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Heart-warming encounters with strangers

Guest The-Entity

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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)

I was about to pay for a parking permit at school when a car drove by and a girl called out to me and offered me hers because she was done for the day :)

I just saw this one, but this group of little kids was playing outside in front of their garage near the street. There was a little girl on a bicycle, she looked around 6yrs old. Her little toddler brother was walking a little too far into the street while I was slowly driving near them and she dropped her bicycle and went to grab him back to the sidewalk. :D

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Guest The-Entity

I was sitting on the train this morning, and on one of the stops this guy with a wheelchair started rolling in. Then one of his wheels got stuck in the crack between the train and the platform. Then this girl stands up and says, "Here, I'll help you" and exits the train and tries pushing the wheelchair in, but it was too heavy. So this other middle-aged guy went and helped her push the guy in, and the wheelchair guy smiled and said thanks, the girl just smiled and went back to her seat. I thought it was a nice thing (:

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Guest Leopoldine

It was yesterday afternoon, I was resting in this café-restaurant with my friends and we all ordered coffee/chocolate. I had a lucheon voucher to pay for my drink but the waiter told me he didn't accept LV outside of lunch meal time.

But then he whispered to us that he'll actually accept it if we were discreet and not put it on the table when paying. That was really nice of him or else we might have problems for paying :)

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Guest s u n d a e_

i dropped my phone on the subway tracks in vienna and a random stranger jumped down & retrieved it for me... the next train was in 2 minutes.

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I was going home and the weather today was really nice, so there are lots of kids playing outside. There's this toddler riding his three-wheeler. He was riding really slowly while this girl about 5 or 6 years old held his hand walking beside him. So he'd be steering with one hand and the other grasping her hand tightly. I thought that was a beautiful moment, really.

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Guest MusicallyEnchanted

This is happened twice at the same Starbuck's by my house haha:

The first time I was with my sister and we were ordering a bunch of drinks to bring home to the family. We pulled up to the drive-thru window and my sister had her Starbuck's card out to pay but the woman smiled and said that the person in front of us had paid for our drinks already! I was super touched and felt really giddy that someone would actually do that; I also felt kinda bad too because we had about 4 drinks total

The second time I was with my parents and my dad was ordering my mom a drink. Same thing happened: we pulled up to the window, dad was getting ready to pay and the woman smiled and said that the person in front of us had already paid for our drinks too! My dad was dumbstruck and drove around the plaza for a bit trying to look for the person to thank him haha

Separate cars both times =]

Little things/gestures like that really get me and I feel like its material proof that humanity isn't as we're led to believe sometimes

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Guest winterofdiscontent

I was on a really packed bus one day when an elderly lady hopped on. The first person to get out of his seat was a little boy, about 5 years old, who sat in his mother's lap instead. He then started talking to the lady, asking her what her name was, where she was going, etc. It put a smile on my face after a bad day.

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Guest YeonCouture

I was at Wal-Mart with my dad buying groceries and the bill came out to $__.01 (like some dollars and one cent). My dad neve carries coins with him and I didn't have any money with me. So, my dad was just like, "Aww, I have to break a dollar". Then, the old lady behind suddenly yelled, "WAIT! WAIT! I think I have a penny, just wait!". She rummaged through her purse for like 5 minutes and gave us a penny (:

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Guest cpark1430263252

I was about to get into a friends car and there was this tough-looking biker dude with his motorcycle parked on my side of the car where i was getting in...and out of the blue he opens the car door for me to get in. haha it was so nice of him..having a guy open your door for you is always nice. i was kind of speechless but i was able to get a thank you out to him :)

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Guest Octopus__

I was waiting in line for the restroom and a woman with her baby in a stroller was having difficulties trying to get into the family restroom. I got out of line to open the door for her since she couldn't open the door and push the stroller in at the same time. She thanked me and when I went to see if I could go back into my spot in line, but the line had moved and my spot was gone. I had to go to the back of the line lol.

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Guest its ann

I was at Santa Cruz Beach board walk with my ex and he was trying to win a big stuff animal for me but he didn't hit all the milk bottles, I frowned and laughed at the same time. Next thing I know this one man threw the ball and he knocked all the milk bottles down, as I was leaving he handed me the big stuff animal. His family smiled at me, I thought that was very generous of them :)

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Guest christelle-g

That lady bus driver bought me a Movenpick ice cream because I took the wrong bus.

I wasn't familiar with the bus lines since I just arrived in that foreign country. It was a different bus line even though I could have gone home with that bus but being clueless I didn't stop the bus.

I was the last passenger and the driver realized I took the wrong one. She stopped in front of the ice cream shop, gave me money, and told me to get the a lemon sorbet for her and choose one for myself. We chatted for a little bit in the bus until she dropped me at the closest bus stop to my home.

