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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Mamablues
































































* to thank the owner of this picture .. I just upload a photo of the baby......

















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Guest gettawa
















































































































































































































































































































































































Hi everyones ......






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 I just look at the latest the end.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But do not know that much around. 5555






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And can not say that's most like and why.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because I love every time they're together.:wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And when I see Yong picture that he twit.  I thought I'd see his wife.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I'm not sure.. anybody can help me can you see his buin















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 and Plese don,t tell me  You see her in his mind, 5555.

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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aneng, very true!! *nods in agreement* :phew:

mamablues, nice one!!! loveee it! :D keep it up!

just 'cause i'm in the mood for their wedding... :w00t:




cr. DCinside

hmmm could there be a back hug scene from yongseo since they did piggyback... and piggyback can indirectly be a backhug kekeke :wub: dugeun dugeun!

ok... i'm done for the nite... goonite guyz!

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Guest kaydee_






i don't think i'd be fully over the preview, until, the episode itself airs. especially this (sorry for the bad gif. lol):





gif by me, but video cr: owner


one thing just went through my mind when i saw this: how do you fall in love while the whole world is watching? 





i've always just been a casual fan of this couple (sometimes making a few wallies here and there, for practice) and i've always been able to separate myself once i finished spazzing about the episode. but this wedding shoot preview got me refreshing youtube so many times, i can't even find it funny. but i feel my cheeks are about to burst when i see yong's unsure/shy/nervous smile. dare i say, i got butterflies in my stomach. this is just pure win. 


to answer soshisoshisoshi's question: i consider myself partly a boice, having discovered cnblue after i saw yongseo's 1st episode, listened to now or never and haven't looked back since. i love band music and discovering cnblue in the midst of idol world kpop is quite refreshing. it was through them, too, that i knew about ft island and trax, but i digress.


anyway, episode 1 was painful to watch, not gonna lie. i couldn't say i was enthusiastic about the next few episodes either. however, with patience, i began enjoying their episodes more and more. at first, i didn't believe that they'd last this long and they'd be this close. watching the awkward moments, guessing that 'this is just a job, let's get this over with' was running through their heads each time. but somewhere along the way, something clicked and things fell into place and it all became wonderful. 


seeing their progress each episode, i still can't help but be surprised at how close they are, which i believe would not have resulted from just seeing each other during shooting days. i think these kids have already invested much on each other that it's both happy and sad. cause really, how do you fall in love while the world is watching? 


i always end up writing an essay when i post here. haha!


lastly, big thanks to mountainmadman, dduk, tetsuya for translations and videos. to the fanfic, fanart makers, and to the everyone who posts and discusses their thoughts, as a big lurker, i'm really thankful for making the lurking really enjoyable. :)




for the wedding episode. am i asking for too much if i want something like this to happen? 







though it seems like they'd be going for the yongseo journey theme, i'd be a happy potato for days and days if at least this would happen.



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Guest winbros



















Ok, just for the fun of it, I would like to ask you guys something, especially those who have been following YongSeo SINCE the RUMOR OF THEM BEING CASTED ON WGM.... be honest!! sorry for late followers, didn't mean to separate you guys heheehehe.








Do you guys expect their relationship to be very comfortable like now????? perspective from SONEs and BOICEs


























from fans that I asked  the same question, most people (esp. Hyun-biased) said that they didn't expect their relationship to be like this :lol:.















@soshi3 - sorry to cut your post short, I'm a late follower but I'm going to jump right in on your question below, as I came on this DAEBAK couple in a roundabout way.  This will be long (seriously long, so if you plan to skip this, I don't blame you), I'm pulling some of my earlier posts together and taking the trouble to think through and write up how I got to know uri Yongseo and why I'm obsessed, I mean why I love them. :sweatingbullets:  In fact, it's long enough that I thought it should go into a spoiler cos seriously, it's long..... I'm long-winded, shoot me........








