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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest epikxbang

wow you guys are amazing for being able to get through these experiences !

these stories are so horrifying D: . . . i can't imagine myself being in that kind of situation,

i mean i freaking cried when a boy looked under my skirt = w =".

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I could have been molested before when I was almost kidnapped, but thank goodness I was saved.

I am also glad that I was such a crybaby when I was a kid. If I hadn't been screaming so much and so loud, my grandmother wouldn't have known that a man was trying to take me away with him T___T

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Guest Gofishus

I don't know if this was molestation or not but when I went to visit my sister during the summer of my 8 grade year, we went into an Asian store to buy food. When we were browsing the store, I feel like I was just walking into any other store and looking for some food to buy. When we enter, the couple that own the store seem like nice people. After a while of looking around and getting the things we needed, my sister, her daughter, and I went to paid for our things. When we were just about to get out of the door, I remember that I forgot to buy something so I told my sister to take her daughter and go wait for me in the car because it will only take a minute. After that, I walked back into the store and grabbed what I needed. I went up to the Asian male cashier (he was probably in his late 30s) to pay for my item. He rung it up and I handed the money to him. However, he grabbed my hand very tight and just start rubbing it, while telling me how beautiful I was in a very low voice (it sounded very creepy) At this point, I was so scared so I just stood there, saying nothing, and then when he noticed that his wife was coming from the other side of the store to the counter, he released my hand. I quickly grab my item and ran outside to my sister. While in the car, I pretended like nothing happened because I was still confused and scared about what has happened. I didn't tell her or anyone about it even till this day. Till now, I still wonder if this is molestation or not?

That isn't molestation; that's just plain creepy. Molestation is when they touch you sexually I believe.

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Guest MangoStar

My mother's "friend" used to make very suggestive remarks towards me. He even masturbated while on the phone with me. It did creep me out majorly.

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Guest -ddalgi-

umm...so...i was drinking with my friends at a house. >___< and....this guy started feeding me drinks and i got drunk D: and then i fell asleep and he comes and locks it. my friends were pounding on the apparently but i guess i was to drunk to notice..and when one of my guy friends opened the door he gets on the bed and says hes helping me or soemthing cant really remember but the guy comes out of the shower and says to get out cause hes gonna have sex with me. and the kool-aidgot gets out -____________-;;;;;;; jdasjkldsja and um...he starts making out with me and etcetc.....i told him to get off and such and then i dont really remmeber what happened after that. then a couple days later i see him again and he acted like nothing happened.

never drank after that. i hope someone FAT AND UGLY JUST RAPES HIM!

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Guest x_jaelin

ohmygawd, reading this just made my memory rush backk. o__o

i don't remember much of the past but i was too molested & i liked lived in the ghettos too.

until i moved (;

what if its liek the same old guy o_o !

but i don't remember getting into a car with him or anything.

& he bought me candy as reward & stuff too ._.

Eww I'm getting all tingly remember how he touched me x_x .

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

my parents went on a lot of business trips when I was young so they sent me to live with a relative when I was about 6 or 7 for a couple of months? I can't remember that much, but I remember that my middle school cousin whom I lived with used to grope me and kiss and touch me in a lot of inappropriate places and I was almost raped by him. Thank god that did not happen. I don't really think that much about this though. I don't know why...I guess it was because I was so young and didn't know?

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What's wrong with little kids nowadays?

My little nephew touched some girl's down there because the girl was curious.

She told him that if he wouldn't touch it, then they wouldn't be friends anymore.

Not only that but she makes him kiss her and other stuff too.

They already reported it to the school but they just laughed it off and saying it was cute? seriously?

It's cute because they're little kids and she was curious?

That little girl need some help. She's 6!

I don't understand why grown-ups would just laugh it off like that..

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Guest sikfahn


I remember when I was little...really young. Like around 5? I first came to America and my parents moved in with my cousins and their friend. My parents would go out to find jobs and I would stay home alone with my baby sister and my cousin's friend. The guy was like 20ish. We were watching TV and then out of nowhere I felt his hand inside my underwear, touching my butt. At first, I thought it was accidentally. But then his hand stayed there for a very long time. I got nervous and I remember him asking me whether I was cold. I said no but then he snuggled close anyways and placed a blanket around me. Then he started rubbing me. I felt so...scared. So i was like "my sister is crying". And I ran to my sister's bedroom.

