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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest crazypilovee

Only 3 out of 5 died, right? And em moving to U.S so will YS play CH in U.S??? *quoted image*

i think just two, Lee Kyung Wan and CJM. Seo Yong Hak's in jail, Kim Jong Shik woke up from the coma (dangit.. hehe), and the Prez is fine.

haha i thought he was still in Korea since he has the same car & the street looked the same (well of course they still shot it in Korea lol)

did someone say NN went to the US w/ KH & ahjussi tho? did she mention that...? haha srry.

i wonder how much time passed until their meeting at the airport(?)...

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Base on the rating, hope CH break 20%.....


Glad that YS didn't die..... although i feel last 10 minutes ending a bit rush, but overall is really great drama. Hope to see them team up again in future (especially LMH and PMY :wub: ) Hope they have a good rest, wonder they have organize dinner or not , hope to see more photos of them.... :)

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Guest ping24

So many things that are still open. What happened to that creepy guy? Who let CJM escaped from the prosecutor office? What will happen to President after the impeachment? Lastly why do they have to cram everything in the last few mins of the show? They should just extend 1more episode. Arrrrrhhhhhh I'm very frustrated with the story ever since they kill YJ off yesterday.

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Actually, I'm satisfied with the ending. Although it was a bit rushed, but it's okay, consider how the drama ended (at least it's better than IRIS... I liked IRIS but that show's ending was even more confusing >.>). Sure, I would love for more intimate interactions between YS and NN (make out scene, kiss, hug, whatever is fine D:), but City Hunter wasn't focused only about romance, so it would be just a fanservice if the PDs included anything (but still...something is better than nothing :P). And did you see their eyes?! IT'S LOVE. They are in love with each other that just by looking at each other, you can tell :D


I didn't really see the episode yet (since I was lagging for the whole time while streaming >_>), but I'm guessing DH doesn't know that YS is her half-brother? I think it's good this way. Because really, if people KNEW that YS is the President's son, that would affect him a lot, especially his OWN FAMILY. Beside, if DH knew that she was YS's younger sister, how would she feel LOL? I mean, she was chasing him around for like half of the show hahahaha. 

Over all, I have to say City Hunter is the best drama I ever seen :) No dramas for the past few years have made me stay up and go "omg omg where is the new episode" and refresh this thread so much LOL. 

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Guest shopaholican

YS and President... The President will not be acknowledging YS as his son in future? YS ended up with no father.tears.gif

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dear city hunter,


you have been awesome. you're the only one that could make me wake up at 5.50 am in the morning to see you with my sleepy eyes,  coping up with the lags in streaming you, and still not understanding a single thing.


my dying self.


oh well... prolly gonna be last time writing here in a while.


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Guest shaytooneshiraz

EP 20 links please!!!!!! Youtube, drama site, anywhere. I'm dying to watch it.  Please? unsure.gif

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Guest luv_harmony

i think just two, Lee Kyung Wan and CJM. Seo Yong Hak's in jail, Kim Jong Shik woke up from the coma (dangit.. hehe), and the Prez is fine.

haha i thought he was still in Korea since he has the same car & the street looked the same (well of course they still shot it in Korea lol)

did someone say NN went to the US w/ KH & ahjussi tho? did she mention that...? haha srry.

i wonder how much time passed until their meeting at the airport(?)...


So NN went with KH? And YS stayed back in Korea? Why did he stay back though, like wasn't he supposed to go with his mom? Ughss ...it's as if they threw in some s__t without any dialogues in last 2 minutes so that fans can assume whatever they want to wacko.gif

PS - I would've assumed that YS-NN lived happily even if they had killed YS or NN PROVIDED that it made a plainer & sensible ending.

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I've never cried this much for a drama, YJ's funeral was so heartbreaking and at the end when JP sacrificed himself for YS and YS held JP hand was also very heartbreaking. I've been watching Korean movies since two years and I've been watching dramas since this year and CH is the best drama I've watched so far. Thanks to the whole CH crew for making such a wonderful drama.

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Guest aya2299

EP 20 links please!!!!!! Youtube, drama site, anywhere. I'm dying to watch it.  Please?

me to plz   or tudou link plz

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Guest kokoro.

although i know that this drama wasn't solely about nana & yoonsung's relationship, with everything that they built up, i wish it could have been handled better. their relationship was showcased so much during the first half and then they barely interacted in the second half. and although i am freaking elated that yoonsung survived and he and nana have apparently gotten back together...


why would they do that to us? why would they have nana mention the bell tolling? why did they have yoonsung looking at the ring so many times and thinking of her? i'm happy with the ending in that the men got justice, jinpyo proved he wasn't a heartless creature and that yoonsung and nana are alive, but i'm beyond upset at the writers for throwing us all the bones and trolling us at the end with their relationship. love wasn't the main plotline, i get that, but did they really have to make us fall in love with the couple so much and do this at the end?

i, too, hope that they air some sort of special or something. there are way too many questions that need to answered. 

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Guest -quiescent

This awesome drama has come to an end! City Hunter has most definitely marked it's place for me as one of my favourite dramas ever. I've loved every single minute of it! Our Minmin couple especially ♥♥♥♥

I purposely didn't watch the last episode live, as I didn't want the drama to end T.T So I watched Princess Man instead.

City Hunter has been my crack for two months and two weeks. Reading all the spoilers, I know I'm going to cry so much when I watch the last episode.

I'm going to have post-City Hunter depression for awhile, but since Princess Man is my new crack drama I think I'll be okay..........

Oh and City Hunter - for me - takes the cake for the best OST! Suddenly by Kim Bokyung is my favourite OST song EVER.



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Guest PMYLMH143

^ yeah that's right i almost forgot the ring, what happened to the ring?

Did the ring appeared in the last ep? cause i still haven't watched it yet.

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Guest shopaholican

^ yeah that's right i almost forgot the ring, what happened to the ring?

Did the ring appeared in the last ep? cause i still haven't watched it yet.

the writers TOTALLY could have made YS give NN the ring when they met at the end, but they didn't. WHY?????fury.gif

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Um....YS is staying in Korea? Doesn't he have to give his bone marrow to his mother or is this already done and I missed it somehow? It would make sense for everyone to go to US and besides, I'm pretty sure if YS is still CH (which I am kind of happy he still is), he would want to be where everyone is especially his mother. He was a part from his mother for long periods of time and I'm pretty sure his mother would ask where he is.

It's kind of sad that they actually said that NN's father passed away. But, it sort of is the best for her because didn't the doctor said that she should just let her father go or something. By letting her father go unintentionally, she is moving on to her future, with YS.

After reading everyone's posts, I've kind of accepted as a happy ending for an action drama which isn't romance focused since NN was supposed to die in the comics or something, she is now alive which is good.

I'm so going to miss this show and commenting about it every week. But, I will never stop rewatching the episodes because the beginning was just so cute for me. I will rewatch until my videos die on me!! :P

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