own head. I was SO scared that he was actually going to do it!

But sigh...there are SO many unanswered questions. Like, seriously. They should have done an extra special episode into the future or something.

I feel like they built up so many things but in the end they couldn't follow through with them/they fell through with their ideas. D: D:

Seriously, they could have given a bit more info in the end (although we can assume that they were packing up to go to the U.S. so Kyung Hee could get treatment for her illness...) but they could have mentioned more? And what was the whole "What did the president say?" "Oh he said to be happy and he's sorry"

...okay. Yeah. He finds out he has a son and that's all he says? The writers should have given him and Kyung Hee a scene for closure.

Also, I definitely agree with everyone about the ring. It would have been PERFECT for Yoon Sung to give her the ring when they're smiling at each other. At least they would have been a more satisfying and solid ending for them -- the promise of a ring/promise being kept, etc. SIGHHHHHH. Or maybe even a smart remark/joke from Nana would have been nice (maybe about her not accepting him :P jokingly, of course and then have them smile at each other!!) Orr even when Nana was dragging her luggage, they could have focused on her hand and shown she was wearing the ring or something! Then the smiling would have been fine at the end!!

Gahh so many unanswered questions :(

Did Da Hye ever find out that Yoon Sung is her half brother?

What happened the the President?

Who let Cheon Jae Man go?

What happened to his lackey?

What happened to Jin Pyo's lackey? (although not as important but...would have been nice if he enlisted to hep YS in his future takedowns of corrupt gov officials :P)

All in all, I feel like the ending was lacking (and even dragged in the middle of the last episode...but then was too rushed at the end) because of the writers inability to tie up loose ends (if they couldn't/wouldn't be able to follow through with their ideas in the end, I feel like they shouldn't have brought them up in the first place)

If they had taken the time to review the things they had introduced throughout the drama, I feel like they could have had a MUCH stronger ending. The potential was totally there but it seems like the writers chose to ignore (or prob just forgot) about a lot of plot devices/ideas and just rushed it all at the end.

Like "Oh darn, we forgot about Nana's dad! Let's just kill him" (just an example, I thought this part was fine)

Just SIGH. Ahhhhhh.


Also, I really wish they had let Yoon Sung and/or Jin Pyo know that the President was the one who DID NOT want to give up on the sweep mission and was the only one that tried to fight for it and not kill the 21 soldiers. :( I really liked his character because you could tell that he was truly remorseful for what happened in 1983.

I feel sooo bad for the President because he was the ONLY good guy out of the five and he wasn't even recognized for it. Yes, he accepted illegal funds but he did it for a good cause. I just wish the writers could have allowed Yoon Sung to find out that the President did try to fight to save the 21 guys whereas the other four just did not give a care and didn't even have second thoughts before making their decision. All they cared about was themselves (being found out).

:( :(

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since there are some better in korean than me at this thread, perhaps someone would like to translate this for CH fans.

Lee Min Ho posted his thoughts on the ending of City Hunter on DC City hunter gallery on July 29. (assuming that it's really him who posted. can anyone verify this?)


hello, i'll try my best to translate in lee min ho's words:

"i personally don't understand why there was a debate about whether yoonsung lived or died. the part that should prove that he lived is that lee jin pyo took all the blame for city hunter's illegal action's so that yoonsung can live a happy life. if yoonsung were to die, there would be no point in him saying that. i also don't see any scene that could've suggested that yoonsung died. if he died, there wouldn't have been the sense of happy fellowship at the end. also, people were saying that yoonsung died because his mom was wearing black. this scene occured after a time gap of around several months. if yoon sung died, why would she be wearing funeral clothes several months after his death? also, people are asking why yoon sung was driving alone at the end. it's to show the

message that the city hunter lives (not in the literal sense, but like the legacy of the city hunter is still alive." i also want to ask, why is it necessary for nana to be with yoosung in the car? although yoonsung met nana again at the garden, it doesn't mean she has to be by his side in the car. the point of the time gap was to show fragments of how the characters lived on, so it's not going to have the continuity factor."

