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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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I didnt have any problems when I watched Spy Myung Wol fromKBS..ack  why SBS why *sigh*

Hi OTCHO!!! hello to all HUNTERS here! ^^

Thanks DramaOk,Shirley and Webby for the links specially for preview of Episode 15.

I wonder if Nana's just saying that so that YS wont be too worried for her but she's secretly help him. Ack I hope! ^^. I love YS's expression while looking at NANA....damn that's a the look of LOVE.haha i am so cheesy!



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Guest yellow_mellow


Anyone knows if HiitsuStream is going to stream today's EP ?

Still offline here. I don;t know if it will be on air soon or no. I think TVU also can't be used, i've try that before.

So does anyone have another link for streaming...

or i will spend my night by only looking at otchosais's recap :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest dotangel

Hi All,

I hope I'm right... HiitsuStream is going to stream today's EP here: http://www.justin.tv/hiitsustreamtv#/w/1465414608

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hunters, this link works FINE!!!


happy watching ep 15!!!



starhausM just twitted pics and things about LMH's appearance in the show before CH tonight.,.


love the uploaded pics!!! :wub:

posted IN RELATED to LMH's interview tonight

news nate:

이민호 “스캔들, 기자에게 낚였다” 사연은?

[뉴스엔 이민지 기자]

이민호가 스캔들에 대해 해명했다.

7월13일 방송된 SBS '한밤의TV연예'에서는 '시티헌터'에서 부드러운 카리스마를 보이고 있는 배우 이민호와 파워인터뷰를 가졌다.

여자연예인들과 스캔들이 많았던 이민호는 "꽃남 시절 알고 지내던 배우들과 모두 스캔들이 났다"고 밝혔다. 이민호는 '꽃보다 남자' 출연 당시 친한 여배우 3명과 스캔들이 났었다.

스캔들에 대해 이민호는 "소위 말해 낚였다"고 말해 궁금증을 자아냈다.

그는 "어떤 스캔들이 나서 '나는 이런 식이면 스캔들 날 여배우들이 많다. 친한 사람이 많으니까'라고 말했다"며 "그랬더니 그 기자분의 표저잉 아직도 기억이 난다. 굉장히 들뜨고 신난 표정으로 다 말해보라고 하셨는데 그분들과 다 스캔들이 났다"고 털어놨다.

이민지 기자 oing@

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

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I didnt have any problems when I watched Spy Myung Wol fromKBS..ack  why SBS why *sigh*

Hi OTCHO!!! hello to all HUNTERS here! ^^

Thanks DramaOk,Shirley and Webby for the links specially for preview of Episode 15.

I wonder if Nana's just saying that so that YS wont be too worried for her but she's secretly help him. Ack I hope! ^^. I love YS's expression while looking at NANA....damn that's a the look of LOVE.haha i am so cheesy!



looking forward for your recap. I've got class from 9 to 10. Of all time, why did my lect need to do it this time???? :wacko:

Btw, I really hope that Nana don't leave YS cause she lost her trust in him. It would be painful for him. Argh!! I want to watch it live!!!

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Guest marianorzalira

hunters, this link works FINE!!!


happy watching ep 15!!!



starhausM just twitted pics and things about LMH's appearance in the show before CH tonight.,.


love the uploaded pics!!! :wub:

thanks for the link... :wub:

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Guest laceytam

does someone have the same problem?

sometimes when i watch it live , the screen is black and only can hear the voice

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ep 15 recap

part 1

YS can't open the car since its locked so he broke the window..

He got YJ and saved him..

when he was about to leave, YJ grabbed his leg but YJ got unconsciuos

YS called an ambulance for YJ to be rescued

Official 4's secretary asked if something's strange happened (in related to what YS did to the bodyguards, I think)

Official 4 said madly to the secretary to check the cctv immediately

Official 4 is burning something while mentioning CH,,

Now, JP was with someone..

the guy with JP said something about KYJ...

then JP called YS and asked about YJ too.. (sorry, I can't catch up to what they're saying,., its a lil noisy here at home.. )

I think, JP is mocking YS again on how he's doing his work to revenge...

