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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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The elder sibliings bear a remarkable resemblance to the Dad in his rude, rough way of speaking, acting like he owns the place and issuing threats every few sentences. There can be no doubt that they are his legitimate children!

JS is really dumb. Its twice that Jenny has plastered her cheek next to hers and whispered in her ear about how her Mum's plans to marry the Chairman has been ruined. Doesn't she wonder how Jenny knows what is happening in JS' home? And yes, I know she has lovely long legs but she's working as a curator. When I did some temp work at a museum, all the curators there(and at times even the admin staff) had to do a lot of stretching, climbing, bending to reach for things and check stuff, etc. Aren't her short skirts inappropriate?! But then again, this lot of curators seem to do nothing but sit at their desks and stare at paper!

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lol I've been watching this drama on and off, and really, it's just silly. I can understand the kids and the mom, but really, mom should have spit out the truth a long, long time ago instead of trying to force her daughter into a loveless marriage with someone whom she is on barely civil terms with. Honestly, I feel super bad for Woojin, poor guy. Twisted wife, twisted in-law, father who's too blinded by love to see how much his son is hurting. All he has is Jeongsu and even she's getting married....I think XD BTW what did YJ say at the end of today's episode? Something about a husband?

I keep laughing to myself about how mad people are getting over this show (i.e. ineedmoredrama and 2Van123) and really, you think this is bad? You ain't seen nothin' yet. I will be blatantly honest and say, this drama is NOTHING compared to the drama I just finished last week, after MONTHS of yelling at the computer screen, Happiness in the Wind/A Good Day When the Wind Blows. Ask semi-fly, I'm pretty sure she watched it and was active in the thread. I went on rampages AT LEAST twice a week if not more. The manipulative wife and evil mother in-law are nothing compared to the walking evil that is Choi Miran and her parents. Never in my life have I ever wanted to rid this planet of someone so much XP For those of you actually considering that drama (GDWWB), DON'T DO IT. It's just one big fat headache after the first like 50 episodes. XP

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This drama is so silly, it actually is my daily source of comedy. The comic relief it provides makes this drama and its cast of clowns rather enjoyable at least for me.

Mr White is the latest comedian to appear on the scene, and he really is a throwback to the olden days when singer JYP was the vogue in kpop. Perhaps that's why whitey is emulating JYP's famous mantra line: "JYP...I'm back!". The man says today he's been actually dropping by to visit once every few years to see how they were faring, unbeknownst to the 3 dumb and dumber and dumbest kids fathered by him.

And today in KBSW the man was so hilarious in asking the eldest daughter Junghui to go into the room with the wimpy hubby Minhyuk and make a son ASAP. And when whitey smashed the plate dishes for the umpteenth time, the daughter told her wimpy husband, "Vart u waiting for? Quickly kleen up the mess.". He responded in less than a heartbeat. Talk abt role reversals.

Here's more hilarity....Ex-cop Jungchul threatened to call the cops if whitey didn't leave their house and guess who gets slapped in the face? Whatever happened to his ex-cop-turned-ex-aerobics instructor...er...lightning reflexes? Ah...I get it now...this drama writer seems to enjoy inserting scenes of grown men getting slapped by their dads? Indeed a k-drama without someone getting slapped or someone getting intoxicated by booze is NOT a k-drama.

Didn't we find out several-several episodes ago when Jenny asked delectable Jeongsu to do a brochure translation into English, only to discover that JS command of English is inversely proportional to her long legs? Today Jenny again asks JS to do another English translation of another brochure for an upcoming art exhibition that's been taking ages to put together? To rub it in Jenny adds, "If you need my help, just let me know." Yeah. right.

I'll give JS top prize today for showing the funniest physical comedy - when whitey stormed out of the house late at night (after smacking the ex-cop), JS ran after him and stopped him from walking any further by stretching both her arms straight and wide out....for a nano-second, I wished the old man had wrapped his arms around her and given her a tight fatherly hug.

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KBSW Ep 87

Waddaya know...the episode today began with 2 slaps and ended with a punch to the face......plenty of action in one single episode including a barrage of k-drama style insults agst each other's family without using a single expletive. Bravi!

