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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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City Hunter’s Da Hye wears a short dress: Would Yun Seong find it attractive?


In July 14 episode of SBS’s drama series City Hunter, actress Goo Hara showed off her beauty in a short striped dress and wavy hair.

Goo wears black shorts under the dress, so she feels comfortable walking around in it and at the same time shows off her beautifully shaped legs.

In addition, Goo put on cute necklace with vintage-styled bracelet to complete her outfit. A bright yellow purse adds up to her fashion.

On July 10, Goo Hara shot the scene in which her excitement before seeing Yun Seong (played by Lee Min Ho) is featured. Her innocent love for Yun Seong and bright characteristics made even the male staff at the setting fall for her.

The production crew says, “Goo Hara is like a vitamin in the setting. Her being there simply makes the atmosphere fun.”

Meanwhile in City Hunter, Yun Seong, Jin Pyo (played by Kim Sang Joong), and Yeong Joo (played by Lee Joon Hyuk) come into a conflict over completing the “termination of five members” project.

Source Daum by Hanna

by hannacha3217@ Korea.com

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I feel sorry for YJ and the president. 

Thanks myphim2009 for the link.


Did LYS cut ajusshi's credit spending?  LOL! When YS came to talk with the run-away-from-home manny, I think KNN told them to take it back to their place.:lol:

Tomorrow YS confesses to KNN?   It's about time!

Please get down on one knee YS and propose.....

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last part ep 15 recap

part 6

People are on strike.

YS is doing his mission again.

but he isn't wearing any mask

back to action mode...

seems like YS was discovered by the men,

they sprayed gas,, so YS is a bit drugged again,,, luckily, YS BARELY escaped..

he drove off..

YS was able to smell the gas though..

YS was about to vomit..

YS was not in a good state.

NN called him and he answered but NN is the only one talking.

NN set up an appointment to meet him

he didn't answered her and stayed quiet so NN asked if he hears her talking

but there's no answer again..

YS dropped the phone and was BARELY breathing..

when YS was walking upstairs, YJ was following him

YJ said, he looks not good... do he feel not well..

But YS said he lacks sleep because of being in a nightclub last night..

then YJ mentioned something that made YS stop walking.



YJ is having a well-plan for YS

then we saw NN is being thrown with eggs..

then we see YS confessing to NN

"I like you KNN!!"

waahh!!! WHAT A LOVELY PREVIEW!!! w00t.gif:wub:w00t.gif

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Guest victoriamai


CONFESS HIS FEELINGS TO HER! OMG.. and there better be some epic kissing cause it's been like 6 episodes without any kissing -_____-

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Im pulling my hair because of this episode. LOL Honestly there seems to be something off w/ it....like it wasnt that exciting like the usual maybe because PD wanted to focus on the emotional side of mother and son relationship.

I screamed because of JINPYO!!! omfg UNREQUITED LOVE!!!!!!

and the last thing...

freakin PREVIEW FOR EPISODE 16!!!!!!! MINMIN ftw!!!!!

p.s Otcho thanks for the recaps!

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otchosais: I think in the last part YJ already knows YS past and called him by his thai name Poo Chai


this episode makes me squeal every single NN & YS scene.. Oh MinMin couple why so cute?  when he got the ring i was practically screaming in my screen..  GIVE HER THE RING!!!! JUST CONFESS AND GIVE HER THE RING!!! lots of holding hands here.... but something bothers me... that picture frame that got shattered i don't like that metaphor.. usually it means an unhappy ending but please just PLEASE PD-nim give them a happy ending! YS deserves to be at peace and be happy... 

Sae Hee makes her comeback but only for a couple of minutes... anyway i am the only one who thinks there are still some feelings lingering from YJ & SH? I actually asked myself what went wrong for these two? sorry for those who wanted some YS and SH moment but I think, I THINK that there will be no love square in this series... I THINK that SH is like a light to YJ as NN is to YS.. SH lifts YJ mood every single time and is the very first person who YJ runs to if he has some personal problems....

we also get to see in this episode that JP cares for KH... the song he requested for KH was i think the theme song of KH & MY... 

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Guest miniejungle

otchosais, sorry i didn't see your earlier post asking abt the channel as i logged out of all sites (except for tvu, of course) to minimise bandwidth usage - all preversed for the streaming... and today's streaming was ok for me - hiitsu's stream didn't work for me though. the link you posted later was the channel i watched as well...

in this episode things go a bit slow, but still i love the show... the best part was YS and Ahjusshi quarreled like newly weds, hahhah, he the husband who cut away the wife's credit cards and Ahjusshi the online-shopping-obssessed wifey!!!! i was LOL-ing at that part...

another touching scene was YS sleeping with his mom - though it sounds really weird and i think in many cultures it's not really acceptable, but they did it nicely.. she sang a lullaby for him.

so YS still doesn't want to get Nana involved - based on the episode tonight i think Nana's asking him to declare his feeling for her but he couldn't bring himself to do it. But the preview for tomorrow's epsidoe.... woohooo, he said it!!!!! :wub::wub::wub:

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Why am I feeling like this episode is a little SLOW than the USUAL phasing if the drama???

I am missing the every-SECOND CLIMAXES... is it just me feeling it???

anyway, I still love SOME moments here,,

*YS-and his mom catching-up moments together

*JP giving KH a radio to hear a song with

*Ahjussi-YS fighting & MADE UP SCENE because of CREDIT CARD

*NN confessing first BRAVELY to YS

*YS grabbing NN and leaning on her shoulders

but I LOVE that they already gave PREVIEW!!!

who have the video of ep 16 preview???

I WANT to WATCH IT again for 100th TIMES!!!

I wanted to be SURE of what I HEARD of!!!

I don't know if what YS's telling to NN is a positive one..

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Guest farhah1986

otchosais: I think in the last part YJ already knows YS past and called him by his thai name Poo Chai

Is it true?!!Oh no...so it seems that YJ almost know everything about YS?!Impressive but This does not seem good for YS.If he know YS Thai name,does it mean he know what kind of life YS has been gone through?I'm thinking that sooner or later YJ wil know YS connection with JP and maybe their drug empire?!

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AAAA Hope tommorow YS will confess to NN really can't wait >.<

It's poor why YS always remember JP talks he needs love too

See u tommorow HUNTERS this ep always make me crazy

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Yeah, it seems YS will confess to Nana in Episode 16 from the preview, even though he told Nana not to expect him to tell her that he like her in today's episode.

She was of course hurt by his words *I almost teared at this point* after confessing to him twice today about her feelings for him.

She's really brave today but I can't help feeling sad for her as YS keeps holding back from giving her what she wants/expects.

It would seem scary to me that if YS did really confess to Nana in Episode 16, wonder what changed his mind??

Seems like something bad will happen, especially with photo frame containing their photo fell from the table and broke....

Are the PD trying to tell us something about the ending?????

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otchosais: I think in the last part YJ already knows YS past and called him by his thai name Poo Chai

ooopps!!! thanks for your update, I didn't catch that.. I became so SHOCKED at the ep 16 preview..

I even STOPPED typing when I saw the preview and wasn't able to type what happened in ep 15 ending..

anyway, so its connected when he saw YS helping a Thai at the hospital and he even spoke Thai...

I think, YJ and YS should just work together.,.

since they have the same GOAL to bring justice.. although in a different manner/ways..

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