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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest Tekashi

Some fans complained about how "BB's no longer like before, no longer hiphop, no longer this and that".. well, there is your answer... they dont like being boxed into what people think they should be. It is not our decision to make who we want them to be, its theirs. As a fan, its either you go with them and support them towards that direction or not. They're not forcing anyone so at the end of the day, we'll all move forward.

Some fans need to realize they`re not like when they debut, during "Lies" (heard too many times how people complain about no-like "Lies" songs). They`re Big Bang since 6 years. During this time they grow up. Music taste can be direct on different path, be inspired by other 'colors'. Is it so hard to realize that?

Artist can`t be stuck & follow one road.

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Guest shinhdeplol
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Guest MidnightByul


totally agree with you guys.

I loved that the boys put that out there. I don't understand why they should "go back to the way they were." First off, there's nothing wrong with how they are now. I love that their growing up, and their music following them. It's makes them better artists, on the road to fully becoming a musician and not "an idol". Seems, like they don't even like being called that, though. lol.

Oh and thanks for the links, Thuy! ^^

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Guest ChauDinh

Oh, I love the acapella and instrumental very much,

espeecially acapella version cause I could hear their

smooth voice clearly. Just one word: WONDERFUL!

I just wonder why YG release it freely cause as I

remember in the past, we had to buy acapella and

instrumental version of BIG BANG's song at YGshop.

After listening to those version, I become love

the songs more. GD, how can you be so talent like this,

and other members, such beautiful voices.





Credit: showwallpaper.com

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Guest Bongs

[iNTERVIEW] Boy band Big Bang - Part 1

[iNTERVIEW] Boy band Big Bang - Part 2

I like how in this interview, Big Bang completely addressed what went through fans head when they were gone. I really hope some of the fans can understand where these guys are coming from. No one wants to be boxed in, it's constricting.

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Guest shoegirl03

Thanks so much for posting these links!! Holy crap they sound amazing!!!!!! :blink:

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WOW that interview!!! *clapping* Our boys so smart.

Taeyang: I think it’s dangerous to let ourselves stay who our fans want  us to be as our fandom gets bigger because we’ll be inclined to think we  must do that.

BRAVO!! There you have it folks. "old Big Bang" = feeling of being trapped. That's not what they want.

GD:  We’d probably end up  being the same idol group as all other idols if we get trapped inside  fandom or a lot of other things

THIS. Why don't people understand that Big Bang is always striving for new and fresh things style and music wise.

GD: I think these are issues that go down to how they’re solved when they  came about so it would’ve been better if they had looked further ahead  on a broader perspective.

Mhmm.What's that old saying "look before you leap". I love that BB has discussed many issues that will not only effect them in the present but also the future to make sure that they're all on the same page.

GD: we had a tough time whenever we heard of such talk because we would’ve  liked for our fans to show more support for us who were preparing our  new album.

Well I admit I also complained a lot but they were gone for such a long time so many frustrations happened. However my support never wavered. I think he might be talking specifically about those who spread rumor about them not getting along or whatever and I was also disappointed about that.

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10Asia has been hitting it ever since they did that interview series with the boys in 2009. I have very high respect to the journalists who took time to think out their questions and for actually asking them without too much censorship. And also, much respect to YG, for allowing them to answer as honestly as they can. I know that as much as he gives them musical freedom, there are still aspects that he can control if he wants to.

G-dragon, TOP and Taeyang answered most here and there's barely Seungri and no Daesung at all. But, I chalk it up to experience since the 3 are not only older by age but also older in experience in the music business. Though I'm curious as to how the 2 young ones think about the questions as well. Seungri has had that interview during VVIP promos, so I'm more aware of how he thinks, only Daesung left which I assume will come when he does solo promos for his album.

One thing that keeps me in this fandom is the fact that Big Bang grows and evolves not just conceptually but also musically. But their evolution isn't just skin deep but it's also there in the way they carry themselves and the way they express it through their music. From 2008 to now, I saw their changes as individual performers and now as a group, I'm seeing them begin their process for change. I like how it's been gradual and not abrupt and you see that what we're seeing now is a result of their experience over the past years of hiatus of the group. I think that's partially the reason why a lot of people have expressed disappointment over the new songs especially those who have been fans for a longer time. It's because we sense the change and it makes us uncomfortable because after we got into this fandom we developed a set idea of who Big Bang is supposed to be, what they're supposed to dress like, how they're supposed to sound. This is after all K-pop - the Neverland of music with idols acting as Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. It's fun and happy but nothing really changes too much. It attracts us because of this break from reality - just mostly fun. From 2006 to now, we no longer see much of the Big Bang we grew comfortable with. They dress differently, their sound is also different. It's hard to adjust since it makes us leave our comfort zones. But I'm glad to know that Big Bang refuses to be boxed in a certain concept just to appeal to the fandom. It shows that they are not static as individual artists and now it seems like they want the same to apply as a group.

