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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest farhah1986

No matter how close YJ found YS as city hunter I don't think he can ever catch him even till the end.I even think the person that show up in the next preview in front of the prosecuter office is not YS but rather Sang Gook,JP's right hand man.I think he's willing to do that because his aim is to get the truth out and get back his brother's good name and I think he believe that YS will accomplish that for him.It seems in the preview JP manage to get CJM on his kneels...

I wonder how YS gonna react with all the truth that his bio father is the president and JP just manipulate him to get back at him.He even said when he look at Mu Yeol photo that he can't seem to stop anymore.So I think deep in his heart he really care for YS and he think he fulfill his promise to his friend to raise up YS but at the same time he think the best way to take revenge is also through YS.I think JP already prepared to die once he accomplish his revenge.

But looking at how YS saving his dad,just proving that their bond is just so strong,just like he said before he won't forgive his dad for what he has done by lying to him and stealing him from him mum but still he has deep respect for him.Compare with a blood related father and someone whom you called father since kid there is nothing less important for YS and I think he hold him equally important to him.Yes,YS gonna hurt so bad if he know the truth that his bio father contribute in killing his suppose father and other 20 agent.There's no way YS gonna let him get away.I think YS may gonna have him confess for what has happen 28 years ago as his punishment.A lot of think gonna happen next episode as YS cover as city hunter may get blown.After all YJ has not know the truth yet about what has happen in 1983.What will he think if he know about it.I personally think his father deserve to get what he is now and if he ever wake up again he need to take the punishment.

As for JP he may be will killing himself in the end.Maybe after hurting YS,he can't bring himself to face him ever again and maybe out of love and guilt for YS for making him suffering.But am I to selfish if I said I want JP get over the revenge and finally have a peaceful life....enjoying his wealth and maybe even go for travel the world??:rolleyes: Although we can see that YS and the president bond as father and son we can't deny the bond that YS has with JP.Its strong bond kind of love hate relationship and I do love both of them in action,I love their dynamic together.

I wonder what kind of ending that Lee Min Ho said before.He said the ending is something no one can expect but I think we already know that the President indeed YS dad now.so its no suprise anymore.

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What?! Nah..someone was wondering if it will happen, I think..no proofs yet. But am guessing there will be a showdown with the chief and YS and NN will intervene.

Oh ok...thanks for telling me. I thought it was going to happen...Whew! But, yeah, as you said, NN will definitely intervene, especially if her chief is doing this in front of her.

I wonder what kind of ending that Lee Min Ho said before.He said the ending is something no one can expect but I think we already know that the President indeed YS dad now.so its no suprise anymore.

Sorry to cut your post. I'm hoping the ending that he means isn't a bad one. I don't like the fact that it is an ending that no one expects. Right now, most of us is hoping for a happy ending...so it's going to be the opposite? I'm going to cry my eyes out.

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Guest good123

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Guest sunyeon kim

thanks to @Good123 for the MKV raw download link . totally appreciate that ~ will wait for you to upload tomorrow episode too ! at the DAWN !! hahahaha

even though you upload the mkv files always at dawn ,

i can wait for you ~

and it's totally a cool sharing download link !! thanks good123

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Todays episode was also really good :)...I find YJ somehow pitiful..wish Nana could forgive him already although he makes it hard for YS... But why does everybody think Nana will die?? Did I miss something?? Can someone please explain me??

And does the president know YS is his son???


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Guest mochamist

You think this drama is going one way, and it goes in a complete different direction! I guess the next episode JP is going to start growing some serious fatherly feelings for YS. I don't really think he had any till now cause YS just saved his richard simmons. This makes things way more complicated <_<  I would rather have them focus more on Nana and YS. We only have 3 more episodes to go! what else are they going to do!

And puahaha I laughed so much when prosecutor got his richard simmons whooped by YS and the coworkers were like :mellow: "why are they fighting?" YS just outsmarts you every time eh?

I keep having this feeling that something bad is going to happen to YS in the end. Idk.....his identity is too out-in-the-open. Even Nana's boss noticed something amiss in his behavior.

My ideal ending: President resigns or dies, the other bad politician goes to jail by prosecutor, prosecutor gets promoted but never catches City Hunter, prosecutor gets together with SH, JP doesn't go through with the revenge plan and leaves Korea after YS mom dies, Nana and YS are alive and get married, YS continues to be City Hunter with a whole team behind him now. The end.

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Guest dramaok

I have a feeling Min-Min shippers will just have to be content with ep 12 and replay all the YS-Nana scenes from there, cos that's all we're gonna get till the last ep.


chanting to self: i believe in miracles. i believe in miracles. i believe in miracles. where the phuck is the dayam miracle.

i believe in miracles. i believe in miracles. sorry god for cussing. i believe in miracles.


you know what i was so traumatized and heartbroken for Kyung Hee when she got her baby stolen from her,

but you know what, today i'm like so annoyed at her.



okay, so you know what, things are hard for her too. and she probably really loved Choi Eung Chan, and maybe she didnt' even know he was like married and stuff when they met and it was true love or something, but you know what? i know she like refused to get an abortion when Cheon Jae Man kinda blackmailed her, but she went and tried to commit suicide right? w YS in her and stuff. when Park Moo Yeol stepped in and took up the daddy and hubby role,

but all that is fine, i know things were desperate and she was really in despair and stuff. but it's really time to tell YS the truth now. she's seeing the clues and stuff and she probably knows Jinpyo is using YS in some harm's way and she's like just hiding in the anti-bacterial room sewing little flowers on hankerchiefs?

she could've died from her illness and YS would've never knew about his real paternaity. she really needs to get over whatever grudge or shame she's holding and tell YS the truth. YS is paying for the crimes and sins of the adults. she and the president both need to grow up and be an adult now. they gotta stop hiding behind silence.

