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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Seriously guys, is there an article stating that Yongseo will leave soon right after their wedding photo shoot? Please link me to it. All these negativity is just getting into my head, really. It's just really annoying (sorry for the word) to see that this thread is already thinking of their ending when all we would get this coming Saturday is pure happiness. We may haven't heard any filming after their Myeongdong shopping but we'll never know, guys, we'll never know.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On a positive note, this couple has given us wonderful story (episodes) and I think it's more than enough for us when they end.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sorry for this rant. I just need to let it out.

































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Yong on Inkigayo 02-20-2011
























































































































































































Hyun is present and it shines preciously  :D bling-bling

























































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest dan_glitz
















Hey guys! Well, I was spazzing like mad on saturday about our Yongseo couple, along with the others here and also on the yongseo couple fan club chatbox. It was FUN FUN FUN!!! AIGOO, I wanted tot talk about the MCs line up, but the pictures wont come up well. will do it soon next time... 








Favourite Gross Goguma Moment: Smelling of each other's garlic/onion breath. :)





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Yong on Inkigayo 02-20-2011
































































































































Check this vid  Yong soo shy when he see Sulli with headband....
































































































































I think he remember that headband flower....

































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes








about Yejee unnie ~ (Yonghwa's friend)




anyone know Korean pls translate for us?












용서) 용화친구 ㅇㅈ언니의 서혀니 얘기~(ㅂㅌ펌)








우결에 용화군 친구들 만났던 날








그 여자분이 제 친구 과 선배님이래요








서현이...너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 너무








너무 너무 너무 너무 너무 넘 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이뻣다고........................








그리고 그 선배님 ㅋㅋㅋ 방송 출연 때문에 다이어트 하셨는데 (원래말랐지만 ) 고구마 다이어트 ^^..








뭍느 중요한건








너무...너무... 이뻣다는.............................








뜬금없죠..? 히힣








출처 -베티 게봄








예지언니가 과선배인 같은과의 후배가 듣고 말해준건가봐~ ㅋㅋ








서혀니 실물 인증? ㅋㅋㅋ








credit 요호홍 @ DCwgm
























I know only she says seohyun very very very beautiful (because she uses 너무 so much)





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we waited for the wedding photoshoot like ages, we even dreamed of it..

and when it is finally here, some gogumas are already thinking of the end? :rolleyes:

but i don't feel it that way.

seeing yong being shy and nervous during the photoshoot, i cant help thinking that he

does look like a real groom and gives off the vibe of a real one. :sweatingbullets:

with his beautiful bride and bros with him..this should be

the most memorial experience for all. :wub:

it'll be even more daebak if all the SIL are there too..

btw, did i read somewhere that yongseo's photoshoot theme is their v own

yongseo love story? so from awkwardness to closeness to cheesiness..

if that is so..we shall get to see them backhugging, playing musical instruments

and many many more...

when the time comes, we will cry together..

but for the meantime...lets stay in go-chun!

the best place ever! :w00t:

aigoo, since i topped the page..something to share..


does anyone wonder why in some scenes, the cameraman did not capture both of them

together in the same frame?

for example..the couch scene...

certain parts, they only show yong lying on the couch and then another shot

they showed hyun leaning on him..

why cant they have both yongseo in the same frame because...

i want to know where yongseo placed their hands!!! :w00t:

is it on each other's lap or where? :phew:

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Guest anayuson
















Hey guys! Well, I was spazzing like mad on saturday about our Yongseo couple, along with the others here and also on the yongseo couple fan club chatbox. It was FUN FUN FUN!!!














Anyways, I want to talk about sth yongseo related, the MCs line up. I believe we are all fine with MC Jake Kim, Mc Miseon and MC Nayoung who were there since Yongseo's awkward geeky braces days. And who can't forget MC Jinwoon and Mc Seulong, who were there too, with Jinwoon trying so hard not to show his jealous face and Seulong who is like the devil that always invoke Yong to do skinship with Hyun. Aigoo, miss them.














Neways, I do not know what MBC has planned for the MC lineup. I mean, I think the guest MC lineup is quite important too, so we can know more about Yongseo's personal individuality through the guest MCs. So therefore, the guest MCs invited must be those that are around BOTH Yongseo/Khuntoria often.














