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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest ShOta xx3

I feel soo sorry you all of you guys.

Well i have never been molested, but i seen a man masterbating with his windows down...Which was really really scary to me. (There were complaints about him before, he just goes around the block and stuff and parks and just starts masterbating..I don't know why he wants people to see him though...)

The guy saw me and i thought he was gonna come out of his car and take me. But that horndog was too busy with his penis.

I think that was the worst thing i have ever seen. But to all everyone else..i feel soo soo sorry.

Don't be shy about it, and i know it might be shameful and hard to tell anyone, you must, because if you don't speak up, they might do it to other people.

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Guest matango88

I feel soo sorry you all of you guys.

Well i have never been molested, but i seen a man masterbating with his windows down...Which was really really scary to me. (There were complaints about him before, he just goes around the block and stuff and parks and just starts masterbating..I don't know why he wants people to see him though...)

The guy saw me and i thought he was gonna come out of his car and take me. But that horndog was too busy with his penis.

I think that was the worst thing i have ever seen. But to all everyone else..i feel soo soo sorry.

Don't be shy about it, and i know it might be shameful and hard to tell anyone, you must, because if you don't speak up, they might do it to other people.

maybe you should take pictures for evidence and show the police

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Guest darkanqelxp

i live in nyc....and i know a lot of weird stuff happens here...

luckily ive never been molested, and i mostly think it was because of how i was raised, and myself

for example...im very conservative....i dont believe i need to show some chest to get a man to love me...but i dont believe girls who show skin should deserve to get molested...its just you have to be KNOW where you are and what youre doing and ALWAYS DEFEND YOURSELF

women have suffer long enough...if something happen...report it, yell for help, and dont hold back when youre kicking him in the crotch (dont be afraid to bite)

Show confidence in who you are...pervs look for weak, lack confident girls as their targets...because they know (smart b@stards) that a quiet girl wont say anything

GIRLS, just know wherever, whenever.....have confidence in yourself...and put those suckers in JAIL !!!!

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Guest xxpiinkified

i have never been molested or raped before.. but all your stories.. are so sad.. makes me wanna freakin stab someone >: OOO jfhjkfaehfafhud.

ShOta xx3 - =OO!! i saw a man who did that too. except he wasn't in his car.. he was OUT AT THE FREAKIN PARK. SERIOUSLY! he would sit on a bench near the park watching little kids play, and would masterbate. then whenever one of the older guys bike past him, he would hide it. i saw him MANY times.. then my friends and i finally told the teacher cuz he was at the park after school.. >: O. then yeah, he dissapeared after we told the teacher . yea, it was the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. ><"

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Guest Smiley0.o

I have never been molested but that is just sick...

mann, in the middle school you're old enough to beat the crap out of him.

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Guest xSnubbleyx

I know mine isnt has bad as a lot of other soompiers, but i am still currently trying to shake it off.

this started at the begining of this year when i was working *at the library* i noticed this man kept staring at me. I thought nothing of it and figured he was just looking for a book. But then he moved closer and closer to me next thing i knew he was about a a metre a way from me and continued on staring. i just kept on doing my job by putting books away and he eventually had me in the same aisle as him. and i noticed he was... erm... a little too excited to be in a library. so at that moment i left as quickly as i could and told one of the ladys i work with. she told me to move to another area and she'll keep an eye on me. he eventually left.

two moths after the first incedent he came back and brushed up against me the while i was getting something. i looked to see who it was but i couldnt put that face anywhere. all i knew was that my body started trembling and i was really scared. i was thinking for so long while working and it suddenly hit me that it was that man again. and he was watching me again! this time i just went to another area to shelve in hopes that he would go away. but nope, he followed me to the new area and thats when i noticed that he was very excited. i went and told a second lady and she told me to stay in the back room to do some other kind of work. by this time i was feeling very sick and disgusted. but again he went away.

after i had to tell my supervisor ExAcLy what happend and it was so difficult. she told me that if he ever came back i had to tell the person in charge ex the library or her. so 2 weeks after the second encounter he was following me again with his erection and by now i had had enough. i was tired of pretending that i didnt notice him and running away. i wanted him to leave me alone once and for all. i turned around and looked him right in the eye and shook my head. i know that sounds really stupid but it felt like a big step for me. then the library called the police. when they came they caught him just in time before he left. i havent seen him since then and he wasnt put away because he didnt actually do anything to me. but they told him that was he was doing was wrong so he should watch his behavior.

im still trying to get over this and im so fortunate that i have a great boyfriend that is with me everystep of the way. hes talked to me and just hugged me until i felt better.... everytime. but it hasnt been easy. thats why i have major respect for the people who have been molested or raped and is still here today leading a normal life.

