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Heart-warming encounters with strangers

Guest The-Entity

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This is from when I was a toddler but I clearly remember getting lost at Wal-Mart. I was on the floor crying when a lady worker asks me what happened and took me to the back room, announced on the speaker thing about a little lost girl. After a couple of minutes my dad came for me but right before I left the lady smiled at me and tied a big balloon on my wrist and put candy in the other. Although the memory is a little foggy now I still feel grateful towards that lady. :] 

Here's a another one: There was this guy that was waiting forever to pay for his lunch and even though we reached the lunch lady at the same time he motioned for me to go first and smiled. 

Thank you OP for starting this thread! :D It has really brightened my day. 

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last summer in japan, my aunt, mom, and I went to watch a comedy show in theater. it was very, very hot and humid and I was just exhausted from walking a lot, and the huge crowded line in front of the theater didn't help either. My mom and aunt were looking at the seating chart posted outside, and while I was outside, an old man came up to me and asked me how my day was, with a smile. Soon after, he shoved a ticket in my hand, saying he accidentally bought an extra ticket. We were surprised and didn't know whether we should accept it, but the old man just smiled, shook his head and wouldn't let me say no. i wanted to say thank you but before i could say it, we were separated by swarming people :( thanks to the old man, i had a great time at the show...!

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Guest LaughingWithYou

This was during winter a while ago, and my friend's mom was driving me home, but then, she turned back to go to Tim Horton's. So she came back with a large cup of hot chocolate, and started to go back to driving me home, but stopped in front of a prostitute and gave her the hot chocolate. The prostitute said that she doesn't do ladies, and my friend's mom said "It's okay, you looked cold so I bought you a cup." The prostitute started crying and kept on saying thank you. 

Reading and experiencing things like this really inspire me.. Somehow it's enlightening, keep up the random kindness !

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Guest The-Entity

 The prostitute said that she doesn't do ladies, and my friend's mom said "It's okay, you looked cold so I bought you a cup."

^ This sentence made me laugh the first part and then smile the second (:

This reminds me of the time my dad bought a hot chocolate on a really cold and windy day. When we stopped at a red light, we both saw this miserable looking guy holding a sign, and my dad opened the window and gave him the undrunken (word?!) hot chocolate. The dude thanked us over and over until we drove away.

Your mom is awesome (:

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My friends and I were downtown, and we went into a burger king to grab some dinner.

One of my friends is the president of my school's philanthropy organization, who plans community outreach stuff and she really cares about the wellbeing of others. She's probably the most selfless person I know.

As we were walking in, there was a homeless person holding the door for us so we would give him some money so that he could buy himself dinner. So as per usual, the rest of us all just walked into the store and ignored the hobo. We all just went into the line to get ourselves food, the philanthropic friend lined up with us.

After we got our food, she noticed that the homeless person was still holding the door for people to get himself something to eat. At the sight of that, something in her must have clicked. The next thing we know, she goes and approaches the homeless guy and offers to buy him dinner if he would just wait inside while she goes and buys it for him. That was really thoughtful because it was snowing really hard outside and she didn't want him to freeze.

It was really heartwarming to see a person who actually really cares about the community. We were all like, "wow" afterwards, and giving mental props to the staff advisor for the philanthropy organization for picking her as president over the rest of the people who wanted the position just for their resumes. She really deserves it.

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Guest The-Entity

One of my friends was getting baptized so I went to his baptism. There were a lot of younger kids there (high school and college) as well as a few elderly. After someone got baptized everyone would cheer and be like YAY and very happy and stuff.

Then this little old lady went up and I guess nobody knew who she was, so nobody really clapped or said anything and it was dead silent as she slowly made her way up with the pastor helping her along.

In the middle of the silence this high school kid yelled, "Aw come on guys" and started clapping really loudly for the little old lady, which started everyone else applauding. It was really nice of him because I guess he wasn't just applauding for people he knew... I don't really know the whole baptism thing, I guess it's welcoming people into the family sort of thing? Anyway, it was nice that a high school kid did that (:

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I was at a Dir en grey-show and as usual, I ended up way too emotional at the sight of them. The tears would not stop coming even long after the show was over. While I waited for my friend to get ready to leave the venue, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and saw a girl who handed me tissues, "Some guy told me to give you this" was all she said and smiled. It was a small gesture of sympathy from someone who must have thought I looked pretty pathetic bawling my eyes out like that, but nonetheless, I was grateful and wished I could have thanked that stranger myself.

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Guest rurutia

Reading these stories really make me smile! After reading all the horrible events happening around the world, it's good to know that there are still caring and selfless people around.

This didn't happen to me, but my dad.

