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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest saysjessi

i read through all the pages here, and all the stories make me sad. i've also been molested before, and it's a really traumatic experience, even if it is a small incident. i just wanted to shout out to everyone to keep your chins up and move forward with your lives! ganbare~

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OMG. Some soompiers here have been through such miserable things. It's so sad.

Mine isn't as bad though.

I remember in my freshman high school year, I met this guy in P.E. who just randomly talked to me and asking me questions of how to say words in Chinese.

During this time, I had to transfer to a different math class because my previous math teacher didn't have a degree to teach math so I had to switch.

I got switch into the same math class as the P.E. guy and I was assigned to sit behind him.

I was a very quiet and shy girl my freshman year, and the P.E. guy asks why I'm so quiet and somehow switches to asking about my weight, am I a virgin, etc.

I didn't answer anyone of them besides the quiet one.

While my new math teacher was teaching us new material(his back was face towards us), the P.E. guy uses his hands to touch my leg.

I was so shocked that I gasped. My teacher heard me and called me up to the board to finish the problem because he thought I wasn't paying attention.

I managed to finish the problem and get it right but as I walked back to my seat, I was blushing and the P.E.guy saw me and smirked.

I was scared and didn't know what to do. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it.

After the incident, he continued to put his hand on my leg and tried to move further but I always manage to push his hand away.

A week later, I got the courage to ask another classmate to switch seats.

But he didn't stop cause we had to same P.E. class.

He once groped my boobs and said, "dang, you have big ones for an Asian."

And there were a couple times when he "accidentally" rubbed his hand against my butt when I was standing.

I later found out from some of his friends that he really wanted to do it with me cause I was Asian and I had big boobs.

uh...one of the most horrifying experience in my life.

Now that I look back, I feel so stupid. I should have done something and reported him or speak up. I'm so mad at myself for that.

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Guest BakaPrincess

What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger.

As a victim myself, I am so proud of all the people that has come on here to speak out about their experiences.

Each and everyone of you are very brave, and I truly applaud everyone for that.

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Guest sujugirl

Ohmygosh that's sad :tears:

Well, when I was in elementary.. My cousins and I were walking then this man who passed by us touched my


.. I didnt know what to do. My cousins saw it and they yelled and cursed the man..

He was big so we cant do anything..

Not much passers by too..

Besides,I actually dont have


that time. So yeah..

But if someone's goona do that to me now,I'm gonna knock him out. hihi

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Guest sujugirl

yeah... lets just say by an older lady.

i think im scarred for life

I'm sorry but I find your post really funny ^^

that's sad tho. XD

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Guest ShadowMax76

to any of you that can, send them to jail.

they'll get raped there. :]

--' i reckon more guys should read this kinda stuff, so they can get pissed off at these creeps.

rather than join them. [seriously. someone should make a chain-mail]

>_>' though... if i did find one of these guys

i'd be all too happy to see if a person can put a crater into someone's face.

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Guest f_r_E_a_K

Reality check plz. Groin kicking doesn't work. You're not in school where you take turns kicking a stupid plastic mannequin that leaves himself wide open and then giggling with all your other girlfriends.

Seriously, unless he's going to wait for you to kick him, you'll already be on the ground screaming and fighting for your life. In futile.

Think plz, a guy doesn't come up to you and go "I'm going to assault you". Most likely he'll attack from behind, or even on top (some prefer to nail their prey from higher elevation) by surprise, and unless you have god-like reflexes, he's probably already grabbed you. Anyone that says "just kick them in the groin and run away" probably has only encountered two types of guys:



This is why women can't defend themselves: they think useless techniques make a difference. You're not kicking a doll you know. Men know their weaknesses and most likely know how to prevent you from landing a direct hit.

Yes, they're called pressure points. The bigger they are, more damage is inflicted to their oh-so-powerful tank of a body. There are numerous pressure points all over, but it takes practice to get it just like that; not something you can learn from watching old chinese action movies where everyone flies around and shoots air all over the place and paralyzes you just by touching you, then imitating it on your little bro to see how much you've improved your "skillz".

Carry some sort of weapon with you. Might make a little difference, cause the guy might not take you completely by surprise. The two common items of interest when it comes to women are:

-the brick. It's really their wallet, but what's the difference?

-the purse. With all that crap you put in there, it'd be a wonder if a guy can survive a blow to the head from that thing.