Shouldn't the 2 old fogeys by now get a room or something? All these night and day quickie-meetings along street alleys is NOT cool anymore. Anyway it's good to see the dominant alpha-male lion mr white give gyutak a sucker punch (what did I say abt the two lovebirds getting a room instead of making out in the streets like delinquent teenage schoolkids?)

Today's ep also presents 2 contenders for funny ha-ha man of the moment award - First contender, Yongjun proudly tells mr white that his dad married 5 times. A while later in JS's room (yeah, the perv finally made it that far and could have gone even further) Yongjun tells JS a.k.a. Chestnut Jelly,

"Jeongsu, I don't love you bcos you have a nice father. I love you for you."

(duh? nice father? since when? BTW I sure do hope "I lurv u 4 u" sounds much better (more romantic?) in korean than it does in english).

Of course JS immediately becomes lumpy like wet clay after hearing these saccharine-sweet words (bet the script tells JS to look 'melted or lumpy") and yongjun grabs the chance and s_l_o_w_l_y grabs-embraces a melted JS into his arms, and the camera shows his 'pervertic' grin from behind her shoulders, and also JS's split second wry smile.

Split-second bcos mr white barges into the room and sees them in each other's arms and now 2nd contender for funnyman award -

Mr White was so happy at what he saw, he told Yongjun, while pointing at JS's bed, "Sleep here tonight". Goodnight young lovers, he says as he left the room and then 3.8 secs later, he vomited blood in the bathroom. Well. so much for foreplay.

I couldn't stop laughing at these two scenarios written by our erstwhile pathetic writer. The writer does seem to be improving in his comedic skills, day by day.

OK. obviously I'm not a female, but I think about the hardest thing a girl can do if her own father tells (orders?) her unofficial boyfren to spend the night in her own bedroom...actress Kim Bin Woo must have thought long and hard what expression she would have to wear following that remark...hence the face-saving blood-vomiting scene which by the way concludes with the bloody father (literally bloodied) telling JS & YJ to 'go on insde and sleep...to continue what you were doing,"

If I were Yongjun, I wouldn't mind testing the bedsprings with JS (and what's more with daddy's approval) but shhh...this IS a FAMILY morning drama, so conveniently, father's invitation wasn't taken up and THAT won't happen as yet.

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Guest 2Van123

You got it Daunte .. the show is becoming even more and more comical. So too our comments. And yet sadly, some people can't figure that out and thinks we are getting angier and angier about the show. Now THAT is too darn funny!

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Guest julia10

I just really want to know how this ends... I dont'even watch the delayed telecasts in our KBS World because it is really becoming comical and unbelievable!!

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Ep 89 KBSW

Today's episode finally knocked into me that the title PMPW should actually be Horny Mom, Adulterous Woman. The buildup from the past 3.5 episodes finally convinced everyone the following 'facts':

1. Soonjin & Gyutak were still frequently having more than 'feely-touchee' sessions even after she got married to mr white.

2. mr white of course spread his time (and bodily fluids) with more women than he could remember.

3. a big question mark is raised by mr white over who actually sired jeongu, as well as the other grown-up kids, a question that gyutak didn't and couldn't entirely confirm nor deny.

The writer is in fact trying to drill in the moral, actually immorality, of this story - it's ok for soonjin to practise the horizontal mambo with both men bcos since she's stuck in a loveless marriage with a violent uncouth man, it's totally ok for her to de-stress by dong more bedroom exercises with gyutak. The writer insists that soonjin is NOT a wanton woman bcos for the past 10 plus episodes - she's been feeling torn between two men and feeling pained every time she sees gyutak. So it's not a case of an adulterous nymphomaniac woman happily doing the kama sutra but prithee pleeze, every episode shows soonjin suffering from 'no love' and pining for gyutak. Hmm....or it could be a bad case of a middle-aged woman suffering from withdrawal symptoms of nymphomania.

The writer wants us to accept that soonjin's adultery /u] is and was induced by circumstances 'beyond her control' and is fully justified bcos of mr white's violent and loveless behavior towards her. So folks, it's ok for wifey to be unfaithful so long as her husabnd is also unfaithful and violent.

