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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































@Hesperide  so both of them agreed for yong to have the piano.. ^_^
































































































seohyun know that her nampyeon need it more than her :)

































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































Additional: Black Dragon is lonely!!!































































































































































































































































































































Yong newest tweet:































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation :































































































































































































































































































































The members aren’t here, feel lonely at home just with the manager hyung… Gonna use this time to write a good song kekek my recording room is looking good, isn’t it?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: CNBLUE_4@twitter































































































































































































































































































































Translations by: blue_jus7@twitter































































































































































































































































































































Re-posted by: Euni@cnbluestorm
































































































































































Don't you guys think he already add another keyboard there in his room??? Maybe the 1st anniversary keyboard... Does anyone have the pic gift for their 1st anniversary??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok, I do think the Keyboard un the botton is the one that was gifted by gogumas.... How Daebak!!!! If it really is, I am so happy!!!
































































































































































To answer Soshi3 is question, I never in my most crazy thought will I ever think they will get this close! But I am so happy it ended up this way!!! In the begining I was more a CNBLUE fan (I have all their CD, follow their whereabouts, etc.) It was really fresh to see a BAND in the K-Pop (I love Band Music) and then the news of Yonghwa leader of CNBLUE to be part of WGM with no other than SNSD is Seohyun... I was like WHAT??!!! Then I was like.... Uhhmmm interesting, the Rock Band member and the cute girl... Talking about a regular used Plot, but since I am sucker for romance, I decided to give it a chance! And I dont regret it, this past year have been the very best for me, they have make me feel better when having difficults times... I really love and how their relationship have evolved from cero... This make me think that good relationships do exists and their are not figment of romance novels or very cheesy poems... XD So I get out of track... Sorry
































































































































































Have a happy day my fellow gogumas!!! This week is going to kill, I need to bury myself in work to not think about them!!!

































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Guest PariSita








last episode was soo cool and sweet!! YongSeo are soo in love <3


Does anyone have all the pics of the gifts for the 1st anniversary??Or at least any links for them?


thank you =]



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Guest mach8infinity


wahhaha just 2 more members before we hit a lovely 2000 for the yongseo soompi fanclub!! go join if you haven't! :D




anyway, i have a question for anyone who has an understanding in korean... i wonder: what are the various degrees in intimacy/closeness for calling someone's name in korean? for example, when yonghwa calls seohyun "seohyunnie", does the '-nie' indicate a closer relationship than when he is calling her "seohyun-ah"? or when he calls her "seojoohyun", how does this compare to calling her "seohyun-ah"? in terms of level of comfort, is it seohyun < hyun < seohyun-nie < seohyun-ah < seojoohyun?




:sweatingbullets: pardon me if my english sounds confusing... hehheh... after watching these korean variety shows and dramas, i can't help but feel amazed of the complex nuances of the korean language. so thank you in advance to any repliers! ;) your help is greatly appreciated! :wub:




on a sidenote, did anyone notice that the curtains in yonghwa's room are still the pink one with hearts? (hehheh.. did he pick the curtains himself?) kekeke his room is so cramped... i wonder how he takes turns using the three electronic keyboards he has?




edit: -claps hand- there's 2001 members now in the fanclub! whoa!


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another invasion of their intimate moments ;):rolleyes:



when hyun moved nearer to yong, i got the feeling that

she did want to give him the massage,

but because of her b..., and the cheesy response from hubby..

it may well be another edited scene :phew:

and another random thing..

i love it when yong calls his buin, Seo Joo Hyun.

not once but a few times.. :wub:

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Hello Goguma Villagers, i like to say thanks first to M3 for the translations and thanks to all lovabable gogumas for sharing the screen caps and gifs. The out pouring of emotion from the gogumas to this thread is so so amazing. I love you all so much... To answer the query of soshi3x (hope its ok if i cut short your name) I was neither a Boice or a Sone. But i do watch WGM and i saw taeyean and her husband but i did not finish it. Im not a fan of SNSD but watch some of their MV and seohyun got my attention because she is cute. But im starting to fall in love with the CNBlue band. So when i heard that one of the boys will be part of WGM, i was like i have to check this out and i was also curious who will be the one to be the husband. In the first episode i learned that it was yonghwa and seohyun and saw their reaction, it was cute even with the awkwardness. But for me i have never thought that they will be this sweet and super duper cute couple in the making. And now one year already have past and they will do their wedding photo shoot and after that well, we don't know. But i hope they can continue their friendship with love after WGM and i know from all the memories that they have shared it will last a lifetime for them even though they have shared it in a reality show...