Reading this interview excites and scares me at the same time. The one thing that stood out most for me is that they seem to want to change how the idol system and their music release works in Korea. The system is hard to change by since it’s been going on since kpop groups began to sprout – this idea of album concepts and the style of promotions. I’m interested in their mixtape idea and doing this blogging event thing and not wait for the albums to be released. However, realistically, would YG allow this format? They do make money from the album sales and part of the reason why strategy of YG works seems to be related to the hype that comes after a break. As much as they’re given creative freedom, YG is still a business. And the way GD puts it, he wants to put out songs that aren’t commercialized. Commercialized music is money for the label. However, it can also prove beneficial for them since it can help promote Big Bang’s music without relying too much on large scale promotions. We’ll see how they reach a balance and compromise.

And I can see by the way that the interview went that at this point, what the boys are craving for is no longer just fame, but credibility as artists and composers. I’ve always said that Big Bang boys are in between being idols and musicians. As a group, they are more of idols rather than musicians but as individuals it’s the latter. It seems that they acknowledge that as well.

I love how this interview addresses so many issues that have cropped up during their hiatus as a group. Even Seungri, the youngest, is well aware on how people view their group with them standing out as individuals and the view that their styles might not mesh plus the worry that Big Bang music will be GD’s music. Like @juangbb said earlier, when GD explained how Tonight was made, I was also reminded of the AKP article regarding harmonies. He freely admitted that he felt like singing with the other 4 is like collaborating with 4 other individual artists instead of his group members and he said that the lack of chorus harmony is to build up the emotions of the song better. It’s like a straight answer to the reviewer of the album. It seems that GD is deliberate with his musical style and he gets the message across. For me, this is telling of how much they have grown throughout their individual activities and the respect that GD has of the members right now. Regarding the group discord rumor, I think a lot of people worried over this because they are so strong as individual performers. They sell on their own and 4 out of 5 have already made their musical style known. I guess with the past 2 years littered with disbandment issues, it’s been hard for fans not to think the worst. I love that GD says he wants to restore things as they are.

TOP’s point on music charts is very valid. Though I do my fair share of worrying over album sales and chart positions, I think right now at this point it’s a non-issue and only their performances are left for me to enjoy. The only reason that I worry over these things was because of their hiatus for the past years and this comeback being pivotal with how people will view their group in the future. Kpop is a business and relevance to the market will be measured by these things, like it or not. However, for the past 3 weeks, Big Bang has proven that they are a lasting name in the industry. People still have confidence in their music. They made their comeback memorable and they shook this industry up once again. International kpop community have been judging their music left and right. There were plenty of criticisms and even now, with them slowing down on charts people still question them. But for me, they already made a successful comeback with this mini-album even if they don’t stay on top. This album was made to re-assert that as a group, Big Bang is still a powerhouse. They already did that and so much more. Their time away hasn’t dimmed the love and respect that people accorded them whether in Korea or internationally. If anything, it strengthened it. For that alone, I’d say they have achieved their goal. I can’t ask for more.

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Reading such interviews is heartwarming and comforting in the sense that I am assured by the fact that BIGBANG and as individual artists, they are very much aware of their surroundings - on the limitations in the Korean music industry that they have to face and how they plan to break free from such boundaries. It's been thrown around so carelessly in the past but really, the BOYS indeed have a very firm grasp on what they want to achieve as BB and as individual artists.

As a VIP, I admit to whining a lot and complaining and there are times that I would even rant about me ranting about BB or something related to them when they don't even know that I exist and that I think about them or what-not. But after reading this interview, I am comforted and somehow softly slapped in the face! LOL!