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Guest kyuuhyuun

I've always been a silent reader here, but there's something that confused me after watching the last episode of City Hunter. So I know that Nana and Yoonsung were reunited at the end to go to the U.S? But if they went to the U.S together, where was Yoonsung driving to at the end? Cause that was obviously still in Korea. And many people are speculating that he's continuing his journey as the City Hunter, so then.... Nana went to the U.S with the ahjussi and the mom alone without Yoonsung?

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Guest saracoco

Sigh! Although the ending was a positive one, I wish they hadn't rushed it so much!! But the one part that left me on the edge of my seat was when Yoon Sung held the gun to his own head. I was SO scared that he was actually going to do it!

But sigh...there are SO many unanswered questions. Like, seriously. They should have done an extra special episode into the future or something.

I feel like they built up so many things but in the end they couldn't follow through with them/they fell through with their ideas. D: D:

Seriously, they could have given a bit more info in the end (although we can assume that they were packing up to go to the U.S. so Kyung Hee could get treatment for her illness...) but they could have mentioned more? And what was the whole "What did the president say?" "Oh he said to be happy and he's sorry"

...okay. Yeah. He finds out he has a son and that's all he says? The writers should have given him and Kyung Hee a scene for closure.

Also, I definitely agree with everyone about the ring. It would have been PERFECT for Yoon Sung to give her the ring when they're smiling at each other. At least they would have been a more satisfying and solid ending for them -- the promise of a ring/promise being kept, etc. SIGHHHHHH. Or maybe even a smart remark/joke from Nana would have been nice (maybe about her not accepting him :P jokingly, of course and then have them smile at each other!!) Orr even when Nana was dragging her luggage, they could have focused on her hand and shown she was wearing the ring or something! Then the smiling would have been fine at the end!!

Gahh so many unanswered questions :(

Did Da Hye ever find out that Yoon Sung is her half brother?

What happened the the President?

Who let Cheon Jae Man go?

What happened to his lackey?

What happened to Jin Pyo's lackey? (although not as important but...would have been nice if he enlisted to hep YS in his future takedowns of corrupt gov officials :P)

All in all, I feel like the ending was lacking (and even dragged in the middle of the last episode...but then was too rushed at the end) because of the writers inability to tie up loose ends (if they couldn't/wouldn't be able to follow through with their ideas in the end, I feel like they shouldn't have brought them up in the first place)

If they had taken the time to review the things they had introduced throughout the drama, I feel like they could have had a MUCH stronger ending. The potential was totally there but it seems like the writers chose to ignore (or prob just forgot) about a lot of plot devices/ideas and just rushed it all at the end.

Like "Oh darn, we forgot about Nana's dad! Let's just kill him" (just an example, I thought this part was fine)  

Just SIGH. Ahhhhhh.

-.- I agree with you! the best would have been if YS would have opend his mouth for 2 words at least he would have said something maybe I am back but all he did is :)! I hate it!

I've always been a silent reader here, but there's something that confused me after watching the last episode of City Hunter. So I know that Nana and Yoonsung were reunited at the end to go to the U.S? But if they went to the U.S together, where was Yoonsung driving to at the end? Cause that was obviously still in Korea. And many people are speculating that he's continuing his journey as the City Hunter, so then.... Nana went to the U.S with the ahjussi and the mom alone without Yoonsung?

maybe Na Na went back from the US after all YS needed time for himself! YS is 100% back as City Hunter the producer told us that -.-

hello, i'll try my best to translate in lee min ho's words:

"i personally don't understand why there was a debate about whether yoonsung lived or died. the part that should prove that he lived is that lee jin pyo took all the blame for city hunter's illegal action's so that yoonsung can live a happy life. if yoonsung were to die, there would be no point in him saying that. i also don't see any scene that could've suggested that yoonsung died. if he died, there wouldn't have been the sense of happy fellowship at the end. also, people were saying that yoonsung died because his mom was wearing black. this scene occured after a time gap of around several months. if yoon sung died, why would she be wearing funeral clothes several months after his death? also, people are asking why yoon sung was driving alone at the end. it's to show the

message that the city hunter lives (not in the literal sense, but like the legacy of the city hunter is still alive." i also want to ask, why is it necessary for nana to be with yoosung in the car? although yoonsung met nana again at the garden, it doesn't mean she has to be by his side in the car. the point of the time gap was to show fragments of how the characters lived on, so it's not going to have the continuity factor."