An umbrella or parasol or whatever you like to call it is nice as well. The extra length and mobility would definitely make it harder for someone with a knife or some other short-ranged weapon. Plus it acts as mobile shade as well when the sun's too bright. Or if you prefer, you can run around with a stick like they do in soul calibur 2.

The one that usually wins, is the one that's anticipated the moves.

If he's already on top of you, might as well call it quits cause you're most likely going to be overpowered and unable to reach for whatever you have stuffed in your pockets or bra (unless you're an amazon).

Or even better: Take kendo lessons. Proper conditioning through training is the only way to fix the problem. Yes, when someone decides to bearhug you, if you don't have the experience, you'll probably just freeze up and scream instead of pull your gun out and point it at his head.

Relying on retarded advice like "just kick him in the nuts ^^" will only lead you to despair.

PS: want use mace? Well, you need free hands don't you? And you need time to reach for it right? Better hope the guy isn't thinking clearly and letting you grab it while you're on the ground.

Obviously the two biggest fails in this so-called "women's self-defense" are groin-kicking and mace. Unless by mace, you mean literally swinging a mace around, then it would be deadly. Most of you probably aren't the types that can beat someone twice your size and 4 times your weight down, WHILE struggling against HIS strength in poor positions.

Or hold a mace.

You know, something like this


However cynical and pessimistic your response was, I'll take in your pointers. It does make sense that there are little to no possibilities that in the situation in which a predator male approaches the female from the back or above that the female would have an opportunity to attack the groin area.

Here are common misconceptions assumed by the majority of women's self-defense classes/seminars that were posted under a women's self-defense website:

* The natural effect of real aggression causes what is called an "adrenaline dump". This fear induced high volume shot of adrenaline is normal and natural and cannot be stopped, even by experienced black belts.

* The effects of this "adrenaline dump" can be devastating, especially if you are not prepared for it.

* The main problem is that many of the techniques that are taught in traditional women's self defense training are too tricky or too complicated for the average person to properly execute. This is especially true under the duress of an all out street attack.

* Techniques that are highly complicated tend not to be executed properly, if at all, when the pressure is on and adrenaline levels are high.

* Many of the systems use joint locks and pressure points that require years of training to properly execute. Sometimes even when they are applied properly to someone who has an unusual amount of joint flexibility or a high resistance to pain, they don’t work.

* FBI journals indicate that a high percentage of attacks can be avoided using good verbal and spacial skills.

* A great number of the techniques taught were not designed especially for women. They require too much upper body strength.

* Many of the arts teach kicking techniques that are great for the studio or for sport competition, but are all but useless on the street. Unfortunately many of the practitioners of these arts are led to believe that they can really use these kicks effectively in a combat situation. They end up with a false security believing they can defend themselves with such techniques. In reality, if they ever have to really protect themselves, they can get themselves into trouble very quickly.

* Many techniques require years of training or are just impossible to learn unless you are under the direct training of the master instructor. You cannot learn these properly from a video, book or seminar. They take years to perfect, even under the supervision of an expert instructor.

* Allot of what is taught is just fluff! It doesn't stand a chance to work in a real attack!

-- Women's Self Defense

Basically, prevention is the best method to combat the vulnerability women have to these attacks. Maintaining eye contact, appearing confident and aware of the surroundings usually sways off predators. Strength comes in numbers, and isolated areas such as parking lots (especially when approaching your car at night), poorly-lit streets, empty public transportation, etc. are suspicious and possibly dangerous surroundings. Be aware!

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Guest j.a*star

I don't know if this counts as molestation but this guy was touching my thigh...

and it was really creepy and I laughed it off when I know I shouldn't have...and now I'm really mad at myself for not saying anything

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Guest sodaniechea

Aw, reading the posts made me tear up because I know how you guys feel. :l

When I was about 5, my dad's friend was living with us [he was 40+ at that time]. I was helping my mom collecting cups in the house because she wanted to wash the dishes later, so I went into my dad's friends room to get the cup. He told me not to and got mad. Then he got a stick and hit me with it on my back. Of course I cried. Then he pushed me on the ground and started to grope me and touch my privates, and told me to get out. I cried in the bathroom afterwards, unfortunately he never stopped.. *sigh* 4 years later he moved out and I blocked it out ever since..