JP: YS, if you want to be happy, you must NEVER forget your mission? --NOT SURE,,,

now, YS is checking the cctv on who did it to YJ and saw the freaking bodyguard who followed NN before..

then NN suddenly appears to see it but YS stopped her...

NN asked if he really have to CONTINUE what he's doing..

part 2

sorry, I didn't catch at least 3-5 mins.. I changed streaming links..

Now, YS is with his mom at the hospital..

the streaming STOPS AGAIN!!!

I missed 3-5 minutes again...

Now, YS is outside his mom's room

and is with NN..

I think NN is saying that she'll be YS's partner..

so if he needs anything, just say it to her and she'll help her...

NN also said to take care and be careful.

Now, YJ wokes up and his assistant is at his side.

I think, his assistant thought YJ purposely did that to himself but YJ said he didn't do that...

Now, I think, YJ sent a video of the person who set him up..?

so he is now thinking to go to YS (since he saw YS's back and side at the parking lot...)

now, at the hospital, YS was helping someone at the hospital who is a thai..

but YJ and his assistant saw him together with NN..

Assistant mentioned that NN was there at that time when she blocked him while following YS..

now, at YJ's office, they are talking about YS again -CH..

assistant asked if he's doing it because of his father..

YJ said, they have to follow/catch CH no matter what happened..

Now, the president visited YJ's dad at the hospital

YJ arrived and saw him

Pres and YJ drink soju together..

They talked about his dad's case and about CH.

part 3

Sorry, I didn't catch the President's line to YJ but I think he's talking in a fatherly manner...

Now, YJ is entering his house.

SH is there...

SH said sorry coming inside without telling him.

YJ asked what's the occasion

SH went to bring him food.

Both where talking about their circumstance to be living alone.

SH asked about YJ's dad...

SH held YJ's hand and cheered him...

SH said she really wants to give him strength and encourage him...

now, at YS's place,

Ahjussi brought food (KFC)

NN and YS was there too..

Now, Ahjussi asked, :YS, are you still continuing the revenge?"

YS: why are you asking suddenly?

then Ahjussi mentioned something about his mom but YS brushed it off immediately and went back to his room

at his room, YS is holding his mom's ring to be given to NN..

then NN went inside to bring him something to drink

waahh!!! NN cheered him and said,"do you remember, that I LIKE YOU?"

YS smiled to her and said, what kind of someone are you?

NN said something like, what's wrong about it?

then YS offered to bring her home but NN said its no need.

at YJ, he's watching something.

at the bluehouse, NN's co-workers are talking about CH.

I think, they're not seeing CH positively and NN cleared it and defend CH..

at DH, she showed ALL pics of YS... haha

NN's partner said she's like a STALKER of YS...

NN is just smiling.

NN partner: How could we do to DH... LYS has... (but she decided not to say anything..)

then NN partner saw NN and YS pic together. so DH said to NN she could get it.

NN went to YS's office but YS was not there..

YS is trailing official 4's bodyguard whereabout.. but Ahjussi texted him and he was a lil distracted..

but now, YS is still trailing them.

Official 4 and his BGuard visited a patient but the woman looks SCARED to see Official 4..

part 4

sorry I didn't catch Official 4's lines to the woman at the hospital.

*But I can see Official 4's facial expression with concern.. I just don't know if he's pretending or what..

Official 4 and Bguard went out.

his secretary was there and gave papers to Official 4 and official 4 was mad to see it and crumples and broke the paper...he even threw it in the trashbin.

Official 4 met a kid and he treat him bad. He made his bodyguard pay the kid money and left.

the kid cries.. YS saw him and comforted the kid. he pick something from the trashbin.