Movenpick ice creams are kinda expensive and she didn't have to buy me one because it wasn't her fault if I took the wrong one but stil....Nicest bus driver I have ever met!

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A few weeks ago, I was using a computer at uni to finish an assignment due that day. I pulled out my diary to use as a mouse pad because that stupid mouse didn't work on that desk. And then I left my diary there afterwards and didn't realize. An hour into my lectures, someone txted me and told me I left it behind (I filled in my phone number on the front page of my diary).

Oh my gosh, I was so thankful for that girl. I had so many things in there; plans, photos, assignment dates, exam dates. Just almost everything. So glad that she found it and actually took the effort to txt me about it and return it to me. I was still thanking her when I was walking away. I appreciate it so much that she took the effort to return a diary back to some random girl.

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And the only other encounter would be I was crying a few days ago because I had a bad day and no one noticed or said anything so I was sitting under this tree that I always sit under at lunch, crying and i heard this noise, saw a squirrel (I chose this tree cuz there are always squirrels around and if I'm still enough, they run around acting cute near me instead of hiding from me) stare at me and walked a little closer, gave me a nut, stared some more and ran away up the other tree. The fact that people keep saying how humans are smarter than animals and a squirrel was the only thing that notice something was wrong is kinda ironic.

Awww... that reminds me of the time I wrecked my car. I was absolutely devastated, just sitting on the hammock wanting to cry and my dog suddenly came over, dropped one of his toys in my lap and scurried off.

It was the cutest thing ever - especially considering how possessive he is with his toys!

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Guest Heart<3

I was at the grocery store and a man passing me by asked me to give his a smile. (I don't recall having a particularly bad day or anything, but I guess I had my beetch face on.) This story sounds kind of creepy now, but it was actually very genuine and nice. Everyone should remember to smile more often.

That happened to me a couple of weeks ago :)

I was at the post office paying off some bills and dropped my credit card without knowing. Luckily a man saw and returned it to me. Phew! Very thankful.

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Guest motherducker

Got another one lol...

So a couple of days ago, I was purchasing a transit ticket and I thought I had enough change (which I stole from my brother :vicx:), but the machine said I had to insert 10 more cents. I kind of stared at the machine for a couple of seconds because all I had left were pennies, and the machine didn't accept pennies, so I was thinking "oh crap.."

A guy waiting to use the machine pointed out that I needed ten more cents because y'know, I was just staring at the machine like I didn't know :sweatingbullets:. So I started to rummage through my little purse of change in hopes that I can find a nickel or a dime. Then the guy handed me a quarter to use and I was all like "OMG, thank you! I thought I had enough change! But I guess not... *spazzes of 'thank you's'* Um.. Do you want my uh, pennies?" LOL. I had a lot. I felt like I should owe the guy something, but he said it was only a quarter, so no worries.

Or maybe it was 'cuz he didn't want pennies... No one wants pennies. Not even machines.

Anyways, I said a final thank you and ran after my train.

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Recently, I got on the bus and was waiting for the bus to go but the bus driver stalled for some reason. So I looked out the window and saw that a frail little old lady was running to the bus from the next block with her cane. And the bus driver just took his time to wait for her. The bus was crowded, once she got in, the bus driver waited for her to settle down too and asked for someone to offer her a seat. I thought that was very nice of him, especially noticing an eager passenger from far away.

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Once i was at an intersection with my friend, and i'm not sure what happened, but something was wrong with a car so I guess they needed to push it to get it going. So out of nowhere these four guys in one of the cars waiting for the light to turn at the intersection just hopped out and started pushing the car. They finally got it to go and they just hopped right back into their own car. We thought that was pretty cool, and it was really nice of them. From where we were observing it looked like one of those secret groups that just pop out of nowhere and help people and then they're gone xD

Another time i was meeting my mom at her workplace and I took the bus there. There was a lady in a wheelchair who got off at the same stop I did and was going to the restaurant across the street and she asked if I could push her there. When I got there I heard some lady say what a good niece I was, except I wasn't her niece lol.

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Guest kiminari

My dad forgot to pick me up from school one day and I waited for almost two hours. My phone died after I waited for the first hour and there was no one on campus, nor was I willing to chase after a janitor... Stupid me, after waiting for at least 30 minutes, all I thought about was that "it's okay...Dad will be here...he'll be here anytime soon"..and I continued to wait. It was getting dark, there was no one around, I wasn't sure if I should continue to wait or just walk home. I felt kind of down and started walking off the school campus. This guy was in his car and he was about to turn the corner of the parking lot where I was standing. I was walking and looking down at the ground feeling hopeless, and that guy shouts to me "SMILE!!!!" I looked up at him and gave him a weird look, but then I smiled at him and he said "THANK YOU!" and drove off. Hmmm, somehow that made me feel... a little warm inside :]

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