So my dad owes an iPhone, and it's pretty much the most important thing to him because he keeps all his business contacts, important info, and messages in there. One night he was at a bank depositing some money, and since he was rushing to pick me up from art class, he left his iPhone beside the bank machine. The bank closed already, so there weren't anyone there, and anyone who walked in could have stolen it. Anyways, my dad was panicking and he called his phone with a public phone, and to his surprise someone picked up and told him that he had the phone, and even gave him his address so he could go and get it. Yeah, my dad was very grateful XD

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Guest MeiHearts

Once my friend and I were at borders just studying and this lady(a complete stranger) comes up to us and asks if we would like her free apple pie that she got from Borders Rewards lol. Of course we said yes...I wonder why she did that.. it totally made our day:)

And the other one.. I can't really remember much since it was when I was 6. I had just flew from China to Chicago by myself and was at the airport. I didn't know any English or anything and I was just in the terminal watching planes fly away. I thought one of the planes was suppose to be mine and I had missed it (I was 6 and didn't now anything :P) and started crying a lot. Then this lady comes up to be and tries to talk to me. Of course I don't know how to respond since I didn't know English. She talked to some of the airport people and then brought me to the people who were suppose to watch me and bought me a soda :) I can't really remember exactly what happened but even though this was like 12 years ago, it still touches me thinking that there are kind strangers out there. I have one last shred of hope for humanity haha.

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I put my iPod in my hoodie's pocket and stupid me did not realize that it could easily fall out.... Anddddd it did when I was crossing the street. A lady stopped the cars, ran to me and asked if that iPod was mine. I yelled out, "Thank you!" haha... If she didn't do that, my iPod would have been crushed. :crazy:

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Guest courterzzz

When I was around five years old I had an insane fear of heights. One day I was at the Playplace thing

they have at McDonalds and I wanted to prove to my older brother I wasnt a wuss so I followed him to the top

of the highest slide. Unfortunately they had a window at the very top before you slide down and you could

see how high you were (basically the roof of the place that totally overlooked the what-seemed-to-be tiny richard simmons parking lot below)and I realized I really was still really scared of heights and couldnt force myself to slide down. I started getting really upset and embarrassed since a massive line of kids were forming behind me. But instead of being mean and pushy this one kid a lot bigger and older than me comforted me and tried to help me out, pretty soon all the kids were cheering me on. I still remember the kids who helped me get over my fear of heights =)

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Guest duckbutt'

I love these. There really nice to read. Hmmm...I can't really recall any recent times, but:

One time me and my best friend were at the mall, and decided to go to Gamestop to see which games they had to play (we had a lot of time to kill) and we saw that they had this fighting game...Totally forgot what it's called, I wanna say Marvel vs. Capcom, but I know thats not it, and so we started playing. I was getting really into it, and so was my friend, when this guy and his girlfriend (theywereadorable!) came up to us. He started talking to us about the game and offered to play us. He was really nice. So we spent about 20 minutes playing a video game with a stranger. It made my day.

Just remembered something me and my friend did the other day! This is a long story so....brace yourselves

So me and my best friend decided to walk over to sonic for a drink and some food. It was a nice day surprisingly so as we were walking down her street, there two dogs start to follow us. At first we freak out and try to run away and shoo them off, but then realized...they were NOT going anywhere. They were friendly and the cutest couple ever! Yes, they were a couple. Lewis and Lucy were there names. (: So after realizing that they werent going to leave them alone, my friend decides to pick Lucy up, because she had the collar. I'm allergic to dogs and my friend was kind enough to hold the girl, because Lewis wouldn't leave her sight. I called the man and he said he would call his daughter to see if she could meet us. We decided to just go back to my friends house and wait for them to pick the dogs up BUT as we were walking back down her street, a huge sheep dog starts chasing Lewis. I was so surprised, because I was behind and didn't realize until later. The sheep dog was chasing Lewis around and we couldnt find the owner so we didn't know what to do. Luckily the sheep dog didn't seem to want to hurt Lewis, but wouldn't leave him alone still, until finally, his owner comes out to take him away.