Another time I was in high school, it was an ex bf too.. Somebody I thought I could trust but no.. out of nowhere he would touch me inappropriately, tried to undress me, and pushed himself on me.. that relationship lasted a month and I've avoided him ever since. [changed my number, ran home, block him online etc]

And this wasn't AS bad but there was this guy who always flirted with me, and then got really touchy. Would grab my boobs and butt, and tried to take my shirt off..

Now I'm scared to be touched.. I don't trust many people. But finally, I have a good guy by my side. It was so hard to tell him about things that's happened to me, but he's patient and tries to understand me.

oh man I'm crying now


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Guest xTwilight

Here are common misconceptions assumed by the majority of women's self-defense classes/seminars that were posted under a women's self-defense website:

Most hilarious point was this: "Many techniques require years of training or are just impossible to learn unless you are under the direct training of the master instructor. You cannot learn these properly from a video, book or seminar. They take years to perfect, even under the supervision of an expert instructor."

Which makes me wonder why they even bothered putting all that other trash, cause women clearly aren't going to learn from "a seminar".

Basically, prevention is the best method to combat the vulnerability women have to these attacks. Maintaining eye contact, appearing confident and aware of the surroundings usually sways off predators. Strength comes in numbers, and isolated areas such as parking lots (especially when approaching your car at night), poorly-lit streets, empty public transportation, etc. are suspicious and possibly dangerous surroundings. Be aware!

Yes, prevention is a lot more effective than protection: less effort required and safer.

However, most women probably feel weird if they looked around paranoid every few seconds, turning back to see if anyone got into their blind spot, cautiously maneuvering through the street.

Strength in numbers, but when women are starting to get better jobs such as executive positions, how many numbers can they generally have? Usually they're too busy running all over the city just trying to get to appointments, sometimes late at night.

Can't have someone tag along all the time in that situation.

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Guest xRacho

Wow. I'm actually surprised to see it does happen to a lot of people...and on soompi.. >.< I'm also a victim but I feel so uncomfortable talking about it...only three people in this world knows...Me, the man, and my sister who I recently told...I sobbed so much. I dont think I can open my mouth talking about it again because the thought of it makes me wanna tear up you know? Saying it out loud makes it seem more real...even more. >< I feel like I lost part of my innocence.

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Guest melona_ice

i feel you guys. pedophiles are really scary...

i was walking to the park for my tennis lesson during the summer and a car pulled over and he was asking for directions to the highway so i said i didnt know,

and he said he couldnt hear me so to come closer to the window so i did and he was like do you see this? and it was like..his penis. and i was like freaked out so i started running really fast away from his car..

i was scarred for life. i hated walking by myself to my friends house after that.

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Guest tatsuri

Yep, by a guy who is a year older than me, and lived up stairs from me.

My family no longer lives around there.

It's odd because he was my friend, and he would always push me up against something and start doing stuff, but I always got away. I still considered him my friend, but I was afraid to be around him alone. Now I don't consider him my friend. Back then, I didn't considered it molesting, and I never told anyone. I was scared that if I told my family my brother, who is a year older then him, would have beat him up. When we happen to run into each other now, he will still try to make passes at me, but I'm older now so it's much easier putting him in his place compared to when I was 11-15.

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Guest l3lo

hrm...i don't know if this counts but i remember in pre-school my teachers taught us about strangers who give us candy or people you don't know who was trying to get in your house. they also brought up about what you should do if someone you didn't "know" called. i didn't realize it then but my pre-school was pretty smart, and updated on what they taught us. i remember then that one night this dude called our house (when i was like 4/5 years old) i picked up the phone and asked who was it. he went right to the questions and ignored what i asked. he asked how old was i, what was i wearing, and he even told me to describe it (creepy....) after he said that and i tried to "describe" what i was wearing :blink: i finally realized something was wrong with this guy...i mean i was only 5 but i knew something was definitely wrong. i then asked him if he wanted to talk to my mom then he said "no". i hollered for my mom as he clicked off quickly. after what happened we started recieving anonymous calls. everytime the phone ringed my mom or older sister would quickly hang it up or shout into the phone then hang up. now that i think about it...it must of been someone close to us or someone who lived close to us because how did he know i was a 5 year old kid living in the house he kept calling? weird now that i think about it........

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Guest lovesicles

my cousin molested me when i was younger. maybe 6th/7th grade or something? i didn't know what to do. :\ we were on a vacation together, and he would do things to me every night. i would pretend to still be sleeping. the only person that knows about this is my boyfriend. :\

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