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Heart-warming encounters with strangers

Guest The-Entity

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Guest Mystrillium

For the times I have helped, I never really helped properly but I hope I am improving. I was a washroom cleaner during the summer for an Exhibition carnival and inside one of the stalls was a printed out ticket. So instead of keeping it in my pocket I left it that the corner of the mirror counter (plain table with mirror, I don't know how to explain). I shouldn't have left it there because it was open for anyone to take. After a while, a granny and her grandchildren came up to me and asked if I found any tickets. When I said yes and gave it to them they were so grateful that they wouldn't be able to go on the rides without them. It really brightened my day to see their spirits lifted ^__^

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Guest alldaylong

Aw okay well I was driving to a coworkers house for a summer get together and I had got lost on my way there. So my dad suggested I ask someone in one of the local stores where the street may be. So I stopped at this deli store and there were these two REALLY cute guys I mean gorgeous...no lie one white and one Asian man. So I asked him if he knew where it was... and he said he didn't so I thought I would say thank you and leave then but no...he wanted to make sure I knew where it was. He got out the GPS on his phone and searched I was there for a good 15 min. Granted the store wasn't busy haha luckily. but I thought that was so gentlemanly he could have just said no I don't know where it is and I would be on my merry way. People are nice! :w00t: and I found the place thanks to them! and the old man in the corner piped in too. Sometimes I wonder if I was a boy in that situation would things be different :P

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We were on our way home in our car then this woman with a child approached us and asked us if we can let her ride with us since we're going to pass by their village in order to get to ours. So yeah, we let her in. :))

Anddd when I was in grade 2, I gave this brownie to a child. :D

My father orders food then on the way home, he gives it to the guard at the entrance of our village. :D

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Guest WeiCHUNniE

when i was a freshman me and a few of my girlfriends were walking home from mcdonalds and some guys were following us 0-0;;;; we were trying to walk really fast then a lady pulled up to us in her car and asked us if we needed a ride. it was kind of a bad idea to accept a ride from a stranger but it was better to get away from the guys >.< turns out she was also in the mcdonalds we were in and she noticed that some people were following us. She dropped us off at my grandmas house and we couldnt thank her enough. She may have saved our lives that day!

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Guest Linda_543

So at my high school yesterday, we celebrated Earth Day by going around the neighbourhood to pick up garbage and to clean up in general. While we were cleaning, we found a big empty cardboard box that someone had put out to be recycled so we used it to put our trash bags in but by the time we were done, it was too heavy to carry back to the dumpster at our school, so we dragged it. Hahaha, that was definitely not a smart idea because the dragging wore out the tape and the bottom of the box gave out :sweatingbullets: . My three friends and I were all panicking and didn't know how we'd manage to get the garbage back so we were going to take the garbage bags out and carry them back but then a reaaalllllyyyyyy kind man from a hardware store came out with a huge roll of tape and an x-acto knife and taped the box back together for us. It made me think "Wow, there really are people that are this generous in our world."

Even though we were out there for a few hours in the cold, windy and snowy weather with no coats, it warmed my heart to see people willing to help others without hesitation. :)

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Guest ohitsning

I was at this restaurant with my friend the other day and after we were done, we packed our things and left. We were a block away from the place when we heard someone running up to us. Apparently, we had dropped five dollars on the seats and failed to notice. I thought it was nice of the guy to run out in the rain just to give us a five dollar bill, where other people would have just put it in their pockets.

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I was completely mesmerized by this old, steampunk store's window yesterday (magical, amazing things were on display i.e. a miniature airship and some cool robot-things). The lights were off and it was closed though. I must have stood there in a complete daze before I noticed the small railway trains on display had suddenly started rolling and other things were lit up and moving. I looked up and saw an old man (I assume the owner) at the other side, smiling and waving at me. I was surprised but returned the gesture, and then continued on my way.

It's one of those things that I'd think only happens in movies, haha. Totally made my day.

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Guest -minchee-

Well, I went to this field trip to watch this US military show. Different schools and different grades showed up, so it was a lot of people. Right after the show, I see this close to crying little girl who got lost. Then this young, handsome US marine goes up and says that he was going to help her find her class :3 It's a lot more cuter when you see it with your own eyes ^^

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Guest leeseohae

So, my family attended mass yesterday and the church was rather crowded. Lots of people were present and all the available seats were taken. It was a good thing we decided to bring chairs or all of us would've been standing throughout the entire mass. Anyways, the chairs brought weren't enough for everyone of us to accommodate so several people should sacrifice and stand. I was one of those several people. I actually didn't mind. At least I was doing something good for the Holy Week. I was doing okay for the first few minutes, but the longer I stand, the harder it gets. But I didn't have a choice anyways. Maybe God heard my pleas because the next thing I knew, the man next to me offered me a chair to sit. I found out that it was supposed to be his son's chair. I was very touched by what he has done. He'd rather let his son sit on his lap.

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Guest verbosely

Once, when I was around 9 or 10, I was at Friendly's with my family. I was waiting them for them in the waiting area, after we'd finished eating. There was one of those claw-machine games where you put in a quarter and try to grab a stuffed animal. I was staring at it longingly because my parents never let me play them (something about a waste of money XP). At the next machine, a high school aged guy and his girlfriend were playing and they won two things. The guy turned to me and gave me one of the toys (a stuffed frog that I still have) and told me to smile.

