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Guest mindphase.net

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

lol whatt heroine you're craze. He's got like a pedosmile!

lolol dats actually the first thing dat I got in my mind

EDIT: ooh btw theres a big as sale my mate said its mostly shoes, last yr, this year as well I guess:


for those of u who's into shoes (:

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Guest Keiyun

lol whatt heroine you're craze. He's got like a pedosmile!

Or maybe I just dislike him because of his japanese hairstyle.. :P

Do you listen to Japanese music? It's way too perky/squeaky for me.

What are you listening to O_O Hahahaha xD Jpop is a thousand times more diverse than Kpop ever will be since the market is so much bigger, and only a tiny fraction of the market is perky squeaky music, like some anime theme songs and maybe AKB48 + co. In my opinion, the production quality of Jpop will never be matched by Kpop xD

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

wuut but akb48 is so goooooooooooooood

nah they r jst unique, but their songs r pretty mini cooper.

I personally prefer kpop for pop stuff, but for Rock japan is definitely the shiz, their Visual Kei bands are rly rly rly rly good.

unfortunately, British n American song still dominates everyone :D :D :D :D :D

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Guest xXTaeYangXx

sup kiwis eny1 heading ova aus for that kpop concert? :unsure: lyf has no meaning without k pop so y no concert hea at NZ <_<

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Guest ultrabunny

sup kiwis eny1 heading ova aus for that kpop concert? :unsure: lyf has no meaning without k pop so y no concert hea at NZ <_<

XxI'm n0t SHUR bUt I Fink iT wil B kEwL~xXxX

loooll.. this is the reason no one comes here anymore~

ANYWAY, jpop sucks. jrock sucks.

their hairstyles are ridiculous!! and they all have really ugly teeth.

british 90's alt rock is the best, and kpop is the best pop music!

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

loooll.. this is the reason no one comes here anymore~

no one comes here cuz kpop is getting too old n u guys r crazy fangirls...

LOL jk

ya mann y is no one here anymore?

we use to have heapz of new peeps coming in, is it really the death of kpop D: ???????

newayz... so........... whats up guys XD hows life XD

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Guest ultrabunny

haha nah its probs cus we all talk on facebook now.. its way easier. plus uni n shiz.

but speaking of which, did you and your gf break up? or did i not get the joke in your status update

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Lolz....... I just randomly decided to pop in here and I see emptiness x) I think its coz everyone's just REALLY  busy. I know I am.

And well, kpop's popularity is declining imo. You can't deny the fact that the music/groups they're promoting aren't exactly the best. You only get the good ones here and there once in a while.

You see a lot of repetition in style and songs with the new groups, and so you get the feeling that you've already heard it and are just not interested.

Plus, not all "older" groups that we love have been coming back with new promotions recently.

And we all decided to grow up and stop being crazy fangirls/fanboys xDD

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

Lolz....... I just randomly decided to pop in here and I see emptiness x) I think its coz everyone's just REALLY  busy. I know I am.

mm yea thx for reminding to study soon :P

well this sem is pretty fail, I pretty much did nothing, no idea how I passed my tests lol.

n i dunno how this is even possible, but there r sakura TREES (with an s so not jst one tree lol) down at one tree hill.

was pretty cool,  but I thought they only grow in Japan??

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Guest ultrabunny

^ Nope theres lots of Sakura trees in NZ. Infact, the national flower of Japan isn't even the Sakura - it's the chrysanthunusmudfmfm (yanno that word)



Firstly, I wanna say that SNSD is my favourite girls band - so in no way am I a hater (if I could be sooyoung my life would be complete~)


I just don't think it's gunna do well. I mean, people in western countries that already like Kpop are gunna listen to it, but their english is far from fluent so I think to most westerners it's not gunna be taken seriously..

Also like, SNSD are sooo korean looking. And Korean beauty is like, completly different than western beauty. So IDK I hope they don't play the yoona/seohyun card because it's not going to go down so well with us whitez~

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^ Nope theres lots of Sakura trees in NZ. Infact, the national flower of Japan isn't even the Sakura - it's the chrysanthunusmudfmfm (yanno that word)



Firstly, I wanna say that SNSD is my favourite girls band - so in no way am I a hater (if I could be sooyoung my life would be complete~)


I just don't think it's gunna do well. I mean, people in western countries that already like Kpop are gunna listen to it, but their english is far from fluent so I think to most westerners it's not gunna be taken seriously..

Also like, SNSD are sooo korean looking. And Korean beauty is like, completly different than western beauty. So IDK I hope they don't play the yoona/seohyun card because it's not going to go down so well with us whitez~

LOL I'm an SNSD fan too, and from the time I heard that they were releasing an English version, my thought was "Ohhh no..."

Teaser was disappointing too. Seriously, I just don't like Teddy Riley's style. No idea why SM hired him. >_> Yep, I'm hoping for an epic song, but from the teaser... not happening. :( And the English lyrics... SO CORNY. OML. ;_;

I don't particularly like 2NE1, but they're very likely to succeed in the US imo. Their English versions sound... right? Like nothing feels shoehorned in or anything. The way they speak is quite natural too, especially CL.

