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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest teenace

Sorry but it's so not fair for Ri to quit his show while Dae just came out with a night show and is continuing his drama. I love that its for the comeback but come on YG! It's the only time we get to see him and he finally has his own activity and now he has to quit?! It's a one time of the week show so it doesn't even take that long to shoot. He can just appear less so theres no excuse. It's just not fair to him or his fans.

VVStill Dae filmed FO for two days a week throughout BB's korean promotions and same with TOP and his I AM SAM.

I always feel like YG is playing favorites cause Ri doesn't get enough of anything.

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Guest toozdae08


I kind of agree, I don't understand why Dae is continuing so many activities but Ri had to quite. I think What's Up should be finishing soon but the new variety thing was just added. But maybe there's a conflict with the time they film the show - I know Dae's is late at night while Ri's was in the middle of the day. So that can account for the difference. But Ri is also great at variety shows so I think he needs more of an opportunity to shine - if Strong Heart ever needs a replacement/new host I'm sure Ri would be first on their list.


Really! I wasn't around during last promos. But I agree with you, YG doesn't give Ri enough exposure. He's the only one that's not even slated for a solo <_< . I know it's too soon with Dae and Top working on there's but it didn't even sound like he had anything planned. He's been playing with legos on his off time - give him something to do YG. I've fallen in love with Maknae and I want him to do some solo stuff too.

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^ that is also something I was wondering.... why YG let Seungri do the show in the first place when their comeback was so near. AND why Daesung took up another show when their comeback is literally around the corner.

But I suspect that Daesung's done with "Whats Up"--I think all those pictures of him in the studio are for audio correction stuff. That just leaves the new show. Even if it IS late night.. doesn't daesung have to practice and prepare and stuff? I have always seen the boys having dance practice waaaay into the night, and then don't they get up early for the days they have to be on music shows? I just don't understand this. :huh:

YG should Seungri host strong heart. he's already 3rd MC anyway ^_^

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Guest Michala01

I think some people are jumping to conclusions without any real basis for them. We don't know anything other than what we're told essentially. There could be a myriad of reasons why Seungri quit the show but we got the reason given to us. 

To Seungri fans who are upset about this, I can totally understand and you have every right to feel that way but I feel like it really isn't fair to be making accusations like "oh YG plays favourites and that's why he had to quit" 

Just my two cents sleep.gif

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Guest toozdae08


I agree that we shouldn't be accusing YG of anything and he has given Ri a lot of opportunities (musicals and acting too) so it's not like he's ignored. But I was hoping that he'll continue doing a variety show cause he hasn't been that busy this year.

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Guest teenace

I think some people are jumping to conclusions without any real basis for them. We don't know anything other than what we're told essentially. There could be a myriad of reasons why Seungri quit the show but we got the reason given to us. 

To Seungri fans who are upset about this, I can totally understand and you have every right to feel that way but I feel like it really isn't fair to be making accusations like "oh YG plays favourites and that's why he had to quit" 

Just my two cents sleep.gif

Okay chill. Sorry I had to share my feelings with other BB fans who I thought would understand.

Jeez I didn't accuse YG of anything okay?

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Guest toozdae08


Let's all chill.

We can't do anything about it anyway. Hopefully YG will put Ri in another variety show or get him involved in something. Also while Ri wasn't visibly busy this year, he was last year. And he did start school this year remember. YG probably let him settle in.

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Guest Michala01


I agree that we shouldn't be accusing YG of anything and he has given Ri a lot of opportunities (musicals and acting too) so it's not like he's ignored. But I was hoping that he'll continue doing a variety show cause he hasn't been that busy this year.

I hope so too. I hope Seungri gets to do solo promotions as well with an album as well as Dae and TOP. Being fans of YG artists, we are all very painfully aware of YG's disinclination to promote more than one artist at a time for whatever reasons he has. I think their turn will come and that it's just a matter of time. But there may have been genuine scheduling difficulties with 'Enjoy Today' and the comeback preparations that couldn't be avoided. With regards to Dae's activities during "family outing" honestly that show was so popular and big bang was at that stage where they were reaching the peak of their popularity, I don't think that the two situations can be compared. 

Okay chill. Sorry I had to share my feelings with other BB fans who I thought would understand.

Jeez I didn't accuse YG of anything okay? 

I'm sorry if you read what I wrote with an angry or "un-chilled" tone. It was honestly not meant that way. I understand where you are coming from but I wanted to express my views on the issue too just as you did yours. 

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Guest MidnightByul

Wow. The thread has jumped quite a bit since I last been here, I had to backtrack.

So, Ri quit Enjoy Today? Aw, he look like he was really having fun on there, but if it's to get ready for the comeback, I got no problems. haha.

You'd think we get use to YG's wish-washyness by now. -_-

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Guest toozdae08


Actually, YG has been promoting more than 2 artist at the same time. I think before, it was just that YGE wasn't big enough or had enough people. Remember it's the smallest out of the big 3. Only last year or so has YGE started to expand. It's been a little tough and YG is obviously having some trouble (he's always had scheduling problems but this year takes the cake). so I think we can expect him to have promotions run into each other more now.

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Guest Unni_Ashley

Oh...i had to backtrack and hic, i wish i can see some of YG official news, but... :sweatingbullets:

Well, but i believe Seungri and the fact he quits ET makes me smile (sr :ph34r: i love ET too but that's cool that he comes back after BBcomeback :) )

Does that mean...BB is coming back soon???