GD: This may be something that has been said amongst fans as part of fandom but we hadn't been out in public for two years and three months so there was a lot of talk about us including the fact that there's discord in our group. But we would have been under the same understanding as well if we were the public because we weren't coming out as a group although we were saying we're getting along fine. At the same time however, we had a tough time whenever we heard of such talk because we would've liked for our fans to show more support for us who were preparing our new album. Should I say I was sort of disappointed? Because we were working hard to meet with our fans as soon as we could and making the album while experiencing growing pains but we were hearing otherwise. So I wanted to place things where they used to be after releasing this album.

I feel guilty. I didn't doubt them nor did I believe any of those DISCORD BS among them but I have to admit that I am one of those who were complaining about the delays in their comeback. Oh don't be disappointed Ji. . . .

T.O.P: It's a shame that people evaluate and go wild over artists based on how their songs rank on charts. How they think they have defeated someone else based on that chart. I don't think we dwell on that anymore.

WORD! Damn right Tabi! Gahd! That's a slap in the face right there. *allow me to have an evil smile here* LOL! XD I do worry about rankings on charts but that's not what defines an artist/musician for me.

RE: other KPOP groups that have split up

GD: Of course because they're our senior and junior singers. The reason we've ended up a bit different from them is that we resolved our differences in music through our solo activities. I think that's why we fight less or agree less when we're back as Big Bang compared to other groups. I think these are issues that go down to how they're solved when they came about so it would've been better if they had looked further ahead on a broader perspective.

I'll go on a limb here and read between the lines and say that the reason why BB has stayed so strong is because of their respect for each other. I think in any relationship, RESPECT is the most important factor.

Taeyang: I sounded very healthy in the version I sang properly. I asked why he changed to the one I sang when I was sick but he said I did a better job of delivering my emotions in it.

GD: There was a very subtle yet definite difference. And that subtle difference in emotion makes all the difference. "TONIGHT" is a song which can't be cheerful. It has to sound cheerful but actually be very sad so it came out well. I think that music with very fast beats, yet sounding sad, ambiguous and melancholy is what best suits Big Bang. I think that's the best emotion to deliver nowadays.

Oh Kwon Leadah! Ever the meticulous and perfectionist!

GD - We've been proud of the fact that we were known for our music first and it has been what makes us work harder.

AND I AM PROUD OF YOU - OF BIGBANG! I respect and appreciated the fact that the driving force behind BIGBANG [and as individual artists] is PASSION FOR MUSIC and nothing else.

I hope we get to read more of such interviews. I guess aside from social networks and YT, it's interviews like these that allows us VIPs get to know more about the boys, their state of mind, plans and other things.


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Taeyang: I think it’s dangerous to let ourselves stay who our fans want us to be as our fandom gets bigger because we’ll be inclined to think we must do that. But what I want is on the other side so limitations will form to the music that I want to do. That’s why I think we’ll be able to show how we’ve improved by doing what we want to rather than mind fandom too much.

T.O.P: It’s because we want to show how much we grow. We believed that we should show our individuality to the extent it isn’t excessive rather than do things that any other group does for the public.

i think that is so true. a lot of groups sing music that they think would appeal to the public rather than what they actually like. for our boys, they get together to make music that all 5 of them like and you have this amazing album. as fans, you get to see them grow and mature throughout the years.. so i agree that they shouldn't mind the fans who want the "old" big bang back or the haru haru/lies days. i think fans who disagree with how big bang "changed" are just being selfish and fails to see how big bang's grown. i like seeing their progress with each the release of each album and it just shows how they grow as artists. it sets Big Bang apart from the rest of the idol groups who basically just do what they're told to do. thats why i think this group is so much more original and unique compared to a lot of the other groups.

GD: Under the current system in Korea, even music that wasn’t made for commercial purposes end up becoming so. Even music that we make without a particular purpose will become commercial music when promoted big. Everyone wants to listen to different music depending on the genre or their mood so I’m sure it would be fun for them to be able to have choices if we make and upload songs about how we felt at certain moments. I don’t like how you always have to wait for an album for so long, then get sick of it after listening to that album so many times and then wait for a new one to come out. I feel bad for my fans as well. So we’re preparing events using blogs or other medium to change that starting this year. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of changes if they wait for us just a little bit more.

