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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest <3StrawberryPocky<3

^ I think what you're saying is true...but sometimes I feel like in certain contexts, jokes can be more inappropriate than intended. I feel like you can only offer jokes to someone you have a close relationship with because this humor of yours is something they're already aware of, but in a thread where people are sharing their scarring stories, a masturbating hermit the frog isn't the most appropriate gif to use.....but that's just my opinion! I don't want to start a fight or anything. I'm really sorry to everyone about any situation you guys have been in though. But karma will always get them back and give them what they deserve!

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Guest chopper!

oh, i've been in this position once when i was around 12...

i remember it was before middle school started, and during the summer, my family was moving to a new house.

i was upstairs in my new room, unpacking my books and dolls on the floor.

one of the movers came up to my room and placed my computer desk in the corner.

then he started coming at me saying 'you're so beautiful' and kissed me with that disgusting tongue.

he then started rubbing my thing and i started crying like crazy, bailing my eyes out.

the guy freaked and ran back down the stairs.

i quickly ran into my brother's room and hid behind a basket full of clothes and

the same mover came into the room again. once he took one step closer, i started screaming and crying again.

after that, the mover never came back up and i remember staring out my window to see if all the movers left.

i wanted to tell my mom, but i was so confused. i was really innocent and didn't want to bother my parents on this, but it was long ago, and i don't want to worry my parents now. though i'm stronger of course, because i talked with my close friends about this and helped me through (:

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Guest lemon_ice

^ omg what a horrible experience >_<

Last year (I was 18), in a crowded elevator, this dude just suddenly grabbed my thigh and STARED at me. I immediately moved back a little, and because it was obvious that my aunt was there with me (she couldn't see though, because it was too crowded) he immediately stopped, but he kept staring at me, and i just glared back because I was just so pissed off...

but even that made me feel so grossed out and completely disgusted.. I'm sorry for those who have experienced much worse.

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  • 1 month later...

one of my guy friends "accidentally" brushed his hand against my richard simmons. i honestly think that it was a mistake but whatever, i still kicked him LOL

and sometimes, guy friends would like snap my bra strap. i know they're kidding so i don't get really offended (bc they usually apologize when i'm really pissed) but DAMN THAT HURTS.

stay strong girls and guys.

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Guest lala-123

yeah there was a special on oprah today where she talked to child molesters and how they pick their victims.

one of the guys she interviewed molested his own daughter.


these type of guys deserve to have their dingdongs chopped off. seriously.

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Guest shortstufflai

i'm not sure if this is sexual harassment but a couple months back, i was going home on the bus alone and an old black man (about 50+) got on the bus and sat in the seat in front of me. i had my headphones in & was staring out the window, so i didnt realise he was trying to talk to me until I saw the reflection of an old woman giving him a "wtf" look so i turned & took my head phones out.

he kept saying something in his own language, which i found out from my nigerian friend later meaning rainbow/hoe, and kept looking at me. since I didnt understand what he was saying i just kept nodding and smiling to be polite, that caused him to move into the seat next to mine which freaked the hell out of me. when it was my time to get off i had to repeat excuse me about 4times and each time with more volume to get him to move.

once i got off i put my headphones back in and started walking... then i felt something was wrong as i walked about 20m away from the bus stop & turned around and saw him walking behind me so i called my friend to keep me company. but then i stopped cos the way i walk home i pass about 4 alleyways, so i kinda stopped and tried to plan a way home without him being able to follow me...

turns out i started crying, he came over and was mumblin "your the most beautiful girl i've seen..." & i was telling him to go away but he kept replying "i just want to talk to you". then i got really scared when he leaned forward & tried to kiss me... so i kinda yelped "get away from me" and ran towards the pub nearby and started sobbing to a random person who took me inside the pub to calm down. the freaking freak of a man was just watching me cry and walk into the pub.

since then i hardly go out as much anymore, so girls PLEASE be careful when walking home and do NOT listen to your music (loudly anyway) when walking home ALONE.

i was/still am frustrated with myself that I didn't do anything, i.e. scream or yell at him. it was a bad experience and i can't imagine it happening again.

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Guest leandaxiong

wow all these stories make me don't want to let my little nieces go to sleep overs at all...

will i have a story of my own...i wasn't actually molested but i felt very violated and scarred for life...well it happened a few years ago when i was a freshman in high school...both my parents were going to Laos to visit some relative and put my aunt and uncle in charge to baby sit us...just two day after my parents left my uncle came and pick me up from school and on the way home he would ask me weird questions like "your the prettiest one out of you sisters""is your vajaja bleeding yet" "have you ever had s3x" "i could teach you how to satisfy a man" nasty stuff like that. He was in jail for raping his daughter in law so everyone new he was i molester but i don't know why my parents trusted him out of all people. will anyways to next day he continued asking me weird questions again and then he was like im going to show you something. he ended up taking me to their house. my aunt was at our house so no one was home. he offered me some candy but i was like hell no do you think im dumb enough to eat the richard simmons...then bamn he turn on the t.v. and show me some p**n. at the moment i was freaked out...and then he was like you never came to our house before why don't you take a look around...come and take a look at our bedroom and right then i ran out of the house....i was going to run home but it was kinda far so i waited for him by his car because i still had to pick up my bother....when i got home i started crying...my older sister thought he did something to me but i said no...i locked myself in the room the whole day...even though he didn't do anything i still felt grossout...after that incident i never talked or even looked at him again he did a lot of bad and evil things in his life...he just died a few months ago after being in a coma from three years...i think he deserved what he got for ruining so many people lives before mine...because i still feel like my family thinks that he did something more to me than just show me p**n.