Can't wait for Saturday to come...


































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Guest shinhdeplol







I have just seen it @ bestiz, hopefully it is unseen ^^






Johnny Depp vs Yonghwa? :lol:




C: 김태봉(23)



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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
























never tired to make caps from the last episode, while we waiting impatiently for the upcoming episode: the wedding photo-shoot, everyone!!






























I like to watch carefully of the way Yong lately stare to Hyun, he seems have a different stare, more *intimate* :wub::wub::wub:















(please pardon me, since i'm 27th years old..hahaha.. i'm more aware and obsessed to these kind of things)






























Where do you looking at Yong??? Her Lips or Her eyes???




























































And Is this acting Cute or a "SIGN"???




























































it seems his mind and his hand do the contrary.. his mind is like "Self-Control ya you Yonghwa-ya", but his body is unconciously "Longing to Her".. i cannot imagine, what if he cannot control himself during the Make-up Session, while their face is so close.. GAWD.. :wub: :wub:











































































Ya, You two, you make us Gogumas screaming and faint for this Lovey-Dovey things..






























Yonghwa-ya, Just kiss her already!!! :lol:





































































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Guest zenluvbi
















































I don't think that guy is YongHwa, he's looks like Ha Ji Won's brother. Guy in "All my love" sitcom.
















Sorry if i'm wrong. blush.gifblush.gif
















And, common gogumas, 2000 pages too easy for us.

































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Guest chandrawd












How many times did Our Seo Joohyun-sshi called her Husband "pretty" in Episode 45?




I did a tiny bit FBI investigation activity, and found a shocking fact.








Seohyun called yonghwa "pretty" 10 times in less than 8 minute. tsk tsk tsk, can't help but admiring your husband on camera,uh Seo joohyun-sshi? LOL




*mianhe for my bad english gogumas :P





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Guest wallpaperfood

@shinhdeplol and zenluvbi

I thought it was Yonghwa too but on closer inspection, I think it's Tamaki Hiroshi, who played the lead role in Nodame Cantabile (Seohyun's fave drama). Rmb how she showed mock (?) disappointment when only Ueno Juri showed up in ep23, and not with Tamaki? yeh XD

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Guest shinhdeplol







The guy is not Yonghwa? OMG then they look sooooo identical :o :o






When I saw the guy's face, Seohyun, Johnny and sweet potatoes, I immediately thought it was Yonghwa :lol:






Sorry if I got it wrong :)






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Guest lzellski






another invasion of their intimate moments ;):rolleyes:




*quoted image*


*quoted image*








Sorry for cutting your post. I just wanted to borrow the picture coz I noticed that Yonghwa's left arm is outstretched. I wanted to think that he is inviting Seohyun to lie beside him with his arm as a pillow..hehehe.



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wally~!! u're welcome! LOL :lol:

zealous, thanks so much for the pic~! i thought yong is having a one week holiday & now we find him in his dorm with manager? i wonder if he has enough free time allotted for another WGM filming? aigooo i'm missing their news badly... i need news of yongseo ASAP! >.<

jnj~! haha u've got a point there! even in the earlier episode, like when the BILs wanted yong to feed her the goguma. if >.<

chandrawd, haha... u're right! a lot of that word coming from uri hyun huh. she must be head over heels over yong :wub: and she seems to be making a lot of 1st moves lately eh kekeke


haha wally beat me to it... yahhh tamaki hiroshi & johnny depp are disappearing in hyun's life :phew:

ignore this post... soompi is acting weird on me fury.gif

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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































It's a day off for me so I can play some more on here!
































































































































































to answer SoshiSoshi's question.
































































































































































Well I'll start with my journey with YongSeo. For one, I've never watched You're Beautiful, until this day but I was first introduced to CN Blue from a different website and I thought it was pretty neat to actually have another idol band like Ft. Island. But my attention to them never went beyond watching the debut MV. With SNSD, I liked some of their songs but not enough to pay attention to them as a group. I'm not really big on idol groups to begin with. I couldn't tell the members apart for the most part. So when the news came out that CN Blue YongHwa and Seohyun were going to be paired up on WGM, it got my interest piqued. For one, the Adam Couple had brought me back from my long hiatus on WGM and I was curious about the new couple. Plus the fact that a lot of SNSD fans were honestly shocked and were like "but Seohyun doesn't like boys" really got my interest up. So I thought how on earth are they going to get a boy-hating girl and rocker type guy together.
































































































































































