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Guest shinhdeplol

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Oh please. You haven't proven a thing that it has to do with popularity. I just posted an article in the current events forum about India where I just made simple comments and mostly posted the article and that got negative repped. It has everything to do with pettiness. As for tones you still have no clue how someone is being unless they indicate it. If someone tells you that they're not being a certain way all you can do is say okay and move on. I even get negative repped in my own freakin journal. And how do you respond about the other person? They have nothing to do with popularity. All they do is make comments and they have a good high negative rep score. It has everything to do with pettiness and being children.

Pettiness and popularity CAN coexist you know. As a matter of fact, I'd be very surprised if a popularity contest did NOT come with pettiness.

And why do you keep saying that you can't decipher tone from writing? How is this EVER true? Have you ever read a book? More importantly, have you ever read two or more books from different authors with vastly different writing styles? You can portray a TON of different emotions and tones with writing (IMPLICITELY, not EXPLICITELY), whether it's creative writing, a journal, or a forum post. To say otherwise is just beyond ridiculous. People don't say "By the way, I am mildly irritated while I write this so keep that in mind as you read this post." Or "Well, I'm really happy to have read this article so keep in mind, I am happy while writing this, otherwise you might not get that by the way I write." Why don't people say this? Because they don't have to.

Now if you WANT, I can go back and dig up some of your ruder posts and pick it apart line by line and explain to you why people understand that you are being hostile by the way you write it, but I would HOPE that instead you can just understand that and apologize for the behavior instead of endlessly defending it.

Again, you have such a low negative rep because of whiny posts like this. You don't give it a rest. As I said a while ago, you're giving your personal trolls a reaction, and that's why they keep it up. You aren't doing yourself any favors by arguing this endlessly and defending your past rude behavior by saying "you can't tell what I meant because I didn't specify."

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Guest SouthernBelle82

Pettiness and popularity CAN coexist you know. As a matter of fact, I'd be very surprised if a popularity contest did NOT come with pettiness.

And why do you keep saying that you can't decipher tone from writing? How is this EVER true? Have you ever read a book? More importantly, have you ever read two or more books from different authors with vastly different writing styles? You can portray a TON of different emotions and tones with writing (IMPLICITELY, not EXPLICITELY), whether it's creative writing, a journal, or a forum post. To say otherwise is just beyond ridiculous. People don't say "By the way, I am mildly irritated while I write this so keep that in mind as you read this post." Or "Well, I'm really happy to have read this article so keep in mind, I am happy while writing this, otherwise you might not get that by the way I write." Why don't people say this? Because they don't have to.

In books people indicate it through their writing. Through the telling of the story. It's not exactly the same thing as a post on an internet forum where you pop in and sometimes pop out. You don't have time to set up a story or the mood or whatever. It's not the same thing as a book or journal where you have the time to set up the mood and get the reader in the right mind set for what you're trying to get across.

Now if you WANT, I can go back and dig up some of your ruder posts and pick it apart line by line and explain to you why people understand that you are being hostile by the way you write it, but I would HOPE that instead you can just understand that and apologize for the behavior instead of endlessly defending it.

I've moved on from all that. And I just explained the whole "hostile" nonsense and why it's nonsense. I'm no longer involved in pettiness with name calling and all that. I'm going to be who I am and have my opinions. If people don't like it that's their deal.

Again, you have such a low negative rep because of whiny posts like this. You don't give it a rest. As I said a while ago, you're giving your personal trolls a reaction, and that's why they keep it up. You aren't doing yourself any favors by arguing this endlessly and defending your past rude behavior by saying "you can't tell what I meant because I didn't specify."

I don't think you're a mind reader are you? That's just your opinion. And if you've followed a long in this recent posts of mine in this thread I wasn't whining. I was telling someone else don't complain with being at zero. :rolleyes: There are people way worse off than that.

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Way to miss the point. It has nothing to do with popularity. That was my point. It has to do with pettiness. If someone doesn't like one thing you say or your supposed "tone" (even though they really have no clue how you're being unless you indicate it in writing) they'll negative rep you to where you'll have -2001. You can be having the nicest tone in the world but if in their mind they think not they'll negative rep you. Doesn't matter about what you say or anything. Just petty stuff. And it doesn't matter if you tell them you're being the opposite. They don't care and couldn't possibly be wrong. Oh no nobody else is ever in the wrong. If one person isn't liked in the current events forum if they do one thing wrong you're negative repped. If you're called name's and personally attacked those posts get positive points even if they're against the rules.