Take a second look, take a step back and you'll see the same pattern in Jenny's numerous affairs with unknown men she picks up at bars bcos dog-face wujin prefers banging his ditzy employee. Take a further step back and you might also notice that the writer has created a similar slightly modified story arc for Jeongsu who's also torn between 2 men - she thought that by using one unmarried lecher to thwart the other married loser, she would balance everything nicely and everybody lives UNHAPPILY ever after. But week after week, she's bullied by Jenny and JS looks as happy as a prisoner on death row.

It beats me why the writer is taking such a long time to 'justify' soonjin's adulterous relationship past and present bcos I doubt if many viewers would buy that kind of 'argument'. Is gyutak truly her savior?

She threatens divorce many-many times, gyutak's lawyers we know are learning the ABCs of divorce, and even mr white told gyutak TODAY he'd sign the divorce papers provided a DNA is done to verify which grown-up adults in that household come from his loins. So what's holding up soonjin's move for divorce? Could it be there was a 3rd man she did the kama sutra with? Haha!

For reasons best known only to the writer, soonjin now wants to back away from both Gyutak and mr white....therefore prolonging the sexual tension(?) for Gyutak....and giving mr white more time to work on the other middle age woman working at the diner. While gyutak continues to suffer a bad case of blue balls, mr white is only too eager to prove his manhood without the blue pill.

Meantime the story is developing like an old dog chasing its own tail....slow, repetitive and occasionally trips, inducing laughter. But oh..I'm in no hurry to see its ending bcos I'm having too much fun along this story's journey....the destination may not be half as good and most k-dramas have proven me right.

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Guest 2Van123

The number of potholes in the story has risen dramatically! It seems Mr White is saying that he became the man, or rather the drunken skirt-chasing lout that he is because of Soojin’s infidelity. Like adultery is a disease someone can catch. Right, White is an innocent victim and soon, biological children or not, dumb, dumber and ditzy will be feeling sympathy for him. SJ's reasons for infidelity other than a boorish husband is that she is in love with GT. GT accepted money from SJ's Dad to leave her. It would seem that it was that money that helped a penniless man start up a business that would flourish. And was he married at the time he and SJ renewed their lusty passion for each other? For White to wonder which child is his means it is true that he had paid visits to SJ over the years. Just to “see” her and not the children! And good ole SJ timed her extracurricular activities such that there is a possibility that the children are White’s! Before her marriage, she had an illegitimate child whom it seems her Dad forced her to give up. Hasn’t she learned anything about birth control since then?! When SJ took the children and fled in the middle of the night after she received a proposal from a shop keeper, JS thought she acted very virtuous. After she learns of her Mom’s past, JS will revise that impression and realize that SJ ran away because a husband would put such a crimp on her adulterous lifestyle! And SJ who definitely is not a poker player has managed to hide her activities so well that not even her children or her busybody best friend even knew! And I was surprised she told GT that she was so happy when he recently returned. I thought she fainted when she saw him. And we saw countless episodes of her wringing her hands and muttering under her breath. I didn’t see a happy woman!

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What's happening now? Everyone looks so distressed, including the priest. I can imagine the shock the family will go through once the well-kept secret of SJ is revealed. What happened to the ill-mannered fugitive father - he is nowhere in the latest pictures posted by semi-fly. I still can't figure out if Jeongsu will end up will Youngjun - the guy seems to have genuine feelings for JS, but the temper is scary coz he can change to a green-eyed monster that can be dangerous for JS. WJ is still a wimp, unable to stand firm against the manipulations & evil plans of his MIL & insecure wife. I wonder why he can't divorce his crazy wife when he has all the evidences that will prove her to be unfit as a wife & mother. And the chairman .... how can he not get the idea that the director is behind the sudden appearance of SJ's husband. Is the chairman still clueless that the director has feelings for him & will not give up until she gets him whole with his entire wealth.

