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April 29, 2010

Hwang Soo-jeong to make big screen comeback this year

Reporter.Park So-yoen Editor.Lynn Kim


Korean actress Hwang Soo-jung in 2007 TV series "Salt Doll" [sBS]

Korean actress Hwang Soo-jeong will be making a comeback to the big screen, taking on her first acting project in two years.

In a phone call with Asia Economic Daily on Thursday, an official at the film's production company Albino Entertainment explained that the actress has been cast in the film [tentatively titled] "The Most Beautiful Picnic In The World," which will go into shoot tomorrow.

The film, which co-stars Korean actor Choi Cheol-ho, is based on the real-life story of pastor Nam Sang-soo who went thru extreme trials as his wife fell ill while pregnant with their second child.

Hwang, 37, has appeared in several notable television dramas including "Huh Joon" (MBC, 1999) and "Four Sisters" (MBC, 2001). She also starred in the 2008 film "Night And Day", directed by noted filmmaker Hong Sang-soo.

"Picnic" is scheduled for release at the end of the year.

Reporter : Park So-yoen muse@ Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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April 29, 2010

Jang-Koh wedding talk of town

The wedding of Korea’s “Hollywood” couple -- Jang Dong-gun and Koh So-young -- set for this weekend is the talk of the town and even expected to freeze film shootings.


Actor Jang Dong-gun and actress Koh So-young in a pre-wedding photo. AM Entertainment

The high-profile ceremony, off-limits to the public and press, will take place on Sunday at the Shilla Hotel. The wedding ceremony is speculated to cost around 1 billion won ($900,000), an extravagant affair by any standard. The couple has reportedly advised fellow actors to enter the ceremony gates alone -- without their managers.

Only the 500 invited guests will be allowed to pass through the tight security to enter the wedding hall.

The reason for all the privacy and security -- that exceeds even what Prince Charles and Lady Diana ordered in 1981 -- is because, according to sources, the couple wished to be a “regular” man and woman exchanging sacred vows to set sail on a “beautiful” new path together.

The frenzy triggered by most top-star weddings has made the ceremony grounds chaotic, to the point of obstructing the entry of the bride and groom. Some have even resulted in accidents and injuries with all the tabloid reporters, paparazzi and ecstatic fans pushing and shoving for a glimpse and a photo.

Observers say they predict droves of reporters will rush to the site to fight for a scoop on the official unification of Jang and Koh, dubbed by the local media as the “wedding of the century.” To prevent a riot, Jang and Koh have said they will have a separate photo shoot opportunity after the ceremony to cater to media needs.

The union of Jang and Koh, who is three-months pregnant, is expected to follow a string of spring star weddings this year.

According to a survey conducted by Sin Sung International Marriages from April 5-27, 66.3 percent, or 298, of the total of 449 polled individuals from the general public chose Jang and Koh as the most highly recognized marriage to watch for, while the marriage of singer Tablo and his actress wife Kang Hye-jung ranked second with 23.3 percent.

By Yoo Soh-jung (sohjung@heraldm.com) koreaherald.com

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April 29, 2010

"My Dear Desperado" is not a romantic comedy or comedy

Reporter.Lee Ji-Hye Editor.Lucia Hong Photographer.Lee Jin-hyuk


Actor Park Joong-hoon, actress Jung Yu-mi and director Kim Kwang-sik at the press conference

for "My Dear Desperado" [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

The smell of shellfish soup cooking fills the room and a red light shines on the stack of soju and beer bottles in the refrigerator. However, it is not a bar rather it is the set for the briefing for the movie. The briefing for the movie "My Dear Desperado" was held at a cart bar near Apgujeong because actor Park Joong-hoon wanted to "have a shot of soju while introducing the movie." The brave yet jobless Sae-jin (played by Jung Yu-mi) and Dong-chul (played by Park Joong-hoon) the neighborhood gangster who lacks bravery and always gets beaten up are semi-basement one room neighbors. The two people who look like they would never get along, come together at a nearby snack shop to eat ramen and become close after having a drink together in their room. The audience can see the two people come together when the movie "My Dear Desperado" opens in theaters on May 20. Below are the excerpts from the press conference for the film "My Dear Desperado" attended by director Kim Kwang-sik, actor Park Joong-hoon and actress Jung Yu-mi.

10: The storyline of a gangster and a person preparing for a job living together in a basement room is as unusual as the film's title "My Dear Desperado."

Kim Kwang-sik (Kim): I have a college friend who has been distressed of not having a job even after getting his master's and doctorate degree. So I had my mind set on making this movie to console my friend. I wanted to give a bit of hope for those in the same situation as my friend, showing that they are not alone and that someone is there for them.

Park Joong-hoon (Park): Sae-jin is the exemplary person, someone with all good qualifications to get a good job, including having graduated from a decent school. She just hasn't been able to get a job because of the economical condition. And it's what the reality we are living in is actually like too. It's actually hard in reality for someone like her to meet an older small-time gangster but what's appealing about the movie is how the two people miraculously open up their hearts to each other. It would seem less unexpected if they had been people who are likely to meet but the process of how Dong-chul and Sae-jin meet was unique too.


Left to right: Park Joong-hoon and Jung Yu-mi answering questions at the press conference

for "My Dear Desperado" [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

10: This is the first time the two of you are working together. What was your first impression of the other person?

Jung Yu-mi (Jung): When I first met Park, I thought 'Wow! It's Park Joong-hoon!' (laugh) But there wasn’t anything else in particular after that because he treated me with much ease. When we were acting together and he is Dong-chul I don't feel any difficulty but when filming is over and we are taking a break and I see him I feel 'Oh! It's Park Joong-hoon!' and I'm amazed once again. (laugh)

Park: I had thought Jung is the kind of actress who was abundant with emotions after seeing her roles in "The Birth of a Family" and "Like You Know It All." And from what I heard about her from people in the film business, she is from a fourth dimension and lives in a world of her own so I was half worried and half excited to meet her but I realized that I hadn't seen an actress with such clear eyes. During the first day of filming I told her 'your eyes are so clear' and after spending time with her I found out she was free-spirited. Because of our 17 year age difference, I was worried whether the audience would view our relationship as a man and a woman instead of us being uncle and niece. It was good to see that after working with each other for a while the twenty something year old Jung was energetic and had her own energy about her.

