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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest SimplySwt^.^

I said I was over this thread, first time I've been here in the last week? Whenever the last time I replied.

I have my point of view, you have yours. Nothing either of us says will change it.

Just a note. In my country there is ANONYMOUS, FREE phone numbers you can call where people TRAINED in the field can help you. Oh well, as I said I'm over it. If you care about it that much, just PM me, but I'd rather discuss something else, like religion ;)

Riiight...What's wrong with discussing about it in this thread? If you have something to say; then say it.

Why don't you back-up your previous statements? Cause you think they're obviously correct, am I right?

and besides, posting their stories here takes courage and also want to feel safe doing so, and to know they're not the only one going through these hardships

DON'T YOU QUESTION THAT. i can't believe we even have to explain WHY it is our right to post these stories.

and we all know not only girls get molested, im pretty sure the one who posted that comment 'girls stay strong!' knows it too, but why did you even have to add your useless comment to that? it was nonetheless a positive message.

yes i know this is a forum, but you sound ignorant on your part regardless of your thoughtless intention


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Guest wr3ck3dd

Riiight...What's wrong with discussing about it in this thread? If you have something to say; then say it.

Why don't you back-up your previous statements? Cause you think they're obviously correct, am I right?

I agree with all of your statements except for the fact that you think that just because of the highly sensitive nature of this thread, people can create anonymous accounts. While I agree that for this kind of topic, allowing others to create accounts to maintain anonymity would be useful, as the soompi rules state, there will be no multiple accounts per person.

The other thing is, since he's already stopped commenting back, there is no reason to continue fanning the flames: you won already, so move on. Though your cause is just and the words you said were very persuasive, if you feel the need to continue to reprimand him, you should take it to private messaging and not further clutter up this thread with a flame war.

To those who have been molested:

I feel so sorry for everyone's stories here... I guess in any sense, people don't realize how lucky some are to live in communities that are relatively safer than others... I'm truly sorry for the girls and the guys who had to go through something as traumatizing at this...

I hope everyone could be better human beings. :(


One other thing about the issue of tracking individual IPs, yes, you can do that on this forum... It's how some mods can compare two accounts to see if they have similar IPs and to root out previously banned users' other accounts...

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Guest SimplySwt^.^

I hope people that need a place to vent and share theirs stories aren't afraid to share them...

Please don't be scared to let yourself speak-out, it'll make you feel better that all of us on SOOMPI are on your side.

If you're too scared/shy or embarrassed to share it to the entire SOOMPI community, you can always private message me and I'll be willing to listen and try to help!

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Guest Gofishus

my guy friend molests me several times each month.

lol, and apparently you are fine with that judging from the calmness of the post.

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Guest deindentified

^ your friend is probably getting the wrong idea.

i guess he thought it was ok to do that when you let him do it the first few times.

confront him, tell him that you dont feel comfortable with how he handles himself around you.

tell him you're straight.

or get a fake girlfriend.

or like randomly say something like

"oh i cant go, im going out with amy [?]"

something like that.

Oh thank thank you so much for your tip. It's so simple. I think I might try it. do you think it'll be okay if I get one of my friends to pretend to be my gf once in front of him.

To make things clear; he didn't get the wrong idea and think it would be okay because eevery time he does it i get pissed off and tell him off or punch him. Which he then tells me not to be homophobic. The thing is this isn't an issue of being or not being homophobic. I'm sure straight girls are uncomfortable with certain guys touching them even though they're interested in males. you know what i mean?