YS backed at his place

Ahjussi was surprised and just see YS...

Ahjussi said, NN was in his room

NN put their pic on YS's table with a frame.

YS said remove it.. but NN said it looks great.

Now, YS is looking at a file, something in connection with the case.

and NN commented about what YS is looking.

YS wanted NN to stop concerning herself from the revenge thing, so he said to NN to just go...

he's pushing NN away and he bumped the frame.. the glasses broke and NN was angry to YS telling him to keep or throw it, do what he wantS!!!

now, NN was with ahjussi fixing the papers YS picked up

YS saw her and YS brought NN outside for a walk.

Ys said sorry to NN and NN picked op something.

NN made it into a fake-ring. YS saw it

but the nurse called YS regarding his mom..

now, YJ is with his assistant again.

they are talking about something in connection with MIT,,,

while walking the 2 saw criminals brought to office..

at the hospital, a nurse brought YS mom a radio to hear songs..

the song seems like into KH's taste... (a memorable song..)

it turns out, its JP who brought it and asked the nurse to bring it to YS mom..

Now, NN visited YS mom..

KH said, its not so long he met her son,

part 5

NN said to YS mom not to worry


now, KH asked NN if YS haven't given her a ring...

so NN asked, a ring?

but KH changes the subject.

now, YS changes his clothes-a patient cloth...

then NN said, its into her liking..

then NN said she has a gift to YS.

YS said thanks to KNN.. but NN is just holding herself.. (not to cry..)

now, YS is lying with his mom in the hospital bed.

YS said he wanted to be with his mom HAPPILY.

YS mom said,m she's so happy being able to meet him.

YS mom sings a song for YS.

YS just listens to her while they're holding hands

back to YJ, he was at a cafe. He met someone... That someone said something about John Lee..

He showed something to YJ.. a yearbook with a man named John Lee.. (different to JP's face)

now, JP is investigating again... he and his assistant are calling some people.

at the office, another prosecutor is interrogating the "criminals" or "suspects" but YJ went inside.

back at the hospital, I think YS is doing tests again --in connection about his mom's operation. NN is there and gave infos about in connection about Official 4's things.

YS asked from where did she got them.

Now, YS was looking at his sleeping mom.

Now, DH is working at the cafe..

(It seems his dad-President made it as a punnishment to her?)

DH said, LYS loves coffee,, so she should learn to be a great BARISTA.

But Kim NN partner said to DH to throw her dream and decided to stop what she's saying..

now, Ahjussi came.. so DY greeted her and serve her as a customer too..

Ahjussi ordered and even asked Kim NN partner a coffee too..

when Ahjussi is about to pay using card, all his card was cut off..

Ahjussi came to YS at the hospital..

Ahjussi complains that his cards were CUT OFF.. YS said to Ahjussi to stop ALWAYS buying things from TV shopping... haha/.. so Ahjussi went away protesting..

YS called Ahjussi but Ahjussi don't answered his phone.

Now, Ahjussi come to NN's apartment with his things packed..

so NN called YS to fetch ahjussi.

YS came to NN's house.

Ahjussi complained to YS..

haha! and YS said, he did wrong..

so YS said, he'll bring his card on going again..

NN said to them they should go back home safely.

YS is wearing hospital cloth again. NN check if YS is sick or feeling not well..

then YS grabbed NN's hand and made her sit beside him.

YS is leaning to NN's shoulder..

NN was looking at YS

and YS asked if she's doing things into her liking (butting off with YS's affairs)

then NN brushed him saying, "yes! I like you!"

then YS smiles and said, what kind of a girl who have big guts as you?

then now, NN said to YS to say that he likes her too..

but YS said, he can't say it to NN..

then NN said something like, she too, have "pride"

now, NN said to YS she'll go home..


NN: Yes NN.. Pretend to not know anything... (I don't understand the next line).. sorry..

now, YS changed into his CH outfit disguise again..


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