I have come up with a few guest MCs that I really would love to come on We Got Married and dish out interesting facts about Yongseo/Khuntoria. So here I go, bear with me...














1. Super Junior Kim Heechul














with Yonghwa














*quoted image*














with Seohyun 














*quoted image*














with Victoria














*quoted image*














Heechul is also close to 2pm as well. I am sure he will dish out interesting facts about our couple, since 1 is a female sm dongsaeng, 1 is a fellow MC colleague/junior. I hope WGM PD will invite him as permanent guest MC. It will totally be great. 














2. Jo Kwon














Well he used to be a fellow husband... oh wells. I know it must hurt for him and Adam fans as well if he were to guest MC, but Jo kwon is close to 2PM like all OneDay Brothers, close to Yonghwa as same age friends/husbands/fellow inkigayo MC, close to SNSD members(rmb in 1 episode Seohyun showed Yonghwa the album from 2AM that she got and Jo Kwon wrote msgs for her...)














*quoted image**quoted image*














3. Shin Seung Hoon














Both Yonghwa and Seohyun has performed with him. Both of them look up to their Shin Seung Hoon Sunbaenim. I hope he presides for their real fake wedding!














performing with Yonghwa on KBS Gayo Daejun














*quoted image*














performing with Seohyun (they were performing 'Falling Slowly' btw, one of our the important track in Yongseo playlist)














*quoted image*














Yongseo calling him at 2++ am to tell him about their Banmal Song














*quoted image*














ALRITE, LAST BUT NOT LEAST, another fanboy...














4. 2PM Junsu














Aww, Junsu beat Yonghwa in receiving Seohyun's first wink *quoted image*, but anyways, that was only practice for her. For Yonghwa, She has given him the most 'firsts'...














Playing the choosing of partner game between 2PM and SNSD, Junsu chose Seohyun (could see from the other 2pm members that he really like the SNSD girl)














*quoted image*














Junsu and Yong seemed close. they were basically fooling around during KBS gayo daejun finale, found on the famous fancams 



























whoa! I totally agree with the Heenim idea :)Heechul is just the best when it comes to hosting!














you can also add another AB group member Jang Geun Suk (we all know he is envious of the Yongseo Couple), Simon D and Hongki ( to bad their 100 out of 100 which is a rival show of wgm)














They can also put the BEAST maknae (don't know what's his name though but he seems cute like Jinwoon coz he also has a major crush on Hyun)














Shinee's Jonghyun would also be worth trying since his close to Yonghwa and he is Hyun and Vics label mate ;) It would be nice to see his view in this relationship thing since I commend him for having guts to reveal his relationship in public. Onew would also be nice he seems also close to Yong and Hyun not sure how talkative he is though.














Don't like the constant change of MC every week though! just when I got use to Kwanhee (i love his big laugh) they changed him;( Junho (though i love him)seems to be a little quite and doesn't give a lot of good comment I agree with you I think Junsu will also be a good new addition since his also close to Yonghwa.




























I still miss 2am Ong and Jinwoonie;( I hope they'll be back soon.



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Let the Love dominate this thread and not the angst.

For goodness sake we get our Wedding-shoot, our Couple gets their Wedding-Shoot!!!!

I have so many things in my mind how I wish it would turn out but I am afraid that I won't get it once I voice it out, lol.

But screw it:

I want to see our Couples faces when they actually finally hear that they get to shoot wedding piccus(nervous, shy, happy)

I want to see them going looking for wedding gowns and suits

I want to have all their members to be present. At least its their precious Maknae's and Hyung's wedding. But I'll understand their busy schedule and if they cannot make it *still praying hard*

If the Unnies attend I want to see them tearing up when they see their Maknae getting married to her Yonghwa

I want the Pairing to be like this:

Yoona-JongHyun(want to see them so badly together after reading so many fanfics,lol)


Yuri(?)-Minhyuk (I am not to sure about this pairing, any other suggestions? lol) 

Let's be happy for now and cry together when the time comes. But its not now!!!


I don't care if they stretch it over 3,4,5,6 (lol) Episodes I want to see every bits and pieces

@jnj: yes Yonghwa looks like a real groom so nervous but happy at the same time. His cheeks are going to burst from happiness.

