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Universities/Colleges in the Philippines

Guest driftwood023

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It is the hardest test because of the time pressure. The last part is hard.. 30 prob solving items in 25 minutes. And they made it the last test. I almost thought there were no prob solving. =x

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and I thought it would be hard because of the questions, not because of the time allotment... there really wasn't much time pressure; I think 10 mins to answer a bunch of really easy questions is enough

and the numerical ability part wasn't so bad, although I wasn't able to finish the last two problems because I spent so much time on the others. overall I found the acet much easier than the upcat, especially since there was no science

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cpopbaby19

^and i heard the essay question i easier...


it's abt the importance of reading or somewhat along that line... and i thought it was easy... because last year, the essay question is like 'discuss the problems of studnts who stay away from their families' and i didn't have an idea abt that.. X_X

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Guest cpopbaby19

^LOL. yeah. kakaka. i remember i didn't finish math and the science part was salkfjgl;gidsgndsg hard.



did anyone take the MC entrance earlier? i was there! kakaka! XP i have a finals today so i went to school... ^^V

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Guest yodaamidala

Good luck to everyone who's about to take their entrance tests

at different universities/colleges. ^__^

I go to De La Salle University-Manila, taking up AB-LIM (Literature,

if you're curious. I'm <em>that</em> boring. ;))

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest *butter_kisses*

lol..ikn0 this is random...pero..i sooo envy you guys!!!! ur lucky enough to go through CETs! lol.. i rmmbr that we were doing reviews for the entrance exams for DLSU, UP , UST, and ADMU...pro..my mom decided that she wanted my to study here in the UK instead so I moved just before the entrance examse for DLSU!!!!!! grr.... T__T" ~

hmmm..im not really in the phils..hahah...but..im pinoy..does that count?? ^^ im just about to go to uni..sheesh..i wasted 3 years just coz i moved..if i was living there i wud be doin premed nah...waaah.. nweis..im bout to go to uni..w00h00..iL be doin biomedical sciences and japanese...double major..in oxford uni..hahaha..im a geek.. ><"

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Guest cpopbaby19


oxford! XP

i envy you more! -______-; i wanna study abroad! but i was stuck here.. haha.. too poor to pay for expenses abroad! it must be really cool to study there!


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Guest *butter_kisses*


oxford! XP

i envy you more! -______-; i wanna study abroad! but i was stuck here.. haha.. too poor to pay for expenses abroad! it must be really cool to study there!


hahaha..sheesh..idk why i even decided to apply for oxford...but then again..the city is great!!! lol..its not that we got money or anything..hahaha..we moved here just a few years ago..dahil sa work ng mom k..she's a nurse..lol..and..well..uni/college here in the UK is a bit different..basicalii..when ur in elem or HS, u dun ave to pay any tuition if u go to a state school..w/c is still pretty good...and the whole idea that onlii rich peepz go to oxford or cambridge is rubbish..eni1 cud go there.. ^^ tpos..when ur in uni nah..u get the option whether to pay ur tuition fee straight away..or for later..when u graduate..para bang study now pay later scheme..tpos..we get government grants..loans..etc..so..its not the parents hu are "ba-on" sa utang..lol..its the students themselves when they graduate..but ofcors..the gov won't take it straight away..just monthly instalments..and it also depends on ur annual income..heheh..as much as i miss pinas..its really great living here..u get the opp to do things uv never done..pro..i also want to ac2alii grad in pinas ukn0..hehehe..

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Guest *butter_kisses*

@ cpopbaby...ikn0 wut u mean!!!! gud thing my parents didn't bother with the CAP ed plan thingii before..hahahah..or else we wudn't even be able to get a cent..sheesh..unbelievable..coz if i was right..it was during our age when CAP and SUNLIFE was really popular db?? eh wer all in college nah..or mostlii..and tuition fees are high..so i guess they will get bankrupt..hahaha..

@ 15;;1/2..i guess ur right...it is cool to study abroad..it has its perks and what not..pro..i do miss my life in pinas once in awhile..i tend to imagine wut it wud ave been like if i just said i wanted to stay there.. ^^

btw..i din't kno na me pinoy thread pala d2..hahah...how lame of me.. T__T" i usually just browse round soompi..lol..and this is ac2alii my 5th time to sign up or sumfink..hahaha..idk..weird kc ako..lol

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Guest cpopbaby19

^haha. i actually have educ plan... but it's not Cap. Sunlife is still doing well. my parents signed up my brother in that company! XP hehehhe so now.. thankfully prudential didnt go bankrupt or sth.. but yeah, it was really popular when i was younger.. like most of the parents are crazy about getting educ plan for college...

i hope this thing will be settled later on~ hahaha

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Guest *butter_kisses*

hehehe...ye..all ikn0 is that it was all a craze back then..the reason why my parents didn't bother applying for it is coz we move around to much..so...they weren't sure where i was going to be when im at college age..hahah..so..there..i guess if we did go for CAP or the others..they wudn't be able to afford studying abroad..bankrupt na sila sa akin pa lang..hahah..jkjk..~ i dun think its included in the contract tho..IS and stuff.. why don't u guys go for student exchange? kc..ganun pa rin namn eh..you get to study abroad..and still be paying the sme tuition..ikno la salle and admu and other big named unis got partner univ in other countries.. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cpopbaby19


im planning to go to ewha on my internship~ XP that's like 3 years from now. i just started college! haha..

but i read the brochure abt exchange student... we still have to pay another loads of bucks to have the program. i think it's around 1000usd... XP gahh. around 50000php! we'll go bankrupt! X__X; i should start saving now! hahaa

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Guest *butter_kisses*


im planning to go to ewha on my internship~ XP that's like 3 years from now. i just started college! haha..

but i read the brochure abt exchange student... we still have to pay another loads of bucks to have the program. i think it's around 1000usd... XP gahh. around 50000php! we'll go bankrupt! X__X; i should start saving now! hahaa

ooooh..ehwa?!?!! im ac2alii thinking of going there over the summer and do the korean language course! hahaha..pro, im not too sure pa..kc nga, i dun really want to spend too much money..its not that expensive, just round £300-£400 i think..mga, 30,000Php? not sure..but with the accomodation and food it becomes £700-£900..aisht..too expensive..if my friend(hus korean) is going to be there round that time, then, iL do the course thingii since i get to stay over at her house..but if not..i won't..hahaha..iL just stay for two weeks or so.. ^^

gosh..ikn0 its really expensive! kc, iv got a childhood playmate hus studying in an international uni at manila..he's got an exchange scholarship here in the UK..so, he's here in london..apparently, the school is paying for his tuition and stuffs, but he still has to pay for his living expenses ie food, accomodation, books.. etc..so, i think each month his parents send him round 100,000-250,000 a month... eeesh...ang laki..hahaha... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: .. if ur wondering wut bout me? hahaha... im a citizen here so im on student loans!! hahaha... i just took out student loans to fund my going to uni..hahaha..

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  • 2 weeks later...

i want to take up AB-MMA at dls-csb or AB-CA at ust...

but my mom doesn't want me to study in manila :(

but i'm currently taking up BS-IT at a state university.

and i still don't know if BS-IT's really the course for me <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cpopbaby19

^lols. really?

well, you know studying in Manila isnt always good. T__T; i dun study around manila so yeah.. i love qc! the traffic isn't so heavy unlike in manila. you can hardly bring your car if you're studying in u-belt. T_T


^haha. i have a korean friend too! but she told me she lives too far from ewha! she lives in samsung-dong and it's like 2 hours away by bus or sth. T_T; but she invites me to go to korea this summer, but i have summer class~~ -________________-;

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