Popularity is an important factor when it comes to reps.

If a troll opens his mouth, whatever he says is probably a troll, so we neg-rep him anyways.

Similarly, if a wise man opens his mouth, whatever he says is probably wise, so we +rep him.

If we perceive the first guy to be a troll, then we will interpret his posts in a negative light. An analogous statement can be made for a wise man.

Do you believe there is tone in words? The words you use and the structure of your writing all contribute to the author's tone. There's a reason why poetry is so popular; the fact that people are so delusional that they feel they can see all sorts of mystical things and feel all sorts of crazed emotions while reading a poem.

People don't need to "know" what you're feeling when you write your posts. The flow of words speak for themselves, and it's up to the author to exploit that and make use of it.

In books people indicate it through their writing. Through the telling of the story. It's not exactly the same thing as a post on an internet forum where you pop in and sometimes pop out. You don't have time to set up a story or the mood or whatever. It's not the same thing as a book or journal where you have the time to set up the mood and get the reader in the right mind set for what you're trying to get across.

"'I disagree!!!' exclaimed Mannosuke, without a care in the world for the post. He is completely unfazed; it's as if the words simply go over his head and out the window."

No, I'm sure if I started using aggressive words, caps-spam, and nice colors like "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU STUPID BTARD LEARN TO READ" you'll probably say that I'm frustrated. And if you don't, well good for you!

Because at one point in the day you could have enough to be in a raffle but by the time the raffle started (like if it was at the end of the day) you could be down -20 or something so far away.

That's why the raffle should be based on the number of reps you have, not the amount of greens you have! 2006 tickets to play with is pretty good, you see?

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

In books people indicate it through their writing. Through the telling of the story. It's not exactly the same thing as a post on an internet forum where you pop in and sometimes pop out. You don't have time to set up a story or the mood or whatever. It's not the same thing as a book or journal where you have the time to set up the mood and get the reader in the right mind set for what you're trying to get across.

On forums, people indicate it through the writing too.

I realize there is no back story, no solid foundation, which is why SOMETIMES things like sarcasm go over forum-goers heads. But not all the time. Most of the time you can still tell clearly what tone the writer wants to get across. You can tell when someone is irritated, or pissed off, or happy.

I've moved on from all that. And I just explained the whole "hostile" nonsense and why it's nonsense. I'm no longer involved in pettiness with name calling and all that. I'm going to be who I am and have my opinions. If people don't like it that's their deal.

I REALIZE you're trying to move on, but that has nothing to do with what I said. You moving on doesn't mean that BEFORE, people could TELL you were being snotty towards them. And AGAIN, instead of just admitting it and apologizing, you are defending it by saying "I wasn't being rude, you can't tell if I was because it's written, not spoken." THIS IS NOT TRUE.

I don't think you're a mind reader are you? That's just your opinion. And if you've followed a long in this recent posts of mine in this thread I wasn't whining. I was telling someone else don't complain with being at zero. :rolleyes: There are people way worse off than that.

If you have a better theory as to why you have so many negative reps (besides "pettiness" because I am not denying that's involved) then by all means, share.

By the way, telling someone else not to complain because they have zero might not be whining, per se, but it's still bitter and overly dramatic, and it's just plain annoying. Essentially, it's still going to lead to people negative repping you because you're being sour about your situation and you do whatever it takes to make that known. "Maybe you should stop complaining about having -2000 points because at least YOU aren't banned; not everyone is so fortunate." :rolleyes:

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Guest SouthernBelle82

Popularity is an important factor when it comes to reps.

If a troll opens his mouth, whatever he says is probably a troll, so we neg-rep him anyways.

Similarly, if a wise man opens his mouth, whatever he says is probably wise, so we +rep him.

If we perceive the first guy to be a troll, then we will interpret his posts in a negative light. An analogous statement can be made for a wise man.