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Guest b00kw0rm

WJ with his constant self-pity "I'm all alone!". He conveniently forgets his son and that's why he can't take Jenny to court for being an unfit Mum. If she is unfit, what that does make him - who willingly and knowingly left his son with her alone in the US while he was living in Korea? And chasing after JS, I might add! There's no way any court would choose him over her. And each time he whines to JS about how alone he is, I wonder if he really loves JS or he just wants someone - anyone - by his side? He seems more needy than in love with JS. On the other hand, YJ's easy friendship with White makes him look even less attractive as a contender to be JS' life partner.

Only JH got it right when she wondered how Jenny's Mum knew about the Dad's reappearance in their lives. But she didn't pursue the matter. This is another clue that JH is really the daughter of Mr White. Vulgar but street-smart genes!

I am puzzled about GT and SJ story. One minute the story is that they parted when SJ's Dad tracked them down and paid off GT. He went to the States. Another story is that they continued the affair after her marriage. Is it poor translation or did the scriptwriter lose track of what the dull characters said?

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The way I see it, Gyutak & Sunjin lived together for about a year until the were tracked down by SJ's father & forced their separation .. payng off GT so it seems. Now SJ was pregnant with her first born without GT's knowledge, & I have the strong feeling the baby was given up for adoption. Now, this abandoned baby turned out to be the priest. Fine, SJ married this good-for-nothing fellow, a drunkard & philaderer and bore her 3 children, Junhui, Juncheol & Jungsu. Sometime or after so many years, with the irresponsible womanizing husband on & off the scene, GT appeared, thus the aborted romance was restored ... Jungu then was born. The special child was fathered by GT. Does that make sense, bookwOrm?

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Good job, Carmina...even if you've not been watching semi-fly's links (or if you don't understand basic korean), I think your summary of THE SECRET makes logical sense. The latest screen captures do show the priest having more airtime and constantly showing the same unhappy facial expressions as the rest of the clowns, ....er....cast of characters.

Wujin's constant tale of being abandoned (name one daily morning k-drama without a baby being abandoned) by a nameless mother (they usually are) is supposed to bring on viewers' (and ditzy JS) pity and sympathy, so expect more tales of lonesome despair from Wujin.

A REAL JS would certainly, no matter how naive or dumb, stay away from this kind of man - why? Bcos WJ current lack of attention and care for his own son mirrors his own lamentations. He pretends to a victim of abandonment and loneliness but ACTUALLY he craves for them bcos he knows ditzy JS will fall for this kind of bleeding-heart stories. Classic self-fulfilling prophecy. WJ's one seriously sick puppy. He's got a son, a wife who always makes suggestive moves on him, and he still wants a girlfriend?

Indeed there is already a parentless-homeless character, Eunju, WJ's former babysitter who frequently walks around in shorts and her nubile young womanly figure always gets Jeongwu's hormones working overtime but poor chap will only end up suffering puppy love. Now if she could only lead the priest into temptation and eternal damnation - this drama might have its own spin-off...haha!

The tales of immorality in this drama is a tad becoming too predictable -

1) we have 2 married men (WJ & mr white a.k.a Yeongsu) who keep lusting after other women in order to make up for their...er...shortcomings and self-made loneliness.

2) we have 2 women, mother and daughter, (SJ & JS) who keep looking for love in all the wrong places, hence falling into an endless cycle of being manipulated and deceived by those same men

3) for variety we have another mother and daughter duo (Jenny & Myungsook) who instead of looking after the young boy and run the gallery properly, schemes and plots everyday bcos their own love lives are also out-of-whack - one's a serial nymphomaiac who's targeted ex-cop Jungchul so as to regularly milk him for information while the evil mum takes her frustrations out on ditzy Jeongsu since old-gyutak-doesn't-see-her-as-a-woman.

This circus of clowns in order to sustain its mon-fri tales of more immoralities must have at least one suspended SURPRISE ending, other than smaller surprises like which jerk JS MAY end up with, or whether the "professor"-husband of Junghee leaves her for the younger woman, etc but one thing is almost for sure...nobody will end up living happily ever after. Another given is that someone always gets slapped and plates and cups will be sent flying about the room- such good adult behavior for the young ones to emulate.

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