I bet he is happy that his Brothers are around otherwise who would bring him back from Go-Chun <3


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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































Hello again!
















just dropping by to say that this episode is one of the best
















and I can't wait for the next!































































I'm not sure but I just feel like we are going to see a 'YONGSEO STORY' WEDDING VERSION
















Can't wait for Saturday.
















back to lurker mode.  :w00t:































 I was thinking the same thing that their shoot would be base on their story.  Going by what the photographer said "just like when you first met" and then they show them doing the finger wrestling so going by this idea what other situations can be capture on this photo shoot.






























































* Them playing the guitar and the piano































* The piggyback































* Playing pool































* The exchanging of rings































* Holding hands (pocket style)































* Them reading a book (hyun loves books)






























































I'm trying to think hard of possible escenarios base on their story but I'm kind of lost I'm sure I'm missing some.






























































I'm so looking forward to this up coming episode but what I'm looking forward the most is Yong and Hyun going shopping for Seohyun's weeding gown this is going to be really amazing, I just know it.  I watch most of season 1 and their wedding gown shopping episodes and let me tell you every single one of those episodes was very moving and funny. I just can't waited to see Yong's expression when he sees Hyun on her first gown.

















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Can someone explain to me why the hell everyone is suddenly thinking that the end might be near?! There hasn't been a couple (as far as I can remember) that has left shortly after their wedding shoot in WGM history. I understand that we all fear to lose what we love so dearly, but there has been nothing that even insinuated the very thought of the end. Just enjoy the show as it is, because the end will come but sulking about it now is no use anyway. You won't be able to fully enjoy (probably) the best episode of our couple.
















































I loved the headlock!
































































































It totally gave me a flashback to a some kdramas where I felt the relationships of the two leads are built on something more profound than just simply love.
















































At that moment I felt not only watching a couple, but also two buddies, friends, companions. They play with each other so care-free and for me personally, that moment really shows that friendship is the basis for their relationship. And it's rare to find that nowadays. (And I love love love that Seohyun isn't holding onto the arm that chokes her, but instead the other one. Gah, it kills me softly...)
















































Also, has anyone noticed this?
































































































The caps show that MC Park said that it's really nice when a husband brushes his wife's hair like that. But what she actually said was boyfriend and girlfriend.
















































About Yejin - someone met her and she told them that Seohyun is really really really really really really really pretty, lol.









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aurora, i so love your post.

yes, let the wedding photoshoot episodes s-t-r-e-t-c-h!

we want to know every single details.

right from the time they were given the mission up to the final deal.

will yong jumped happily on the couch again? :lol:

will we get to see his mouth opens when hyun appears looking angelic in her wedding gown?

all these happy thoughts are what we should be thinking of now... :w00t:

ahh..i cant stop smiling.

its as if i am invited to witness something v v beautiful this w/end :wub:


not everyone who feels that way, aisuo..just some..a minority :phew:

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@ aisuo: I just rewatched the latest episode and I just noticed it too and I just wanted to mention it and then I saw your post, lol.


I don't know about the other couples how the MC's comment on them but now its MC Park Mi Sun.  Are they hinting something to us? Are they themselves lost between real and reel?


I am curious about MC Jake's tweet :phew:



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]I was thinking the same thing that their shoot would be base on their story.  Going by what the photographer said "just like when you first met" and then they show them doing the finger wrestling so going by this idea what other situations can be capture on this photo shoot.

* Them playing the guitar and the piano






* The piggyback






* Playing pool






* The exchanging of rings






* Holding hands (pocket style)






* Them reading a book (hyun loves books 











i hope the yongseo story becomes their wedding photo theme is real bcoz i notice at the preview yong not wear the couple ring and liked hyun not wear the ring too..











i notice that after saw some wedding picture..if it is true,i really love it...














