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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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i have never been molested, but this one day w/my friends at lunch this topic came up and it turns out that out of us 6, i was the only one that had never been molested.

--i'm glad my mother's strict and i wish somebody in my family were a cop.

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Guest dtlove

i cant believe there are so many sick bastards in this world

true. reading this thread made me mad and sad at the same time.

wtf is wrong with people? even your own family jeez!!!

the worst thing is.. most parents don't know or don't care or just ignore it..

I guess it's all about trust.. when you trust someone you don't see any harm ..

but yeah it just sucks.. those people need to die.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:tongue2: i'm just soooo mad right now. I've known some people (friends of my parents) who were really perverted or pedophiles..

but my parents couldn't see it.. or are just tooo stupid or just ignored it.. c'mon do they even know the word pedophile?

Sorry but I just hate those people... grrr *shivers* let's kill them all lol.

--i'm glad my mother's strict and i wish somebody in my family were a cop.

hahaha I wish my dad was a cop lol

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Guest sugarrrxxx

well, im not sure if it would be considered molesting, but my sister and I always were babysit by these older people, they were family friends, and they had two sons in their 20s-30s.

We always like the 20 year old one, he was nicer, etc. etc.,

well we'd always go downstairs to jsut run around (i was 5-6) and go back up the stairs and down and so on.

and sometimes he'd ask us to lay by him. and we wouldn't know what he meant to do but he'd always put his leg over our leg, sometimes it was just me, or just my sister, sometimes both, and he'd kinda rub it up and down our legs. (ewww) or held onto our arms and just stroke it. (imagine being on your side when you sleep with another person behind you)

and he'd do that a lot. and by the time it started feeling awkward, or we wanted to get out, we'd struggle and he'd just tighten his grip. i guess thats not really molesting but oh well.

my sister almost got raped by his brother, the mean 30 year old one. except we only found out about it 2 years ago and my mom, me, and my sister never talk about it anymore. but who would want to?

ewww *shivers*

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Guest bEllAfRESh

the day after i broke up with my bf, some guy kept touching my butt and slapping it, lol

told him to stop 2 times, but when he didnt stop,,, i beat the mutherf____er up, lol

never even tried to talk to me again, well once, to say sorry lol x]

girls, fereal if you ever get touched BEAT THE FOOL DOWN! lol

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Guest Tapi-Noodles

Reading all these stories makes me

remember this 'thing' that happened to

me when i was 9

not sure you can call this molestating

and its not as 'big' compared to most

of the stories here, but i never told

anyone about it.

Okay, this is how it goes. In the summer

my cousin slept over (like always), my sister

went out with her friends or something like that

that morning. I went to make something to eat

and then the phone rang and i picked it up. This

guy starts telling me about this thing he is doing,

and he had some 'questions' to ask, i was going

to tell him that i was busy, but he just started to ask

and me being STUPID i freaking answered them.

the questions were about my size, weight, stuff like that.

this went on for about 10-ish mintues. then at the end he

told me to take off my shirt. I wasn't THAT stupid, so i said

"No". He asked me again and i said "No"

again, then finally the convo ended. I was really freaked out

and cuz im so paranoid. All these crazy thoughts were going

through my mind. I didn't tell my cousins. My cousins were going

to leave and i didn't want to be home alone, especially what just


I feel so stupid and im also really angry at myself for doing this to myself,

i mean ever since i was small i knew that there

were 'creepy' people, and my teachers, parents told me never to

open doors for ppl, don't tell ppl your home alone, etc... I

thought i always understood that, but how come when it happened

i didn't notice until afterwards?

><" I don't know why the guy need to ask me all those questions

but it scares me. But lesson learned.


