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[Drama 2010] Smile Mom 웃어요 엄마


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whats happening to BM & ML life is what they deserved actually, its their bad deeds. YW is the appropriate man to support her right now, as she is starting a new life. seriously is something getting on YW mother mind now she is all crazy about her young lover I still find it inappropriate love.

the funny thing about the drama is SY brother and his wife, they're giving us a cheerful atmosphere with such a dark drama.

Really, the writer just refuse to give YW's mother a break. I thought now she's out of that cradle-robbing-relationship she would channel her energy into writing a book or something .... But what's this??? Instead of writing the story on paper she's writing it in her mind and actually living it!!!! Argh!!! What a loser. She's been a loser since her very first introduction. She's a mess with her family, she's a mess at her job (having such scandalous relationship on the job at that!), she's a mess with her love life (loving a man she could have literally given birth to) and now she's a mess in her mind (because she is disenchanted she's now becoming psychotic and violent). 

Oh boy, I may not like this character but dang, doesn't she needs a break! unsure.gif

BTW - I'm enjoying SY & YW, they're too cute.

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Guest IloveFall

Really, the writer just refuse to give YW's mother a break. I thought now she's out of that cradle-robbing-relationship she would channel her energy into writing a book or something .... But what's this??? Instead of writing the story on paper she's writing it in her mind and actually living it!!!! Argh!!!

I agree. I think some of the characters here are just over the top like YW's mother and Bomi. I mean, the plot lines are just TOO MUCH to be realistic. Going way overboard IMO!

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I agree. I think some of the characters here are just over the top like YW's mother and Bomi. I mean, the plot lines are just TOO MUCH to be realistic. Going way overboard IMO!

i thought this is supposed to be a makjang drama much in the lines of temptation of wives etc ... so realistic is the last thing you would expect of the plot?

i like yoon jung hee so i was planning to watch this but haven't gotten around to it. not sure if it's her hair or what ... but she doesn't come off as attractive as she looks in other drama photos/screen caps.

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Guest IloveFall

i thought this is supposed to be a makjang drama much in the lines of temptation of wives etc ... so realistic is the last thing you would expect of the plot?

i like yoon jung hee so i was planning to watch this but haven't gotten around to it. not sure if it's her hair or what ... but she doesn't come off as attractive as she looks in other drama photos/screen caps.

Really? I didn't know that. It's still a bit too much for me. Bomi's obsessive behavior is, at times, too much to watch.

Oh, and I totally agree about YJH. She was so plain in the beginning when she was married to MoRoo but right after her divorce they cut her hair even shorter and she had this weird eye-liner. As if she was absolutely "transformed" into this wronged-vixen seeking revenge -just because of more eyeliner. <_< And the look didn't really suit her.

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Guest lelaina

Haha. eyeliner seems to be the device they use to show that the women have changed. I think Dal Leh's eyeliner has become more prominent too. Still, the upcoming episodes, judging from the BTS photos (the one in the grey dress), YJH looks lovely and, from some angles, the look seems to me to channel Ha Dan Ah a little. :)

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English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun

16-Feb-2011 00:24am

간만에 사진방출^^ 시크...도도..스타일리시 쩡~…………

Posting photos in the trend^^ chic.......surging…style receiving.......


여러분 다들 진정한 새해에 복 많이들 받고계시져?

Believe all of you must have received lots of prosperities in this New Year.

최근에 드라마에서 본격적인 러브라인에

Recently the serial has officially forged into love plot,

키스신까지 너무 과속스캔들로 진행되다 보니

even taken the kissing scene, from the development of the accelerating rumours,

기사에 이것저것 정리할게 있어서 뜸~~~~~~~~~~했어요 ^^;

it is necessary for me to tidy up the report, I went for ~~~~~~ acupuncture ^^;

이해해 주실거죠?

Can everyone understand?

얼마전 양주에서 칼바람 맞으며 촬영이 있었어요

Not long ago, there was a shooting at Yang Ju, required to undergo cold breeze,

함께 동행하며 찍은 현장사진 방출합니다^^

I have gone there with them and now I will be posting that scene photos^^

언제나 따스한 봄날이 올까요 후후

The warm Spring will sure to come, huhu


전이날 사실 다시 영하로 뚝떨어지는 날씨에 만반의 준비를하고 두둑한 야상점퍼에 중무장을 하고갔었어요

In fact, I have made a complete preparation, wore thick and heavy coat, fully armed to fight against the lower than zero degree, extreme cold weather.