lol, this ending should have showed us all this? well..-.-?! Maybe he could have told us how Na Na lived on we only saw her wearing black! yeah that says how she lived on? oh and we know that YS and Na Na are together again :)

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Guest crazypilovee

i have so many thoughts for what could be a good season 2/movie.. well mainly concerning the lovestory keke... i hope they can have scenes w/ their sweet bickering & then finally share a night together like in coffee prince or personal taste.... that is after YS gives NN the ring!!

If YS gave the bullet necklace back to its original owner, I imagined he gave KH's engagement ring back to her because his father never gave it to her.blush.gif

Thanks foodbagjoon for the translation.

hmm i don't think so, even if MY wasn't YS's real father or the father who raised him... i think YS thought of him as his dad too anyway, since MY was so kind to his mother & was going to raise YS like his own son... plus he saved JP dad's life too!

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Guest khyamay

m literally amazed how it didnt got more ratings than it has.. nvm thoroughly enjoyed the drama.. Lee Minho kicked richard simmons and this drama will be sorely missed.. hopefully we see season 2 of it

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{reposting what i just commented over at dramabeans because i'm sleep deprived and just want to give my final thoughts to this wonderful drama}

Ah…I feel like I just ran a marathon. Watched the last 2 eps back-to-back, slept for only 4 hours, and I’m still REELING from the awesomeness of it all. Can’t even think how empty my drama-viewing days will be like now that I don’t have Mr. HotPinkPants looking sleek and wonderful and kicking bad guys’ richard simmons.

Show is not perfect, nothing ever is, but it delivered. Definitely. And I can only speak for myself, as a viewer, I was engaged all throughout the story, cared for the characters, and LOVED every minute that I spent in their make-believe world. And isn’t this the true test of storytelling? To have the audience care enough about the narrative and the world it had created that they are still thinking about it long after the credits were rolling? It is for me, that’s why City Hunter will always be a winner in my book.

And given the limitations of a live shoot, I thought the ending was just right. It was open-ended and left a lot for the viewers' imaginations to fill in…yes… but it also left me with a feeling of wistfulness and most of all, HOPE. That yes, a new hero was born. He has a cause. Not a revenge orchestrated by someone else, but his own cause, that of protecting the faith of the people. It is truly the beginning of a hero.

However hard I wish for a new season, if that doesn’t happen, I am content knowing that somewhere in a make-believe world that I had a glimpse of for 2 months, there’s a (beautiful) hero roaming the city streets, looking out for the people, with his heart in the right place.

Thank you, Show. It was a wonderful ride.

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Guest Keiyun

I feel like the last few episodes were quite disappointing to be honest.

The storytelling seemed to get sloppier and sloppier and it felt like the writers were running out of time to tie all the loose ends together. Plus they seemed to use less and less of their epic music near the end... It feels empty without it, haha.

I truly thought Yunseong was going to die... The bullet he took for the president looked like it hit his heart. =| So I was pretty shocked when I saw him in the end.

I think the most heartbreaking thing was seeing KYJ die. I really, really didn't think he was going to die - I thought they'd somehow save him. I wanted KYJ and SH to have a happy ending - I felt like KYJ truly lost everything. He realised the law he worked so hard to uphold was useless in the face of corruption. He didn't manage to prosecute anyone in the end. He lost his life. He lost his happy ending with SH. :( I really loved his character.

Kyeong hee and the president definitely should've had a scene together. I think it'd tie that plot together very very nicely... but no. Sigh.

Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed in the ending. It was so mediocre. =/

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Guest vivaciousvixen

Sigh! Although the ending was a positive one, I wish they hadn't rushed it so much!! But the one part that left me on the edge of my seat was when Yoon Sung held the gun to his own head. I was SO scared that he was actually going to do it!

But sigh...there are SO many unanswered questions. Like, seriously. They should have done an extra special episode into the future or something.

I feel like they built up so many things but in the end they couldn't follow through with them/they fell through with their ideas. D: D:

Seriously, they could have given a bit more info in the end (although we can assume that they were packing up to go to the U.S. so Kyung Hee could get treatment for her illness...) but they could have mentioned more? And what was the whole "What did the president say?" "Oh he said to be happy and he's sorry"

...okay. Yeah. He finds out he has a son and that's all he says? The writers should have given him and Kyung Hee a scene for closure.

Also, I definitely agree with everyone about the ring. It would have been PERFECT for Yoon Sung to give her the ring when they're smiling at each other. At least they would have been a more satisfying and solid ending for them -- the promise of a ring/promise being kept, etc. SIGHHHHHH. Or maybe even a smart remark/joke from Nana would have been nice (maybe about her not accepting him :P jokingly, of course and then have them smile at each other!!) Orr even when Nana was dragging her luggage, they could have focused on her hand and shown she was wearing the ring or something! Then the smiling would have been fine at the end!!

Gahh so many unanswered questions :(

Did Da Hye ever find out that Yoon Sung is her half brother?

What happened the the President?

Who let Cheon Jae Man go?

What happened to his lackey?

What happened to Jin Pyo's lackey? (although not as important but...would have been nice if he enlisted to hep YS in his future takedowns of corrupt gov officials :P)

All in all, I feel like the ending was lacking (and even dragged in the middle of the last episode...but then was too rushed at the end) because of the writers inability to tie up loose ends (if they couldn't/wouldn't be able to follow through with their ideas in the end, I feel like they shouldn't have brought them up in the first place)

If they had taken the time to review the things they had introduced throughout the drama, I feel like they could have had a MUCH stronger ending. The potential was totally there but it seems like the writers chose to ignore (or prob just forgot) about a lot of plot devices/ideas and just rushed it all at the end.

Like "Oh darn, we forgot about Nana's dad! Let's just kill him" (just an example, I thought this part was fine)

Just SIGH. Ahhhhhh.


Also, I really wish they had let Yoon Sung and/or Jin Pyo know that the President was the one who DID NOT want to give up on the sweep mission and was the only one that tried to fight for it and not kill the 21 soldiers. :( I really liked his character because you could tell that he was truly remorseful for what happened in 1983.

I feel sooo bad for the President because he was the ONLY good guy out of the five and he wasn't even recognized for it. Yes, he accepted illegal funds but he did it for a good cause. I just wish the writers could have allowed Yoon Sung to find out that the President did try to fight to save the 21 guys whereas the other four just did not give a care and didn't even have second thoughts before making their decision. All they cared about was themselves (being found out).

:( :(

Very well said. Lol I couldn't describe how bothered I was when YS held the gun right next to his head. It made me cringe like hell. Thank God for NN.

I, too, believe that there were a lot of plot holes. About DH finding out how YS is her half-brother, and OMG the RING!!! How can the writer forget that detail? I think it would've made more impact if YS did give the ring to NN.

Apart from that, the President should've been given a proper closure. It seems to me that his character was just left hanging.

Overall, I think it was a good drama, yet many things could've been done and they could've done better with the ending. It also wouldn't hurt if they gave YS and NN more skinship and a mind-blowing kiss scene at the end. :wub:;)

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Guest old soul

I just finished watching the final episode, and I can honestly say that this was indeed a GREAT drama. From the casting, acting, directing and the writing, everything was beautiful. I was always on the edge of my seat waiting for one surprise after another. No drama has done that to me in a long time. It wasn't perfect, but there never is anything that is truly perfect especially since each viewer has his/her own subjective perceptions of what makes a drama good. For me, it was nearly perfect.