EDIT:  Ok, luna21 convinced me to remove the spoiler tags, btw, I love your wedding pictures, those plus the wedding preview arm-wrestle pose exactly portray our fav couple - arm-wrestle, rain, books, nice and chaste..... 








First off, I am an Ajusshi (SNAG - see earlier post on page 1880) married to a wonderful lady with whom we have 2 handsome boys.  My colleagues/friends are amazed that I am hooked on this couple, in a BIG WAYBIG WAY.  Heck, I'm amazed myself, I can't explain why I stalk the internet whenever I have time for news on the 2, sigh......  I am proud of the fact though that I have since converted 4 of my colleagues to goguma-shippers already, and looking for more willing victims.  B)








I was neither a BOICE or SONE, though I watched You are Beautiful mid last year on our local cable and love that drama to death, my wife does too, she adores JGS & PSH pairing, and through the drama has declared her no.1 korean group/band is FT Island.  She "hints" that I should buy their CDs whenever they are released, and because I love her (and her cooking), I willingly comply. blush.gif   As I found out through YAB that YongHwa was part of CNBlue and they had an album or 2 out then, I asked wife if she would like to listen to them as well but she's a HongKi-shipper more than YongHwa (poor 2nd lead in YAB, just got pwned by JGS from wife's POV).   So wifey not keen = no CNBlue music for us then.








We've seen SNSD on KBS World (in Singapore that's what we get, along with TvN)  alongside other girl groups and the only thing we agreed on was that  they probably had the best legs amongst the girl groups, alongside After  School.  Their music was alright but I was personally more inclined  towards T-ARA's type of music.  I actually bought T-ARA's CD for their music.  Call me uncle-shipper..... :phew:








Watching KBS Guerilla Interview 1 day, it was the interview with Yonghwa at some photoshoot where he was posing with a model fairly intimately, the entertainment reporter asked if his wife (Seohyun) knew he was doing the shoot and if she minded it, where he answered that she didn't and it was for work so she would understand.  Said reporter than asked about his marriage and which SNSD SIL he was afraid of, to which he replied that he was not afraid of any and that he liked them all.  That was a funny interview and you should try to youtube it if you haven't seen it.  Curious, I thought to myself why would he marry young?  When I asked my KPop advisor, i.e. my receptionist-colleague (I kid you not, she knows so much about KPop its scary, she's my best friend now and tells me that I know certain things about KPop that even she doesn't - I blame Yongseo, really..... ), she told me that he was in a "pretend" marriage for a K-Variety show (WGM).  I was thinking, why on earth would anyone be on such a program, and dutifully went to "obtain" the first season of the variety program.








I thought Season 1 was quite funny, I shipped AlSin couple, Shin Ae's so awkwardly cute (sensing a trend here about me are you now?) and Alex was Mr Romantic - he basically "spoilt the market" for men with regards to how to treat women, and felt that AnSol and CrownJ+InYoung were interesting.  I seriously thought AnSol were going to date but saw them on Strong Heart where they kind of ignored each other so I figured something's not quite right there.   And then Shin Ae goes ahead and gets married 1-2 months after she leaves the program..... so much for true love through a TV program....    The one guy that I wanted to slap was HyungDon for being himself (?? if that was really him, oh boy) with Saori, then they got divorced and I thought okay, that went well..... then they paired him up with Taeyeon from SNSD and I went OMG they're that desperate for ratings?  Poor TAEYEON, no one deserves DonDon..... :tears:, not that I knew her then, just that she was the leader of SNSD.








While watching Episode 25 or 26 (I forgot, it becomes a blur when you marathon the first season) of Season 1, I felt that I needed a break from the "Original Couples" and dutifully "obtained" the first 10+ episodes of Yongseo late last year, curiosity over why Yonghwa was married + I did like his Shinwoo Hyung character in YAB being the main draw...  seriously, I didn't know JoKwon or GaIn, nor Khuntoria then.  I may have thought about "obtaining" Uee's episodes just cos she was in YAB as well, but I didn't... should I now??