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Guest leselna

well ive been raped. from my boyfriend . *well no one knows about this except soompiers here :)*

i met him through my friend. well we started to like each other and after few month , we got together.

one day we went out, and he told me that there's a present for me but left it at his house , so i went to his house. he was like started to ask me have sex or not. i told him no and im afraid of it. he forced me and then he rape me. the next day , he dumped me... we never contact each other. and i didnt wana see him anymore.

after few years , i tried to put away this feeling and move on. there's this guy came to me , i thought he would be better. when he found out the truth , that i got raped. he broke up wif me instantly. he told me the reason that im just a dirty girl same as the others richard simmons. he also said that it will embrassing him if someone found out about this.

i was kinda hurt whenever he said that , never expect that he would say that to me. but well now im trying to pull myself together =)

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Guest Tetra

^I hate it when girls are raped by their own b/f's.

It shows how much you can trust people. Well, I mean like, you can trust others...err...whatever my friends don't trust anyone -_-

Like some people are just in denial, and there are those that will just jump to conclusions BECAUSE they don't want to hear what they don't want to hear.

You tell someone you got raped, and he suddenly severs all connections with you; makes you question whether you'll ever be able to tell anyone huh?

Some people are just stupid and can't handle things properly. I mean like, why should he embarrassed? That someone trusts him? What a fool.

I would like it when girls trust me. Then I've got some connections -____-;

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Guest shoko86

My Mom's sister's son... ick... he tried but luckly my brother was home. I was about 8 or 10 at the time. He would touch me on my legs and thigh but I brush him away everytime. He is so gross. I don't talk to him or see him that much anymore. Good thing. Worst thing is no one believed me back then. I just don't want to bring it up right now b/c hes married. Ick.. he is so gross.

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Guest pinguvxd

these stories are so sad. i am so happy that i didn't get molested or anything.

man, you guys are really open about telling your stories.

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Guest LitoHyesungLover<3

whenever i read these stories, im always like " oh theyre retarded, if it was me, ill kill that guy " but last year i got molested and i didnt do anything.. i was scared. i was waiting in the corner of the street for my friend to pick me up, she was late so i was there for like 15 - 30 min. and this 30 year old man kept looking at me but old men around chinatown always looks at me and just girls in general so i didnt care abt it. then he like dissapeared and was behind me. 30 second later he like put his hand/fingers on my butt and like near my area and went back and forth. i thot it was the wind or something and then obv. i knew it wasnt. but i didnt say anything, i dont know why. he did it quick tho..kinda and then went ahead of me, smiled, and went to his car. and i just stood there. =/

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aww mann~~ >_________<

i feeel soo bad for all the people who wrote stories in here!

ehmahgwadd those disgusting little horny people!!!!!!!

they should all go to jail and die.

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Guest msh.l.on

when i was 15, my family and my moms friend's family went camping and stayed ina cabin for a week. it only had one room so me and the youngest girl (6 yrs old) and the boy (19 yrs old) shared a bed and the adults slept on the floor. hes always played a big brother role so we thought nothing of it. then when the lights were out and the adults left, he started to kinda cuddle me...and later on he stuck his hands under my clothes and touched my private areas..and he acted like it was some joke and would say things like "does that tickle?? does that feel funny?" i told him it hurt and he turned the other way and stopped.

neither of us have said anything about that incident..and the families still meet once in a while and its sooo awkward cuz i can tell he remembers bc he looks really uneasy around me as well.

my grandpa (who is not blood related to me -__-) use to tickle me all the time when i was younger as well. when i started getting 'mature' he would started 'tickling' my breasts and grab my butt too. i told my mom this time and she yelled at him.

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Guest ke-ai

aww.. poor you.. that's so messed up.. stupid horny old guys!

well my story..

i was violated by a family member when i was 13.. so i wasn't that young. but it was traumatic... i've never told anyone but my cousin.

one night when i was sleeping, i didn't have a lock on my door at that time, and my brother came in, i guess he was drunk, and all of a sudden i felt a tugging on my shirt, i didn't know what it was buti woke up and looked and saw my brother, so i didn't really think anything of it, because he's my brother, so i closed my eyes but didn't go to sleep and i felt the tugging again, then he violated me by touching my upper privates.. and i got freaked out so i grabbed my blanket and rolled over on my bed.. and when he tried to take off the blanket, i didn't budge so he couldn't get it off and left the room.. after that i bought a lock for my door and i've locked my door each night. he doesn't live with us anymore, becuase of his drug addictions my parents sent him to another state, which i'm so glad for. and even till this day, i'm very protective and don't let anyone touch me (as in hugs or even grabbing my hand) unless i trust them. -_- that's my story.

and i have told another person other then my cousin, there was this teacher who was teaching sex-ed to us in health science and told the students to ask any questions they had and that they'll remain anonymous so i wrote that and a few questions ( i don't remember the ?'s though... -_-) but what he told said about the whole thing really helped me. right now, i'm just putting it behind me.. it's been 4 years.. so i can at least try to forget it now.. but i can't seem to forgive that person.

