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{collab TR}____JayEffect (: [CLOSED]


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lynnypooh123&stephie<3 collab tr; posters&ccs&headers;



Stephie's intro:

heyy. its stephanie again (: lolol. so some may know me others may not but either way nicee to meet you ! this is like my third collab tr. but first time collaborating with lynn. shes like really good at blending ! unlike me whos a newbieee at blending LOL. i guess thats it, have fun requesting !

Lynn's Intro:

YO YO YO! xD sorry. I'm like a total happy butterfly now since i found out I made it on the dance team ! xD Anyway, olla! me llamo lynn xD okay. I'll seriously stop. hi everyone! its Lynn. again xD some may know me from my other TR's I've had. but for those who I haven't met; nice to meet you ;D this is my first collab tr. i usually fly solo when it comes to TR's but I decided to have a collab this time since Steph suggested that we should open a collab tr since our other TR's are like DEAD. ergh.. ignore what steph said. I'm not REALLY good in blending. I'm just average. well yeah. have fun requesting ! (:

1) Introduce yourself. We love meeting new people! (LYNN LOVES LONG COMMENTS/REPLIES xD)

2) Please provide 2 or more HQ pics.(esp stocks) (LQ pics, sucky poster xP)

3) Max people in poster: 6 or below for happy posters & 3 or below for sad posters.

4) Max people in CC: 15 or below.

5) Please be patient with your request, we have other things we have to do.

6) People who request 2 or more times are VIP ;D

7) We're both beginners in Photoshopping. so if its not what you had in mind, you get what you get and don't throw a fit. (:

8) Use the form we have. I'm picky & a neat freak so yeah xD

9) Me and steph have decided that she will be doing the CC's and I shall be doing the posters. 

10) Credit the person who made your poster; lynnypooh123 or stephie<3 & no hotlinking. its BAD.

11) Put "Jaywalkers" so that we know you read the rules ^___^

12) Finally, please comment so we know that you've picked up your request & have fun requesting!

No header examples. trust us?  (well besides the headers in this thread but still xD)


Hit me with a : Poster






Extras:(anything else you want me to add?)


Hit me with a: CC


Subtitle: (optional)




Description of each character:

Extras: (anything else you want me to add?)


Hit me with some: Headers

Main Header Title:

Subtitle: (optional)


Colors to avoid:

Stock pics: (if you want a header with a background)

Extras: (anything else you want me to add?)

- xReiko-Love ♪

- MC_Lee ♥




♥Pending ♫ VIP ♪ Completed Rejected

Well um. Have fun requesting!

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Guest xReiko-Love

yes! first! mwuahahaha! you may not recognize me, but i'm maiko! i lost my password..i shouldn't have changed it T^T

anyways..can i request all? lol, cuz both of your arts are sooo good! I really can't decide between headers or poster..hmmmmmmmmmm brbxDD

Hit me with a : Poster

Title: Mission Heartbreak

Subtitle:(optional) --

Author: xReiko-Love/ Maiko

Mood: melodrama, IRIS like xDD


Park Woo Ji - x x x x x x x x x

Lee Min Gi - x x x x x x

Shin Sung Yeon - x x x x x x x

Extras:(anything else you want me to add?) hm, you can use your own pics, the 1st char. can be stock or played by Kiseop and the 3rd character is played by Jonghyun btw. ohhh, i think the 4th pic of kiseop is freakin adorable! xDDDDDDDD

shoot~ i was busy looking for stocks i forgot to put Listen to my Y~..xDD

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Guest annoyingorange

it's stephie and lynn boo <3

rofl. gahhhh! maiko stole my spot. T^T

lol. i'll be stalking loves.

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Pick up:)

MAIKO! read rule number 10 xD your forgot to add something to the end of your request lmfao xD

nevermind, i'll let you off this time xD next time i'll reject you O_O" did that sound harsh?! i didn't mean too ><" LMFAO xD anyway, i finished your poster:


textures from : yunhe@lj

Fast huh? xD lolol. idk if this is what you wanted but anyway, hope you like & credit ! ;D

&& OMG. Those pics of Jonghyun are just LOVEEEE!

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Guest stephie<3

lololol. heyy chel and maikooo (: hm...i think one of the rules should be state who you want to fulfill your request. oh my. chel became a stalker D: LOL. p.s as stated in my intro, lynn has awesome blending skills rightt ?

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Guest loikyish.

