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You Like it When Guys.....

Guest _writer_

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Guest yellow submarine

when guys are confident but aren't afraid of showing their weaknesses and emotions

when they are able to make jokes that don't compromise someone else's feelings

when they have good sense and timing about when to be serious and when to be lighthearted

when they understand me and my needs

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Guest citylights.

- when they ask for hugs

- when they make me smile

- when they ruffle my hair (but not patting/petting me, I hate that)

- when they help me in something even though I clearly did not ask them too

- when they try to comfort me but are hella awkward about it, LOL I find it cute

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Guest Kumi-chi

I like it when guys...

  • Have a sense of humour.
  • Aren't afraid of embarrassing themselves.
  • Give lots of hugs <3
  • Hold doors open for others ( I love a bit of chivalry).
  • Straightforward and honest. But not in a rude/insulting way.
  • Good with kiddies.
  • Doesn't act like a jerk when he's around his friends.
  • Treats others with respect.
  • Ruffles my hair <3
  • Does cute/teasing things like stealing my phone, lending me his jacket.

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Guest chickIet

I love it when my boyfriend knows that I'm upset with him, he will say sorry and make it up with something I like to eat ( because the way to my heart is through my stomach. ^_^) I love it when he is courteous, holds the door for me, kisses my forehead, puts his hands in my butt pockets (makes me feel like I'm his and nobody else's...nobody puts their hands in there lol), respects my wishes, is willing to do anything for me to make me happy, and is willing to show his emotions.

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I like it when guys smile, are intelligent, types with proper grammar & spelling. In addition, when they remember those little things, like what you said to them months ago and they still remember (:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest koyuki

I like it when he gets passionate/excited about something he's talking about and starts talking really loudly without knowing it. I don't know about you but that's endearing as heck :)

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Guest efflorescent musings

I like it when guys...

-can engage in a serious discussion with me (i.e. current events, politics), not necessarily intelligent but more like... informed

-have a sense of style (dressing nice is such a PLUS!!!)

-lead the conversation (since I pretty much SUCK at starting conversations)

-just nice and humorous

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Guest minicherries

i like when guys..

smilee reallyy big when they see you

put their arm around you and around your waist

when they get shy <333

when they get passionate about talking about something & their eyes just shinee <3

omgosh i want a boyfriend >_<

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Guest XangelXtranX

sweet, cute when they appear mean, rude. What? Sounds like someone been watching too many k-drama.

Realistically, I like guy who smiles a lot, or has an incredible smile. Who knows how to play some sort of instrument and have a passion for something. I don't like romantic guys who only worry about how to get the girl he likes. More or not I like a guy who can communication well and not too flirty with girls around him. Carry his own business and all that.

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Guest simmycaro

x When while we're kissing outside he tugs my shirt/sweater down to keep my muffintops from getting cold lol

x when he unexpectedly surprises me with things like a packed lunch

x when he squeezes me super tight instead of just a hug

x when he writes in pencil and paper to me

x when he calls in the morning and wakes me up

x i love it when guys nibble and suck right under my jaw, or give a simple kiss on the small of my back after he finishes.

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Guest letsflyy

➝ when they know when to be serious and when to be chill 

➝ when they care about a girl's feelings and respects them

➝ when they don't play around with girls and are committed to just one 

➝ when they smell really nice 

➝ when they dress well 

➝ when they act cute/romantic

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Guest daradiridaraduu-

-Share my interests in music and movies.

-Have ears pierced

-Slight stubble (HNNGGGGGHHH)

-Look tired and angry all the time, but has a sweet, loving smile.

-Are English (; (English as in British, incase you were confused.)


-Hot instead of Cute.

-Doesn't get scared easily.

-Skinny, not muscle-y.

-Has a hobby they pursue

-Smokes cigarettes

-Wears rings

-Perverted with a sick sense of humour

-Grayish blue eyes


If they're Jamie Hewlett.

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