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Guest cocoa

Molestation sucks. I hope these people go and burn in hell. I don't know if I'm ready to write what happened to me, it's not as extreme as some of your stories but just writing about it is hard =/ It's annoying though, because I think back and I ask myself, why didn't I do anything? Or, why did I believe that man? Even though I was a kid, I feel like I should have known better.

Maybe this is why I have a hard time having male friends.

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Guest gerlie777

i havnt been molested .. pheww .. but my friend has, and it was yesterday afternoon .. she told us today when she was crying her eyes out and she couldnt even go on the bus to school, good thing it was the last, and there was like only 10 of us in the bus ..

it was yesty arvo at a busstop at a station (for sydney ppl blacktown) and she was there by herself , sadly and she was sitting down when a guy came over to her .. he was like sitting next to her like they were magnets and hes leg was kinda above hers .. weird but anyways, he asked for the time, where she was going, her name .. all those unusual stuff .. and while he was doing this he was rubbing his penis and touching her .. and as well trying to put his leg in the middle of her crouch ..

idiots these days .. my frend was traumatized and she couldnt get to sleep last nite as well shes having some counselling at our school .. >< we made her tell our principle and stuff .. *sigh*

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Guest Tetra

whenever i read these stories, im always like " oh theyre retarded, if it was me, ill kill that guy " but last year i got molested and i didnt do anything.. i was scared. i was waiting in the corner of the street for my friend to pick me up, she was late so i was there for like 15 - 30 min. and this 30 year old man kept looking at me but old men around chinatown always looks at me and just girls in general so i didnt care abt it. then he like dissapeared and was behind me. 30 second later he like put his hand/fingers on my butt and like near my area and went back and forth. i thot it was the wind or something and then obv. i knew it wasnt. but i didnt say anything, i dont know why. he did it quick tho..kinda and then went ahead of me, smiled, and went to his car. and i just stood there. =/

I'd say something negative, cause you're not supposed to just ignore people that are staring at you just because "it happens a lot anyways", but ya...don't think most people can do anything because they're paralyzed with fear.

It all comes down to reflex. I remember when some guy tried to grope my friend but she totally butterflied his richard simmons >_>

Molestation sucks. I hope these people go and burn in hell. I don't know if I'm ready to write what happened to me, it's not as extreme as some of your stories but just writing about it is hard =/ It's annoying though, because I think back and I ask myself, why didn't I do anything? Or, why did I believe that man? Even though I was a kid, I feel like I should have known better.

Maybe this is why I have a hard time having male friends.

Molestation is molestation, no matter how serious it is, cause it'll leave a scar behind.

There's nothing wrong with having a hard time being with guys; if they're trustworthy, you would know. Or at least you should know. Or maybe this whole "women's intuition" and "animal instincts" is all a lie, or just highly exaggerated.

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Guest miye0nnshii


I checked the familywatchdog.us

And I see a ..rapist like 0.19 miles from my house. O_O


I would like to tell yo guys about my story but I think I'll just..keep it to my self.

Wtf is wrong with counsins these days?

My cousins havn't dont anything.

It was more like a stranger.


I hate it when those hispanic guys start literally looking at your richard simmons and they smirk and wink and sh-t.

And when you walk around outside, in JEANS or aynthing, the honk or their like WHOO!

Im like wtf.

And i flick them off and I'm like f-ck off.


I'm sorry to hispanic people but this is why some hispanics get the reputation of being pervs.


Now that Tetra got the words outta me; I'll just post x_x

It was when I first arrived in the states? From korea.

I was about 6?7? at the momment?

I didn't go to school at that time because I had to wait `till december-__-;

And I was home alone.

Parents out to work.

Brother at school.

And I heard a knock on my door and I was stupid enough to open the door and a 'hispanic' guy pulls on me and without getting pulled out of the house, he gives up with that and pushes me in my house.

then we have a fight in pushing.

And trying to stop him from freaking touching me up & down.

He was literally pushing me up against the wall and sh-t.

while i was trying to push him out.

then after I get rid of him.

I hear knocking on my window.

I open curtains and I literally freak out. then I ran around the house locking doors and windows and covering the windows x_x

Maybe I should post this now.

Now that I wrote it. -__-;

So ever since then, I have a thing for..'disliking' the old hispanic guys.

That freaking stare at your richard simmons and sh-t. -___-;

Didn't get 'molested' but I was sexually abused. x_x

Well atleast I felt that way.

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