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Universities/Colleges in the Philippines

Guest driftwood023

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Guest driftwood023

Any college students from the Phils? Which school do you go to and what are you taking up?

Hmm..I need advice from college students.. XD Like, the basic stuff for example..How student life is like..the courses.. XD Thanks~

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Guest superivystar

i graduated from UP Manila ;) umm college was somewhat difficult..that was probably because i was a huge procrastinator (still am <_<) it was fun though!!! i love my univ :D

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Guest angel2nyt

up diliman.. but i plan on going to another school next semester..

college is so difficult yet so much (especially if youre in my school)

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Guest bernajoon

attending school anywhere is difficult ...here..same difficulties..kkk....

visit...www.online.ue.edu.ph...you can find a link of thr international students oraganization... of the school...

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Guest klarisse

my two older siblings both go to up. my brother graduated from up diliman (bs psych as his premed) and my sister's from up manila (intarmed course - like youre accelerated or something. minus two years, i think?).

now theyre both in up medicine ;P

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Guest driftwood023

Hmm..is it hard to pass in UP? I heard that it's kinda easier than Ateneo..

What about shifting? I'm confused on what course to take.. -___-

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Guest yanshimkim

Hi there~ From what I've heard, the UPCAT is easier than the ACET. But what makes it harder to get accepted into UP is the tight competition. I think there are more than 60,000 students who compete for limited slots (I think it's about 20,000, nationwide? not so sure, though) each year. It's not a matter of just passing the exam, but getting a high average compared to other students who are also interested in the major you want. I think each course has a cut-off. Like some courses will accept 90 students per campus, something like that. ^^

And in UP, the criteria for admission is... 60% from the UPCAT and 40% from your grades in high school (1st to 3rd year).

I don't know much about the ACET, though. ^^;;

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Guest superivystar

in my experience, acet was the easiest entrance examination among the 4 exams i took (up, admu, ust, dlsu)..but yeah i agree that it is more difficult to get into up than admu..that's one of the reasons why i chose up lols :lol:

shifting is fairly easy..you just have to have good grades in your first sem or first year.

passing depends on the course you take up. some are more difficult than other courses thus, more difficult to make good grades. but everything depends on YOU. your study habits etc..

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Guest cpopbaby19

in my experience, acet was the easiest entrance examination among the 4 exams i took (up, admu, ust, dlsu)..but yeah i agree that it is more difficult to get into up than admu..that's one of the reasons why i chose up lols :lol:

shifting is fairly easy..you just have to have good grades in your first sem or first year.

passing depends on the course you take up. some are more difficult than other courses thus, more difficult to make good grades. but everything depends on YOU. your study habits etc..


what are you? im jking. :D

Acet was like the hardest test i've taken. T_T maybe it as easy for you because it doesn't have science. hehe.. but.. UP's comprehension is freaking hard. esp in filipino. lol. but.. i didn't get to pass both unis anyway. im freshie at Miriam College right now. ^^


^hmm.. that's true. upcat was easier than acet. i thought i was gonna pass UP! but my upg is 2.7. darnit. -_-; but anyway, i think if you really want it, as long as your upg isn't above 2.8 you can still get to UP (that's what i've heard...)


it was the time pressuring test ever. seriously. we have to answer 90 english questions and an essay in 1 hour. T_T i didn't get to finish the essay. lol. and math. it was okay. you need to be fast. it's like 50 items per 60 mins. then general questions (like stock knowledge or sth..) then.. abstract reasoning.. :)

i think if you're trying to apply in ateneo and desperate to get a slot, you should make an effort on your Highschool grades and make sure you get good reccomendations plus you need to be creative at writing. in their app. forms, they ask students to pass an essay and do another essay on the test itself.

anyway, hope i helped you.


omg. you're in UPD? :vicx: smarrrrrtttt!