Kyung Hee needs to tell YS and Choi Eung Chan the truth.

YS, at birth, snatched from his mom.

foster dad beats the crap out of him.

spent his childhood among bullets, drugs, and blood.

witnessed his mother-figure shot before his eyes.

witnesses his love (Nana) near death, twice plus once more in dream.

now, he may end up pointing his gun at his own father.

YS's mom, please save your son's tortured soul.

he may never get over that, even if survives after all is done.





clip of YS in his "house" from Night Entertainment:



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Guest webby

love the ending today!!! didn't know evil daddy and son can make such a cool duo. Can't wait to see them beat the thugs out next epi. Today's episode is much better than last week's which is prob the slowest 2 episodes we had so far into the run. Can't wait to see things escalate now that YS's biological father has been confirmed. In a way, we already see YS developing admiration for the president, even calling him a good father to dahye. Wonder how he'll feel when he knows that person is his biological father.

For those who haven't watched the subbed version, basically the president doesn't know that YS is kyung hee's son, and doesn't know that her child is actually his child. But when he fell in love with her, he was going to leave his family for her but his good friend Cheon Jae Man stopped it. Cheon Jae Man however knows that kyunghee had Eng Chan's child even back then. Cheon Jae Man told Kyunghee to abort the child and disappear from Eng Chan's sight. And Kyunghee was about to commit suicide when Mu Yeol saved her and decided to marry her and raise her child as their child.

To YS-NN fans, i think they will def have that bell scene (first day or last day of the year scene) where NN invited YS to. I think that might mark the ending of the drama with them back together?

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Same here sister....  :lol:   Blame it on CH-madness!

Scary guy hurt his old man.  He must pay.

lol. So we are back to the age-old question. JP or Bio-dad. Who will YS choose?

So in the end, it really is the baby thing that target #4 has on him? Mainly that he had an affair 29 years ago? REALLY?

I just hope that Jin Pyo isn't jealous of the president because he got KH's love. That will make him a lil pathetic.

If you think back to episode 1 when the president approached JP and MY about the mission. I don't think there was any kind of animosity or bad blood between them. Could that really have been the case with this kind of woman swapping going on? I will rewatch at some point to see if I can sense anything.

And as for Jin Pyo, does he on a certain level think that the president sent MY to his death partly because of his relationship with KH?  I think something similar happened in The Bible when David sent Uriah to the front lines to die although the circumstances where a little different.

Well I haven't watched yet... just my thoughts based on comments here.

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Guest sharon89

after re-watch over again the preview, i found out that the guy who come to meet Kim Joong Yo is not Yoon Sung :) .

now we can make sure that YS is president's son :wacko: . so poor YS, i wonder what he feel when he know that.

thanks all for your sharing, pics, re-cap and clip :lol:

cant wait to watch ep18. wanna know how YS save NN :ph34r::crazy:

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Guest bokchoi

lol. So we are back to the age-old question. JP or Bio-dad. Who will YS choose?

So in the end, it really is the baby thing that target #4 has on him? Mainly that he had an affair 29 years ago? REALLY?

I just hope that Jin Pyo isn't jealous of the president because he got KH's love. That will make him a lil pathetic.

If you think back to episode 1 when the president approached JP and MY about the mission. I don't think there was any kind of animosity or bad blood between them. Could that really have been the case with this kind of woman swapping going on? I will rewatch at some point to see if I can sense anything.

And as for Jin Pyo, does he on a certain level think that the president sent MY to his death partly because of his relationship with KH?  I think something similar happened in The Bible when David sent Uriah to the front lines to die although the circumstances where a little different.

Well I haven't watched yet... just my thoughts based on comments here.

I believe there was some friction between JP and the President when they were doing the mission brief. When the President said he promised to stake his life for their safe return and JP was like you promise? you promised then.

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Guest webby

Episode 17 -- July 20, 2011

AGB Nielsen

City Hunter 18.8 (nationwide) / 19.7 (seoul)

The princess' man 10.2/11.6


City Hunter 17.9 (nationwide) / 19.6 (seoul)

The princess' man 9.3/10.0

Seems like competing drama KBS Princess' man is off to a strong start.


myphim2009, yes, Dahye has officially transferred her crush from YS to YJ. she says YS is too rough with women, she prefers loving/caring men like YJ (who helped her up when she fell). haha.. i think that is the funniest bit watching YS's priceless expression when he realizes 'the kid' has ditched him for flower prosecutor. I think they will make good half-siblings.

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Guest myphim

Is it just me or is DH crushing on YJ now? The girl is like a fangirl crushing on all the cute, good-looking guys that come into her vision. Well, in a way, it is a good thing that she is transferring her inappropriate crush on YS to YJ.

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clock, David at least got the woman after killing (murdering) her husband.  What's up with Mr. President here?  He left her to raise their child alone.  I still say he looked shocked when she mentioned a baby in his limo.  As for the hankies, KH had two handy.  Are there more?

dramaok, I just saw your post.:lol: :lol: :lol:   Calm down dear.  I agree with your sentiments about the mom.  Hell, I spoke about her last week.  Enough of the dumb sh#%. 

These ppl are some of the most narcissistic characters.  His parents take the cake though; letting others cover their guilt and shame.  Do the perp walk already. 

I need to watch with subs...Thanks subbers!

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Ay...I'm starting to get very frustrated with what is going on. But, I have a feeling that this President would be a better father than JP. He looks more willing to sacrfice for his children than JP would. I should be mad at KH or something for keeping something like this from YS, but I don't know...I probably don't know how to tell him either. I hope YS takes it okay.

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