10: Even though your characters are a couple in the movie, the special video shows that there isn't much physical affection between you two. (laugh)

Jung: There aren’t that many affectionate scenes. There are a couple scenes but we shouldn't reveal it since there are only a few. (laugh)

Park: The affectionate scene in our movie is so lovable, that we shot it in a very innocent form. (laugh) It's awkward for even us actors to look into each other's eyes all misty-eyed and start kissing away. But in our film "Desperado" it is very loving and beautiful.

10: Park Joong-hoon, I heard you lost six kilograms for your role.

Park: I don't think there is a need to brag about it because actors are always losing and gaining weight for their roles. Rather than that, the hard part was darkening my skin. My skin is light but I was at a loss because I had to go to the tanning salon for about three to four months. I think the audience will be unfamiliar with who I am appearance-wise because I had to cut my hair short, grow my mustache, lose weight and darken my skin.

10: Park Joong-hoon has played the gangster role in several movies now. Was that one of the reasons for casting him for this role? (laugh)

Kim: I didn't want a pretty boy to play the role of a third-rate gangster and I thought that Park matched the role, to the point where I couldn't cast someone who was uglier than him. (laugh) I thought that someone like Park who has character and humor can relay empathy to the audience.

Park: I have played the role of an inspector five times, a gangster three times, and a bully seven or eight times. But it will be the first time since 2000 that I'm playing the role of a gangster. (laugh) I think the audience will open their hearts for a third-rate person loser instead of a distinguished person. For the movie "Haeundae" I played a geologist and no one believed me when I said a tsunami was coming so I quit that job and hit the streets to become a gangster. (laugh)


Director Kim Kwang-sik at the press conference

for "My Dear Desperado" [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

10: The video revealing your character Dong-chul did a good job in revealing the day-to-day life of a gangster, almost as if it was the real thing. Have you ever done anything gangster-like in your own life?

Park: When actors take on a role, they become that character in real life. In the movie, my character Dong-chul is angry and while we were filming the movie my family and people around me were afraid of me. I was sharp and filled with anger for two to three months. I think if I play a soft role I will become soft and if I am playing someone who is harsh, I will be harsh.

10: Your character Sae-jin is someone who failed at finding a job. In your real life, have you ever failed during an interview or an audition?

Jung: I haven't gone to that many auditions. I was lucky when I made my debut and I had been to several auditions but the most memorable audition was for the series movie "Voice Letter." The whole audition was impressive. The audition was held at a closed school in the country region for one night and two days. However, I didn't make it. (laugh)

10: In the movie Dong-chul and Sae-jin sort of live together because they are neighbors. What is your point of view on couples living together?

Jung: I haven't thought about it, so I don't really know. But if I find someone who I like, I might have to think about it. I will talk about it when I find someone.

Park: The common thought of the older generation in Korea would be that couples should live together after getting married. I think if I was in my twenties and had someone I liked I would live with them. After living together couples can decide if they want to get married or break up. I highly recommend that couples live together. (laugh)

10: Any final comments for the audience members who will see your film?

Park: I can't pinpoint the exact genre of the movie "Desperado" even after filming it. "Haeundae" belongs in the human blockbuster category and while some say "Desperado" is a romantic comedy, I don't think it could simply be called a comedy. You will understand why I said this after watching the movie.

Reporter : Lee Ji-Hye seven@ Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@ Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


From left, comedienne Kim Ji-sun speaks to actor Park Joong-hoon, actress Jung Yu-mi and director Kim Kwang-sik at a press conference for film "My Dear Desperado" held at a cart bar in Seoul, South Korea on April 27, 2010.


From left, actor Park Joong-hoon and actress Jung Yu-mi pose during a photo session of a press conference for film "My Dear Desperado" held at a cart bar in Seoul, South Korea on April 27, 2010.


Actor Park Joong-hoon poses during a photo session of a press conference for film "My Dear Desperado" held at a cart bar in Seoul, South Korea on April 27, 2010.


Actress Jung Yu-mi poses during a photo session of a press conference for film "My Dear Desperado" held at a cart bar in Seoul, South Korea on April 27, 2010.

Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@ Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

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April 29, 2010

Lee Plays With Fire, Ice in 'Poetry’

By Lee Hyo-won

Staff Reporter


Veteran actress Yun Jung-hie in a scene from "Poetry," Lee Chang-dong's latest film

which will compete for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival next month.

It will open in local theaters on May 13. / Courtesy of unikorea

Emily Dickinson once said, "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire ever can warm me I know that is poetry."

In his sixth feature film, "Poetry," which is set to compete at the Cannes Film Festival in May, Lee Chang-dong treats red-hot issues, ironically, with startling coolness. And the result? A shivering cold that numbs the heart and leaves a burning sting like hot ice.

Though the film is told through a relatively "softer" audiovisual language compared to his previous works, such as the emotional torpedo-inspiring "Secret Sunshine," it is no less riveting and visionary. The analogue quality of the film (figuratively speaking) _ which also runs (or rather, slowly strolls) for 2 hours and 20 minutes _ may not initially appeal to today’s audiences. Nevertheless, international festivals and art house cinemas will love it, and its poetically sparse language will translate for anyone willing to closely listen and feel the halting breaths in between.

Often the criteria for a good film lies in the unexpected, as the narrative unfolds in a mind-bending way with surprises that slap you in the face. But the director seems to leap nimbly over this convention. The intentions and actions of the heroine become clear half-a-step before they happen, but this is probably an indication that the character he has created through the veteran actress Yun Jeong-hie is true to life, complete with flesh and blood.

Yun called the venture her "second debut as an actress." Indeed, fans of the 1960s screen queen can forget the 300-plus films she has made before. Members of the younger generation who do not know her should have no problem at all _ everyone will be able to fall in love with probably one of the most memorable elder female characters in recent Korean cinema, alongside that of Kim Hye-ja in Bong Joon-ho’s "Mother."

The 65-year-old plays the role of Mi-ja (which also happens to be Yun’s real name), a grandmother raising her teenage grandson in place of her divorced daughter in a small suburban town. She tries her best to make ends meet, with the tiny government subsidy for the elderly and doing household chores for a neighbor. It’s not easy to lead a hand-to-mouth lifestyle, especially when dealing with a middle school boy (played by Lee Da-wit, who gives an impressive and natural performance) who locks himself in his room to tune into loud pop songs.

