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Heart-warming encounters with strangers

Guest The-Entity

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Guest XangelXtranX

The last day of school before Christmas Break this year, I missed my school bus so I had to take the city bus. Usually there's a special bus that only carry students to a certain Catholic school at that time, it still runs on the same route as normal scheduled bus but it came earlier. As I got on the bus, the driver told me that this bus won't be stopping at the terminal. The bus was pretty crowded and I was forced standing pass the limit line, I almost got off at the next stop to go back but the driver kindly offered to drop me off just back of the terminal so I can walk in and catch my bus. And he did, it was nowhere near a bus stop but he did stop. Perhaps, the people feel like they needed to be kinder during Christmas season, perhaps he was a kind driver. Nonetheless, I appreciated it a lot. My next bus driver was nice too.

2nd: It was the coldest day thus far last December and I went and bought my winter boots on that day. At the bus terminal, my feet were numb cold like little ants were teething on it. The terminal was empty around 8 o'clock. I tried to focus on my spot and not make any contacts with anyone;You know cold winter, me standing alone. A black woman around twenty something came. At first no one was saying anything, we were both busy keeping ourselves warm and the same thought I just had probably ran through her head too. Not making contact with people, but realizing that it's gonna be another twenty minutes before the bus came, I decided to great her. And the rest of the time she talked about her plan for Christmas, she was from Sudan. She told me how she'd rather live in Sudan since she couldn't stand the cold weather nonetheless. I'm glad i broke that barrier between us that day.

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Guest Octopus__

Wow, how did he manage to fall on a cactus?!

Keep these coming, these are great! It's nice to read these after a long day of classes (:

He must have been blown off course because that day it was horribly windy.


I recall shopping with my sister at the mall and there were these two guys walking ahead of us. Then a sales associate from the store they walked out of ran out to hand one of the gentlemen his credit card and driver's license. The guy looked pretty embarrassed, but thanked the SA profusely. Not everyone is evil I guess. SA could have done some serious shopping haha.

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On a really sad day, a middle-aged lady gave me a kind smile in a crowded department store. I guess I was looking so rotten that she felt sorry for me. But really, I didn't feel so depressed afterwards :)

Smile lots! It might just be the highlight of someone's day.

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Guest motherducker

I remember back in elementary, there was two buses, lets call it bus A and B.

Me and my friends rode on bus A, and it only had one bus stop that was pretty far from where we lived (we live in the same neighborhood).

There was these two kids who lived just outside my block and one of them had a broken leg, so the driver decided to drop them off right in front of their houses so he didn't have to walk so far!

Everyone thought it was just a one time thing, but after that day he always stopped there, so it was like our second stop, but that was only for when he dropped us off. We still had to walk to the original bus stop every morning.

THEN, one morning, while me and my friends were walking to the stop, we saw the bus pass by us so we were like "oh shoot!" and ran for it. To our surprise, he stopped for us! :) And from that day on, that particular spot right in front of my block became the second bus stop. It was so convenient for the few people who lived far away from the original stop.

That is, until the driver of bus B reported him for picking and dropping kids off at the wrong places and got fired -___-. I guess you're supposed to have permission from the school whether or not you can open up a new stop.

Everyone was angry haha.

He was so nice. Admittedly, he didn't look all too friendly but I guess that just shows you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

Hmmm, something nice I've done...

My neighbor has a this adorable dog that they sometimes leave leashed outside in their backyard. Now they're yard, there's a a big gap in the back where anyone can enter, and a small gap in the front. One day, my family arrived home, I noticed the dog outside and to my surprise it wasn't leashed, so it went right up to me (escaping from the small gap in the yard).

I figured the neighbors didn't know this, so I rang their doorbell and no on was home. I asked my brother if there was a leash in the yard. He checked, and said no. So I decided to watch over the dog, since if I left in their yard, he could easily escape.

I have allergies... So... But I love dogs, so I didn't mind. He was so... energetic. First half hour of watching him, I was already tired. Me and my brother were playing with him in our yard since it's fenced. Then my brother ditches me T___T

Well to make it short, in between that hour, he escaped twice, waddling about the neighborhood and having me to chase after him. There was an incident when he "terrorized" some kid, so I had to prevent that. Then, he bit me when I tried to pick him up. It didn't hurt... But still! >: /

In the end, I checked myself to see if there was leash somewhere in the yard, and what to ya know. There was. My brother must have been blind (or stupid) to have missed that. So I leashed him up, went back home and about 15 minutes later, my neighbors arrived home.