I never told my parents or my cousin. But the memory...is still there.

And when I was 8, I moved to a different apartment and lived with another family. They had a son who was 3 years older than me. When the parents were out, he would grab me and strip me naked. Then he would touch me...down there. And then he would show me his private and he asked me to touch it. I was terrified. I was 8 but i still didn't no what was going on. But I told my mom about it. But my mother thought it was a game so she warned the boy "no touching!" and that was it. The boy got mad at me for telling and stopped talking to me. But then he would do...nasty things. Like when we were home alone, he would take showers, with the door open and without the shower curtain.

My friends started hanging out with him recently. I told my friends about my experience. But they hung out with him anyways and told me to "forget it!, he was a kid."

I know he was young but still...I can't forgive and forget.

im sorry, but your friends are kind of messed up for saying that..

i don't get why so many ppl that have seen their molesters recently don't call the cops on them....

its better to call the cops and be embarassed than having the sex offender on the loose molesting other kids. Just my own opinion. o.o

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I hate the fact that this thread is 53 pages long. I really hope these horrible sick sick men get their @ss bit off by karma. I admire all the girls who have stayed strong till today.

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Guest witchery


Me too, I just can't believe this thread has actually grown this big!

I haven't been molested luckily, just a lot of "accidental" groping by strangers in big crowds <_<

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Guest kiss the rain♥

my heart goes out to everyone who's posted something here.

this really made me realize how common being molested really

is. and the thing that's more messed up is that a lot of younger

kids experience this because they don't know what's going on and can't

say anything

nothing that extreme has happened to me before but since this one incident,

i'm extremely paranoid on the train.

I'm extremely scared of sitting next to guys on the train,and this one time, a few months ago

i was on the train and i was sitting in a window seat where there's only one seat next to me and two

behind me. so my friends were sitting on the two behind me and when the train stops at this one stop

a guy gets on and sits next to me. He was in his late twenties, asian, but a tall guy so he takes up

a lot of the seat. But then, i feel like he inches closer to me and the scary thing was

he kept moving his leg up and down like really fast and it was vibrating as it touched my leg so i got

really scared and i was just silent.

i tried turning around to my friends to get their attention but they didn't realize anything and were too busy

in their own conversations so i tried enduring it. After a while, the guy would stop and stare at me

for a few seconds before starting again and it was really traumatizing because i sat

for half an hour like that.

Then when my stop on the train came i like jumped up and walked quickly out but i realized the guy was also

getting off at my stop so i like basically ran.

i was scared out of my wits but i wasn't sure if i was just being paranoid or if he was doing anything.

im not sure if this counts as sexual harassment but it felt horrible, especially since he was so close and

i had no room to move.

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Guest Han_Hye_Ri

this makes me so mad. for people to take advantage of little innocent kids, that is despicable and I am pissed.

I was almost raped when I was in fifth grade (s.korea) by 8th graders. Good thing my friends came screaming and calling the teachers to get me. Or else I would've been scarred for life.

I am so sorry to those who have been molested. I am terribly sorry. It aches my heart reading your stories. Let's look up to the happy days every morning we wake up and smile, those bastards will get what they deserve.

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Guest dragonfruit

mine isnt as bad as other people's but still gives me the chills D;

i was in some tool shop with family

and this stranger touched my behind T___T

i looked at him and he smiled D:<

i was like what 5-7?

then i stood in front of my mom so he couldn't touch me again ;p

why must there be horrible people in the world . . .

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Guest koreanballads

It must feel nice to come in to a thread like this and crack jokes. It's because of jackasses like you that most girls are afraid to tell anyone if they've been sexually embarrassed. You're despicable.

Be a doll and save the holier than thou spiel for those really deserving, will you?

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Guest Parad1se

Be a doll and save the holier than thou spiel for those really deserving, will you?

that GIF would have been funny... but in this thread? seriously now? you have a sick sense of humor.

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