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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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Guest Hanjae

What I don't understand is DaMo's character and his coldness towards SaRan. I mean, he professes that he's going to be different from his father, and that he's going to show him how to be "a good father and husband", but I find his personality almost exactly the same as his dad. He's extremely stubborn and doesn't know how to treat a woman. If he really likes SR, why doesn't he treat her with more warmth? Is there something about his character I'm not aware of, or is the actor who plays DM simply unable to express himself?

I think it's a bit of both. Sung Hoon's acting is clearly pretty green, but it's also partly to do with Da Mo's character. I don't think it's so much as him not treating Sa Ran with warmth, but that he doesn't know how to. Although he's aware that his father's not treating his mother well as a husband should, that doesn't mean he instinctively knows how to do it correctly himself. He's grown up listening to the way his father talks, watching the way his father acts, and even if he knows it isn't ideal, it's impossible not to have picked up those habits. I often find myself subconsciously acting like people I've spent a lot of time with. Also, he couldn't have learnt how to treat girls warmly from his friends, either. From the way they spoke, they clearly date around a bit and likely only had short flings like he did. Tae Young in particular talks like a total player.

At least we can see that he's making an effort:

1. He's considering her likes and dislikes; where she wants to go for dates, what she wants to eat. He's willing to try new things for her, as well as sharing his own hobbies.

2. He's willing to listen to her opinions and respect them; we saw him take her ideas about his family problems into account.

3. He's interested in knowing more about her, and asks about her family, her dancing classes, etc.

4. He tries to please her by buying her things that she might like.

Actually, as far as #2 goes, he's starting to listen to her really well; Sa Ran pretty much has him twisted around her little finger. He calls his friend back because she told him to at the end of Episode 11, and then attends the gathering again because she said so. That, already, is different from the way his father treats his mother. Ah Soo Ra bulldozes over his wife and doesn't even bother to give her the time of day. I thought the part early in Episode 11 where Da Mo tried to persuade his mother to rebel revealed something about how he thinks women should be treated right. He said, "Has father ever fulfilled his role as a husband? ...has he ever done any event or bought you a present for your wedding anniversary?"

He's like that with Sa Ran as well, and it's pretty revealing when he expressed surprise that Sa Ran refused to accept jewellery from him - "You're the first woman I've met who doesn't like jewellery." Clearly, everyone he's dated so far has been pretty happy with accepting gifts and being taken to classy restaurants; a gaping flaw he's observed from his father's interactions with his mother. Forget going on dates, his father's only present to his mother was a necklace for their 20th anniversary, and that was ordered in advance by the grandmother! So that, coupled with his self-described "hunger for love" with regards to his relationship with his father being equated to a need for skinship, it's no surprise that Da Mo assumed this is the way to show "warmth." When Sa Ran asked him to treat her with more warmth, he said that he'd already bought her flowers and then reached over to hug her.

So I don't think he's treating her coldly; rather, he actually thinks he's trying to be a good boyfriend. Sa Ran's comments have started to make him more aware of his shortcomings, and he's already made attempts to change. I'm pretty sure that as he comes to realize the extent of his feelings for her, he'll grasp what he should do. If not, Sa Ran will whip him into shape! She's no Cha Ra Ri.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Thanks for the abover screen caps. Looks like a good episode.

I do agree with HanJae that DM is trying to be a good boyfriend. In truth it can not be denied that DM didn't pick up little habbits from his dad. I mean he did grow up with his dad. But i like the fact that he's trying to be different with SR. Like HanJae said he's trying to listen to SR and considers what she wants to do. At the same time he still has that DM personality by attemping to hold her hand during the movie and quickly hugged behind the car. (even when SR didn't wait to give grandmother any idea what they know each other) Unlike his dad he's trying to work both ends-listen and respeat SR and still keep his own opinion.