I think instead of throwing away his gifts I might even just try and chuck it into his locker thru the whole if they're small enough. That should be a good hint. :)

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Guest supasheep

well once i was hanging out with my friend at the mall.. and she introduce me to her boifriend... JOHN x_x.... i thought he was nice.. but when my friend wasnt looking.. he would grab on my butt and started giving me this seductive look... :X OMGG i was soo scared.. i didnt know how to tell her because i was afraid he might do something to me if he find out.. soo i kept it a secret.. then i met him again a few week after that... i tried to ignore him.. but he suddenly came up to me and started shoving me in the corner... i didnt know what to do!! so he started to umm rape me.. i try to resist but he was too strong.. till today i still havent told my friend.. they broke up a few month later... and i never seen him since..

rape u??? gg........but u look pretty fine about that...=.=

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Guest Soulistice

for those who have been a victim of molestation, does it make you feel better when you tell people about your experience?

i'm a victim myself & when i told a few people, i didn't feel relieved or whatever. instead, it made me feel regretful speaking up.

I have spoken to my boyfriend about one of the more major incidents.

I don't know if I should tell him about the others because ..it'll just worry him so much more.

He's very understanding about it, but ..it doesn't make me feel any better.

Even though the exact details of the memory is fading, it's still there. It still haunts me.

I feel so guilty that he can't be with someone that's clean, so to speak.

I hope I, and everyone else, don't have to go through these unfortunate happenings again or at all.

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Guest moncchichi

omg! i was like totally getting angry when i was reading your topic :(

I was in hk like during the summer, and people always tell me that there are so many pervs in hk, i was like yeah i just won't wear low cuts and stuff, but when i was standing behind someone (pretty distant) there was this office worker ugly man that like elbowed my boobs. and it was so obvious that he did it on purpose. afterwards, i felt like crying, but thats nothing to what you've experienced.

stay strong girls

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Guest saranghaeee

these are all so terrifying :tears:

this summer actualy i went to sleep at my cousin's house. i hadn't seen my cousin in like a year and he changed ALOT. he was a gang banger, duggie, etc. he wasn't the same, and he used to be my favorite cousin. so when we went to be, we shared a bed, (which was like a king sized bed). i was almost asleep but then i felt him touching my butt. i though it was just like him moving in his sleep. so he snuggled next to me and about a minute later pulled down my pants.. i pretended to move away in my sleep but he just grabbed my arm and pulled me back. i was terrified at what he would do to me if i 'woke up' and moved. so i just stayed. he took his penis out and put it in.. it was horrible. he also put it in my mouth and held my hand and made me touch it.. and i'm terrified of telling anyone because i'm afraid that if they tell, he'll find out and send his gang to jump me. :tears: idk what to do.

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I posted before

but seeing how this thread is still alive

I wanted to say again, that all those that were molested, should really talk to someone about it

As long as you have courage to come forward to the police about it, they CAN help you

Somewhere in this thread I posted a news article on some girl that came forward about her being molested by a teacher when she was younger

Today, I heard of another case where a middle-aged woman came forward to the police, that she was molested by her school counselor in grade 8....that was like in the 1980s. They caught him and he is now charged. http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTV...hub=CalgaryHome

Don't sit around and feel bad for yourself. Do something about it.

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Guest twig*star

I want to ask those who have been molested ..... are the details of the events very clear in your mind what happened even say 1-2 years down the track? Do you have a good memory in general day life?

Because i went to a trial where the victim was very inconsistent and i think it might've affected the outcome ...... i feel like throwing up.

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I want to ask those who have been molested ..... are the details of the events very clear in your mind what happened even say 1-2 years down the track? Do you have a good memory in general day life?

Because i went to a trial where the victim was very inconsistent and i think it might've affected the outcome ...... i feel like throwing up.

Most of the time people's memory tend to fade as the years go on. But in these situations, sometimes a victim decides to leave out certain parts of it or replace certain parts with other things. but yea, molestation/sexual abuse trials that happen years after it happens usually falls in the wrong favor of the victim because there's no real evidence. =\

Mine is vague, but it's been like 9 years..

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I want to share it with you all, but I really can't. There have been so many incidents...but I forgot most of them. Well, more like I want to forget them, so I end up not thinking about it. But if something triggers a memory of one of the incidents...it's really depressing. I just try not to think about it altogether. Makes me feel better that way. I don't think that there will be a tomorrow if I keep dwelling on the past over and over again.

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