I say it again, they had me at Episode 1..... seeing Tiffany & Taeyeon's conversation with Maknae Seohyun in the opening minutes of Episode 1 had me all curious... who was this girl that is going into the marriage with Yonghwa?  Watching their awkwardness unfold over Episode 1 had me going "wow, Yong is nothing like Shinwoo, he's actually pretty cool".  Yong gave me the impression that he would try to engage Hyun at her level despite them both being in a variety program where they were supposed to be a married couple.  But like many of you, I was wondering how in the world he was going to do that when she hadn't the slightest clue what being a couple was about, I mean for crying out loud, she asked him about the difference between liking vs. loving, and I cracked up there....








He proved to me that any girl who gets him would have an understanding partner who would love her, be there for her, meet her needs and compose beautiful music to her.... (okay, all that came later as I/we watched their episodes unfold) because what impressed the heck out of me was his suggestion for them to be a "would-be married couple" first, i.e. date.  I went OMG that's a fantastic idea, who would have thought that in a variety program where the couple was supposed to be married from Day1?  Never saw it in any of the Season 1 couples nor dare I say any of the other Season 2 couples... (I could be wrong since I only watch Yongseo on Season 2 :P). 








Their decision/pact(?) to wear their (2000won) couple rings on Music Bank and thereafter (yes yes, I became a precious-gollum like some of you too) gave me more goosebumps as I don't recall ANY of the OTHER couples being that devoted to wearing couple rings outside of WGM filming.








Yong doing book reports cos he wanted to show Hyun that he read the books she recommended (and to please her??), her reading a book on love at his request.  Him patiently teaching her how to play the guitar.  Her teaching him ALL of her dance moves (poor Yong, LOLOLOL) despite his (feeble) resistance.   As they shared their interactions with us, what came to my mind was how "pure" their relationship was.  Because as pointed out by earlier posters, theirs doesn't seem like a "fake" marriage like the other WGM couples, we seemed to be seeing something different, the way they interacted, conversed, played off each others' strengths and challenged each other, be it reading a book, playing the guitar, playing pool, cooking, etc.   Frankly speaking, I was embarrassed at how obsessed I was but at the same time had a morbid curiosity to find out where they were going with this.








Throughout it all, I have to tip my hat off to Yong for doing his best to peel Hyun like an onion, to open her up from the straight-laced boy-fearing Maknae that we know (yeah yeah, I did some "research" and brought myself up to speed on Hyun and her unnies, specifically Hyun... and I ordered the SNSD Phuket photo-book too, its on its way from Korea, wifey wasn't too pleased when I told her.... :sweatingbullets:) into the confident Hyun that gives back as good as her choding "hubby-Yong" now.  WHAT A CHANGE (again pointed out by many posters here).








It dawned on me that what I was seeing appeared to be a kind of "courtship" and boy was Hyun responding.  








Then my fav episode (for now, though I bet the wedding epi will replace this, haha), the double birthday...... again Yong.... sweet potato farm as a present????  plus the couple necklace for Hyun + HER MOM????  OMG!   Boy, are you out to win her heart completely?   Cos I think that kind of clinched it.    Hyun saying "my unnies said I should/would marry a goguma farmer"........ bliss.








And just when you think it couldn't get any better, Hyun??? Your first event for a guy????  Singing a love song, his love song, to him??  Do you even know what you are doing???  And your gift, handmade book at the expense of sleep + customized couple rings based on your original 2000won pair???  OMGx2!!








And when you think it can't get any better than the exchange of rings, Love Light/Sarangbit confession????!!!  OMGx3!!!








And then they leave the pond linking arms + holding hands???!!!!!    After 27 episodes???!!!!   About bloody time, booyah!!!!   We all hit the jackpot there......   OMGx4!!!!