It made me so happy! :)

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Like every morning, I walk to the bus stop two blocks away from my house. I live right on a parkway so it's always busy on our street and not many neighbors actually take the time to say hello, so I try to say "good morning" and usually I get ignored. The other day, I saw an elderly man putting bags into his car, so I decided to help him, it only took a few minutes. I didn't say anything and neither did he, but when I left I called "Good morning!" and he looked at me with astonished eyes, I guess older people don't expect much from the younger generation, and said "Thank you dear." I dunno why, but I felt really pleasant~!

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Guest jitchoo

I think this happened when I was about 7 or 8.

My dad and I came to this huge escalator. Without looking, my dad gets on and I somehow stayed behind. Even though I wasn't afraid of heights, I somehow couldn't bring myself to go down.

So here's my dad at the bottom, yelling at me to come down. Me at the top, scared out of my mind for no good reason. And then a kind lady comes, takes my hand and rides with me for those 10 secs. or so of the ride.

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Guest MilkBubbleTea

I was going to be late for school so I decided to walk to the station instead of risking waiting for the bus. But as I was walking, I saw that the bus was coming, and I ran as hard as I could trying to get to the next bus stop before the bus does. Then, a guy in a car said " keep running, I'll slow it down for you" as he slowed down keeping the bus behind him. I was so touched and made it to school on time.

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

One time when I was eating at a buffet with my family, I was waiting in line to get some raw oysters...It was seafood night lol.

Anywayz it was a pretty long line, but for the most part people just grabbing the oysters quickly so oto make the line go faster...But this one douchebag of a guy, who was right before me in line, took his sweet-richard simmons time to get his oysters. He was taking sooo long and being overly picky on the oysters he was going to pick and eat...People were rolling their eyes at him behind his back and giving him subtle hints (which he didn't notice) that he was taking too long.

This one elderly lady who was right behind me, was complaining why this guy was taking so long, and her legs were aching from standing in line...I felt bad so I turned around and said "Maam, if you want you can go ahead of me. I don't mind.." She looked at me really surprised and with a huge smile on her face she said "Oh no, that's okay dear...But thank you for your consideration!"

It felt good to just at least try to help others...Later that same old lady waved at me when me and my family was leaving the restaurant.

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Guest PrincessBoa

I love those heart-warming encounters. :)

I had one of those moments recently.. I just got out of a job interview, and when I walked out the door- some kid was riding his skateboard and crashed into me when I walked towards the parking lot and I got this nasty cut on my knee. Some guy appears out of nowhere and asks if I'm okay- and was really nice to me- brings me to the Shoppers nearby to get band-aids and such - and helps me get cleaned up. Pays for everything and made sure I was alright even though the cut wasn't that big of a deal. I thanked him and went to my car- and realized on the box of band-aids that he bought me- was a phone number and a message to call him LOL.

There was also one where I accidentally dropped my coin purse to the ground and all my coins fell out and a girl helped me pick up all the change.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest The-Entity

I saw an old lady lugging this huge pile of cardboard boxes, and the string snapped and all the boxes collapsed on the ground. There were a bunch of boys nearby and they were chatting, and one of them peeled off the group and ran over to help her immediately, and his friends went to help too. Lovely young chaps.

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Guest nebbalish

A few months ago after volleyball practice, I went to a Tim Hortons with some friends to get some coffee and donuts because we were so hungry after practice. I was rifling through my wallet and I swore I had about $4 in change but I only had some dimes and pennies.

I was going to ask a friend for some money but the lady in front of me just turned around and handed me a $10 bill. I was flabbergasted and I wasn't sure at first why she was giving me money. She just smiled and said that it was her kind deed of the day.

I thanked her so many times and some people sitting in the Tim Hortons clapped. I was so happy because my faith in humanity was restored because of this kind lady's actions. I then treated my friends to Tim Hortons because I was so happy.

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Guest sunye~

this didn't happen to me but my co-worker was at starbucks and she ordered a grande latte. instead of a grande, she got a small or something and usually the people just brush you off. but when she asked a young starbucks worker, the worker gave her a grande and let my co-worker keep the small one. :)

then, when my co-worker came to work, she gave me the small. it tasted so good....!

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Guest nyehxbrooklynrage

This was 2 weeks ago, but about  2 hours (I think) of waiting and sitting on a bench I was curious why my friend was taking so long. I called but it would either go to voicemail or have a busy signal.  There was this guy that went up to me and kept on pestering me. Asking if I wanted to leave with him, who I was waiting for, and making inappropriate comments too which made me quite uncomfortable. I called my friend again and finally she picked up only to tell me she couldn't make it. So I got up and tried to leave, but he kept on pushing me back down to sit and was on the verge of tears until this little boy about the age of 6 or 7 started throwing rocks and twigs at the guy  ( I was already crying). He kept on throwing at him until he finally gave up and left. Then the little boy sat himself next to me and told me, " don't worry you're safe with me and I'll protect your from him because I'm a superhero " then offered me candy and used his hands to wipe my tears away. 

Gah! He was so sweet! 

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