But Mi-ja nevertheless retains a childlike innocence and curiosity; her happiness in life is seeing food on her grandson’s plate, and she flaunts her taste for hats and floral print fluffy dresses and smiles bashfully when neighbors compliment her style. One day she sees a notice for a poetry-writing class at the local cultural center and decides to give it a try _ "My grade school teacher once said I could grow up to be a poet; I do love flowers and say some of the strangest things," she says.

Our heroine thus becomes immersed in the world of poetry, of finding beauty and charm in the mundane. She takes note of tree leaves blowing in the wind, trying to whisper things to her, or an apricot that has fallen from a tree which "has thrown itself onto the ground in preparation for its next life" and jots everything down in her notebook. Her goal is to write a piece of poetry, which she finds to be a most trying task. Mi-ja thus seeks out a poetry-reading club and befriends kindred spirits. But when Mi-ja learns of a shocking revelation, she must confront the ugly side of life, and moreover, take matters into her own hands.

The film makes a critical look into a family and society. But it is ultimately about the creative struggle and soul-searching process involved in maturing as an individual and as an artist _ to separate the individual that suffers from the mind that creates, to exemplify one’s culture but at the same time leap over the confines of self, time and space to create something new and named.

Lee and Yun both said they hope the film will instill dreams in the viewer; the shock factor is palpable, but "Poetry" shows that light will always cast dark shadows, and gloom is sometimes just the passing of a cloud overhead.

Coming to local theaters May 13

Credits: hyowlee@koreatimes.co.kr

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April 29, 2010

PIFF chairman Kim Dong-ho to serve as judge at Cannes

Reporter.Ko Kyoung-seok Editor.Lynn Kim


Mr. Kim Dong-ho, executive chairman of Pusan International Film Festival committee [Asia Economic Daily]

Kim Dong-ho, executive chairman of Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) committe, has been selected as a judge at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival.

Kim was appointed as one of the judges for the "Un Certain Regard" category, which introduces films with various visions and styles from around the world. He will be evaluating a total of 19 films in the section with French filmmaker Claire Denis, the section's head of jury.

The PIFF chairman has served on the jury at numerous international film events over the years including Rotterdam, Fukuoka, Las Palmas, Buenos Aires and Okinawa film festivals.

This year, many Korean films and movie stars have received invites to Cannes; director Im Sang-soo's "The Housemaid" and Lee Chang-dong's "Poetry" will be competing for the Palme d'Or prize, while Hong Sang-soo's "Hahaha" will be presented in "Un Certain Regard".

Korean stars set to grace the red carpet in France include veteran actress Yoon Jeong-hee, the heroine of "Poetry," as well as "Housemaid" co-stars Seo Woo and Jeon Do-youn, the latter who is a winner of the fest's best actress award in 2007.

The 63rd Cannes film festival will run from May 12 thru 23.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@ Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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April 30, 2010

Jeonju International Film Festival Kicks Off

The Jeonju International Film Festival began its nine-day run on Thursday with an opening ceremony at the Sori Arts Center in the southwestern city in North Jeolla Province.

Marking its 11th anniversary, the festival features 209 movies, 131 feature-length and 78 short films, from a record 49 countries. The number of films rose slightly from last year's 200.

Director Park Jin-oh's "Should've Kissed" was screened on Thursday night as the opening film, while "Alamar" (To the Sea) by director Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio of Mexico has been selected as the closing film.


Yoo Joon-sang and Hong Eun-hee


Song Joong-ki and Park Shin-hye


Park Ye-jin


Jeon Se-hong


Lee In-hye

Credits: englishnews@chosun.com

April 29, 2010

Jeonju International Film Festival kicks off today

Reporter.Ko Kyoung-seok Editor.Lynn Kim


Official poster for the 11th Jeonju International Film Festival [JIFF]

The 11th Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF) officially kicks off this evening, opening with South Korean film "Should've Kissed" by critically acclaimed director Park Jin-oh.

The film fest set a new record this year by showing a total of 209 films (131 features and 78 short films) from 49 countries that have been categorized into the following sections; Competition, JIFF Project, Cinemascape, Stranger Than Cinema, Cinemafest and Focus On.

Park Jin-oh, who has won awards at numerous international events for his unique short films, is receiving heaps of publicity for his first-ever feature that will open the fest today. He is the younger brother of filmmaker Park Jin-pyo who directed notable hits such as "You Are My Sunshine" and "Closer To Heaven."

Korean actress Ku Hye-sun of "Boys Over Flowers" fame will be premiering her directorial debut pic titled "Magic" in a special screening at the film fest prior to its theatrical release in June.

Three short films by non-Asian directors will be introduced in the "Jeonju Ditial Project 2010" section; "Rosalind" by Matias Pineiro (Argentina), "Pig Iron" by James Benning (U.S.) and "The Enemy Lines" by Denis Cote (Canada). The production for the aforementioned films were sponsored by JIFF.

The opening ceremony, to be held 6:30 p.m. today at Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, will be hosted by Korean actors Yu Jun-sang and Hong Eun-hee and attended by numerous Korean actors including Ahn Sung-ki, Lee Young-ha, Moon Sung-keun, Park Joong-hoon and Kang Soo-yeon.

JIFF will end its nine-day run on May 7, closing with Mexican film "To The Sea" by director Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@ Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

More photos here.


Actor Ahn Sung-ki [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]


Actress Han Eun-jung [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]


Director Heo Jin-ho [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]


Director Lim Kwon-taek and actress Kang Soo-yeon [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]


Actress Ku Hye-sun [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]


Actor Song Joong-ki and actress Park Shin-hye [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

Photographer : Park Sung-Ki musictok@ Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

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April 30, 2010

Lee Jun-ki to Start Military Service


Lee Jun-ki /Courtesy of JG Company

Actor Lee Jun-ki starts his military service on Monday.

Lee had been told by the Military Manpower Administration to report for duty on April 12 but asked for a postponement because he is still shooting the film "Grand Prix" as well as being booked to appear in the TV series "Faith" in the second half of this year and represent Korea as a goodwill ambassador at the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

But the MMA declined, so Lee agreed to start his service on May 3, his agency JG Company said Thursday. "It's a pity that the decision was made at such a short notice and fans have had so little time to prepare," the agency said in a statement. Lee will enter the Army Training Center in Nonsan, South Chungcheong Province for the five weeks of basic training that start off his two-year service.