transfer to my school! XD hahaha. jking. it's fun. hahhaa

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Guest yanshimkim

I didn't take any other entrance exams... Just the UPCAT and the entrance exam of the school I'm at now. I really wanted to take up Nursing, but UPM is just too far away from where I live (my mother would never let me live by myself so far away from home ._.), so I opted for the other college instead. But my UPG was high enough to get into most courses. My friends were like, "Take BS Bio or Nutrition, then shift~". But I don't really like the idea of shifting. It sorta wastes time... I want to graduate on time (meaning, within 4 years). ^^;;

All of my classmates are in UPM, UPD, UPLB, ADMU and DLSU. I'm one of the handful that decided to go elsewhere. But I followed my heart, and I'm pretty happy where I am right now. (:

My friends said the UPCAT was pretty easy too, compared to the ACET. They said the math section of the ACET was harder than the math section of the UPCAT.

but anyway, i think if you really want it, as long as your upg isn't above 2.8 you can still get to UP (that's what i've heard...)

Yeah, you can get waitlisted. ^^ It depends on what course you want... Some courses have cut-offs. Percentile-wise. You know how everyone has a rank in each subject, aside from their UPG? For example... I ranked in the 98th percentile in reading comprehension, 96th percentile in language proficiency, 95th in math, 95th in science. And... Each course has different cut-offs. I think ComSci (BS Computer Science) has a cut-off of 85th percentile in the math section. If you're really interested in getting into ComSci, you have to rank in the 85th percentile or higher. So technically, I could've gotten into that... But I hated math. Hahaha. My friend used to try to convince me to be in ComSci with her. I'm glad I didn't go... The ComSci classes would've killed me. @_@;; *lmao*

The thing is... It doesn't end when you get into a university/college. You also have to consider whether you'd be able to handle the subjects, etc. It would look really bad if you got into a school with an excellent reputation but ended up flunking most of the subjects you took. @_@ In that case, it'd be better to get into a less-known but still decent school, and get excellent grades there. (:

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Guest VitaDolce*


Can anyone list the schools that have linguistics course (major in japanese language)

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Guest superivystar

^^ I think you can graduate on time if you shift..i'm a shiftee too lols..from BS Bio to BS Biochem because there are more career opportunities, plus more math subjects..I was able to graduate in time. :D hmm..but I don't think BS Nursing accepts shiftees..

^^^lols, acet was the easiest for me because i love math!!! :lol:

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Guest chigusa707

I go to UE-- (University of the East) and Im taking up 2 courses, Journalism and Management.

College is fairly easy. First, IT IS IMPERATIVE that you pick a course that you really like or else you wont enjoy your classes.

^^-- BTW, anyone here who goes to UE? haha.

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Guest driftwood023

Heaven 09 Hmm..the only school I know that offers linguistics is UP.. ^^;;

Thanks for all your help, guys! My first choice is Ateneo but I suck at math and my HS grades in math suck, too. -___-;; The course I really want is in DLSU but it's too expensive there and it's too far from where I live.. -____-;; So, I'm kinda having a dilemma, too.. I think I don't have high chances in ADMU..

Hmm..another question..what are the other/important things you have to consider in picking a school and a course? ^^;

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Guest chigusa707

^Well, the school's bg~ academic standards or the school's specialty. Like if your gonna take a nursing course there are schools that are known for their nursing courses so those would be good choices or if you're going to take computer related courses then.. there are so many computer specialized schools... ^^ gets?

as for your course.. well, what do you like doing? what do you see yourself doing in the future and for all the years to come? ^^

Hope that helped.

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Guest cpopbaby19

I didn't take any other entrance exams... Just the UPCAT and the entrance exam of the school I'm at now. I really wanted to take up Nursing, but UPM is just too far away from where I live (my mother would never let me live by myself so far away from home ._.), so I opted for the other college instead. But my UPG was high enough to get into most courses. My friends were like, "Take BS Bio or Nutrition, then shift~". But I don't really like the idea of shifting. It sorta wastes time... I want to graduate on time (meaning, within 4 years). ^^;;

All of my classmates are in UPM, UPD, UPLB, ADMU and DLSU. I'm one of the handful that decided to go elsewhere. But I followed my heart, and I'm pretty happy where I am right now. (:

My friends said the UPCAT was pretty easy too, compared to the ACET. They said the math section of the ACET was harder than the math section of the UPCAT.