Steph! Lynn! Lynn! Steph! What is this... a collab TR? Loiky shall stalk. Psh, I know you probably think I'm a horrible stalker because I never came back in your battle thread. I have my reasons you know... which is because IAMLAZY I am a silent stalker. I always came by to check on you there but never had the chance to drop off a wordy comment. I see total bias in Lynn's flickr *cough*dbsk*cough* and ILY for that. Yee~♥. I love your happy posters Lynn! As well as Stephanie's CC's. I don't do much CC's so I hate people who knows how to do them. Yes, I hate you. Teehe. Just kidding. ; ) I'll be around. And maybe next time I come by, Ill post the reply from my TR since... I don't think I'll be reviving it soon. :D

Good luck you wonderful girls! : )

P.S. MBLAQ's Y is addicting and catchy...which reminds me I need to watch their performance. "Listen to my Y~~~~~"


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Guest xReiko-Love

^whoopsies!! sowwi!! lol anyways, THANKS VERY MUCH! i will post up my fanfic asap, when i am not lazy xD but im not lazy enough to stalk, i will of course stalk! xD shoot~ i just noticed, i put a jong pic in the wrong char. hehehe

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Guest vangmonie


gahhh. i love all your examples. it shows how much you guys just keep

growing&it's amazingggg. hopefully i'll be able to catch up soon! ;D

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Lynn's Replies!


hey Loiky! (: haha. yes. bias on my flickr cause I love DBSK so much xD lololol. haha we don't think your a horrible stalker. xD SEE! I TOLD YOU THAT STEPHANIE HAS FREAKING AWESOME CCS! xD she's like wickeddd (: haha lol. omg. did you ditch loiky?! -gasp- no ditching ! haha . thanks <3

& yes.. MBLAQ'S Y is addicting.. so is SS501's Love Ya xDDD


Hehe no problem! (: I'm glad you like it! and i read your prologue! i like ;D haha.


MONIEEEE! ;D I haven't talked to you in awhile D: -tear- lmfao xD haha. thanks <3 haha.

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Guest annoyingorange

rofl. sorry for late reply loves. (:

btw, the poster's awesome. i might request. but i'm still in the midst of hunting pictures for a non-gasoo and jaejoong pics. so yeah. <3 can i request from both of you guys? rofl. and yes steph, i agree lynn has awesome blending skills. >.<" and yes, maiko you're sooo fast! rawrrr. i see loiky is here. <3 and loiky owes us a reply! lol.

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Guest vangmonie

AHHHH. i know rightttt; *sighs. how have you been darling?;

&hurry up and post some more work up so i can spazz about them! :D

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Guest stephie<3

Stephie's Replies


Loiky ! Loiky ! Loiky ! (: yeahh a collab tr ~ haha. cool. nooo. you're probably just tooo busyyy ! heyy im a silent stalker most of the time toooo lmao. well thats only cause DBSK is like superr awesomeee and everyone loves them so they better resolve things with SM soon or im going to throw a fit XD really ? thankyouu. and i know right, lynn's posters are amazing ! lololol. really ? but making ccs are easy. its like a poster but with moree characters ! -gasp- no wonder. i've been waiting for a reply from you in your tr :\ yesshh thankyouu and yeahh it is. Listen to my Y ~


chel, you're not late lololol. andd i told you lynn's poster skills were goood ! lmao. haha. this thread is like sooo dead though -sigh- ofcourse you can. i think you'll be VIP tooooo (: ha. lynn i told you so ! even chel agrees with meee ! yeahh loiky is here...she owes everyone a reply ! lmao.


O_O lolololol. more work ? how are we suppose to post up more work if no one requests ? lmao.

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Guest annoyingorange

mine's too. rofl. and i'll be on semi-hiatus soon too. :( keke. yeah her skills are good and yours too (: i love love your works. pros! <3 i'm a VIP too? yay! ♥

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Listen to my Y~

why should i listen to your Y, you ain't mblaq. XD

anyways, hello stephie, i've seen you around, but i don't think i ever stalked any of your stuff or well left comments in them. XD

and lynn, nice poster, love the blending on it. C:

anyways, good luck on your collab thread. can't wait to see some results, because i see a lot of replies. XD

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Lynn's Replies:

annoyingorange: haha. yeah. your not late xD your perfectly fine ;D haha oh. Jaejoong you say? omg. I have like 100+ pics of him in my pictures xD haha. its like ... Jaejoong took over my laptop O_O lol seriously xD of course you can ;) okay. no. i seriously don't have that awesome blending skills D: not awesome. just okayish skills lmfao xD and CHEL'S GONNA BE A VIP... once she request ;D haha. and you don't know how long of a reply Loiky owes me xD and yes. steph's skills are good too ! SEE?! STEPH! I TOLD YOU! HA! xD

vangmonie: haha I've been good. really tired from school & stuff D: i have so much homework & speeches I have to give. Plus... I have meetings I have to go about dance team & high school stufff D: um. i really can't post anything D: maybe i can post some new stuff in my flickr ? O_O who knows what i'm going to do. i'm toooo lazy right now D:

miss_vicky: haha. hey Vicky! ;D haha thanks for the compliment (: haha. hopefully we'll get more requests.


dudeeeeeeees. this thread is like DEADDDD. DX I'll post more examples in a bit . cause i made alot of random posters cause i was bored. lol. well yeah. keep on requesting! ^___^ and I'm in love with 2 different tears by Wonder Girls. xD

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Guest MC_Lee

Hello! (waves) Nice to meet you girls, I'm MC and I <3 ur work.

So I decided to request.

Hit me with a : Poster

Title: Bulletproof.

Subtitle:I'll never let you sweep me off my feet, This time baby I'll be bulletproof. (optional)

Author: MC_Lee


Pics: 1



Extras:(anything else you want me to add?): this will be a ng fic.

I would like Lynn to do this poster.

"Listen to my Y~

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