Credits: englishnews@chosun.com

Lee Jun-ki says is looking forward to life as average man

Cho Bum-ja. Editor.Lynn Kim


Korean actor Lee Jun-ki [JG Company]

Korean actor Lee Jun-ki has revealed his feelings about going to the military next week, saying he is "looking forward to spending time [in the military] as any average man who has to fulfill his mandatory military duties."

Lee was quoted as saying the remark in a press statement released by his agency JG Company on Thursday, the response following the decision which has forced him to drop out of film "Grand Prix" and TV series "Faith".

The actor, who started shooting "Grand Prix" with top Korean actress Kim Tae-hee earlier this month, had been trying to defer his military entrance date to fulfill his current work commitments before joining the two-year service. But after receiving a final notice from Korea's Military Manpower Administration to join the Nonsan training camp on May 3, Lee announced two days ago that he has decided to pull out from both projects.

JG apologized that Lee was unable to finish what he had been working on.

Lee, 27, gained fame in Korea and throughout Asia after playing a woman-like clown in the 2005 hit film "The King and the Clown" and most recently portrayed a passionate magazine reporter in MBC TV series "Hero".

Reporter : Cho Bum-ja anju1015@ Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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April 30, 2010

"Sister of Cinderella" paves the way on Wed-Thur nights

Reporter.Lucia Hong Editor.Jessica Kim


"Sister of Cinderella" cast members Kim Gap-soo and Seo Woo [KBS]

KBS TV series "Sister of Cinderella" maintained its position as the most-popular drama on Wednesday and Thursday nights, blowing away its competition in the same prime time slot with solid ratings.

According to statistics released by TNS Media Korea on Friday, "Cinderella" surpassed the 20 percent mark this week with viewership ratings of 19.2 and 20.8 percent, respectively, showing an increase of one percent from the previous week.

Figures from AGB Nielsen Media Research revealed slightly lower ratings for the drama, recording an average rating of 19 percent on April 28 and 29, but showed an increase of one percent from last week.

This week, "Sister of Cinderella" focused on the main characters coping with the sudden death of Kim Dae-sung (played by Kim Gap-soo), the birth father of Hyo-seon (Seo Woo) and the stepfather of Eun-jo (Moon Geun-young).

"Personal Taste" has kept its title as the second most-watched series with ratings standing in the 12 to 14 percent range while "Princess Prosecutor" continued to post ratings in the 10 to eleven percent range.

Reporter: Lucia Hong luciahong@ Editor: Jessica Kim jesskim@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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April 30, 2010

Kang Ji-hwan denies dating actress Jang Hee-jin

Reporter.Park So-yoen Editor.Lynn Kim


Korean actor Kang Ji-hwan

Korean actor Kang Ji-hwan has denied recent rumors that he has been dating actress Jang Hee-jin for a year, according to his agency on Friday. "There has been a lot of inquiries from reporters but it is not true," an official at his agency said in a phone call with Asia Economic Daily today.

Recently, a monthly women's magazine in Korea reported that the actor had met Jang in 2008 while working on the film "Rough Cut" and the two had been dating for a year. The magazine even went as far as to explain that the two usually met at Kang's house in Apkujung-dong, quoting a source close to the stars who said "they became very close while shooting the movie."

Kang has appeared in several notable dramas and films including "Be Strong, Geum-soon!" (MBC, 2005), "Hong Gil-dong, the Hero" (KBS2, 2008) and "My Girlfriend is an Agent" (2009) alongside actress Kim Ha-neul.

He is scheduled to appear in the upcoming SBS TV series "Coffe House" opposite actress Park Si-yeon.

Reporter : Park So-yoen muse@ Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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April 30, 2010

"IRIS" starts melting Japanese viewers' hearts

Editor.Lynn Kim, Lee Ji-Hye


Actors Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee in a scene from TV series "IRIS" [Taewon Entertainment]

TV series "IRIS" starts melting Japanese viewers' hearts

TV series "IRIS", which made headlines prior to its airing for being assigned a prime time, 9 p.m. slot on TBS, has finally started conquering Japan. TBS, which had been involved with "IRIS" since its early planning stages, appears to be putting all its energy into promoting the series. The show's lead actors, Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee, visited Japan together prior to its premiere on April 21 and appeared on various variety shows on TBS over the next couple of days. The two stars made so many TV appearances that you could see them almost every time you turned on the television set. On April 20, the day before the premiere, they appeared on a popular TV show hosted by noted emcee Shimada Shinsuke and handpicked voice actors for the supporting roles in the Japanese-dubbed version of "IRIS". Four veteran Japanese celebrities competed to win the part of Captain Jung, the boss for Lee Byung-hun's character, and comedian Moody Katsuyama ended up taking the role. In addition, promotional posters of "IRIS" was plastered in every part of the city including Shinjuku, Shibuya and Omotesando and Lee's fans exchanged information thru fan websites on the whereabouts of the posters so that they could take pictures. TBS also set up a Twitter account to promote "IRIS", delivering news about the show on a real-time basis.

"IRIS" scores highest rating among all TBS shows with premiere episode


A promotion poster of "IRIS" in Japan

The line-up of actors who provided voice-overs for the Japanese-dubbed version of "IRIS" is quite fancy. Actor Fujiwara Tatsuya, known to Korean fans for his lead role in the film "Death Note", played the main character Hyun-joon, originally portrayed by Lee Byung-hun. Kim Tae-hee's character Seung-hee was voiced by actress Kuroki Meisa who gained popularity after appearing in dramas such as "Ninkyo Helper" and "Haikei, Chichiue-sama". Fujiwara Tatsuya has said, "I was under a strong impression that Hallyu dramas were usually melodramas that female viewers empathize with, but 'IRIS' has a story that can attract male viewers as well." He also confessed that he is "so into the drama that [he] forgets about reading the script." At the press conference held in Japan on April 18, Lee explained that the show "received a lot of love in Korea. I have very high hopes for the drama and am curious what kind of response it will receive in Japan because the culture is different and people express their emotions differently."