Even Yong's botched attempt at mildang appeared to me an accidental positive as it caused them to re-evaluate the depth of their  "relationship" + feelings for each other??  Again pointed out by other  posters, and I feel the same.  They came out all the stronger, and we  watched Hyun understand that such pain could come in a relationship and  watched how she masterfully handled it, woweeee, someone remind Yong  never to get her mad at him please....  I still want to hear his  beautiful music. 








And when you think what could top that, the following episodes proceed to spazz us again and again, its a wonder we haven't lost any goguma-villagers to the heart-attack-inducing spazzes.  








a.  Couple-duet at Incheon Music Festival.... 








b.  Uniform date (OMG Hyun's eyeships were the killer in this) + exchange of 200day gifts + Hyun's forgiving Yong for the mildang...... 








c.  Japan trip + Hyun's arm-grab + the deep serious conversation they had....... 








d.  Prawn dinner + Banmal song reveal, for crying out loud, he wrote a song for her, it was written for her, it wasn't a couple song that they wrote together like other WGM couples, he wrote the song FOR HER......  how romantic is that??  Totally romantic to a SNAG like me.......  








e.  Busan meeting of MIL + Yong's closest friends, and again I don't recall any WGM couples meeting non-celebrity friends, most of the friends they meet up are celebrities, what was the message Yong was sending to Hyun???  What was the message Yong's friends were sending them (and us???)....... 








f.   Health-check + Massage.....  








g.  Snowboarding + Makeup session...........








As we watched their relationship grow, I have no doubts that they have moved beyond the program, all that's been said by other posters as well.  The question we all have to which the answer only they and their SNSD & CNBlue families know is where are they now in their relationship, best buddies (I think not) or the beginnings of a hopefully long relationship between 2 unique, talented and beautiful people who started off all awkward but ended up growing more beautiful, mature and finding different facets to themselves as their relationship has evolved.  Seriously, our Maknae being best friends with a guy???  Really??? Chincha??? I don't think so, it's got to be more than friendship we're looking at here.   Even other male celebrities don't touch Hyun, and she's all over Yong???  Yeah right, if you think they're best friends, then Singapore has a mountain the size of Mount Everest, come visit me and I'll show you.








What has this couple done to me??  Let me count the ways:








1. Well, I have obsessed their every move alongside all of you on soompi and various other sites.








2. I have converted to a Goguma, BOICE and SONE now..... (my wife disagrees that CNBlue is the best K-band/group, she still stands by her HongKi/FT Island of course - but because we love each other and I buy her FT Island CDs alongside the SNSD photobook, I still get to eat her fabulous cooking and sleep in my bed :D)








3. Spent $ (lots..... they're imported into Singapore and not cough*cheap*cough) on SNSD + CNBlue CDs now, CNBlue rocks, seriously... for those of you who have not heard their music or bought their CDs, please do yourselves a favour and get a copy now, seriously good. 








4.  Gave up on K-dramas just cos I'm stalking the internet for news on them, geez I'm obsessed.....








5.  T-ARA who???......








Well, its been a long write-up, haven't written as much in one sitting since my thesis 11 years ago...... I would like to close by urging those of you lurkers who stuck with my essay to come out and share your journey with Yongseo with the rest of us, I love to read your views and feelings, like I said, I'm obsessed....








Also to all of my Go-Chun chingus, like many of the wiser posters here, don't fret for the end, enjoy the journey with us, look forward to this Sat's DAEBAK episode, collect all the videos, pictures, clips, whatever tickles your fancy about uri FAB couple now so you can reminiscence with the rest of us when their stint in WGM ends.  If you know Yong & Hyun by now, that's what they would want for us, not to be sad, but to take heart in their journey together in WGM and to wish them well in their journey after WGM.








Bring on Sat's wedding episode, I can't wait to spazz along with the rest of you.








Wait, are you still reading this??  Go write your own story now, I'll be waiting to read it.  Cheers and thanks for sticking by this loooooooooooooooooooooooong (winded) post of mine. 