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Guest jungyoorii

u need to learn to step up! first of all u shoulddd stand up for yourself. since ur always so quiet and shy about these things those stupid guys do this to u! u have to tell an adult dont let those guys get away wit these things! this is so sad nobody should be going through these things. i hopee ur okk too. and tell ur parentsss

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Guest admirablesy

when i was in gr.6, i had this "bf", and he would touch me like, EVERYWHERE...

i told him to stop because it was really uncomfortable, but he woudldn't

listen to me, and would think i was joking..

then i broke up with him.

people were like "WHY DID U BREAK UP WITH HIM?! HE'S SO SAD NOW"

but i cant tell them why, cuz yeah...

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Guest sarahtoh

mine was brief though.

on the mall.

it was a touch on the private part.

by some male stranger.

so, it is still clear in my memory,

now i found it quite hard to be closed with "guys"

am sad.

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Guest bunnyleaf

^ that happened to me too 0_0;;

i was with my friend and she was sooo pissed i wanted to kick him to death but too crowded so we lost him

that old pervert :crazy:

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Guest vietjapangel

i never been molested but my close friend since we were 4 got molested when i WAS with HER. well me, her and my current boyfriend went to the beach together during spring break and so she wanted to take a walk in the water so we agree to that and so we went with her and my boyfriend was messing around with me and her and then my boyfriend left to get us something to drink and eat. it was only me and her she smile at me and i sat down on the sand while she was standing up and we both laugh *but she was pretty down because of family problems.* so when we were talking some random guys comes up and smacks her on the butt and i stand up quick and pull her to my side and they are laughing! WTF! i got tick off and i started to B**** at them (THEY WERE SO RUDE! THEY WERE TRYING TO TOUCH AGAIN! SICKO'S) So my boyfriend comes running over to us and he hands us the food (heheh so sweet) and pull me back of him and stand in front and ask me what happen and i told him what happen and he got mad too and he was about to sock the guy.. i didn't want him to get in trouble so i pull him back, my friend was pretty scared since she got molested as a child before by her uncle when she was very very young...so she is really scared of guys but to some guys she is okay with so anyways i got pretty mad and i came up to the guy and sock him <_< and my boyfriend pull my hand and i pull my friends hand and we ran for it. :lol: boy did it feel good to sock that guy. :w00t:

i mean seriously doesn't these people have anything better to do than molest people! :fury: i really hate people like that one!

it makes me cry just thinking of my friends who told me about them getting molested as a child :tears:

like i know some of my gay guy friends smack mines and my other friends butt but thats because we know that they are gay and we treat them like a girl but thats the only reason...

i really hope these people get what they deserver later in life!

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Guest i?xxxx?you

my parents used to tell me people used to try to kidnap me when i was younger. well im not sure if this is molest or not but there was this older lady i think she was in her mid-thirty well me and my older brother would often go to the green house that is in the backyard and the lady would see us and tell us to go over there and so she live next door and our parents say she is very nice so we decide to come over, so she gave us tea and everything and so i was sitting next to her and my brother had to go to the bathroom so he say he would come over later and so it was me and her alone. she sat down the tea and sat next to me and then she started to touch me at you know where and she touch my chest and everything i felt really uncombable so i stand up and say i wasn't feeling too good and i left. it was so awkward. and i had nightmare of getting attack by her later on. so i stop going out to the green house...

And then one of my childhood friend past away because she couldn't deal with the fact she got molested/rape by her step brother she often told me about how he comes to her room every night and would touch her and would do things to her. i too hate people who molest people. it makes me mad just thinking about it! :crazy:

i never been molested but my close friend since we were 4 got molested when i WAS with HER. well me, her and my current boyfriend went to the beach together during spring break and so she wanted to take a walk in the water so we agree to that and so we went with her and my boyfriend was messing around with me and her and then my boyfriend left to get us something to drink and eat. it was only me and her she smile at me and i sat down on the sand while she was standing up and we both laugh *but she was pretty down because of family problems.* so when we were talking some random guys comes up and smacks her on the butt and i stand up quick and pull her to my side and they are laughing! WTF! i got tick off and i started to B**** at them (THEY WERE SO RUDE! THEY WERE TRYING TO TOUCH AGAIN! SICKO'S) So my boyfriend comes running over to us and he hands us the food (heheh so sweet) and pull me back of him and stand in front and ask me what happen and i told him what happen and he got mad too and he was about to sock the guy.. i didn't want him to get in trouble so i pull him back, my friend was pretty scared since she got molested as a child before by her uncle when she was very very young...so she is really scared of guys but to some guys she is okay with so anyways i got pretty mad and i came up to the guy and sock him <_< and my boyfriend pull my hand and i pull my friends hand and we ran for it. :lol: boy did it feel good to sock that guy. :w00t:

i mean seriously doesn't these people have anything better to do than molest people! :fury: i really hate people like that one!

it makes me cry just thinking of my friends who told me about them getting molested as a child :tears:

You shouldn't have stop your boyfriend you should have let him beat the crap out of the guy since he is so sick just coming up to a girl and smacking her on her butt! WHAT THE HECK! but at least you go to sock him :D Thats mess up her own uncle molesting her when she was young! what kind of uncle does that! I know right they should find a life. yeah i hate them too! yeah i sometimes want to cry (even though im a guy) when thinking about some friends.

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Guest phoenix rise

I spy something that starts with s...

on candystripe legs the spiderman comes

softly through the shadow of the evening sun

stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead

looking for the victim shivering in bed

searching out fear in the gathering gloom and


a movement in the corner of the room!

and there is nothing i can do

when i realize with fright

that the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!

quietly he laughs and shaking his head

creeps closer now

closer to the foot of the bed

and softer than shadow and quicker than flies

his arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes

"be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy

don't struggle like that or i will only love you more

for it's much too late to get away or turn on the light

the spiderman is having you for dinner tonight"

and i feel like i'm being eaten

by a thousand million shivering furry holes

and i know that in the morning i will wake up

in the shivering cold

and the spiderman is always hungry...

"Come into my parlour", said the spider to the fly... "I have something here for you"

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Guest M i l k C o o k i e

phed. are grosss... i get so disgusting when i see "chili peppers" ..

i feel so bad.. for little.. kids. ~

whenevr i hear these stories.. i just tell myself.. are they really that desperate.. like seriouly. 50 yr old.. & 4 r old.. >_<

its horribleee

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Guest CuteThings

oh lol! I remember when i was 7 years old, there was this little boy who accidentally touched my breast! I was petrified!!!!!11!!!!!1

I thought i was being raped

does that count?

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Guest kannade

I have two stories to share but the first one isn't as bad as a lot of the stories you guys shared but I still can't stop thinking about it and it happened like 8 years ago.

When I was about 7-8 years old, I was already tech savvy and my sisters loved playing that shockwave InkLink game so I decided to make my own account and play there. One day, someone whispered to me and here's how the conversation went:


A/S/L? (in 2001, I remember that being a really popular conversation starter)

13 (had to be this age to play)/girl/nowhere

Cool. I'm 28. Do you want to cyber?

Sure. (I didn't know what it was)

Okay you start.


I didn't even know what cybering was so I just didn't type anything back and eventually they said "Fck you" and left. When I did find out what cybering was a week later via some FOX news report, I was really really scared. I didn't want to play anymore.

A second story would be that when my parents went back to Hong Kong, my 64 year old uncle tried to take advantage of them and tried to get them to take him out for dinner every night and pay for $2000 meals. During one of the dinner conversations, my mom whispered to my dad that they ought to stop seeing him because he was draining all of their vacation money and my mom guessed that he heard because later on he told my dad "You should never marry a Hong Kong woman. They're picky with their men and they stick their noses into other people's businesses. What btches! Back in mainland china, there is a club that I used to go to where you can get girls as young as you want with skin so smooth that your hand just glides around when you grab them. I especially like the 13-16 year olds." At that point my mom got so disgusted that she left the restaurant, but my dad hung around because he thinks that his sister's husband (the perv) is a super cool guy.