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i think i've rewatched epi 45 20 times already since yesterday.lol. So i'm just gonna spazz by putting this in spoilers since all the lovely go-chun's villagers out there have said everything that was wonderful in this episode<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have to give mad props to hyun. She fell hard so many times while learning but she was such a trooper getting back up again and again. Even when Yong was being hard on her she didnt get upset or sad.It shows how she is in real life, someone who is very steadfast and doesnt give up easily.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong tough love method was hard to watch but i respect him a lot for it. He was ready to snowboard away anytime but he was always looking back to make sure seohyun was alright and the talk they had during lunch probably gave hyun her strength back. Yong knows when he needs to be serious and when he needs to get his choding mood on. At the end when hyun didnt make the turn, he was so gentle with her, holding her up and guiding her down.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































epic line is epic.."want me to give u a butt massage". Yong with that naughty look on his face. If hyun were to respond he would probably have the shock of his life. When hyun complained about yong being hard on her, Yong responded by extending his hand almost on her lap as if to calm her from being upset.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yeap like most of us go-chun here. Expect the unexpected from our couple.lol. In their first few months together, hyun wold have never suggested something like this and Yong would probably be all bewildered and would want to know why she wants what she wants. But these days Yong just goes with whatever she wishes, i think part of the reason why he granted the wish was because he knows how much effort hyun had put in with learning how to snowboard,that plus with hyun's adorable aegyo-ness, who would have the heart to say no?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i smiled and laughed so much at the make up part. All because of how unique YongSeo couples skinship happens. Doing someones make up ,being up close and touching each others faces has got to make your heart go degeun dugeun especially with someone you have a connection with.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I adore yong for not making so much fuss about it and just laid there and let Hyun have her fun. He was even encouraging her with his why's? and whats next? and thank you's. I cant imagine what his busan namja friends are going to say when they see this episode.lol. Owh man if the camera was not on this two, i could imagine how much closer they would get.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All in in this has got to be one of the most adorable epi ever!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wedding Photoshoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone mentioned this a few pages back about yong's smile and how he can't seemed to control his face looking at Hyun. If that isn't a sincere happy/touched smile i don't know what is. For that 18 seconds i felt my heart exlpode with happiness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Its been a year guys! a year of wonderful and memorable happenings for yongseo, both in their individual life and professional life. The success of SNSD as the nations girl group and the succesful debut of CNBlue both in japan and in korea and to add to this moment both of them meeting each other. Whether they have fallen in love or not, whether they would end up together or not the wedding photoshoot symbolizes all the great memories they have shared together. All the hardship, dissapoinments, happiness and changes all is celebrated in this event.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like to see it as a new beginning for them because they have grown up a lot this past year and for them to take on these changes and have a new outlook of things in life, Its going to be one exciting new journey. Now is the time that they can finally let everything fall into place and trust faith with whatever it has instore for them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aigoo i am getting teary eyed just thinking about it. Next saturday i'll have a box of tissue ready and reminesce all those happy memories that yongseo has shared together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyuns eyes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I maynot be the only one who noticed this but if you watched earlier episode of our couples ,you can see that her eyes were different. Lol not as in surgery or something. But that sparkle in her eyes. Like from the earlier episode she seemed kind of lifeless and distant but nowadays it shines a lot with curiosity/happiness/ mischievousness/ even on stage in her peformance. Yong mentioned many times, in the back room interview in the banmal song about her eyes and how it shines whenever he looks at her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I couldnt imagine what hyun's life would be like if she had never been on WGM. We would never have the privellege to see our lovely hyun growing up and opening up to people so beautifully. Aigoo have to save the tears for next saturday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone in Go-chun have a pleasent weekday! see you all at the wedding.<3

































































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Guest Seychan
















Thank u M3 for full trans & tetsuya for your subbed video. Thank u so much *hug*








I play preview x 1000 time and happy with it. Play the newest ep again & again. It has became my habit. I really admire Hyun. She's very persistent. Even when she fell, she was still smiling. She is just a girl and the fall really hurt. Yong know that he was actually serious and tough but even though she should not do the S, he still grant her wish. And really, he could not deny her words full of ageyo and she was lying next to him so close. His heart must have duguen duguen :wub:








I can't stop laughing when see make up session. So cute. A girl will never request make up for a boy strange or even close friend. because it's so intimate for do it. A boy will refuse immediately & feel shy if she's not his gf or a girl who he like or love. Yong's so cute at this moment. I love him. Just for Huyn fun & smile after his serious & strick. Huyn just focused on make up and smile but Yong's free. He keep looking on Huyn so close... duguen duguen. They're so close & like every normal couple in this world.