Do you believe there is tone in words? The words you use and the structure of your writing all contribute to the author's tone. There's a reason why poetry is so popular; the fact that people are so delusional that they feel they can see all sorts of mystical things and feel all sorts of crazed emotions while reading a poem.

People don't need to "know" what you're feeling when you write your posts. The flow of words speak for themselves, and it's up to the author to exploit that and make use of it.

People really like to abuse the whole "troll" label. It seems now to fit into whatever little definition they want. Not what it was intended to be. Just anyone you don't like they're called a "troll" now days it seems. Quite childish. And yes you do need to know what someone is feeling. If someone is saying they're not being a certain way all you can do is say okay and move on. The person writing the post would know best since it is their thoughts. I've lots of time on forums thought people were being mean when they said they weren't. After a while I went back and saw their posts again and they were right. They weren't being in any particular way. Just stating their opinions.

"'I disagree!!!' exclaimed Mannosuke, without a care in the world for the post. He is completely unfazed; it's as if the words simply go over his head and out the window."

No, I'm sure if I started using aggressive words, caps-spam, and nice colors like "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU STUPID BTARD LEARN TO READ" you'll probably say that I'm frustrated. And if you don't, well good for you!

That's why the raffle should be based on the number of reps you have, not the amount of greens you have! 2006 tickets to play with is pretty good, you see?

Having prizes for reps would probably only cause more troubles.

On forums, people indicate it through the writing too.

I realize there is no back story, no solid foundation, which is why SOMETIMES things like sarcasm go over forum-goers heads. But not all the time. Most of the time you can still tell clearly what tone the writer wants to get across. You can tell when someone is irritated, or pissed off, or happy.

Not really. Sometimes it may seem obvious to you but not anyone else which is why when I do something like sarcasm I'll indicate it in writing with in parenthesis. As I said just above in the past on other forums I used to think people were being mean etc. to me when they said they weren't and tried to get me to see that. I refused to and was sure they were being awful. With more experience on forums I came to realize that was wrong and people aren't really being any certain way unless they clearly indicate it. I think people on all sides with the issue with me just got confused and I should have seen that earlier. I knew my intentions weren't bad or well negative I guess would be better. I wasn't being in any particular tone. On internet forums I try to type in the same "tone" so to not cause issues. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. I should have just saw that people were seeing things in another way and that be it. I got frustrated that people weren't believing me and just taking me at my word. But you can't really in the bigger picture tell people's emotions unless they tell you. Hence why written word can sometimes get you in trouble when voices aren't involved.

I REALIZE you're trying to move on, but that has nothing to do with what I said. You moving on doesn't mean that BEFORE, people could TELL you were being snotty towards them. And AGAIN, instead of just admitting it and apologizing, you are defending it by saying "I wasn't being rude, you can't tell if I was because it's written, not spoken." THIS IS NOT TRUE.

I already address that in my last paragraph so no need to say it again.

If you have a better theory as to why you have so many negative reps (besides "pettiness" because I am not denying that's involved) then by all means, share.

By the way, telling someone else not to complain because they have zero might not be whining, per se, but it's still bitter and overly dramatic, and it's just plain annoying. Essentially, it's still going to lead to people negative repping you because you're being sour about your situation and you do whatever it takes to make that known. "Maybe you should stop complaining about having -2000 points because at least YOU aren't banned; not everyone is so fortunate." :rolleyes:

Well as someone else pointed out (who I'll keep nameless out of respect for them) they mentioned I was now a target. People are against me. There was another poster, who they didn't name, who was in the same position. Now they're not. People didn't like this person no matter what they did for a long time. After a while they were no longer the target. I'm a very opinionated person and I also have high standards for myself in dealing with discussions especially with politics. If there's something brought up that I don't know about and am ignorant on I'm going to ask for citations. People don't like that. They just want to be believed. Where it concerns matters like that I don't just believe anyone or anything I read on the internet. I like to see where the person is getting their information. I'm not going to take being bullied and called gross name's by people. Pointing out things and wanting a situation to change is not being sour. I'm really trying to get over it and get other people to do the same. So please stop talking about it and spamming another thread about it. I'm over and done with it and other people need to be too. I made one simple comment that was on topic to someone else and it turns into this. Please for all things holy move on.