I think it's a real shame that he got married to my dad's sister because from what I've heard, she was really beautiful and married him when she was young, but died of cancer a couple of years after getting married. It's terrible to think that she had to deal with this pervert everyday until she died because from the way that my dad talked about her, she was really something.

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Guest xangie

Ew thats gross and disgusting and I'm sorry you had to go through that @___@

THere was this guy who groped my MOM on the train right next to me.(my mom looks like shes in her 20s when shes acutally in her 40s HAHAH and shes pretty.. i have no idea what happened to me o_O) And then she suddenly yelped and frowned and moved to the other end. (Leaving me there!! hey >: ((!!) and then that guy suddenly went REALLY near me. Like enough for me to hear him breathing. and so, I hurridly moved towards where my mom was. (This was in korea) He looked about in his thirties.

(That was when i was 16)

When I was about 14 and a new girl in school, there was this guy in English who sat next to me. When I leaned to get something he suddenly grabbed a side of my butt and brushed his hands on it- literally touching it, at first I thought it was an accident. But the girls next to him went "Oh my god ____NAME___ did I just see you do that to the new girl??!?" And he went quiet and never did it again ._. In fact he didn't even sit next to me after that.


Er i don't konw if this counts but

My unmarried uncle stalks me. ._.;; I know cos I always see him everywhere even though he thinks I can't see -__- and my mom followed him once and said he was definatly stalking me.

I have no idea why. And I've seen him peeking when I was changing.


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Guest j1youngxj3

u need to learn to step up! first of all u shoulddd stand up for yourself. since ur always so quiet and shy about these things those stupid guys do this to u! u have to tell an adult dont let those guys get away wit these things! this is so sad nobody should be going through these things. i hopee ur okk too. and tell ur parentsss

^even though people who've been molested and stuff should tell people to get help...it's not that easy telling other people what happened...even your best friends or parents

i've never been molested before...but reading all these stories gets me so mad...=[

some people are so sick. i hope this thread helps a lot of people who haven't been able to tell anyone else. it probably feels good to finally tell someone about this..

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Guest Anime-Freestyle

Mine isn't really that bad. But it's still bad, at least I wasn't molested by some old man.

I was molested by my guy classmate. I know, like seriously it's so weird. We've been classmates for like 6 years?

One day in tuition when there's only 2 of us in the room, he was like touching my upper thigh and slowly moving up and moved upward, trying to tickle my thing. I slapped his hand off IMMEDIATELY.

And I guess his plan to get me horny backfired and we stopped talking since then. =(

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Guest BabyBooWhatiTdOo

ive had twice..this was when i was 6-7? i used to live in a house and tehre was this 1 couple(about the age 40-ish?) that lived with us and paid teh rent to live in one room in my house. and i thought this man was a cool person and i would sometimes go in his room and watch the movies that he was wtaching and i would sit on the bed with him. and while i was laying down with him he would twirl his finger around my private part and later on he would stick it in my pants. i was aware of what he was doing

and hold my pants up so that he cant slide his hand in and after that i never wanted to go in that mans room ever again. he tried to do the same thing ot my cousin! cus my cousin was sleeping over and we were sleeping on the couch with her(the mans room is right next to the living room) and so my cousin was kind of awake and he tried to pull the blanket off her to touch her and stuff. but she kenw what was hapening and pulled it back and he walked away. even i saw what was happening! i hate sick ppl like this...

and later one they moved out. i told my parents and they told me."why didnt u tell me i wouldve kicked him out"

and yeh =/

and when i was 12 which was like last year...my step father started to touch my chest..like sometimes on purpose. i was eating a bag of chip and he was like give me some and he would reach his hand but instead he was reaching for my boobs and he would touch it and at first i thught that was by accident...and than later one he kept doign things like that! he even did it in front of my mom but she didnt see ): so later on i stayed away from him and now he stopped which is a good thing.

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