Best acting to date for Lee Min Ho. I've watched him in Boys Over Flowers and Personal Taste, but City Hunter takes the cake in terms of acting (well it takes the cake in everything). Certainly City Hunter for me was so many notches higher in quality than those two previous dramas of his.

The most tears I shed for the drama was when Jin Pyo took all the blame as the City Hunter and essentially gave up his life so that Yoon Sung could live a normal life. It was just really sad that it had to take for LJP to die in order to prove his love for LYS. But I guess from the very first episode LJP's character was always meant to die. I sensed that, and I felt that the biggest conflict would always be with between LJP and LYS. The most important relationship in LYS's life was always this particular relationship. There never was a question of the love between KNN and LYS. But for LYS the realization that the family he came to love and care for was one created out of revenge and that he was merely a means to that end was just too much for him. In the end the final card of LJP was revealed: he did love LYS, his son. For the rest of LYS's life, the most important father would always be LJP (PMY-he would always remember with gratitude, the President CEC-he would always regard with respect albeit to a lesser degree after all the revelations). I am content that the drama resolved this particular relationship all the way to the end. LJP was such a hateful character, but at the point of his death I couldn't help feeling pity for his character. He had so much passion---love for country, love for a friend, and love for his son. But such a character was always meant to end in tragedy. Likewise the drama was so brave to kill off prosecutor Kim Young Joo who's only flaw was protecting his father's sins. I'm glad that his father woke up from his coma to live in regret and pain. This was the biggest punishment for him. Death would have been the easy way out.

City Hunter is very much in the mold of a Batman Begins or an X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We get to see and understand the making of a hero. And since it is only the beginning of an adventure, I do hope and pray that the drama gods will be kind enough to grant us a sequel---a continuation of the journey of our hero. I for one will be looking forward to it.

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Guest alethea33


. . . .but would it be too much if we ask ONE, JUST ONE EPISODE full of YS AND NANA.....pleasssseeee

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Guest merlyunho

I want a season 2, but I'm kind of afraid if it would do well with the audience and ratings. I'm pretty sure it would do well with us, international netizens. A movie is more like it, I think. They can add in a little conflict and wrap everything up nicely. :) i'm pretty sure it will be a box office.

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Guest yunho_lova

I just wanna say that I LOVE City Hunter. I'd say I'm disappointed at the love story ( I know the drama is more focused on the action part/vengeance), but THEY HAD SO MUCH CHEMISTRY. Man, what about the freaking RING? :( and no hug? c'mon....after all what she's been through. -_- The prosecutor's death was reallly heartbreaking, and also the last scene...do I even need to say? epic.

Minho improved a lot since his BOF days and I really hope he wins many awards, cause he truly deserves it! I could truly feel the emotions through his eyes. <3

Kay, now I dunno what I am going to do without my weekly dose of CIty Hunter.

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Guest the_personification_of_domination

City Hunter was AWESOME!

however, I am disappointed in the ending. I loved the Prosecutor and Jin Pyo :(

The scene between YS, the Gang Leader Jin Pyo, Kim Na Na and the President was epic! Although I would've preferred if YS died in the ending somehow, just to see the uproar from everyone, it would've elicited a HUGE response from everyone (especially the fangirls) lmao

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Guest zoopia

Why did they have to kill off Prosecutor KYJ, I was starting to like him after he gave up trying to "catch" City Hunter

But honestly, the ending was kinda eh... I was hoping for something else - can't really describe it :lol:

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Guest xxcarolxx

City Hunter is awesome! I love it!

I was really sad they killed of the prosecutor though..I was looking forward to seeing his relationship with Sae Hee. I was heartbroken when he died. I was hoping for a better ending because it somehow disappointed me. The last scene was epic though! I wanted to see more development of the love story, there was no hug or kiss at the end. They should really create a special episode to end it all because the ending of episode 20 didn't quite feel like an ending to me. YS didn't even give the ring to NaNa, what happened to that? There are a whole bunch of questions that have been unanswered.

Overall City Hunter is my favorite and best drama of 2011! I look forward to seeing more collaboration between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young. They have great chemistry together =D

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