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Guest ahn_annann





I would like to share the beautiful pics by acha&haji, the sweet potato couple thai fan @ wgm.pantip.com



credit : acha&haji@wgm.pantip






big size click here >> ep46.th.jpg








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Guest winbros












Continue the spazzz....

































What are your predictions for the wedding photoshoot?

































My predictions for the wedding photo shoot.















- Forehead Kiss








(I know that a kiss on the lips is very hard because Seohyun had not her first kiss. But a Forehead kiss will be PERFECT)















- Back hug








(A back hug while they are sitting on the floor)






















4 days...















Again, I'll bite......








Predictions on wedding photo shoot.....








1.  It will be chaste, classy, they will re-enact their journey where possible, i.e. finger-arm wrestling








2.  He will hug her from behind, that's probably all he can take without his nose exploding blood.... :P








3.  They will do many many eye-ships, and all that aegyo will induce heart attacks in hundreds of goguma-shippers worldwide....








4.  There will be 1 traditional hanbok for the shoot..... and if mamablues can find, rent and send a baby in hanbok, that might happen as well








5.  This last one, totally random, highly unexpected, I don't think it will happen, but what the hey.....  they announce to the world at the end of the shoot that they are a couple......  for real.......   2000+ goguma-shippers spazz to death.....  hey, an Ajusshi can dream now can't he?......








And to the 200+ other peeps on the thread, stop lurking and start posting.... we have about another 100 pages to go, we've accomplished 2000 goguma-fan mission, now the 2000 goguma-page thread mission. 








Night all..............





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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































LMAO OMG WINBROS I have to say that is the best thing I've read on the internet for a long while. I have tears coming out my eyes from laughing so much.I love your thoroughly humourous tale of your journey into the BOICE, SNSD Ahjusssi fan, and GoGoMa shipper. Seriously people click on the spoiler and have the best read you'll probably will have today, if not this week.

















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To WINBROS you had me laughing there...:D Your relationship with your wife is so cool. I mean most couple i know, husband don't indulge their wife to these things. They think these things are nonsense:huh: But you WOW!!! Same with you i have discovered CNBLUE through YAB, i'm a JGS bias. And now i'm a BOICE hehehe... And i agree with blumistlaydee you guys should read the spoilers because in these boxes we learn something new and informative sometimes...:)




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OH WINBROS thumbs ups! I envy you for creating that wonderful and heartwhelming YongSeo Journey.. I hardly wish i can do the same... :sweatingbullets:  Thank you! I really love it, and it really touched my heart! I salute you for being a die hard fan of YongSeo just like the rest of us.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@BluemistLadee.. I agree with you! its highly recommended! really worth-it to read! Guys, please have some time to check winbros spoiler!;) cant wait for saturday! hope there will be a filming tommorow!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma








































About my predictions:
























well, speaking about a KISS, I think about cheek kiss, or hand... I wonder... well maybe backhug as well :wub: I just want them to enjoy this moment as much as they can!














































































Winbros, Your 5th prediction is my favourite! :w00t:
























Do you guys expect their relationship to be very comfortable like now????? perspective from SONEs and BOICEs













































































































Soshi3, sorry to cut Your post, but I also would like to answer Your question! Haha, we really need to survive somehow till the Saturday. It's much easier with all Gogumas on Soompi :wub:













































































































Actually I really didn't believe in this couple. Well I watched 1st season of WGM, and then started to watch Adam Couple. So after Seohyun and Yonghwa appeared, I just thought that I can watch them as well but didn't have any thoughts or hopes about them.
























Well, I watched Yonghwa in You're Beautiful but I didn't become his fan. Lee Hongki (Jeremy) was the cutest so I only thought about him :P I enjoyed drama a lot, but didn't notice Yonghwa that much in it, maybe because of his character as SHin Woo (I may write it with mistake..sorry)
























Then CNBlue appeared, I really like the album, so I knew a little about them, but was just interested in their music.
