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Guest dramaok

i think DM is not a guy who makes great impression, in terms of his personality,

but i do like how instinctively attentive he is to Sa Ran.

he says some rather chauvinistic things that makes him come off as arrogant and sexist,

however Sa Ran can see beyond that, and she can really hold her own against him.

i am getting worried for these two though. it seems there's an ominous cloud hanging over them somewhere.

i just got a chance to thoroughly watch yesterday's episode and i noticed how soft DM's gaze was, when he looks at SR. something about him changed after his trip to Hong Kong. his gaze is almost sad, but very longing.

and the hug sequence was really sweet. i like that soft humming tune whenever these two show slow-motion hugs. ^^






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Guest kawaiiyuki

i think DM is not a guy who makes great impression, in terms of his personality,

but i do like how instinctively attentive he is to Sa Ran.

he says some rather chauvinistic things that makes him come off as arrogant and sexist,

however Sa Ran can see beyond that, and she can really hold her own against him.

i am getting worried for these two though. it seems there's an ominous cloud hanging over them somewhere.

i just got a chance to thoroughly watch yesterday's episode and i noticed how soft DM's gaze was, when he looks at SR. something about him changed after his trip to Hong Kong. his gaze is almost sad, but very longing.

and the hug sequence was really sweet. i like that soft humming tune whenever these two show slow-motion hugs. ^^

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Dramaok I'm going to say he misses SR. MAybe something happened in HongKong that caused him to miss her. Maybe that's why he wants to speeds things up with SR (judging from the preview) But i have a feeling SR is going to turn down DM's offer in episode 14. Or maybe tell him to hold on to it because she's not the type to jump into it. But it would be nice to see how DM and SR as a married couple handle the truth about her birth parents, the giaseng house (which now i'm confused how they are going to blind those two story lines together if SR does not work there or step foot in there-as of now since she doesn't know about head chef)and their parents agreeing to this marriage because if one parent objects SR must likely won't agree to it while DM would just get married anyway and end up driving DM crazy! :P

I'll just come out and say it, I totally didn't see the reason behind the whole fainting spell to be related to her (Hong Ah) celebrity/star crush giving her a hug. I was expecting it to be about Sa Ran or some other random thing.

Really? haha :P Grandma is a fan girl at heart! :wub:

Loving RR's grandparents even more. I love their attempts/plots to find their missing granddaughter and grandmother even offer to live with them. It doesn't even seem like they were mad when they found out their son has a daughter with someone else. If fact they jumpped right into 'must find missing grand daughter' mode.

Then again i found grandfather's cute personality when he wanted to play those drinking games with rr and her friends.

But i'm really interested in knowing that once the truth is revealed about SR and head chef(if that's the way the story line will go) what would happen to rr's mom? Will she want to stay married to her hubbie or will they get a devorce and married head chef who he still had feelings for.

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Guest laceytam

Is it RaRa who's taking the picture?

no its not rara it was a another friend

and next episode rara will know

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Guest Q_Park

Da-mo and Sa-ran scenes are so cute. I tried to capture the little scene where Da-mo winks at her but it's just too hard. haha




Da-mo tries to hold Sa-ran's hand at the theater but she resists since they're sitting right next to his grandma. 








Talks to her outside the restroom.



And their cute couple hats. 





- Kyu

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Guest kawaiiyuki

no its not rara it was a another friend

and next episode rara will know

OMO OMO. The drama is about start. I wonder which friend is that? And thanks to the cap DM can't be recongized right away.

But yeah. RR isn't going to be too happy. What would be more dramatic is if rr finds out that it's dm.

But i love that rr's friends know that rr made up the theory that dm was gay. :P

Showing that rr's excuses aren't as great as she thinks they are. Her friend just don't rat her out.


I just glanced through the latest episode (14) SR and DM had some really nice moments but it looks like from the review that we're going to get some angsty moments. So does that mean we're going to cuting down on SR and DM sweet moments?

RR does not look happy!

looks like we spoke too fast on the daydream/fantasy scene. SR just had one about DM asking her to marry him. Guess that shows that she'd say if he did

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

HAHAHAA, RARA was in SUCH a pissy mood this episode, and she looks like she's going to kick Sarang's richard simmons in the next episode. I hope she doesn't disappoint with the fireworks, hysterics, and drama! She is really the Korean Blair Waldorf.

Sarang was RIDICULOUS in this episode with her over-the-top yelp when Adamo threw the baseball at her the "correct" way. It was nice, heartwarming scene between the two.