Thanks to such heavy promotion, "IRIS" recorded a 10.1 percent viewership rating for its special premiere episode which aired for two hours on April 21. According to an official in the Japanese TV broadcasting industry, TBS had an average viewership rating of around 5 percent during the given time slot. It is quite a strong start, considering that the figure was the highest among all the TV programs that aired on TBS that day. Riding high on the momentum, TBS re-aired the premiere episode on April 28, at 1:55 p.m., before the second episode was broadcast and is planning to run a special feature titled "IRIS Exclusive Close-up Special 2010" on May 14. A huge promotion event, featuring the main cast including Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee as well as popular idol group Big Bang, will be held in Osaka on May 26 and in Saitama Super Arena on June 1. From May 21 thru June 6, there will be an "IRIS Exhibition" held at the Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View. Rumor has it that props and wardrobe from the drama shootings will be featured in the exhibit, and cafes and bars will turn into "IRIS"-style venues. Looks like it will only be a matter of time until the famous "candy kiss scene" will capture the hearts of Japanese fans.

Reporter: Im Da-ham (Tokyo correspondent) Editor: Lynn Kim lynn2878@ , Lee Ji-Hye seven@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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May 1, 2010

Myung Se-bin's New TV Part Touches a Personal Nerve


Myung Se-bin

Myung Se-bin returns to the screen after three years of absence since the TV series "Prince Hours 2." Emerging from her divorce in January 2008, Myung stars in SBS drama "Three Sisters" as the eldest of the eponymous sisters, who finds herself on the brink of divorce due to her husband's cheating.

Because of the part, she is naturally being asked about her own divorce and proves cautious but not trying to avoid the subject. "During my three-year break I traveled a lot and spent good times with good people. I think I had a lot of time to think and learn," she says. Asked what made her to choose that particular role in "Three Sisters," she replied, "Conflicts arising from divorce and love are so common. We can't avoid them. Instead, what's important is how we portray them. The TV series seemed to have been built on the foundations of love of family. I thought it was heartwarming and the work could make me healthy and happy."

Is she keen on marrying again? "I think establishing a family is important because people can't live alone. The family is the basic unit of community. I feel the reason people are alive is to move forward by learning, feeling, loving, caring, and sacrificing together. All of that begins in family."

A textile graduate from Dongduk Women's University, Myung was spotted in 1996 at a department store in Seoul by singer Shin Seung-hoon, who cast her in a music video. She later modeled for magazines and commercials, and that naturally led to an acting career. "If I hadn't met Shin at the time, I'd probably be a fashion designer now. Shin really gave me a lot of help in show business," she says.

Credits: englishnews@chosun.com

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May 1, 2010

Rain and JYP 'faceoff'


Korean pop singer Rain, who is arguably the biggest sensation throughout Asia, made "a slip of the tongue" during a TV show, which incurred a response from another formidable pop musician, Park Jin-young or better known as "JYP" among his fans.

Rain recently made a remark: "I already surpassed Park Jin-young," a statement that could be interpreted as a sign of confidence or arrogance, depending on how it was seen.

During a show, aired by SBS on Friday, Rain said he received a personal text message from Park after the remark. Park shot back to Rain: "Am I your jumping board?" said Newsen.com Saturday.

Judging that his remark might have irked Park's anger, Rain came to his defense, by apologizing to Park. "Oh, no∼ there was misunderstanding," Newsen. Com cited him as saying.

Park said: "Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?" it said. But Park apparently took Rain's comment in good faith. He later told Rain. "No worries. I enjoyed it."

Park is one of Korea's best pop musicians, who is well known for his talents in singing, dancing, song-writing since 1994. He later extended music career by forming JYP Entertainment, a production company in 1999 which is one of the biggest talent and music producing companies in South Korea.

Great talents like Jinju, G.O.D., Byul, Lim Jeong Hee, Min, Noel, Ivy, Park Ji-yoon and Rain all got their start there.

Source: koreatimes.co.kr

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May 2, 2010

Will Jang and Koh live happily ever after?

Korea’s so-called “Hollywood” couple -- Jang Dong-gun and Koh So-young -- officially tied the knot yesterday. Now they face a test of whether a lasting marriage can be more than a Hollywood fantasy for movie stars here.


The couple, both 38, graced the wedding hall aisle set up at the Shilla Hotel

in Seoul Sunday afternoon along with 500 invited guests.

Jang Dong-gun and Koh So-young pose for the media before their wedding yesterday. Lee Sang-sub/The Korea Herald

Their high-profile prompted the couple to order the tightest security on site to prevent any accidents due to the expected influx of media and fans.

The tight security even called for banning the entry of their fellow actors’ managers. Most star weddings have descended into chaos, even to the point of obstructing the entry of the bride and groom. The reason for all the extreme privacy and security is because, according to sources, the couple wished to be a “regular” man and woman exchanging sacred vows before embarking on their new path together.

Despite the orders for president-level security, Jang and Koh scheduled time for a media photo shoot before the wedding. The ceremony reportedly cost about 1 billion won ($900,000), one of the most costly and ostentatious weddings by any Korean celebrity.

Koh made her vows in an Oscar de la Renta wedding dress worth about $15,000, while Jang made his bedecked in a Tom Ford tuxedo. They exchanged wedding rings from the luxury jewelry brand Chopard, according to sources. The newlyweds then set off for their honeymoon in Bali, accompanied by their managers. The union of Jang and Koh, who is three-months pregnant, followed a string of spring celebrity weddings this year.

According to a survey conducted by Sin Sung International Marriages from April 5-27, 66.3 percent, or 298, of the 449 polled individuals from the general public chose Jang and Koh as the marriages they would most keenly follow the developments of, while the marriage of singer Tablo and his actress wife Kang Hye-jung ranked second with 23.3 percent.

In addition to being the same age, Jang and Koh both made their debut in the entertainment industry in 1992.

Both also share a big fortune: Jang’s annual income alone is reportedly worth about 10 billion won, while his wife has made real-estate investments worth more than 10 billion. Her properties include the “Koh So-young Building” in the swanky neighborhood of Cheongdam-dong in southern Seoul. Koh’s home in the Seoul area of Nonhyeon-dong, where her parents live, is believed to be worth 4 billion won.