They don't know that I looked after their dog, but that's okay. I'll just remain the silent good-doer ;)

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I am a really forgetful person. Since school started in January I've lost my iPod Touch three times at school! =_= But somehow, because of the nice strangers at my uni, it's still in my possession.

1st time: I left it in the library next to the computer I was working on and went to class. You could see it just standing anywhere in the room. Three hours and class and lunch I realized it was gone and run back to check. Even though there were quite a few people there my iPod was still there.

2nd time: I was having math class at 8:30. I put my bag under my seat under the floor and didn't close the flap to the front pocket. It must have slipped out and fell on the floor. Another class later I realized it was gone (Why does this always happen to me?) and went back to the room to check, but I couldn't find it. Later when I went back to my dorm to check I got an email from the porter of the building telling me someone handed it in and I should come get it (I check my email on my iPod so he had the email address).

3rd time: I was in the student society building, in one of these single-person bathrooms. I left it on the side of the sink. Went downstairs and realized it was gone, and had to take the elevator back to the 4th floor again. I went in the bathroom to check but it was gone. Then some girl comes around the corner and asked me "Are you Cindy?". Apparently she had found it and saw my name on my FB account. She was going to post a status on my wall if I didn't come back.

:] Other people told me if it was a iPad then no one would return it to me LOL Because no one wants a 3rd Gen iTouch. Hahaha I prefer to believe in the good in people.

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Guest The-Entity

Once, I dropped my entire stack of cards in the street... it had all med cards and credit cards and ID cards. I didn't even know I dropped it.

SOMEONE FOUND IT AND GAVE IT TO THE COPS. The station called me in, and when I got there, everything was still there! The dude that found it just left without giving his name, but man, I was so grateful. I was about to cry with joy. Seriously, what are the odds of dropping so much information and credit cards and not a single thing was stolen? Safe to say that my outlook on humanity turned much brighter after that day.

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One time when I was five years old, I rode my bike to a park by my house while my sister followed on roller skates and my mom walked behind us. Obviously, we were a good distance ahead of her. When I got to the park, my bike refused to turn at the sharp corner (must have been riding a bit too fast), so my bike strayed off of the path and I headed straight downhill into the lake (which at the time was polluted and smelled like dead fish). I remember swallowing a lot of gross water and being unable to get back out. My sister saw me fall in and skated back to my mom. When she found out, she dropped all of our stuff on the sidewalk and ran to where I was, but this kind stranger had already fished me out (bike and all). His pants and shoes were all soaked by the smelly water, but my mom didn't even have a chance to thank him. He fished me out was getting into his car by the time she reached me. Still a warm and thankful memory :)

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Guest Leopoldine

It didn't happen to me but to my brother.

He biked around the neighborhood an afternnon and didn't realise he lost his wallet until someone called at home saying he found it on the street. Needless to say he was completely panicked.

So he went to meet these people and fortunately, nothing was stolen. My brother was really lucky to have these strangers gave it back to him.

I once lost my planner, it might not be important but it had the password I needed to access to a site so I could apply for college. Fortunately, someone gave it to the guardian so I was able to recuperate it. Although that person might not thought much about it, I was very grateful.

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This is something that happen to me in elementary, close to middle school. I was in the after school program and one day the program director decided that the children should go on a day trip to the movies. So when went to the movies, I wanted to get popcorn and soda from the concession stand. So when I went to stand and order the popcorn and soda, there was one problem. I didn't have enough money to pay for it :( . So after all the cashiers pretty much made this popcorn and soda, I was like "Well can I return the soda?". So the cashier that was taking my order decided to dig into his own pockets so he could pay the popcorn and soda for me.

I really felt bad about him doing that but I will never forget the act of kindness.

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One time at a doctor's office I did not have exact change for my co-payment. A guy walked in the middle of situation and thought that I did not have money for my co-payment and offered to pay for it. It was really nice of him to do so.