The one thing I think "Dear Heaven" does better than this drama is the urgency for the birth secrets to be revealed. In "Dear Heaven," Ja Kyung was being mentally and physically abused and worked like her horse by her evil stepmother, so it was imperative that her real mother took her in as soon as possible. Here, Sarang is enjoying her life, is growing to really enjoy her family, and overall things are good for her. If anything, the origins of her birth will just further complicate her life and add stress to it. Maybe that's the difference? Maybe Sarang's life will head towards a sour direction once she finds out who her real parents are?

One thing I think Im Sung Han needs to do better is utilize her large cast of characters more efficiently. It's like she found out who the favorites were early on and is only writing scenes to showcase them. There are many others who need development....especially the GISAENGS! But, it's still in the early stages so I can't fault her for it too much now.

I felt bad for Jang Jeo Hee this episode. She really does try hard to please her husband, but always gets rejected. She and Cha Ra Ri should get lunch together and become best girlfriends.

And, I can never trust the previews in this show. They always end up being a fantasy or daydream sequence, so who knows what will happen next!

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Guest Trina987

The one thing I am gonna say about watching episode 14 raw link is that I love the Grandmother... She was such a fangirl to that guy... w00t.gif I think she faint due to that he is holding her and she act soo cool. oh I love Grandfather being jealous.. I think he will not admit it but I can tell by his sour face.. OMO, the SR friend took the pictures... hrmm... I think the love triangle of SR/ADM/RR war will begin on the next episode... :wacko:crazy.gif I thought they should have the birth secret out first and then the love triangle war.... oh well, I sooo hope that writer Im have SR/ADM kiss before SR will become a gisaeng... and I was a lil disappointment as the gisaengs does not have a lot of scenes on episode 14 raw link.. tears.gif Therefore, I do hope Writer Im does play favorites and give everybody enough screen times and more HOT shower scenes... ;)

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Oh those darn previews! :crazy: The editing makes it seem as if Ra-ra is going to give Sa-ran an earful and that she stole Da-mo from her when in fact they met before Ra-ra even knew Ah Da-mo even existed!!! And we know that as of right now Ra-ra is not capable of really doing anything to Sa-ran.

Ra-ra is not my favorite person in the show :rolleyes: cause she doesn't know what to do with herself, she's either shopping, sleeping or finding someone to annoy!!! Hopeful when the bomb blows up in her face and her world is turned upside down she will do some much needed growing up (she is 25 years old after all SMDH). The episode where Ra-ra went to the dance studio to give Sa-ran her used clothes made me so :angry:, I'm sure Sa-ran never gave the impression that her situation was that desperate where she couldn't afford clothing (if would seem out of character), even if that was the case I'm pretty sure that Ra-ra would be the last person she would go to!!!

Side note: I wonder what Hwa-ha is going to with the information that Chul-Soo gave her about Sa-ran, knowing her and her scheming ways!!!

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The one thing I think "Dear Heaven" does better than this drama is the urgency for the birth secrets to be revealed. In "Dear Heaven," Ja Kyung was being mentally and physically abused and worked like her horse by her evil stepmother, so it was imperative that her real mother took her in as soon as possible. Here, Sarang is enjoying her life, is growing to really enjoy her family, and overall things are good for her. If anything, the origins of her birth will just further complicate her life and add stress to it. Maybe that's the difference? Maybe Sarang's life will head towards a sour direction once she finds out who her real parents are?

That's quite a novel idea for a drama. Usually I want the truth to come out quickly so the character it involves(who is usually in the bad situation) can live happily. I was ecstatic when the truth about Ja Kyung came out. This is the first time I'm not quite sure I want the truth to come out. You're absolutely right in that the truth will just complicate her life further. Of course, it's a drama so the truth must come out at all cost!

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Is it just me or does it seem like DM and his grandmother seem to hidding something in this episode. Did something happen in HongKong?

Darn previews-cause they snipped screens together it looks like something urgent is happening. What is whole conversation between RR and SR and SR and Grandmother.

Looks like writer Im is having trouble juggling everyone in the cast or she's saving out the giaseng story line for later on.

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