About Seohyun: I must admit that I knew about SNSD, heard their songs and liked few of them, but I was a fan only of Jessica and didn't know much about the other girls. I didn't even know Seohyun's name! (What a shame...!)
























So actually I didn't know anything about either one of them, so I had no predictions about this couple. I was only a fan of the show and thought it's entertaining, nothing more or nothing emotional.
























And also I wasn't at this time Sone or Boice...
























Well, 1st episode: I enjoyed it a lot! They were so unique and awkward! Actually I liked it a lot, because they were so different! From the beginning I've liked Seohyun's unique character (so I wanted to know more about her etc.) and liked Yongwa's charming smile (so I wanted to know about him more as well!), but didn't really thought that this realtionship will have emotional progress...
























***Maybe I needed some weird couple on the show again just like Hwangbo and Hyun Joong from 1st season - I totally loved them!***
























So I started to watch all of the episodes, because they gave me a lot of laugh and fun! I even become more interested in Yongseo than Adam (and it never changed from this moment!)... But I didn't believe in them... cause Seohyun was so innocent, pure and unique, and Yonghwa was nice, charming but didn't have 'the feeling' of liking her more than just a person from the show (or that's what I was thinking at this time). I even had a time when I was a bit angry/impatient about them, when they were having a drving lessons. There was no interactions between them, and I thought that 'it will end soon'. But couldn't stop watching them (I was already addicted :P).
























But then I watched Birthday episode (the LEGEND already!) and I was totally shocked, like: 'Did I miss something? When did they become like this?'... So I watched all the episodes again and fall in love with them with all my heart. From this moment on I started to watch them more carefully and realised that there is 'something fishy about them', cause they are different.. They've changed while spending time together, they enjoy being together and understand more... Their stares at each other... I just coulnd't believe it's like this... Before I never thought 'seriously' about them, but now I can't stop thinking like that...
























Now I'm also a SNSD and CNBlue fan, and total fo-re-ver fan of Seohyun and Yonghwa!
























Ok, that's it ;)









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Guest reiran18
































winbros ur daebak!!...its 2AM here and I still have my quiz today but I still spazz in this thread...I really love this thread,,this is the frst thread that really touch my heart..I love our couple and I really love all the gogumas who really put der effort in this thread...wub.gif..I really enjoy reading all ur crazy2x posts..hahahaha!biggrin.gif

















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Guest yongseomania
















This is my 1st time replying to forum...LOL...I should be preparing for my exam but I ending up reading the post here...
















What i feel is Seohyun character or personality is like a book. At the start of the book, it is usually dry and dull but only reader wit patient and perseverance will continue the book until it reaches the climax. That is what attracts me to yongseo.  Seohyun is pure on the outside but she have a little bit of playfulness on the inside. Only guys ( in this case is yonghwa) with patient and good personality suit or match seohyun.
















Right now I am practicing the banmal song. Once I can play this song wit my eye close, I will learn the lyrics.









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hello gogumas..
































.WINBROS..im so touched with your post...and it made me think to make one (not today) if i can find a courage..im not good in words but with your encouragement i hope one day (maybe b4 the wedding kekeke) i could do so..
































you should not put it in spoiler..its a very heartfelt story and im amaze with you and your wife..
































again thank you all gogumas..i luv reading all your post, it touched me knowing we have this magical feelings towards yongseo..
































M3, DDUK, Tetsuya, aneng, fanfic writers, and all of of you wonderful gogumas..i luv you..

















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  Hallooo!! all GOGUMA Shippers!!




        As other Shippers..i really can't wait for this SATURDAY ep..blush.gif




        I'm really hope for this coming ep..there's not many part that was cut..YES!! i'm also obsessed with this couple,


        there's aura..




