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Clubbox Tutorial + FAQs

Guest happyroach

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Could anyone tell me what is written below. Can't understand korean.

클럽박스 운영정책에 따라 블라인드 처리되었습니다.

박스가 블라인드 처리된 기간동안은 일반회원의 박스접근 및 다운로드가 제한됩니다.

박스시삽 .... 님이 박스회원님들께 남긴 메시지입니다.

http://clubbox.co.kr/BG888 로 이용하세요

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Guest lilaznanime

There's this video on this clubox and it's an .avi video. For some reason I can't play it on Windows Media Player. It plays the sound, but leaves out the video part. Can someone help me? :tears:

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Guest asian_252

Hi, just wanted to ask what I do for this. I just started having my own Clubbox soI am a bit lost. But I did read through the FAQ and I couldn't find this in there or did I miss it. Thanks.


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Guest nhocbi

I download and install it "NowStarter.cab" if not I don't think we can use still clubbox. So far no problem, no virus or spyware alert from my anti-virus & anti-spyware.

Hey, I had the same problem, but after I uninstalled clubbox, downloaded the new version of clubbox using the link on the first page and reinstalled it, the problem has been fixed. Hope it help :sweatingbullets: .

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Guest beauwhale

hi, i just want to know if anybody has the same prob as mine. i cannot log in when i dl from CB. is there anywrong with it?? it has been for months... I cant even log in to my account. anybody knows what is the prob? plz let me know. thanks a lot.

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i've had the same problem .. and this is how i fixed it

1. goto C:\Windows\System32

2. look for clubbox.exe

3. right-click and goto properties

4. click on the compatibility tab

5. check the box that says "run as administrator"

6. open clubbox.exe from there just to make sure it opens

7. it shouldn't disappear anymore =)

8. goto your favourite clubbox and download awwwwayyyyyy


I have the problem of my clubbox disappearing everytime I try dl something. I tried the above steps but i cant find the "run as administrator" tab. It's not on the compatibility tab.

Please help anyone!! thanks a lot

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haven't been here in a long time, can someone translate this for me.

시삽님이 운영하시는 박스는 점수가 부족하여

등급 하향 조정 가능성이 있습니다

등급심사일 : 2007.05.30 (수)

시행 내용 : 박스 등급을 은박스로 조정

박스 등급 하향 조치 사유

현재 회원님이 운영하는 박스의 평균 점수가 부족하여

클럽박스 운영 정책에 따라,

3일 후에 박스 등급이 하향 조정될 가능성이 있습니다.

남은 기간 열심히 활동해주세요.

궁금하신 사항이나 자세한 사항은 클럽박스 고객센터를 통해

문의 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

다시 보지 않음

I have a hunch on what it means, but I just need some clarifying.If this is true, then CB sux big time!!!!!!!

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Guest aznscrewball

I was wondering, I am using Quick Download for a download, but now I want to revert it back to normal download. Is there any way of doing so without having to delete my download and click download from the main Clubbox again?

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I was wondering, I am using Quick Download for a download, but now I want to revert it back to normal download. Is there any way of doing so without having to delete my download and click download from the main Clubbox again?

u must be new to this, all u need to do is " pause " and delete the file from ur CB' DL Window.Do not the delete the CRC Data file though, since that would permanently delete everything, just leave it be.Now go back to the original CB on were u got the file from, and click the regular download button.

there u go...

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i'm just a newbie at clubbox.. so sorry if this is a dumb question. ><'' Do you have to have your own CB or can you just d/l from CB without having to do anything ?
you don't have to OWN a CB, you most probably need to get an account because most CB would require you to be members before you can dl from them. Refer to pg. 1 for instruction on how to get an account or become member of CB owners.