ah, i love how they're trying to start something new! they're really going out of their way to get in touch with their fans. it'd be amazing if we could hear new songs more often. gd probably has written a lot of songs he would've loved us to hear. i mean, he wrote "Until Whenever" and that was never even officially released. i know it was for VIPs and he didn't want to profit from it, but i can't help but think how many more amazing songs he or even big bang have written that hasn't been released. so, i'm really looking forward to what type of changes these will be. it's just exciting that as artists, they really want their music to be heard as much as possible & its very considerate that they're thinking of how the fans have to wait for such a long time 

T.O.P: It’s a shame that people evaluate and go wild over artists based on how their songs rank on charts. How they think they have defeated someone else based on that chart. I don’t think we dwell on that anymore.

for some reason, i loved that TOP said this. it just shows how far big bang's come. they're no longer the group that cares about how well they rank on the charts or what people make of their music. the music they make is the music they make. no matter what anyone thinks, it's still music they've come together to work on. i just think this shows how mature Big Bang has become even more. of course, i think how well their music is received by the general public still makes them feel good but they're not the group they once were 5 years ago. they're artists now, they focus on the actual music instead of the rankings and awards. 

GD: Not necessarily… I’m just hoping that it’ll be seen as the path we’re taking from becoming idols into musicians. I think we’re at the stage where we’re not musicians but not idols either. In a way, we also feel bad for being called idols. (laugh)

i think they're idols in the sense that they're people who others can look up to. they've got so much respect and they're so humble. they're the group all the rookies should idolize (like Teen Top :lol:) and learn from. big bang's in their own league, they're definitely not the same as all the other idol groups.. but GD's being so humble about it. i think they've already established and proved how they should be considered as artists. as a group, Big Bang is invincible. individually, each member can still do amazingly well with each of their own and different talent. i love that about them, there's just no other group like these 5 biggrin.gif



Big Bang have finally toppled SG Wannabe and are now the top selling artists of all time on Cyworld.

#1 on the artist chart in the Hall Of Fame! a0025780_4d76d12ccd8f0.jpg

They broke a years old record. 

cr: flibbertigibbet@6theoryforum

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Cyworld Hall of Fame: Honour Artist Chart-Bigbang is No.1

This means they have the most download units in cyworld history.

They have reached the platinum status a long time ago but today

they're No.1 and they're the only "idol" group in the top 20


cr:cyworld hall of fame

Taken from bbvipz

Congrats again^^

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That was a long interview but yes worthy of every second i spared to read that.

GD: We've been proud of the fact that we were known for our music first and it has been what makes us work harder.

There were a lot of quotable quotes but i had to only quote one and this statement from GD summarized why each of us are here rooting for them. For someone who've seen the mid of HOT,height of Shinhwaand the birth of DBSK it took me a long time

to be this smitten by a single group. I am so proud that i chose BIGBANG and it wasnt even the whole

package of them being hot or cute XDDD lol it was really the music that moved me and made me

stan them so hard.

I love that TOP mentioned about those charts it just goes to show that what they care about is their

music and how it moves people. Another thing is GD's idea of releasing blogs for their songs.THAT PLEASE!

i could not agree more that people's choice of music genre is pretty much dependent on their moods

so i like that experimental thing GD is up to!

p.s TOP idk if KPOP is MYSTERIOUS haha but there's something about KPOP that draws public eye and i have to say Korean entertainment is really good w/ branding.

Anyhow to cut this short the whole interview is a


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I don't think I can express how I feel about big bang in a word better than: RESPECT. I have mad respect for the sincerity, humbleness, determination, commitment, perseverance, talent, insight etc etc. There is seriously nothing better than a big bang interview to read. i feel like I learn from them, how I should approach my goals and what I want to achieve. The are just beyond their age. Their interview answers are always so mature.

Maybe they have some kind of bank where they store all these beautiful quotes because some of the things they say...it's like they're responding directly to their fans and in a single line, they can ease us of any concern.

Congrats to the boys for the Cyworld achievement. Well deserved.


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CGV and Big Bang launch the “Big Bang Combo”!


CGV Multiplex Cinemas and popular group Big Bang have met to launch a product together.

14 major CGV movie theaters will sell 2000 limited sets of a “Big Bang combo” as a commemoration for the release of their 4th mini-album.

CGV Kangbyun, Yeong deung po, Yong San, Wang Sipri, Myungdong, Kangnam, Incheon, Suwon, Ilsan, Jukjeon, Daejeon, Gwangju terminal, Daegu, the combo can be purchased at all of those places.