        My predictions on wedding photo shoot




        on my observation, base on the prev. my first presumption is Yong ask Hyun for first kiss!!:phew: oh NO!!


        what i'm saying :vicx:




        it's only my presmption, bcause on that prev, Hyun was like nodding her head, then Yong seen got nervous + shocked




        (maybe), because, MAYBE his request get approved..ahhhh!!! what a wonderful + sweet moment (if that happen)...


        both are shy.................. :wub:




        it's only my presumption, Okeyh!!  BUT (thats not impossible to happen...RIGHT!!);)








        Winbros i'm totally have the same prediction and totally agree with you, that they will announce to the world at the




        end of the shoot that they are a couple.. for real..




        bcause they always give their fans surprise, that make them very special from other WGM couple.......................:w00t:






        i'm sorry, my English is quite not good..


        THANKS for read my posts ;)   NIGHT ALL!! sweet dream.. sweet potato!! sweet holiday..........:P:phew:
















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Guest MrsAthenaG




Hello, my Goguma children...another wonderful episode that our couple has shown us this week...and a lovely Preview of the coming week.  




BUT...what is this I hear again...some villagers are predicting or anticipating the "end is near???"  Why??? Where did it show that the end of YongSeo is near?  What instance was it that shown us any indication of the Wedding Photoshoot being close to the end???  Why think of this supposed "end"?  Why should some of you feel that just because the Wedding Photoshoot is being finally shown to us that it signals that the YongSeo Era in WGM is about to end?  Which book, Wedding Planner, Books on Wedding Etiquette, excerpts from the Bible or magaine did it say that once you have a Wedding Photoshoot/Wedding that it spells "the end" or "near end" (breakup or divorce)?




Aigoo...this omma is somewhat diappointed that our Goguma villagers are talking about the end of YongeSeo when we've just been shown a very POSITIVE episode.  My advise to all is to get your POSITIVE hats for now since we still have a lot episodes to look forward to.  In the past WGM 1 season, their photoshoots were done during their 100-days, I don't know about the second season other than Gain-JoKown whereby they did their photoshoot during their 1-year anniversay.  The same goes for ourYongSeo - they are doing their wedding photoshoot for their 1-year anniversary, by WGM 2 standards.  So fret not - Enjoy.




When you marry and have a wedding, you don't do it and think of the end for your marriage, right?  So why should WGM showing us the wedding photoshoot, something we've been waiting for and anticipating for a long time, mean that the end of YongSeo is near?  So what if it's just a show, truthfully, I don't think of it as just a show, it's a reality show therefore all characters are REAL and thereby showing us REAL fellings.  That's how I think so I don't ever think about 'The End", I always look forward to the next, what else will they show us?  I don't think they have shown us everything yet, I anticipate more spazz-worthy events and episodes to come.




I know we haven't heard of any filmings, yet some of their filmings that they show us have been done without us having any clue that they did occur until the time we see the episode.  As good as some Goguma FBIs are, they still missed these episodes, like the kimchi making, health checkup, massage, and what else?  Don't also forget, they have gone without filming for weeks, month and then they give us more spazz-worthy episodes.  And also, CN Blue is very busy with their twice-delayed Full Album release, most of the songs are rumored to be written and composed by the members themselves so in order to show a better CN Blue, they have to validate the delays, and therefore, knowing how FNC and Yong and the boys work to perfect their craft, they're probably secluded to attain their goal.  With the news that they are on vacation, seems like they're just preparing for their album-release and subsequent hectic promotion to come.  Sorry, I have no news on SNSD's schedules so feel free to add to this.  




@soshisoshisoshi, I am too old to belong to any FANDOM, but I consider myself a fan of YongHwa and CN Blue because of their music.  My worries at the beginning were more towards YongHwa, how will he manage the relationship given that the woman is not yet a woman, but a girl that hasn't bloomed.  Will he able to preserve her innocence at the same time show her how life revolves around her beyond the books she reads?  I didn't anticipate that their relationship (or at least the relationship they showed us) would progress to this level and as a mother, I am so proud of my boy, Yong, for being the man he is and has shown us.  Hats off to him for having the gumption to be able to still preserve the purity and innocence of SeoHyun and yet have her blossom infront of our eyes every week.