There's this video on this clubox and it's an .avi video. For some reason I can't play it on Windows Media Player. It plays the sound, but leaves out the video part. Can someone help me? :tears:
You might have CODEC problem. Try installing K-lite CODEC. You can google for it. Good luck.
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omigosh, tim... :mellow: i don't know for sure, but it seems to be about possible downgrading of clubbox if there's a lack of CB points. :tears: aigoo, if this is true, that is indeed very sucky. :( i worked hard for a gold CB. i don't wanna see it turn back to silver. >.<;;;

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omigosh, tim... :mellow: i don't know for sure, but it seems to be about possible downgrading of clubbox if there's a lack of CB points. :tears: aigoo, if this is true, that is indeed very sucky. :( i worked hard for a gold CB. i don't wanna see it turn back to silver. >.<;;;

Hey girl... it's Lisa right!? haven't been here in a while so I've forgotten some names^_^;; anyways if what u say is true about the message, then by tommorrow, my GOLD CB will turn back to Silver.

I don't know why they do this but, screw it!!! CB sux anyways nowadays with all the stupid changes they've been making.

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Guest itsjennyfer

Hello ^^

I've recently discovered the mileage points

(I dont know why I haven't earlier, haha)

And I had about 20,000. I traded in about 3000? (2000-one and 1000-one...)

But whenever i click Quick Download, the different/newer window popup doesnt appear as it shows in your ScreenShots, and it just directly goes to my clubbox, going at the same speed (about 55 kB/s)

Any idea what the problem is? Do i have to wait a day or something for the points to administer them to work?

After I buy a coupon all it does is take me to this page:


and says stuff likee ...

"itsjennyfer 님이 보유한 상품권 : 총 2 장

상품권명 출처 잔액 만료일자 사용가능여부

2GB 다운로드 상품권 마일리지 교환 상품권 2,000 P 2007-06-04 사용가능

5GB 다운로드 상품권 마일리지 교환 상품 5,000 P 2007-06-09 사용가능 "

&so I don't know what to do from there, if I'm SUPPOSED to do antyhing. Haha

Anyway, thanks in advance! And thankyou for creating such tutorials - very helpful! :)

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hey tim! yup, it's lisa. ^_^ yeah, CB is getting so tight with rules and restrictions. yet, it's my main source of korean goodies. :mellow: guess i'll have to see what to do if they decide to downgrade. :blink:

itsjennyfer: do you right-click on the file you have in queue and select Quick Download? and since you have 2 coupons purchased at the same time, once you see the pop-up window for Quick Download, you'll have to select which coupon you want to use. i'd suggest the one that expires first on 070604, with 2GB. :)

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Guest linni

Now I'm having problems with clubbox too! :tears:

Now when I try to download something, clubbox wants to update but the download never downloads...when I close it I get something in korean ending with [e105]. I tried downloading a newer version of clubbox but I still have the same problem. I'm running vista x64. Anyone got any ideas??? :(

Edit: ooo the deleting fscagent thingy kinda works for me but I have to delete it everytime i download

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I'm pretty new to CB, only got it a few days ago

I know this might be FAQ already, but no problem solved even after reading the FAQ section:

Q: I've waited days, but my downloads are still stuck at 0%. Is there something wrong?

A: Yes. And it's because:

1. You are probably downloading an unpopular file (it's probably really old/new/weird/etc, so nobody else has the file except you). Clubbox has become increasingly p2p, so unless a load of people are downloading/sharing the file, your download might be stuck for ages. Word of advice: DOWNLOAD THE CURRENTLY POPULAR FILES AND ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU MISSED OUT ON SOME OLD ONES.

2. Your internet connection sucks. If you're familiar with p2p programs, you should know that the better your internet connection, the more possible connections you can make with other people, hence more people can upload to you, which gives you faster download speeds. Therefore, go shell out a few more bucks each month and get better internet. Don't complain here, complain to your wallet. For details on your download capacities, see this post.

I waited 2 days already and every single file I tried has a status of "pause (0%)"

I tried both popular files and older dramas like Which Star Are you from..and all are always stuck at 0%. I have DSL and files usually don't take that long, but with CB, nothing seems to work. It goes to pause everytime I press on Start.

What to do?!?! :wacko:

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^This is my first few times using CB, but absolutely none of the dramas start downloading.

Every single one of them stays on Pause 0% >>

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Guest ♥♥♥

I'm New To Cb

I've tried to download several times already, but it's not working.

Has this happend to you before? What am I doing wrong?

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