We kept walking because the man called back telling us to meet his daughter at the corner not to far from my friends house. We were already tired, but agreed and on the way there, my friends mom stops by and offers to drive us to the corner. We were relieved because we thought it wouldn't take so long. Once we got to the corner, we waited on the grass for a little while, keeping an eye out for the mans daughter. When we finally see her, she's across the street, maybe a block away, but suddenly (of course) a german shepard starts to chase Lewis, and this german shepard wasn't playing. Lewis was chased for awhile, but he seemed to try and protect us and Lucy, even though he was tiny compared to the shepard. It was a very frightening 5 minutes because I thought the german shepard was going to attack my friend who was still holding Lucy, or that Lewis would be attacked. Finally the shepards owner comes running to get his dog. He asks if we were okay and soon leaves when we say yes. Lucy was struggling in my friends arms because she wanted to be with Lewis, and it was the cutest thing when they started to cuddle. FINALLY the man's daughter comes and takes the dogs. She says thank you and we say no problem, even though we were dying...The man calls back and says thank you about fifty times. He seemed genuinely thankful, but on the way to Sonic, all we were thinking about was the food and how tired we were. We missed Happy Hour by a minute, but it was all good. It was our adventure of the day. (:

If I recall some more times, I'll come back! :D

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Guest bulguksu

once a crackhead rushed to opened a door for me.

it was special to me because i judged him without knowing him just because he looked sketchy.

anyone can be a good person, you just have to give them a chance.

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When I was around nine or ten, I went to a water park with my younger cousin (only by a few months, but he's still technically younger), and neither of us could swim, but we thought we would go into the pool anyway. It was one of those flowing/river-like pool, where there's a hundred people trying to move forward and the water pushes you. And once you get in, you have to go around the entire thing before getting out again (so we couldn't just hop out) The water wasn't deep, but it was a bit taller than my cousin and I. We had to tip-toe in order to not swallow water. We had inner-tubes, but half way through, the water pushed us out of it, and next thing you know, we're both flailing our arms for help cos we couldn't swim. I tried to grab onto another inner-tube, but the teenage girl who was in it pushed my hand away! How mean. So we continued flailing until the lady next to the teenager (I guess it was her mom) pulled us up and told us to grab onto her inner-tube. She got out of it and put both of us inside. Then she held onto us and pushed us forwards and back onto land again. If it weren't for her, we would've swallowed some more water and could've potentially drowned. I'm so thankful to her. My cousin and I learned our lesson.

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When I went to Japan, I'm Indian(Asian kind) and Korean so I don't know alot of Japanese, last winter, I was kinda lost and confused in a store. And then this random guy, he was super cute ^_^, cam out of nowhere and pretty much led me throughout the store,he knew English, and he translated stuff and al, and he didn't even work in the store. I was super touched, I guess kind people can see confused tourists xD

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Guest The-Entity

When I was walking to class today I saw a girl crying. Another girl coming from the opposite direction saw her, made a sad face and walked towards her and gave her a hug, which made the crying girl smile. The other girl smiled too then walked away. I'm pretty sure they don't know each other.

I wanted to be like AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! But I had class too so I kept walking. Anyway that was a nice thing to see (:

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Guest Beautiful*Nightmare

It happened to me a few weeks ago. It was the day after the snow storm. I was walking to my bust stop from work, taking the shortcut as usual, without knowing that the shortcut was covered in snow. I couldn't really walking back since I was already almost there, & of course knowing my luck, that's where the majoriry of snow was, it was up to my knee!! So I finally got out of there and most of my pants was covered in snow. I was trying to clean up my pants with my frozen hands when suddenly this guy gave me his gloves for me to use to clean up my pants. I thought it was pretty nice of him.

BTW, it's really nice reading all these stories. It reminds me that there are still good people out there :)

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Awww, this thread really makes me smile blush.gif

It's great to know that there are still genuinely kind people out there ;)

I remember I was walking back from a prep class in the city and it had just snowed so the sidewalks and roads were still icy and wet. This old man was crossing the street when suddenly he fell right on his back and his shoe fell off and he dropped the bag he was carrying. Almost immediately like 3 people ran to him and helped him up and stuff. It was a really nice gesture and even though it wasn't me that fell, it made my day to see that act of kindness being performed. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest illumiinate

This was a long time ago, but my family and I went to a water park one day during the summer. There was this obstacle course and I asked my cousin to come along and (stupidly) told him I would save him if he started to drown. I didn't know he would start to panic and push my head into the water... but basically, we were holding onto one of the floating pieces asking someone to call the lifeguard because we couldn't swim, and everyone ignored us.

Then this nice kid came along, might've been a year or two older than me and asked me, "Can you swim?" And I told him no, so he called his friend over and told me to get on his back and brought my cousin and I back to the stairs.

I was still in shock so I forgot to thank him, but it was the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. :lol:

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Guest c0lap1nada

I was bussing to some place. Got lost. Phone died. Snowing like crazy.

Walked into a 7/11, asked how to get to a certain address. Then, some taxi driver comes in and the 7/11 worker asks him if he knows the address, then he offers to give me a ride. Friggin saved my life, although it was a desperate/rash action on my part.

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