The value of property owned by Jang is also impressive. Observers estimate his real-estate holdings to be about 8 billion won. Their combined wealth, observers speculate, is worth at least 40 billion won. Industry experts predict their wealth to balloon following their marriage, with expectations of joint endorsements. Some have even cited the possibility that their fortune will surpass even that of some Korean business tycoons.

By Yoo Soh-jung (sohjung@heraldm.com) koreaherald.com

[Photo News] Korea's 'Hollywood' couple ties the knot

Korea’s so-called “Hollywood” couple -- Jang Dong-gun and Koh So-young -- officially tied the knot on Sunday. The couple, both 38, graced the wedding hall aisle set up at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul Sunday afternoon along with 500 invited guests. (All photos by The Korea Herald)





Source: koreaherald.com



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May 2, 2010

Actress Kang Gives Birth to Girl


The celebrity couple of actress Kang Hye-jeong, 28, and top singer Tablo, 30, has become parents as Kang gave birth to a baby girl Sunday.

Kang delivered a healthy girl around 11:05 a.m. at a OB/GYN in southern Seoul. “Kang delivered a healthy girl. Both the mother and baby are in good condition,” said a person close to the couple said in a local daily on its Internet edition.

Kang was quoted as saying, “The baby resembles both mother and father. I will bring up the baby healthy.”

In a broadcast prior to the delivery, Tablo said,” I dreamed a tiger dream. A huge tiger blocked traffic in the center of the expressway as I got out of the car as the traffic jam was severe.”

The couple married in October last year.

Source: koreatimes.co.kr

Baby boom sweeps K-entertainment scene

By Lee Hyo-won

Staff Reporter

The local entertainment scene is seeing a baby boom, with most recent celebrity parents including singer Tablo and his wife, actress Kang Hye-jung. They became parents to a baby girl, Sunday.

"A night of magical miracle… Today at 11:05 a.m., our beautiful girl was born! Hye-jung and our baby are both very healthy" Tablo wrote on his Twitter. "Ah I’m crying because I’m so happy! My woman, who has been going through such hard times, is the best!!!"

The couple first met through friends in 2008 and made their dating status public. They wed in October 2009, prior to which they announced that Kang was pregnant. The singer, who is a member of hip hop trio Epik High, once said on a television show that he wished to have "a daughter who resembled Kang Hyejung.’’

Meanwhile, popular comedian Yoo Jae-suk and his wife, announcer Na Kyung-eun, had a boy on Saturday. "Yoo Jae-suk’s wife, MBC announcer Na Kyung-eun, gave birth to a 3.4-kilogram boy around 11:18 a.m. on May 1, at hospital in southern Seoul,’’ said Yoo's agency.

The couple wed in July 2008 after dating for two years. Dubbed "the national MC," Yoo has received numerous awards and topped popularity voting polls for his work on shows such as "Infinity Challenge."

Singer Lee Juck, best known as the former member of duo Panic, had a daughter on April 30. The day before, actor Jo Han-sun became a father to a baby girl.

Actors Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young, who tied the knot on Sunday, are also expecting a child in the fall.

Source: koreatimes.co.kr

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May 2, 2010

Jang, Ko tie knot

By Lee Hyo-won

Staff Reporter


A mega-wattage celebrity couple has been born, after national heartthrob Jang Dong-gun and actress Ko So-young tied the knot Sunday.

Jang and Ko, both 38, wed at Shilla Hotel in a private ceremony where only 500 family, relatives and friends were invited. But the couple appeared before the press for a short photo op. Fans were also seen lining up to get a glimpse of their favorite stars hours ahead of the event at the hotel in Jangchung-dong, Seoul.

"(Public) attention was at times pleasant and other times burdensome, but today I am only thankful," said the groom. "I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet, but personally it would be nice to have a daughter who looks like Ko So-young." Ko is already three months pregnant, Jang's management agency AM Entertainment has said.

"Thank you. We will try our best to have a happy life," added Ko. Lee O-yong, former culture minister and renowned author, officiated at the marriage while fellow actor Park Joong-hoon emceed. Ballad singer Shin Seung-hun sang to celebrate the occasion.

Actress Lee Hye-young received Ko's bouquet. The flower decorations at Dynasty Hall were done by Hollywood's popular floral artist Jeff Letham. The two will honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia and live in a villa in Heukseok-dong, Seoul. The two met on the set of the 1998 film "Love Wind, Love Song" and became friends. They made headlines last fall when they admitted that they had been dating since 2007.

In June, the Jang will start his next film project, "D-Day." Meanwhile the trailer for his Hollywood debut piece, "The Warrior's Way," was recently revealed. The film, which will be released this summer, co-stars Kate Bosworth and Geoffrey Rush and was produced by Barrie Osborne, who is known for "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King."

Source: koreatimes.co.kr / nate.com




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May 2, 2010

Rising directors explore fear, fantasy

By Lee Hyo-won

Staff Reporter

JEONJU ― When ticket sales opened on April 13 for the 11th Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF), it took just two minutes for tickets to sell out for one of its signature projects, "Short! Short! Short!’’

The project brings together three rising Korean directors ― Lee Kyu-maan, Han Ji-hyeh and Kim Tae-gon. Following last year’s thematic focus on money, ``Short! Short! Short! 2010’’ had the directors work with the idea of fear and fantasy in the spatial realm of the theater.

The omnibus opens with a harrowing and gripping segment by Lee, which provides a strong base for the other two shorts. "The Famished’’ showcases the hallmarks of powerful and creative storytelling that is only possible in a short, but poignant, impeccably produced and lasting, film of 27 minutes.

The old becomes new again, as traditional "Hahoe” wooden mask-clad actors seize the moment on a dark stage. Halmi (Granny) and Imae (Fool) ask each other "Who are you?" but neither "ghost’’ is able to answer, having consumed their memories in order to satiate their hunger. Myeong-jin (Gwak Min-seok), a rather confused-looking man who had been watching the play, begins to feel unbearable hunger. Meanwhile Gwang-tae, another famished fellow, asks if the dog tied outside belongs to him. When Myeong-jin is unable to answer, Gwang-tae persuades him that they should eat it.