The “Big Bang Combo” will bring popcorn, two drinks, a Tonight mini-album, and a Big Bang poster. The first 100 sets will bring posters autographed by Big Bang themselves.

(omitted irrelevant part)

Source: Nate

Translated: alee @ ibigbang

shared yet? 

NIKON with YG Family - A Shot A Day PV

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[iNTERVIEW] Boy band Big Bang - Part 1

*quoted image*

Taeyang: I think it's dangerous to let ourselves stay who our fans want us to be as our fandom gets bigger because we'll be inclined to think we must do that. But what I want is on the other side so limitations will form to the music that I want to do. That's why I think we'll be able to show how we've improved by doing what we want to rather than mind fandom too much.

T.O.P: It's not like we have a huge goal or that we're heading for something but we're in an environment where we can easily get trapped inside the structure of being idols in Korea. That's why I'm hoping we'll become a group that'll show a lot of things without being trapped inside that, do music that people really want even if we're idols and resolve dissatisfactions and serve substitute satisfaction by listening to us.

T.O.P: I don't think we get a lot of hits on YouTube because we're famous. I rather think it's that our individual activities such as Taeyang's solo album or GD&TOP's duo unit album has stirred curiosity of our music amongst people overseas.

GD: We've been proud of the fact that we were known for our music first and it has been what makes us work harder. The reason we have more fun with promoting our album or just working these days is that we're inclined to work harder because we're under the determination that this album could go to any country.

GD: What I've always envied about music markets overseas is that whether a really popular artist releases an album for the first time in a while or posts up a song he has made with his friends for the first time in a month, they're all considered real music. But in our country, groups like us need to promote big at least once every year. I wish I could just let our fans listen to more music on a more regular basis, like if I come up with a song today, I would record it today and post it up tomorrow.

Taeyang: It's like the concept of mix tapes. I love how we can just record what we felt like making that day. And I'm hoping that the Korean music industry will change in a way that we can go beyond just enjoying such music by ourselves and share it. I think it's a good thing for an idol group with a certain amount of influence that makes music to do that.

GD: Under the current system in Korea, even music that wasn't made for commercial purposes end up becoming so. Even music that we make without a particular purpose will become commercial music when promoted big. Everyone wants to listen to different music depending on the genre or their mood so I'm sure it would be fun for them to be able to have choices if we make and upload songs about how we felt at certain moments. I don't like how you always have to wait for an album for so long, then get sick of it after listening to that album so many times and then wait for a new one to come out. I feel bad for my fans as well. So we're preparing events using blogs or other medium to change that starting this year. I'm sure there'll be a lot of changes if they wait for us just a little bit more.

T.O.P: It's a shame that people evaluate and go wild over artists based on how their songs rank on charts. How they think they have defeated someone else based on that chart. I don't think we dwell on that anymore.

I always enjoyed reading

interviews about the guys.

They are among that small number

of korean artistes who will really talk

abou k-pop & music in so much depth & passion.

I love how they wanted to show themselves

as musicians/artistes rather than

idols who everyone blindly go crazy on.

They wanted the people to be crazy

about their music,their passion,love & sincerity for it,

rather than their image or

personality onscreen. :wub:

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Guest shinhdeplol





Awhhh Seungri fixed TOP's bow :wub:

source: http://www.sbs.co.kr

shared by: gilbakk75 @ ameblo

Taeyang went shopping @ MCM????


빅뱅(BIGBANG) 태양이 MCM 청담 매장을 방문했습니다. 멀리서도 한눈에 알아볼 수 있는 태양! 이날 스타일리더의 안목으로 MCM 페노메논의 힙색, 반지갑, 벨트와 바지를 구매했다고 합니다. #fb http://twitpic.com/47olki


C: MCM KOREA's twitter // 권부장

Nice belt ^^

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Guest juang_bb

^grrr..i couldn't find the adorable Taeyang,YG & GD gif from GDTV for that fanart >.>

Melon Music Story:

I think Bigbang is awarded by Melon for topping the weekly chart with Tonight

& for having all the tracks in the TOP 10 of weekly chart

*quoted image*


Taken from bbvipz

congrats to the boys & thank you to kvips for their support^^

I hope someone can translate what the MELON STORY says because i've been reading in BBVIPZ that this is another FIRST in MELON's HISTORY? they're saying its the first time ever that ALL SONGS from an album made it to the TOP10 of Melon's Weekly Chart.

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