I wont lie, the 1st episode was a bit painful to watch. The awkward tension could be cut with a knife but something about the way Yong looked at Seohyun made me think to myself.. I have to watch to see where this was going. I don't know how to explain it but his look was like a look of awakening. He was just that amazed that there was someone like her in show business.
































































































































































Their second episode and technically 1st date was even more painful than the 1st episode. Her buying him books even though he looked like he wanted to be everywhere but there, but he put up with her "eccentricities" as some would call it. This made me even more curious to see how two people who were just so fundamentally different would get along and act like a "married couple" was my final hook. I started watching less of the Adam couple and started finding everything I could about Seohyun and CN Blue. I ended up falling in love with CN Blue's 1st album and everything I found out about Seohyun just made me love her more and more until she became my one and only SNSD bias.
































































































































































When their Insa Dong date episode which is when they started their "eye-ship" and his line of "that's your charm." :wub: I became a bonafied GoGuMa shipper. It really was that episode that did me in. Seohyun did something that I never thought I'd see her do. She was flirting. Yes it was subtle, so subtle that most people missed it, but her mannerism and replies to his questions were all in a flirting manner. I knew then that this was a couple that was going to be ultimately worth watching. I stalked this thread like mad and I'm still upset at myself that it took me so long to finally join.
































































































































































I really want to send out a big hugs to all the members on here who's been here from the beginning. A lot like me don't post to often anymore. I know between school, work, life, etc you probably don't have the time to be as active as you used too, but I wish you guys would delurk yourself every once in a while just to drop by a hi or something.
































































































































































Sorry for the super long replies. Since I don't post often I usually end up writing novels to make up for it :lol:

















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We are all aware of how Yonghwa looked at Seohyun when they first met. Starstruck-ed. Amazement. Beyond comprehensible for him. And a fan from DC Married noticed it again on the wedding photo shoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At that time, he was amazed to see SNSD's maknae, Seohyun. But this time around, he was amazed to see the grown up Seo Joohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Big difference.

































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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































thanks for the pics Aneng.. that look is the exactly look I'm talking about.
































































































































































Yong has a way of looking at Seohyun that makes even me blush and it isn't something that I do. I often wonder just how much her unnies tease her these days since it's becoming more and more obvious that they adore each other.

















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Guest kasia3goguma








































Aneng - thanks a lot for a pic :) !














































































---> I really didn't expect that Yonghwa will react like this when he saw Seohyun (in the preview). He's so nervous and just amazed! I saw 1st season of WGM (all of the wedding photoshoots as well) and I must say, that although all the couples were shy etc, I noticed that no one reacted like Yonghwa. Totally nervous, his shy smile etc... In the first season (which I really love! ) I felt that they are working on doing a great show, and that they are working at making fans more happy, but here, I can't feel it. Instead, I have a feeling that I am interupting in a great moment... that's why I think about this wedding photoshoot like about something really huge and important. They are young so it's something really BIG for them and NEW. Thay are really close right now.














































































And something to share: Our Hyun in Japan (new cf!): :wub:
































































































Work is important, but I hope she will come back soon to Korea, because Yonghwa is waiting for her ! ;) (thanks for the pics of Yonghwa from twitter! )









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Guest yonghyunforever


honestly, i want them to do wedding photoshoot later. but now i change my mind. because this is their first wedding photoshoots, even Hyun wore it once but not for any espically boy. just for shooting with 2 boys. but this is their real fisrt wedding photos as Yonghwa and Seohyun. they will never forget it;-). and i will they will make the real one in the the future




i think they will kiss but i will say they wont, because when i think they wont do that then it happen so i will continue us saying to myself that they wont do that:w00t::wub:  i need magic now. i dont want to imagine too much because i dont want to dispoint myself but come to Yongseo, it is really difficult to make your imagination stop.




i want to write a lot but have to be back to my work, spazz later. thanks for all wonderful caps. i want more please :wub:


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Guest wallpaperfood

lol still lurking 24/7 as usual, but with not much to contribute, (sorry)

^ O.M.G.  (I gotta girl crush now, thanks to kasia3) <- or should I say, my girl crush has intensified (?) haha

Hyun always looks dazzling, but this pic is "whoa" hands down!!

umm...she should really stick with this hairstyle.

Those waves/curls are gorgeous and I wonder why on earth her stylist has never done this look for her before. This is like the mark of a grown lady. lol.

Something about her face too~ everything about her looks so matured nowadays gahh. <3

Yong really should keep a hold on her.


kyaaaaaaa!!!! mamablues that could pass off as a real wedding pic!!! omg omg omg i'm freaking out now because I can't wait for Saturday. Yongseo is such a love-drug.

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