하지만 배우들은 따뜻하게 안방에서 드라마보는 시청자들을 위해 시즌에 맞는 옷을 입다보니

But the actors and actresses have to put on the clothing to conform the required season for the viewers watching the serial indoor,

안쓰럽기 그지 없져....그래도 전 옆에서 "참아야 해요~~"하는 위로의 말밖에 못건네여,,,ㅠ

Sympathize us?...... but only the words 『you have to tolerate~~』came to my ears ,,,,woowoo

그래도 이거 팬카페에 올릴거예용 하니까 저리 싱그럽게 웃어주네요~^

I have to squeeze out my smile because I want to post the photos to Fan Cafe~^


간만에 익살스럽게 웃는 우리 배우 ㅋㅋ

Aren’t our actors amusing keke

손시려 주머니 손!! 하고

Hands were so cold, the hands put in pocket!! Also

심각한 진우님 뒤에서 메롱 한번 날리심

Making fun behind of the serious Jin-Wu


추운 로비에서 반팔 원피스를 !!

In the icy-cold hall, wearing a short sleeves dress!!

어깨부분에 셔링이 흐트러 질까봐 외투도 못입고 거의 30분을 넘게 -,.-

For almost 30 minutes, I couldn’t put on the coat because I didn’t want to crumble and mess up the folded sleeves-,.-

에휴 안쓰러웠지만 이쁘게 나올려면 참아야,,,ㅠ

Aiyo! Although quite pitiful but I must tolerate, so that I could beautifully perform,,, woowoo

드뎌 짜안~~이렇게 촬영을 무사히 마쳤습니다.

Finally it was done ~~ finished this shooting smoothly.

리뷰가 괘얀았나요?^^;

After reviewing, It looked fine^^;

다들 추운데 감기조심하시고

The weather was very cold, be careful and don’t catch cold,

우리 날 풀리면 곧 또 만나면 좋겟어요^^

We will meet again after the weather turn better^^


Good Night~~~!

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Guest lucky_moon

I love YW :wub: we are already at ep31 excl.gif

DL younger sister seems from another woman as her father took her to visit her in cemetery but she doesnt know and told her its a friend. SY brother wife's is pregnant, she is overacting and so protective makes even her mother in law feel that its burden since the beginning :lol: YW is hallucinating her young lover as her ex husband :huh: the doctor told BM that she cant have baby normally and its hard. BM read an announcement on the newspaper about a missing child with a necklace (its hers) :vicx: when she was going to call it turns to be SY number, she went to visit YR but the aunt didnt let her in (dunno what will happen when she knew abt BM true identity) :wacko: SY did well when she was so fierce toward ML & BM, he couldnt stand how bold she become. the scene we saw it at ep1 with DL getting an award its already here, they show it today :P the rich man got DL a very nice dog as a reward but DL is already in love with YW but he doesnt want to meet with her.

there is a woman who keep threatening DL for about the left accident her mother did, it makes DL crazy. DL broking and throwing the award in front of all the audience and throw herself.

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Guest lelaina

Gosh, tonight's episode was rather inconsistent with Episode 1 wasn't it? I thought Dal Leh's Cannes trophy slashing was supposed to be 2 years later and Yeon Wu and Shin Young were already supposed to be dating.

I heard from a friend that the Chinese forums have posted that tomorrow's episode is the one where Shin Young finally accepts Yeon Wu. About time! Yay! :D

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Guest lucky_moon

Ep32, so sweet SY, caring abt YW & finally the aunt secret reveal.

DL went around begging for forgiveness and ask to take DL again, she is more worried about DL carrier than her daughter health, YW & SY went to visit DL but ML didnt let them and also the rich man hit YW. YW mother is getting more crazy with her younger lover, he cant leave her side at all <_< ML went to SY house drunk and was talking nonsense they asked BM to come to get him as she was at the rich man office asking him to help DL. BM wasnt happy with ML laying down and they only seeing him, but SY father ended her nagging by pouring the water into ML. YW helping SY with her campaign while BM is setting up the new office for ML. someone steal the papers she had in her bags and so YW followed that man, he got him and the papers too, she told him its doesnt matter the paper but she care about him, he told her he is happy that she is worried about him & she called him for the first time with his name, it turns out to be that the man have been sent by BM. everyone is cheering on SY on her family. on the cafe SY aunt saw BM with a man, she sat behind to her what they are talking about, so it finally happens and reveals, she took the papers from BM and ran away to the rooftop where she followed her and in the middle of fighting SY aunt saw BM necklace and fall off, they both on the hospital but SY aunt wake up first she went to check again on BM who is sleeping next to her, she check her pruse to see the ad for the missing child, she then compare her necklace to BM's one and was speechless with the result, they are the same :blink:

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Guest lelaina

Episode 32!

I'm so happy that Shin Young finally takes the initiative to hug Yeon Wu and calls him by his name for the first time. That was a short but really sweet scene. Hopefully this means they are now a couple.

And I thought it was also really sweet that he saw that her shoes would kill her during the campaigning process and bought her a proper pair of walking shoes. How sweet is that?

Wonder what's going to happen now that the aunt confirms that Bo Mi really is her daughter?

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