I was sad abt their ending will come but we don't keep thinking about it & worry. They'll ruin all of our happiness. Let happy & wait for next Saturday or more more Saturday with Yongseo memories even their smallest things. They're happy & so so beautiful together. It make u smile & happy for YongSeo & urself. The long await has finally come. We had waited for a long long time. A special moment not only for YongSeo not also for us - beloved goguma fans. Because they had went a long journey together and happy rite now.








I have a little gift for YongSeo's wedding  & my friends - all of lovely goguma at here. I love u guys. Don't be sad for anything.
















Hope SNSD unnies will come with CNBLue boys. Because this day is so special for Yong & Huyn, especially for Huyn, she will become a beautiful bride. Huyn'll so nervous. She need her sister beside her for help something or simply just cheer for them. JooHuyn - their little sister need SNSD unnies, her best sisters in this world. I like Jungshin chingu, always 4D. He keep going or playing around. Like a little boy at his big brother's wedding and his bro - Yong groom was so happy, nervous & shy at this time.








Hope MBC will show the scene when Yong & Huyn chose a beautiful wedding dress for Huyn. It'll become my best moment for me. Best moment for them. Yong's so nervous & happy when look at Huyn - his bride was standing in front of him with best wedding dress like a angel. Just for him. Huyn's so beautiful and I love her eyes, sparkling make me keep seeing. Yong's so handsome. Love him so.








Love Yong & Huyn. Love their face full of shy & happy at wedding photoshoot. They're so good together. Our two angels finally had married.... I'm happy for their happiness, for unforgetable memories, for a millions of their small meaningful things








YongSeo couple, I love you ♥ from smallest things.













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Wave to all Happy Gogumas biggrin.gif Is everyone HAPPY? I'm dying with happiness here laugh.gif Just don't know where to start. There're so many sweet moments to spazz about, basically U guys/gals had said them all.... Loving all the moments. The snowboarding lesson, breath smelling, Hyun's make-up artist session, Yong princess, the headlock and selca moments. What ever these 2 love birds do will always make my day wub.gif


































































the soft tapping on Hyun's goggle is cute






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Though I love all the moments, but these scenes just touched my heart. At the end of the snowboarding moment, Hyun fell again & was a bit dissappointed. But Yong came to her & said she had done a great job and improved a lot. Then he held out his hand to help Hyun got up. He held her close as if they were dancing and Lastly sort of guided her doing the S-turn. Just look at MC Nayoung's expression. I have the same expression as hers watching that last moment. It was sweet & beautiful 













































































































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Guest mischa317
























@aisuo415 i can't agree more with your post.








"At that moment I felt not only watching a couple, but also two buddies, friends, companions. They play with each other so care-free and for me personally, that moment really shows that friendship is the basis for their relationship. And it's rare to find that nowadays. (And I love love love that Seohyun isn't holding onto the arm that chokes her, but instead the other one. Gah, it kills me softly...)"








i, too, can't get over the headlock scene. it was screaming of genuine adoration for each other. i was squealing like there's no tomorrow when i realized that hyun's arm was holding on to yong's right arm. aaaah, these two should be held guilty for driving us all insane with their own brand of cuteness. :wub:









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I just got home and, told myself, rilex...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do not rush to watch the episode yet...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Right now, I'm still not watch it yet...!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I already watch the preview...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Holy mother of lord...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What else should I said it here...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think my heart just stop suddenly..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And now, I'm smiling like crazy person in front of my laptop & in front of my family...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gosh.. They really looks so much in love and the shy-ness thing... hahhaa...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, even I did not watch the episode yet, I can't wait for next episode...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh God, now I really wish Doraemon is really exist.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did I just saw Jungshin chinggoo and Junghyun there??? The 1 with the camare.. or is that Minhyuk????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now.. Just wait it to finish download so I can spazzing with you guys....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I updated my fic, Run Devil Run chapter 3 :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel it's amazing how Yongseo got people so inspired. We write fics, made videos, gifs, even songs about them. This Yongseo thread almost read 2000 pages. And people start to be friends because of them. Just trying my luck, any Yongseo shippers stays in Surabaya, Indonesia? If yes, it will be nice to have a gathering and spazz together.

































































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