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People really like to abuse the whole "troll" label. It seems now to fit into whatever little definition they want. Not what it was intended to be. Just anyone you don't like they're called a "troll" now days it seems. Quite childish. And yes you do need to know what someone is feeling. If someone is saying they're not being a certain way all you can do is say okay and move on. The person writing the post would know best since it is their thoughts. I've lots of time on forums thought people were being mean when they said they weren't. After a while I went back and saw their posts again and they were right. They weren't being in any particular way. Just stating their opinions.

As the founder of 4chan said in response to "what is a 'troll'?": an annoying person

Heck if this was accepted in the supreme court, I'd accept it as well.

Now after quoting my post and saying all that from before, I'm really curious how you can possibly state this

I've lots of time on forums thought people were being mean when they said they weren't.

When it was all in words and they never clarified what they were feeling at the time. How can you think that they were being mean when they never said it?.

I should have just saw that people were seeing things in another way and that be it.

That's not what happened in the P != NP thread. And I'm still waiting for an elaboration on what your question was, as opposed to repeatedly stating "it's a simple question" cause clearly people are seeing things in another way and that be it

Also, pictures speak a thousand words. Smilies are your weapons.


You're doing it wrong.

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If there's something brought up that I don't know about and am ignorant on I'm going to ask for citations.  People don't like that.  They just want to be believed.  Where it concerns matters like that I don't just believe anyone or anything I read on the internet.  I like to see where the person is getting their information.  I'm not going to take being bullied and called gross name's by people.  Pointing out things and wanting a situation to change is not being sour.  I'm really trying to get over it and get other people to do the same.  So please stop talking about it and spamming another thread about it. I'm over and done with it and other people need to be too. I made one simple comment that was on topic to someone else and it turns into this.  Please for all things holy move on.

And this is the problem. Who are you to order people to produce a piece of information where you weigh it's usefulness, bias and intent? You are not in a position to demand such things from people on the basis that if they don't then their obviously lying. Meanwhile you provide links to opinion pieces and personal websites and expect them to be taken seriously.

You are not the only educated person on this forum and the sooner you drop the chip on your shoulder, the better you might be perceived.

Before you go on to proclaim the many reasons why I'm wrong and my attitude is the problem, I'm only trying to help you see something that is potentially very anti-social and I'm that interested with a reply.

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Guest chopper!

oh man, didn't think there would be an argument about the reputation thing. it certainly is pointless, but no need to get so worked up over something so small.

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Guest colloquy

+234... Yeah, I haven't gotten into a debacle with the kpop fangirls lately, so that probably explains it.

I think we can all agree that the real star of this reputation system is SouthernBelle. Keep john teshing that chicken.

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Guest SouthernBelle82

As the founder of 4chan said in response to "what is a 'troll'?": an annoying person

Heck if this was accepted in the supreme court, I'd accept it as well.

Now after quoting my post and saying all that from before, I'm really curious how you can possibly state this

Why do you think? Because I assumed something that was wrong. People told me I was wrong and didn't believe them. I was so sure they were being horrible but they weren't.

When it was all in words and they never clarified what they were feeling at the time. How can you think that they were being mean when they never said it?.

Like I said. I assumed something and they told me it was different. I didn't believe it even though after more experience on message forums I learned that I just have to take people's word. They know their intentions better than I would. I'm not them and don't have access to their thoughts.

That's not what happened in the P != NP thread. And I'm still waiting for an elaboration on what your question was, as opposed to repeatedly stating "it's a simple question" cause clearly people are seeing things in another way and that be it

Also, pictures speak a thousand words. Smilies are your weapons.


You're doing it wrong.

And I'm not going to give it. I told you already that so I'm not going to bring that into this thread. And when I do smilies people complain about that. You just can't win so I've given up trying.

And this is the problem. Who are you to order people to produce a piece of information where you weigh it's usefulness, bias and intent? You are not in a position to demand such things from people on the basis that if they don't then their obviously lying. Meanwhile you provide links to opinion pieces and personal websites and expect them to be taken seriously.