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Guest butterflyy.

Mine isn't AS BAD but I still don't like it.

When I was 5 or 4, my parents used to leave me at my grandma's house so she could babysit me. My grandmother told me to go to my uncle, who has a mental condition (I have no idea what it is - my family refuses to tell me), he used to always lock his room and make me sit on him while kinda like grinding on top of him. Then he almost went up to touch me on top but RIGHT at that time, my parents came home and I ran out the room to them.

Even now when I see him, I don't like to go near him. He always gives me creepy stares as if undressing me with his eyes ughh. a few months ago, he kissed me on the cheek and wouldnt stop until my other uncle stopped him and said it was enough.

yeah not that bad and I dont know if I can blame him or not (cuz i have no idea what his condition is) but still is in my head. never told anyone :/..

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Guest DarkApprentice89

PLEASE I swear to God. If any one of you are molested in a public area (park, train, sidewalk) SCREAM. I don't give a d*mn if it LOOKS like no one gives a crap.

I swear I will try my very best to help you. I do not care if the guy is twice my size or has muscles like Arnold Scwarzarnaegar. This may sound bs, but I am 100% honest when I say I will risk my life to save someone who screams out for help and I hear it!

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Guest soompier1

The title contradicts itself. Can't tell anyone, but share your story here?

Sorry, I'm an observative person.

Anyway, I can sometimes tell when a person has been molested by the way they act and by their voice. I guess I know too much random information.

she obviously meant in person .... that's not being observative that's just being irritating

edit: that's a really old post nvm

The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect defines child sexual assault as: "Contacts or interactions between a child and an adult when the child is being used for sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or another person when the perpetrator or another person is in a position of power or control over the victim." Sexual abuse has been defined to include inappropriate physical contact, making a child view sexual acts or pornography, using a child in making pornography, or exposing an adult's genitals to a child.

^ there's the legal definition for those who were wondering

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There are times when really perverted disgusting men like whistle or make really perverse comments.

Usually, I just give them looks of disgust, but while reading these posts I realize I should be more verbal about it.

Like tell them, that what they're doing is disgusting, and that I'll tell the police that he's sexual harrassing me.

Because just giving them glares is not going to change anything, you need to verbally put them in their spot and make them feel embarassed.

Don't know how legit this would be, but I promise in this thread that this will be my new goal. :)

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Guest DarkApprentice89

Although it sounds a little offensive and unsympathetic, I actually agree with above poster ^, but not when speaking of children. Also I really think girls should have some kind of self-defense weapon with them at all times, like a knife or pepper spray. Yes, these may be illegal, but I think it's definitely worth it to prepare for emergency situations.


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Guest chewy130

when i was little my uncles would always play with my penis and call it lil birdy....

it was embarassing and i dint like it but i dont consider it molestation

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Guest pucapunipoemi

i don't really think this is molestation but it just kinda freaked me out...

so i used to work at this caffee/ drink shop before and once, i was working a late night shift and there was this old guy around 50 something... anyways, i thought he looked perverted. but anyways, after i gave him his drink, he started talking to me and went like "you are such a cute little girl" and he started to shake my hand. at first i thought it was just a normal hand shake so i was like... fine. but then, the hand shake lasted for like 3 mins and i was really freaking me out. i tried to take my hand out of his hands but he held it so tight that i can't take my hand back. and that perverted old guy kept on giving me this creepy smile. but then luckily the person who works in the kitchen came out to mop the tables and the old guy finally took his hands away.

after he left, i was still really scared and i called my dad to pick me up after my shift...

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Guest tearsxrain

Um this was pretty recent. My mom was talking to this doctor about me and my studies and one day he suggest that he would tutor me and I thought that was nice of him. We got along pretty good but as times went by, he'd come to my house without calling all the time and one night we were writing a paper and he start rubbing my ni.p.l.es. I didn't do anything because I was scare and I knew that was stupid because then he would not be afraid to do more to me later. He also give me back massages and I didn't realize it was bad until he was stretching my back and slide his hands inside my pant.....He didn't touch my privates but he didn't need to put his hand in that far to stretch my vetebrae....Whenever we're alone, he'd sit really clothe and likes to give me neck massage but when my mom is around, he obviously don't do anything and one time he wanted me to kiss him on the lips and I say no because that is disgusting...I was so not looking forward to seeing him come tutor me after that. I don't know when he would come over because he never call and when he does come, i'd wear a lot of clothe. Luckily he move away so I'm happy. I'm not really traumatized but I just find it disgusting...

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my cat touches me all the time and curls "his" tail around me.. and he would drool on my legs when hes sleeping. Is he a gay cat? ok joke aside.. no i havent..

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