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Guest missARROGANT

Someone tweeted that BB has arrived to Singapore



The concert is on 23rd right? They left l day earlier

Hope sgvipz will share us some fancam and photos

gd&h is renewing so probably there will be no airport photo this time :sweatingbullets:

SG is so hot...

wonder if they will go sigh seeing around the city xd

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Guest littlevoice


wow, the news about them going to singapore made me excited even if i'm not even there.

Seeing this thread jumping pages made me think that there was already an announcement for their.

Let's just say any news about big bang is somewhere between excitement and a heart attack.

I'm ready for the #bigbangcomeback trending on twitter ")

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Guest teshagoesblind

there could be so many different reasons why Seungri's leaving ET. I mean, it's kinda sad 'cause that's all we hear from him. but we should be rational about it. Seungri could be exhausted from it and it could've been his decision. whereas in Dae's case, he should be pretty used to it considering his FO days. iono :/

anyway, BIGBANG HAVE ARRIVED IN SINGAPORE? I've got goosebumps. I live in Malaysia and I'm not going. when the news came out, I had it all planned that I could leave on a Friday etc. until the price of the ticket had to be crazy high for me ): my parents disapproved. <_<

@'DEBI please post videos and photos! THAT'D BE LOVELY :D I hope they film it. maybe watch the concert in HQ/HD. that'd be nice :P (I am secretly wishing I were you right now)

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Guest propera898

if i had to put a why Seung ri has been pull out of ET its ofcourse for bigbangs comeback but also because filming for ET int pretty tiredsome , i mean they are always doing a lot of sports,traveling around korea and getting wasted now thats okay but no if you are getting ready for a comeback as important as this one ! DS im pretty sure he has ended filming for Whats up and his new show i bet all the filming its inside ,, nothing like F OUTING or ET thats why i think he would be able to do il while promoting , it must not take as long to film too. :) anyways im sure Seung ri will get another chance :DDDD and also he will do solo singing , he already did we shouldnt be thinking YG hasnt let him do solo. TOP and DS havent ,DS did had his trot song but he didnt promote it :PPPP only like 2 times and in specials showcases :PPP i really like Seung ri :DDD so im looking forward to his next solo activitie but i think he also wants to focul in his school life (remenber he is a Uni student ) and from what i ve had heard he likes to go to the classes and its pretty active as a school student :D so he must focus in his student life a lot !

in another matter it seems BIGBANG has arrived in Singapore! but do you remenber TOP was suppose to go to Hawaii film festival? well twitts are sayingg its been comfirmed he will attend to singapore concert but will arrive a day. later :P


Svips are saying : All 5 bigbang menbers are comfirmed for Korean Night concert in Singapore

Hawaii Film Festival T.O.P from idol group Big Bang - will be attending the official screening at hawaii film festival for October 22

so if everything its as it says yeah TOP will be coming to USA ^.^.... kekeke

i know TOP will be tired but you will have the next day to rest TABI ! :D (>.<) IM never selfish but please just this time let it be like this !!!

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^ wait. just back up a minute here.

are you telling me that TOP, my handsome, bamfalicious, gorgeous, smex on legs, TOP is coming to the US? is that right? am I reading this correctly?!! :tears: someone send me to hawaii.

@Debi--we'd all love you forever if you got fanpics/fancams or even just a fanaccount. have FUN!! :D

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Guest teshagoesblind

OHMYGOD, I wanna stalk BB in Singapore! I wish the wind blows so hard towards the south tomorrow, I end up in Singapore :P

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Guest intelligirl

Personally, as a Seungri fan, I'm not too upset that he had to leave ET. I love seeing my bb in it because he looked so happy. I'm also not mad at YG for giving Daesung a new variety show along with drama filming. Daesung deserves it and I'm looking forward to seeing him act and venture into variety again! I have a special love for Seungri and Daesung <3

I think Big Bang comes first! I've been anticipating their comeback more than anything. But, I will not lie and I say that I can't identify with the fans who might be upset that Seungri's solo activities are so shortlived. I don't think the fact that he's had Strong Baby and acting projects in the past excuses that because, yes, he's had solo opportunities like THEY all have had, but if I think about it in the long run he seems to be the only member who doesn't have any future solo activities lined up. This makes it extra sad that he had to leave after only 9 episodes (remember he wasn't in one because of Japanese activities).

So my purpose is not to prolong this discussion and I certainly don't want to turn it into one of those arguments about whether certain members deserve more spotlight than others blah blah. But I think it's important to understand and be conscious to every side of this issue and to know why some people might feel upset.

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Guest peppermintsugar

^ wait. just back up a minute here.

are you telling me that TOP, my handsome, bamfalicious, gorgeous, smex on legs, TOP is coming to the US? is that right? am I reading this correctly?!! :tears: someone send me to hawaii.

@Debi--we'd all love you forever if you got fanpics/fancams or even just a fanaccount. have FUN!! :D

Hahaha, MTE!

I wish the boys would come over here and do concerts. Uhg. North American plague ;A; No foreign music. It's juuuust like when I was real big into J-Rock and no one ever came over here. So sad, I wanna see them live so badly. Someone back me away in their luggage if they go! I'm small I promise I can fit!

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