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Guest ultrabunny

^ yeah totally, CL doesn't sound engrish at all. And 2NE1 have a distinct sound and i dont think they'll change that.

this john teshin SNSD song doesnt even sound like SNSD. Just because you're releasing a song in the US doesn't mean you have to become a rainbow.

and its sooooooooooooooooooooooo engrish omg lol im so sad :(

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

lolol its not dat Engrish.

anyways they r pretty hawt as usual LOLS.

but the music is just gay. I agree wif u it doesnt even sound like snsd (comparing it wif the Gee era since dats the last song I heard frm them XD)

imo to succeed in 2011 in America you will need something that has a clubby feeling or at least really dancy.

cuz like almost every single European  music now has the element of electro/trance/dance.

anyways did WG succeed? they went international rite?

 well yoobin isnt da typical cute korean LOL I mean shes one of the rare breed of sexy tan korean so yea <3

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I've only heard of the Korean version, coz my internet is PAINFULLY slow, but tbh, I don't think its THAT bad. Iono. Maybe its coz everyone's been saying how horrible it is, I've expected the worst.

If we're comparing what SNSD has been promoting before (Gee, Genie, Oh!) then yes, I agree that the concept/style of the song is very different and not very SNSD-like.

But as a song, is it really that bad? I don't think so. The rap chorus was a bit wtf o_O But purely the versus by themselves I reckon sounded ok. As a whole song, the bad and the good together, its not a great song, but its not as bad as everyone's been commenting imo. I was quite surprised when Jessica said G.G. O_O I was like, "Good God??????????" Afterwards, I realised they might have been trying to say "Girls Generation", but its a really bad pun. 

The random walking with the rose petals at the beginning of the MV was a bit wtf. I reckon that could've been deleted. I don't understand how it relates to the actual song at all, apart from the whole 'princess/beauty gracing their presence in rose petals'. But it still doesn't really go together imo.


Okay, just listened to English version. The Engrish is bad. Full stop. I had to concentrate and listen to it twice before I got about 80% of it. I reckon SNSD could've practiced their lines more. No idea why they didn't do that, actually.

Based on your comments, I don't understand what exactly it is that you guys don't like so much about this song though =\ Could you elaborate?? (To the people who are saying how bad and horrible it is.)

Imo, you can't judge the song with a complete kpop standard, especially in the case of SNSD whom previously had mostly had a cute-sexy-cute image. Which is the impression I get from your comments. SNSD is obviously trying to get into another market. Their attempt isn't the greatest, but its not that bad.

Besides, its been composed by an American composer. Even if he considered incorporating kpop elements, its obvious he was gonna make it catered to the American style.

((Sorry about the long post. Did not intend to make it this long))

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

especially in the case of SNSD whom previously had mostly had a cute-sexy-cute image. Which is the impression I get from your comments. SNSD is obviously trying to get into another market. Their attempt isn't the greatest, but its not that bad.

I dun think they shud change their style... I mean we listen to a certain group cuz they r unique, they do THIS, and vice versa, when we hear/see THIS, we know it must be them. its wat defines them. If they change style... well theres always dat risk of new people loving them, and current fans disliking them.

 I don't understand what exactly it is that you guys don't like so much about this song though =\ Could you elaborate??

Their song makes me wanna boogie, that song didnt, lulz.

Actually only Girls generation and Gee does, but then again I only like those 2 songs.

plus imo kpop is just getting mini cooper in general no offense lulz.

they lack style, everyone sounds the same.

except 2NE1. I guess they are the Epik high of this generation.

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Guest ultrabunny

^ what he said.

I guess as a westerner I listen to KPOP artists like SNSD and 2NE1 because I like their style, their music.

But this ... isn't them. This is them trying to be American. But It just comes off a little try-hard. Which is like, even worse!

PEOPLE ALREADY LIKE SNSD. All they had to do was keep doing what they were doing but in english! I MEAN THERES ALREADY ENGLISH LYRICS FOR RUN DEVIL RUN. How could they john tesh this up srsly!!!

But then again Hoot wasn't that great, and that Bad Girl PV was like.. the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


Now I'm just hoping 2ne1 doesn't sellout.

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^^ ^ I understand where you're coming from. You liked SNSD because of what their concept brought to the stage, and thus their songs. I get that.

But isn't it a little too much to assume that they'll continue with that concept/image (cute-sexy-catchy-girly) for their whole (idol) career as SNSD?? I mean, everyone grows and matures. Because they started young, that particular image they've introduced and taken by storm, worked. But as they grow up, the image has gotta eventually mature with them. If it doesn't, people will eventually think that they're "try hards" or whatever, trying to take the younger-late-teens market or stay in that market, despite their age.

We kinda saw this with Hoot. Hoot wasn't exactly a huge change, but you could see that they were trying to tap into other types of songs.

Sure, this attempt with The Boys isn't exactly the breakthrough change that people may have hoped for, nor is it great. But next time, when they promote the next album/mini etc, (hopefully), they'll have improved from what they are now.

And btw, I COMPLETELY AGREE with you (ultrabunny) with the Bad Girl PV. I was utterly disappointed with the quality of the PV from start to end. I never liked Bad Girl from the beginning, but usually PVs can change your mind about a song (good to bad or bad to good). With Bad Girl, it was bad to VERY BAD.

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