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[Drama 2010] Smile Mom 웃어요 엄마


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Guest lelaina

I have a horrible feeling that Bo Mi is going to turn out to be the long lost daughter of Shin Young's aunt and, thus, is actually Shin Young's cousin. The number of confrontations between BM and the aunt seem to foreshadow that.

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Happy birthday wishes to one of South Korea's national treasures, Im Ye Jin! (The aunt who had her daughter taken away.) Long ago, she was The "Moon Geun Yung" of the 70's. So happy that she still graces us with her presense. At 51, she is still so child-like in many regards. In L.A, we are about about seven or eight episodes into this one. (The only episode I've seen, so I need to catch up. ;) ) Last night her character was crying and drinking over not ever being to celebrate her daughters birthday with her. She wasn't the only welling up over that scene... :tears:

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I have a horrible feeling that Bo Mi is going to turn out to be the long lost daughter of Shin Young's aunt and, thus, is actually Shin Young's cousin. The number of confrontations between BM and the aunt seem to foreshadow that.

I think you are right.. It will be so interesting to see how both will react when they finally know the truth.

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Thank you for posting the episode summaries and pics! I'm in the States and the show just started a few weeks ago.  Initially I was turned off by the dramatics, but this show is starting to grow on me especially the storyline with Shin-Young.  And after going through the summaries here I think I'll continue to stick around.  Can anyone tell me what's else is currently happening with the other storylines?  I'm curious about the professor and the grad assistant?  And what about Shin-Young's brother and the spoiled girl?  

[spoilers welcome!!! ]


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Guest IloveFall

I have a horrible feeling that Bo Mi is going to turn out to be the long lost daughter of Shin Young's aunt and, thus, is actually Shin Young's cousin. The number of confrontations between BM and the aunt seem to foreshadow that.

I think you're right. In yesterday's episode (we're a little behind here in the States), the aunt was sad again so she was sitting outside looking up at the sky saying, "kashi, I hope wherever you are, you're happy and you're a good person and people are being nice to you, etc etc" then the VERY NEXT SEEN is a shot of Bomi at her home stewing about MooRo's mom. I thought it was a pretty obvious reference!!

It'll be sad to see that play out though. Everyone is going to have a lot of regrets!

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Gosh, looks like the love triangle (or quadrangle) is really going to become more complicated soon.

Rich older man has a thing for Dah-leh....... who is in love with Yon-Woo......who is obviously already in love with Shin Young( just watch how he always look at her, and always feeling happy and smiling)  .....getting really interesting.

I don't think Yon Woo has ever really loved Dah-Leh. What he feels for her is love and concern for a younger sister....he is always the older brother looking out for his younger sister.....He has always said that he has never experienced complete love,especially from his mother...and with the dirty blood inherited from his father.... he is not capable of loving ...and will never marry/be with a woman as this will be a tragedy. 

But this is so not true....just look at the way he takes care of his sister.....and Dah leh and his care for his mother when she had a sprain.....  

And especially now.....with Shin Young....he is such a gentle and considerate man. And he is so good with Yoo-Ra.

These two will take some time before getting together. Yon Woo will have to overcome his insecurities. And Shin Young will have to get over that scumbag husband. Especially Shin Young.....the two most important men in her live...her father and husband ...all never really loved her for who she really is.....and the obstacle to her achieving her potential...... Now that she has gain her independence and starting a new career.......will she live in the shadow of another man again ? 

Looking forward to Shin Young and Yon Woo's love story.  

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Guest lelaina

Yeah, I also think Yeon Wu has obviously fallen for Shin Young. Actually, I think he was always subconsciously attracted by her - when she stood up to him over Moh Ruh, when she stayed in the rain the entire time for the sake of her husband etc. And the scene where Yeon Wu dragged her out of the path of the oncoming motorbike (when Shin Young rushed out of the pharmacy), Yeon Wu's first instinct was to hug her close. You could see the shock on his face at his own action too and he quickly pushed her away before she could notice anything.

I don't think Shin Young will ever live in Yeon Wu's shadow though - the other 2 men (her dad and Moh Ruh) expected her to be subservient and compliant and also saw her as being subservient and compliant. If my interpretation is correct, Yeon Wu was attracted to her by the independent and steely streak he saw in her and he is always encouraging her to be her own person. I hope they DO get together - because they would make a lovely couple!

I feel sorry for Dal Reh though, but she is honestly better off without Yeon Wu. She also deserves a man who loves her and I think that the boss does love her. I don't think he's that old (even if the actor looks older), he is said to be the heir apparent to his dad's business empire. Yeon Wu clearly treats her only as a younger sister - I mean, he couldn't bring himself to kiss her even when she offered herself to be kissed. Talk about a humiliating experience - the poor girl is deluding herself that the guy will ever see her as anything more than a younger sister.

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