You can't have your own facts. I provide information to well respected places such as the Washington Post and the IRS and government website's. I'm very careful with the type of sources I use. I have a high standard for myself whether I'm the one using it or wanting to see it. If you're going to claim something as fact I'm never going to apologize for wanting to examine your sources myself. That's my right as an individual thinking person. I have the right to see the evidence just as you do from where I'm getting my information if you ask. If you ask a simple request it shouldn't be that difficult. Either provide it or say you don't know and can't claim it as fact. It's not that difficult of a request.

You are not the only educated person on this forum and the sooner you drop the chip on your shoulder, the better you might be perceived.

Before you go on to proclaim the many reasons why I'm wrong and my attitude is the problem, I'm only trying to help you see something that is potentially very anti-social and I'm that interested with a reply.

I've never claimed I was the only educated person on this forum. I've even said there's things out there I'm not familiar with and am quite ignorant on. If you say something that I'm ignorant on and have never heard of I'm going to ask you to see your information. I have enough respect for myself as an individual to do that. I don't just blindly believe whatever some stranger on the internet says. That's where you can get yourself into trouble. And my friendly advice to you is to stop putting words in people's mouths. That's the second time you've done that with me. You did that in the current events thread dealing with Israel and the fighter and here again. It's really quite rude to do. I don't think you would like it if I did it to you.

I'm trying to move on from all this ridiculousness. I made a very simple comment to someone that was on topic in this thread about reputation points and it gets into spam. And watch I'm going to be the one to get into trouble. :rolleyes: Even though I wasn't the one who brought it up and I'm trying to get you all to move on. I made a simple comment that was on topic. I didn't want this discussion brought up again. I'm moving on. Why don't you all do the same? Wouldn't it help the forums if people moved on and stopped freakin talking about it everywhere I go when I don't care anymore? Don't you all get tired of going around in circles and just spamming threads?

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Guest SouthernBelle82

To the average human, you sound quite arrogant.

They can only assume you are arrogant with your tone.

And people neg-rep arrogant people.

Not too hard to understand. It's quite simple really.


Shrug. If that's what they want to think. I'm really not but shrug. All I can do is type out my thoughts and explain myself if asked and if they don't want to believe it oh well. Nothing else I can do except that I guess. Do those smilies work on blogs and stuff? I love them.

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You can't have your own facts.  I provide information to well respected places such as the Washington Post and the IRS and government website's.  I'm very careful with the type of sources I use.  I have a high standard for myself whether I'm the one using it or wanting to see it.

In our thread you posted a blog from a personal website and a definition that contradicted what you were saying. Then you expected me, to not only take you seriously, but provide citations based on anecdotal evidence. You then assume if a person can not provide citations (which have to be judged as worthy by you) that they don't really know what they are talking about.

In your own words “Either provide it or say you don't know”. So it's your way of the highway, is that it? How is anybody supposed to have a conversation with an attitude like that?

And it's not your RIGHT as anything. If you are ignorant of a situation, then you could ask or do your own research but it is not your RIGHT to ask somebody to prove themselves in a way which is deemed only necessary in a strict academic environment. It's the internet, people are not writing papers for publication.

What you call "your own facts" is called anecdotal evidence. It's fine to not accept that but it's not fine to debase people's opinions and arguments because of it. You are not an authority on everything, it is rude and arrogant.

I've never claimed I was the only educated person on this forum.

What was it you said about not putting words into people's mouths? I never said you claimed to be, I was making a statement for reflection.

If you say something that I'm ignorant on and have never heard of I'm going to ask you to see your information.

What you do, is assume the person is false until proven otherwise. In other words, you are asking to person to prove themselves, to you. If you can't understand the social implication of that, then you never will.

What you're doing isn't the problem, it's the way in which you do it. People perceive you as having a chip on your shoulder and people don't like that. Also, I never put words into your mouth, I made statements about your behaviour based on what I perceived, which I have every right to do.

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I believe the sun should start to shine brightly once again, by now, and life goes back to normal . . .

Please carry on with the discussion topic and the bantering should have ended, if you all know what I mean . . . . ^_^

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Guest jonogunn

Man I still dunno where to click to see my rep. People say click your profile but I see nothing :(

Or is it that little zero on the bottom right corner?

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