Yeah, you can get waitlisted. ^^ It depends on what course you want... Some courses have cut-offs. Percentile-wise. You know how everyone has a rank in each subject, aside from their UPG? For example... I ranked in the 98th percentile in reading comprehension, 96th percentile in language proficiency, 95th in math, 95th in science. And... Each course has different cut-offs. I think ComSci (BS Computer Science) has a cut-off of 85th percentile in the math section. If you're really interested in getting into ComSci, you have to rank in the 85th percentile or higher. So technically, I could've gotten into that... But I hated math. Hahaha. My friend used to try to convince me to be in ComSci with her. I'm glad I didn't go... The ComSci classes would've killed me. @_@;; *lmao*

The thing is... It doesn't end when you get into a university/college. You also have to consider whether you'd be able to handle the subjects, etc. It would look really bad if you got into a school with an excellent reputation but ended up flunking most of the subjects you took. @_@ In that case, it'd be better to get into a less-known but still decent school, and get excellent grades there. (:

^O_O omg. which highschool are you from? dang.. your highschool classmates are freaking smart! -___-; no one from our batch went to ADMU, only 1 to DLSU, 2 to UPD, 1 to MAPUA, -__-

are you in ADMU right now? your course reminds me of ADMU. *cough* that's my dream school <_<

^^ I think you can graduate on time if you shift..i'm a shiftee too lols..from BS Bio to BS Biochem because there are more career opportunities, plus more math subjects..I was able to graduate in time. :D hmm..but I don't think BS Nursing accepts shiftees..

^^^lols, acet was the easiest for me because i love math!!! :lol:


im so shocked with these people. i feel so dumb! *hides* 0_0

I go to UE-- (University of the East) and Im taking up 2 courses, Journalism and Management.

College is fairly easy. First, IT IS IMPERATIVE that you pick a course that you really like or else you wont enjoy your classes.

^^-- BTW, anyone here who goes to UE? haha.

^i got classmates there! ^^; you're taking up 2 courses? isn't that a bit hard? you have to make a thesis in each major? dang. good luck to you~

Heaven 09 Hmm..the only school I know that offers linguistics is UP.. ^^;;

Thanks for all your help, guys! My first choice is Ateneo but I suck at math and my HS grades in math suck, too. -___-;; The course I really want is in DLSU but it's too expensive there and it's too far from where I live.. -____-;; So, I'm kinda having a dilemma, too.. I think I don't have high chances in ADMU..

Hmm..another question..what are the other/important things you have to consider in picking a school and a course? ^^;

^PUP offers too. but i only found that out when my friends were filing for the entrance test. and at that time, i already passed Miriam so.. yeah, and im too lazy to take entrance tests at that time~ TT__TT

i think take a course that interests you most. like if you're into history and politcs.. take IS-international studies. (like me! TT__TT LOL) and if you're into science then go for BS Bio or chem. ^__^ you get the drift.. good luck. btw, are you a 4th year hs student by now? ^^

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Guest pixiegirl99

I took up my freshman year of nursing at De la Salle Health Science Campus (http://www.hsc.dlsu.edu.ph/). Then I stopped last year because of several problems. Im now an irregular 2nd year nursing student at La Consolacion College Manila (http://lccm.edu.ph).

Umm...student life? Since Im an irregular student, I have weird schedules. :sweatingbullets: Like I only have one class for Thursday and the worst is that on Monday & Wednesday I have 4 hours break between classes. I can't go home since Im from Cavite so I just hang around at school. There are also times that Im alone with no company since my friends have different schedules.

But the great thing is that I get to meet more people. :D Like, I have friends from different sections unlike when you're in a block that all you get to hang out with are your blockmates. My school also used to be an all-girls school but now it's accepting guys. Still, it isn't as big as my first school but I can say it's pretty peaceful here. It's like a resort with all the nipa huts. lol! :D

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