As usual, my posts keep getting longer once I start typing but I apologize, but I want everyone to enjoy our couple and not think of the negative YET.  I know it will eventually come but why make our hearts worry now...worry later.  As YongSeo's pillows spell...DON'T WORRY...BE HAPPY.  So I think we should follow their mantra...No worries...Just enjoy.








P.S.  To add to @winbros comments about CN Blue, I have watched their 2 live concerts on YouTube from Japan - Shibuya and the Tokyo Zepp Tour and I must say, I was very, very impressed by their performances.  For those who do not know CN Blue's Live Music performances, I recommend you watch these...for me, I thoroughtly enjoyed their ZEPP Tour Live in Tokyo, you will see how animated YongHwa is (this was 2 days after the release of his Banmal Song that did an ALL-KILL in the charts.  He was very happy (and wearing his couple ring - during his CN Blue Concert) for those who stalk the "ring".  I have a download link that I captured from @hanuru videos and compiled into one video so I enjoy watching it as if I was at their concert.  PM me if you want me to share my own personal copy.  SO People of Goguma Planet...BE HAPPY!!!  Anticipate the JOY that the coming episodes will bring...not Gloom and Doom...



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Guest dancer87

















































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Guest fabiistar07
















































winbros your post was daebak! i completely loved everything you wrote there
















your #5 thing especially made me laugh "T-ara who??" haha
















& keep turning more people into goguma shippers, fighting~! ^_^































Do you guys expect their relationship to be very comfortable like now?????































I don't think i'm good at writing long things hehe, so i'll keep mine short































First some facts haha:































-I was a SONE, not from the very begining but about 2 or 3 years ago































-Seohyun was one of my top favorites































-I watched WGM before because of Taeyeon































-I didn't know who CN Blue was when I started watching WGM
















Now, to answer the question ...































I really did not expect their relationship to be like it is now
















I knew Seohyun's a little better... At interviews she rarely said much or nothing at all, she seemed very responsiblem very propper, she loved Keroro and didn't like boys (which is why the news about her doing WGM shocked me & at the same time made me curious about how she was going to be)
















since I only watched Taeyeon's WGM (which i feel so bad now she didn't get a better/handome husband) I didn't expect much































i don't think they ever holded hands, he wasn't the type of person to express his feelings and when he did, he did it in a cold way. Their marriage was also very short and to me it seemed more like a father-daughter relationship, like the ones you can see in movies, where the daughter doesn't know her dad well b/c of a divorce or something, and now they're trying to get to know eachother and it starts all awkward and it slowly improves
















The first episode was seriously so awkward!































In me head I was thinking "are they always gonna be like this?"































but you could tell that both of them were trying their best at getting comfortable with eachother
















Since in some ways i find myself very similar to Seohyun,































I am much comfortable talking to girls than guys, the guy friends I have now it's because they tried to make conversation with me and were always really funny
















So when I saw YongHwa a little light bulb sparked in my head about those similarities, and I knew that their relationship was only going to get better little by little































but I never really expected any sort of skinship from Seohyun ... the innocent girl that doesn't know the difference between like a love, who has never had a crush on anyone, who tried to avoid the subject of love, who prefered to have a goguma instead of a guy, etc., etc...
















Now we're seeing so much with this couple! :wub:































Hyun is always so unexpected, we never know for sure what will happen with uri YongSeo































& I totally love that :D
















uhmm..so i guess my post wasn't as short as i intended it to be, but it isn't very long either :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest kasia3goguma








































I just found it on tumblr and thought I will share it with you before I go to sleep:






























































































This is why Yonghwa loves Seohyun's eyes :wub: I don't need to say anything else
























And one more thing, from latest episode. LOL:
















































Goodnight Gogumas :wub:









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