The film has nothing to do with Korea’s dog meat-eating culture. Rather, it poses Proustian questions about the imperfection of memory as well as the (in)human instinct for survival. The film, made in collaboration with theater director Cho Yong-seok, captures the transiency and spatial dimension of performance art, as well as its most delusive aspect as the most fictitious moments become the most convincing. "I tried telling the story through a theatrical play, with the idea that spirits can only survive after death by feeding on memories. It’s been a long time since I worked on a short film, and it was a short but full experience,’’ the director told reporters Friday, following the press screening of the film. He made a noted feature debut with the medical thriller "Wide Awake’’ starring popular actor Kim Myung-min.

A point of interest is that the lead actor Gwak shed 16 kilograms to play the part, while the supporting actors who gave life to the traditional Korean characters rehearsed their parts for two months prior to the shoot. The project takes a sharp turn with some B-movie zaniness, complete with splashes of bright, ketchup-like blood and anime-like depictions of fantasy with doses of Greek mythology. Han’s appropriately titled "The Loneliness of Butcher Boy" is set in a small town, where more than a dozen teenagers are found dead under mysterious circumstances. Tae-shik (played by the charming TV personality Lee Hyun-woo), a sensitive teenager whose vegetarianism worries his father, the local butcher, discovers that the fate of the town lies in his hands. Will he be able to face up to his fears and kill the Minotaur, the monster with the head of a bull?

"I read about the myth of the Minotaur, and tried to make a new interpretation of it. It started from questioning whether it’s a man with a bull’s head or a bull with a human body?’’ said the director, who won the 2008 JIFF Korean Short Films Competition. Model-actress Kim Diena makes her big screen debut.

Kim Tae-gon, who made a critically acclaimed debut with the horror flick "The Pot," attempts to bring a comic twist to the thriller genre in the latest short "Ten Million.’’ While he took a serious look into human greed and religious fanaticism for his noted feature film, he turned to what could be seen as a more personal (and unfortunately self-deprecating) issue that filmmakers rather than regularly moviegoers could relate to. In this age where domestic blockbusters are drawing 10 million people, a series of murders claims the lives of directors that fail to meet that target (i.e. indulging in "artistic masturbation’’ and putting their producers in debt).

Credits: hyowlee@koreatimes.co.kr

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April 3, 2010

Jang Dong-gun, Ko So-young in Star-Studded Wedding

Korea's starriest couple finally tied knot on Sunday. Actor Jang Dong-gun and actress Ko So-young, both 38, got married in the Dynasty Hall in Hotel Shilla in central Seoul at 5 p.m. in front of some 600 guests.

At a press conference in the afternoon before the wedding, Jang appeared in a black tuxedo by Tom Ford and Ko, who is three months pregnant, was dressed in white Oscar de la Renta wedding dress.


/Courtesy of AM Entertainment

"We were grateful for the interest from fans, although there were times when the pressure was getting too much," Jang said. "But at least for today, we are very grateful. People say you get really nervous when you walk down the isle, and the whole wedding experience starts to sink in. We went to the hospital a few days ago, and the baby is healthy. We don't know yet whether it will be a boy or a girl, but personally, I hope it is a girl resembling So-young." Ko said, "I feel great today. We'll have a great life together."

The wedding itself was private, and some 70 bodyguards were on duty at the wedding hall. World-renowned florist Jeff Leatham was flown to Korea to oversee the arrangements, and Hotel Shilla senior vice president Lee Boo-jin, who is friends with Ko, directed the overall flower decoration. Former culture minister Lee O-young officiated at the wedding. Jang met the respected scholar through his son, Lee Sang-moo, who directed Jang's latest film "The Warrior's Way." Actor Park Joong-hoon hosted the event with singer Shin Seung-hoon singing the congratulatory song.

The couple spent the night at the hotel and set off on a five-day honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia. They will live in a villa in Heukseok-dong, Seoul.



Credits: englishnews@chosun.com


Actress Lee Hye-young poses as she attends the wedding of star couple Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young

in Seoul on Sunday.


U.S. Ambassador to Korea Kathleen Stephens


Son Ji-chang (left) and Oh Yeon-soo


Kim Seung-woo (left) and Kim Nam-joo


Shin Min-a


Song Seung-hun (left) and So Ji-sup


Credits: englishnews@chosun.com

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May 3, 2010

Jang Dong-gun, Ko So-young wed on May 2

Reporter.Ko Kyoung-seok Editor.Lynn Kim


Actors Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young at their wedding ceremony held at Seoul's Shilla

Hotel on May 2, 2010 [AM Entertainment]

Top Korean actors Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young got married in a star-studded wedding ceremony held at Seoul's Shilla Hotel on May 2, ending months of media frenzy over their 18-year friendship and romance.

The star couple, dubbed Korea's equivalent of Brangelina, held a photo and Q&A session several hours prior to the ceremony, answering questions by reporters about the wedding and their baby -- Ko is four months pregnant.

"Thank you so much for coming," Jang started off by saying. "We are very grateful and glad for the attention you have shown us, but it was also overwhelming. But today, I feel grateful for everything." After Ko mentioned that "the baby is doing fine," Jang explained that they went to the doctor a few days ago where they were told "the baby is healthy" and added his hopes that "it's a girl who looks like Ko So-young."


Actors Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young at their wedding ceremony held at Seoul's Shilla Hotel

on May 2, 2010 [AM Entertainment]

The couple, who went public with their romantic involvement last November, shared details of their long friendship that first began on the set of 1999 film "Love Wind, Love Song" where the two are said to have become very close very quickly. About the dating rumors that have been around ever since, Ko said, "I think we both had feelings for each other but we were young back then. And I think we cared about each other so much that we didn't want to risk our friendship by going out and end up losing a friend if we break up later, so I think we just remained good friends."

The two reportedly started dating two years ago with Jang popping the question sometime around last fall. Ko said, "[Jang] had mentioned marriage several times but he first proposed last summer, or sometime between summer and fall."

Jang had explained at his fan meeting in March that he started considering marriage while on shoot for the film "Warrior's Way," where he started "looking back upon [his] life and thinking about [his] life as a man, beyond the actor Jang Dong-gun." It was then where he "began to develop different emotions toward an old friend" and naturally started feeling that [he] wanted to spend of the rest of [his] life with her."