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one time i dropped my wallet in a safeway parking lot and someone yelled out that i dropped it..i was very thankful..i had some money in it lol..another time i dropped my wallet in a mall, and some nice people mailed it back to my address with a nice little note lol..

another time i dropped my wallet somewhere in the neighbourhood and i had like 700 dollars cash in it..i got the wallet back, minus the cash hehe :P

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Guest The-Entity

Another very simple but meaningful action... I was buying a coffee and realized I didn't bring enough money out. I was about thirty cents short. So I told the cashier, "I'm sorry, can I return my order? I don't have enough money."

Then this middle-aged lady shouldered up behind me and said really casually, "It's on me honey," and handed the cashier two bucks. She didn't just pay for the thirty cents, she paid for the whole thing! I said no, but she was like "nah don't worry about it" really matter-of-factly... so to repay her kindness, I said thank you and took it. d: It was heart-warming because she really seemed to think nothing of it, and hey... it was just a coffee... anyway, that made my day too.

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Guest elainee

i was at the subway station once and some lady approcahed me any my sister and gave us a free metrocard with $10  in it becase it was her last day in ny, the second time was a unlimited with 2 days left.

its may not seem like  much but it was really nice of them <3

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I was at orientation over the summer. It was the first time I went far away from home by myself. On my way to the airport to get back after a 3 days full of mini cooper (I lost my ID, my keys, couldn't get my classes, got lost a bunch of times, lost my makeup bag, fell and scarred myself yadayada) I was once again lost, not knowing which way to go to the airport. This one guy walked over and said he has an iPhone so he'll walk with me to make sure I get there. He carried my luggage for more than a mile, and waited with me for the bus. Right before I left I found out he wasn't even going in the same general direction, he just thought I needed the help.

Then I forgot his name. And then I met him again a month ago. He's a cool kid.

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Guest EHNerJI

There's actually a lot but I can't seem to remember them atm.

One fairly recent one was I was on the MTR in Hong Kong and I had been shopping all day

so I was really tired and my hands were full and this elderly lady told me that there was a seat behind me

(since I couldn't see it) lol. I thought it was really nice because if she hadn't told me then,

someone definitely would've taken it by the next stop

and I'd have to still stand and hold all of my things for a long time haha

Most people tend to be really busy when they're riding it

and don't tend to go out of their way to show care for others,

so I was really touched when she pointed out the seat haha (:

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Once,I wen't home without an umbrella and it was raining. I think my house is a kilometer or two away from the road. Since, I'm lazy like that, I didn't mind to contact my brother to fetch me and just walked on in the rain. Halfway through, someone came out from one of the houses and offered his umbrella. I refused but he insisted. So, we talked a bit. It was really strange since I've never met him and I din't even know he was living next door.


Once, I went home very late at night. The path was a bit dark and a few meters away, there was a stranger sitting by the tree. Wouldn't you think it would be pretty dangerous for me, no? But since I was careless, I just tried to walk through. Thankfully though, a stranger again, walk ahead of me. When we passed by the stranger sitting beside the tree, he turned then told me to be careful next time and that I should have someone to walk with during the night because the stranger that we just passed by was not known to him. I was very thankful to him but I forgot if I had said my thanks during our convo. He was such a nice man. (:


When I was a child, I don't know how to go home alone. I was always fetched by my father. One time, they fetched me late. REALLY late that I thought I was the only student left in school. So, I cried my eyes off thinking my parents forgot about me. The store owner who was a friend of my mother noticed me across the road so she comforted me that my parents must have caught up with something. She then called a van to offer me a ride home. When I arrived home, I was still crying and locked myself on my room. My mother and father arrived and said they were in the city so that's why they were late. It would have been easier for me to understand if they had bought something for me, but no. They have nothing. T-T

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Guest klassikm3

i was waiting in line at starbucks behind an old man and a couple. the couple ordered their stuff and the old man saw a tattoo on the guy's arm. he asked "are you with the marines?" he said yes and the old man paid for their order.

i thought it was nice

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woo! love this thread already! keep it up! soompi L&R forum needs more smile and less glum!

as for my story... hmm... oh!

once i was buying something and i was short like 10 bucks and this guy behind me just handed me 10 bucks and said to take it! it was soooooooo amazing!

what's funnier is i saw the same man again at my old work place (i served froyo before) so i was able to repay him!

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