Actors Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young at their wedding ceremony held at Seoul's Shilla Hotel

on May 2, 2010 [AM Entertainment]

The marriage of the country's two top stars brought out scores of top Korean celebrities to The Shilla hotel who posed for hundreds of fans and cameras nearby.

Guests included actors Park Joong-hoon who hosted the ceremony, Lee Byung-hun, Jung Woo-sung, So Ji-sub, Song Seung-heon, Lee Jung-jae, Hyun Bin, Rain and Shin Min-ah and celebrity couples Son Ji-chang and Oh Yeon-soo, Kwon Sang-woo and Son Tae-young, and Kim Seung-woo and Kim Nam-joo.

Korean singer Shin Seung-hun sang "One Fine Day" for the newlyweds while Lee Eo-ryung, famed literature critic and father of "Warrior's Way" director Lee Seung-moo, officiated the ceremony.

Singer and actress Lee Hye-young received the bouquet from Ko while actor Jung Woo-sung was handed the flowers worn by the groom.

Jang and Ko will leave for Bali for their honeymoon and settle in their new home in Seoul's Heukseuk-dong area.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@ Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr


From left, actor Jang Dong-gun kisses his bride-to-be actress Ko So-young ahead of their wedding at The Shilla hotel on May 2, 2010.



From left, actor Jang Dong-gun and actress Ko So-young arrive at The Shilla hotel ahead of their wedding on May 2, 2010.



Photographer: Park Sung-Ki musictok@ Editor: Jessica Kim jesskim@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr / 10.asiae.co.kr



Singer and actor Rain arrives at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.


Actor Hyun Bin arrives at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.


Actor Lee Byung-hun arrives at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.



Actor Kwon Sang-woo, his actress wife Sohn Tae-young and their son Luke arrive at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.



Luke, Kwon Sang-woo, Sohn Tae-young [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]




From left, actors Song Seung-hun and So Ji-sub arrive at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.


From left, actors Kim Seung-woo and Kim Nam-joo arrive at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.




Actress Ha Ji-won arrives at Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young's wedding held at The Shilla hotel in Seoul, South Korea on May 2, 2010.


Photographer: Lee Ki-bum metro83@ Photographer: Park Sung-Ki musictok@ Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

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April 30, 2010

Super Junior's Heechul to join "Family Outing" season 2

Reporter.Lynn Kim


Super Junior member Kim Heechul [Asia Economic Daily]

Super Junior member Heechul has joined the cast of variety show "Family Outing" and will make his first appearance in the program this weekend, according to broadcaster SBS.

SBS announced in a press release Thursday that the 26-year-old singer will be appearing in a special "Family" episode as a friend of Girls' Generation member Yoona, who is a regular on the show. The pop idol, who has also acted in dramas and hosted radio programs, is said to have shown great humor and energy throughout the show's taping.

"Family Outing" had been one of the most popular variety shows in Korea since its premiere in June 2008. With Korea's top emcee Yoo Jae-seok and singer Lee Hyori leading the star-studded cast, the show had once recorded viewership ratings of over 30 percent. However, the 'reality-based' variety show came under scrutiny early last year when one of the scripts was leaked on the Internet and fans found that the show was pre-scripted. As the show started to suffer from declining ratings, the producers abruptly ended the first season run.

In a bid to transform the show's image and regain its popularity, the second season kicked off last February with an entirely different line-up which includes TV personality Kim Won-hee, actor Yoon Sang-hyun and boy band members Taecyeon and Jo Kwon.

Heechul will be appearing in the show starting May 2.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved> 10.asiae.co.kr

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May 2, 2010

JIFF stays true to its indie roots

Staying true to its indie roots, the Jeonju International Film Festival raised the curtains on its nine-day run on Thursday at the Sori Arts Center in the North Jeolla Province city.

This year marks the festival’s 11th edition, with a line-up stacked with eclectic selections.


Bong Joon-ho (far left) speaks to reporters about the Jeonju International Film Festival’s Masterclass series

in Jeonju yesterday alongside Portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costas, whose works will be screened in a special

retrospective during the nine-day festival. (Yonhap News)

The festival features 209 movies, 131 feature-length and 78 short films, from a record 49 countries. The number of films invited to compete also rose slightly from last year’s 200. More short films are competing this year and less feature-length entries will be screening than in 2009.

Director Park Jin-oh’s “Should’ve Kissed” was screened as the festival opener on Thursday at the Moak Hall of the Sori Arts Center while “Alamar” (To the Sea) by Mexican writer-director Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio will close out the festival on May 7. On April 13, 118 of the 208 films screening during the festival were sold out while it took just two minutes for the opening film to sell out.

To curb concerns raised by fans over the shortage of tickets, organizers have opted to reserve 15 percent of tickets to all films to be sold at the box office on the day of the screening. Accommodation has been scarce. Many hotels have reported no vacancies available during the festival’s nine-day run.

Festival organizers have quickly launched a maneuver to address the lack of rooms by setting up a deal with Jeonju Hanok Village and inns around bus terminals to accommodate festival-goers with rooms that cost between 7,000-12,000 won as part of their “JIFF Love Room” service. According to a festival PR statement, “as JIFF is becoming the premiere event for all independent filmmakers to showcase their films, more movie fans are becoming interested in our festival.”

Jung Soo-wan, JIFF’s chief programmer said at a news conference in late March that the festival would focus on South American films. “South American nations have been experiencing much chaos amid the rapid pace of the region’s economic development and this makes for a compelling topic for much of the films invited to our festival this year,” he said.

Organizers have also looked toward the future through one of its popular screening series, the Jeonju Digital Project. The program provides a trio of directors with 50 million won for a half-hour digital short.

This year, invited artists include American James Benning, Canadian Denis Cote and Argentinean Matias Pineiro. In between screenings, local movie buffs can pass the time with a host of events set up which includes everything from B-boy competitions -- a regular staple around events in Korea -- and performances by local bands and artists. But the hottest ticket to attend for movie maniacs will undoubtedly be the festival’s Masterclass program.

Lined-up for this year’s program are Bong Joon-ho, writer-director of “The Host” and “Memories of Murder,” and Portuguese director Pedro Costa. The festival will also screen 12 of Costa’s films, including one documentary.

By Song Woong-ki (kws@heraldm.com) koreaherald.com

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